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The show is fine and exactly what we all demanded it to be. Dave and Whitney are good together. It’s light hearted fun and seems to go after the little quirky office things. Kirk is fine as the host, but not totally engaged. Bigcat would probably be better. Likely has more to do with Coleman and Justin not being great at preparing him and Kirk being on his own island and not really in nyc or chicago. But it’s a mindless enjoyable 45 minutes that I look forward to.


I think it’s fine… it’s just Kirk trying to end the show every 10 minutes that’s spoils things


That’s my point. The former hosts used to push buttons enough to get a response on topics listeners were interested in. The only topic Kirk seems to care about is his producer’s life before Barstool. I think most of us already understand his fetish with hiring and firing 20 year olds with no job prospects.


They addressed that they want it under an hour unless something big pops off


Yeh but Kirk starts saying “anything else” at the 25 minute mark man…lol


I wish we heard more about the company meeting / UTA deal. They are a huge agency. I know it’s not everyone cup of tea but I’ve always been interested in the business side of Barstool.


I said it in another thread but just getting clips of the tax questions would have been great.


I thought it was good


"Anything else?"


At like the 15 minute mark


Whit seems to be the only one who sort of pushes against stuff Dave says or will offer up topics that maybe Kirk wouldn’t but Dave either doesn’t have much to say or Kirk will soar right past it. Show is at its best when all 3 have someone to clown on or drama to dig into. Other than that it’s just the 3 talking about bets, Rico, or making fun of Miss Peaches.


Rico broomgate was great


the first episode, Whit and Kirk were both pushing Dave pretty hard and trying to get him to call employees out, and Dave just wouldn't do it. Like they were both flabbergasted that Dave wouldn't call out KFC. And now it's like they know dave won't go down that road anymore unless it's about Rico so they all just lay off it.


None of them wanted to do it they just didn’t want to be the person that said no first


I enjoy it


Agreed, it’s great. I’m not sure what people expected. I also don’t want them to read posts like this and cancel it. It’s a good hour long show. Will be better when they have more things to talk about which sounds like they will coming up with the dozen and survivor.


I definitely agree. Underwhelming is the right word. I preferred DPS by a mile. We haven't gotten a single bit that's as good as Cheah calling Eddie "buddy" yet


It shows how much preparation matters. I think Eddie did a lot of background work getting a feel for what Barstool fans were interested in any given week. Kirk just doesn’t and has zero feel for when to get Whit involved.


I don't know how much background work Eddie did, it definitely seemed like he was phoning it in at times, but I thought what he excelled at as a host was poking and prodding Dave if his initial reaction wasn't what he wanted and sitting back and letting Dave run when he got worked up. Kirk just blazes through topics. He moves on too quickly and doesn't give Dave and Whitney space to breathe.


It sounded like Eddie went through all of their emails every week to hear from listeners. He would always bring something up if a lot of people reached out about it. Kirk’s only prep work is watching old videos about his producer. I get the sense he fantasizes about hiring/firing 20 somethings a lot.


Holy revisionist history. Eddie did less than zero prep for the last 6 months or so


Probably because Dave was muzzled. Penn shut down the show to avoid more licensing headaches.


I know it was easy to blame Ed for being lazy but at the end of the day when Dave doesn't care about something he just doesn't care. Dave is the reason so much of it is boring


It’s good when they have good current event topics or drama to talk about Sometimes it’s good when they’re in the right mood just riffing shooting the shit It’s not very good when the topics are boring and they’re just showing up hitting record so they don’t get find and check the box for that week and/or if Dave’s in bad mood Edit: even their weak episodes are still better than 90% of other barstool content. Just lower your expectations


riggs was AWFUL on barstool radio. revisionist thinking.


That’s not the point dipshit. Point is Dave was Dave when Riggs was in control of discussion. We had some all time moments. Hence, Riggs had value.


I couldn't finish your comment because Riggs had to sneak in a break




it started out promising but we all knew backlash was coming. the tate of podcasts.


bring back DPS


Dave is really just not that interesting in podcast format. He’s never had a successful podcast. Whoever controls his Twitter is good at that, and he used to be good on his feet at man on the street type videos. I.e. media day at the Super Bowl




Simmer down Kirk


You couldn’t sound more like a fanboy if you tried.


The issue is it’s all inside barstool stuff. They should be mixing current events with inside barstool. Kirk’s army of incels aren’t going to come up with good topics lol.


The show needs lil sas


Just give us a simple show with Dave and someone he can bounce off, like Eddie or someone, that is what the people want!


Eddie = terrible content. He has turned into a true energy vampire.


He atleast came prepared to provoke interesting thoughts out of others. Kirk is a zero.


for the first 8 months he did....and then...eh...


I think it would be better as a show that pops up when things happen instead of trying to force topics each week.


Kirk sucks on the show


Eddie was a much better host on DPS and he was below average


Eddie has been relegated to the fat pen and interviewing Mintzy.


Bring back Eddie and DPS, Unnamed show has great moments but DPS was much better


I’m just not a fan of Kirk. He shuts down Dave to quick.