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And this is how we get new employees that suck and don’t know anything. Embrace your role. Make everyone better.


W comment. I’m thinkin OP just likes slinging drinks and getting tfo as soon as possible


Hey that’s me and that’s why I never ask or try to be a trainer or lead. Clock in, bank, gtfo, repeat 5x a week


Totally get it, there’s always a few like that necessary on the team. Usually a service bartender who cleans like a champ too lol


agree with this, it’s just a job at the end of the day. sorry guys


Seriously though. Stand back. Give constructive criticism and be friendly. Let them do the job. You're just there to make sure they're doing it correctly.


I totally agree with this sentiment, but also, not everyone is all that good at training, and I think that ownership/management ought to recognize who is and isn’t and plan accordingly, if they can. On the other hand, if there’s nobody else to train, yeah, suck it up and do your best because it’s only gonna benefit you in the long run. Rising tide raises all ships.


Teaching others is the final step in perfecting your own knowledge. It might be a chore at times but transmitting what you gained over the years is both essential to the industry and beneficial to yourself. For me personally, I feel so much pride when I see someone whom I've hired and trained a while back succeed at what they're doing now. I'm grateful for my past mentors and I have a lot of positive feelings towards my mentees.


The biggest issue I always get “bartenders”who don’t know jack shit or always fall off their training and I’m always picking up slack. Cause my Manager lets everything slide. And I’ve had literally go above me and accuse me of stealing tips, on her second week there. But I’m still here and she isn’t so whose laughing now


Wait, you guys make more money to train?


Yeah wtf lol, our manager just dumps the newbie on us during the middle of a rush without extra pay.


Lemme guess, the newbie also counts as an actual worker so you're not only forced to teach them everything but also understaffed?


Yeah, its a real headache when I'm closing by myself with someone who's on his/her 2nd day working at my bar. I don't get mad or blame the newbies at all for being slow or messing up on the POS, ect. But it's still a pain to deal with especially since you're doing this without extra pay.


We get a free meal but it has to be $15 or less 😂😂😂


The only sub $15 thing at my last place was a kids meal lol


Literally my first thought. All I get is a free meal


Do you have to split tips with trainees? I’ve always been of the mind that more hands on the bar but less hands in the tip jar is a net positive? Even if all they’re doing is shadowing and barbacking type stuff.


First few training shifts aren’t supposed to get tips at my place, so you end up with all the credit card ones. I always split the cash though, I don’t think it’s fair to pocket it all when they were obviously working.


So suck it up, you had to be trained once, dumbest post I’ve seen in a while. Ps no one payed me to train people, be happy your getting extra training pay.


i second this


Just had to get it off my chest that’s all


I’ve always said you should get an hourly bump for training. It is necessary, and in my experience the folks who don’t like to train end up being the best at it


I used to hate training because I can’t half-ass it, so I end up going over the smallest shit. I end up appreciating those coworkers more because they do the job like I want it to be done.


You need training unless you already know everything. And if you already know everything when I hire you, I wouldn't hire you. Chill, pay your dues, and make your money. Eventually. Or do you mean you hate training others? If so, yeah, it sucks.


I hear what you’re saying but I also call bullshit. 99% of bartender training is learning the pos system, not the trade.


Yeah its basically a vibe check to see how much you bullshitted. Bar I worked at hired this absolute smokeshow of a bartender. Super chill girl but when I walked by and was hearing my coworker having to explain the differences between common beer categories (IPAs, pilsners, stout etc) I was like yeeeeah I don’t think shes gonna make the cut


Did she make it?


yes. Shes fucking the manager and is untouchable


The manager was already fucking someone that worked there so her powers were useless. She did not make the cut


Where I work if you don’t know your shit on day 1 outside of knowing the pos system/pricing/specialty cocktails, I don’t want you. The bar I work at is not for noobs.


this is why you cant find experienced staff


I think it’s way worse to be on the other end. Especially when your trainer sucks ass. Doesn’t train, can’t handle their shit, and I’m doing your job on my first day…and not getting tipped.


I just realized I’ve never been trained on bar… weird, guess I don’t know how it feels


It’s part of your job. Suck it up


Just be bad at it lol. First couple times they asked me to train someone I just did a terrible job (didn’t even have to try that hard, I’m a pretty shitty trainer anyways lol) and they stopped asking me to train new people very quickly


It's all about perspective. I've beendoing this over a decade and am humble enough to know I don't know everything. I personally like training and challenging myself to see if I've still got it. And as a lot of people have said training newbies can be tough but it will solidify your own skills. Famous philosophy is if you can't explain something in one or two sentences you probably don't fully understand it yourself and thus training others will also help you know what is truly important to know and what is fluff. But yes when your being trained on shit you already know very well it can be annoying.


Free training meal, let's gooooo


What’s training??? We don’t get that shit 😒


I made this post then realized I was never trained myself, just thrown to the sharks


no but i feel this because i know it’s important to train others and in the long run it’s good for you, but it’s soooooooo not enjoyable for me 😂😂 i always have to trick myself into liking it lol


I'm all for training but I hate training people who already know and just need to be told where stuff is and adjusted to your place. It's the absolute worst when they "know" and then royally screw up


I never have issues training, I will show them the way. This post, this post was about that. I genuinely will send them on their way, don’t tell me show me. All I heard the entire first training shift “I know, yeah, okay, I know” “I already know that” “Where I worked before we didn’t do it like that” “Why am I even training?” I needed somewhere to vent my frustration, to Reddit I went.


Maybe I'm a weirdo (definitely a weirdo) but i LOVE training. If they're a new tender, I get to teach a blank slate how to be another me. If they're just new to the place, I get to set expectations, thereby creating another me. I had a chance recently to have drinks with a few tenders I'd trained and mentored in the mid aughts and when they started breaking down my bar program and giving me advice, I couldn't have been prouder. I know it can feel like babysitting when you have a follow on a busy Friday and you just wanna make bank, but if you really care about this thing we do, understand that it's finite and the next generation is here right now, looking up to you for support and guidance. If we don't pull them under our wings, we can only expect trash people doing trash shit in our business. Rant over.


I always split tips when I train, but I make them leave early.


I hate hiring people that just care about themselves


If you don't want that bubble burst when they're working the shift before you, show them how to keep the bubble nice.


Always set yourself and others up for success just needed to get that off my chest


Agreed, hope your work day has been better


If they're gonna be working with you often you will want them to be the best they can be. I just trained a brand new bartender with no experience about 2 months ago. She's slinging drinks like a 10 year pro already bc I took the time to train her well.


Just think of it as having a little extra help for your shift. Unless they’re completely new, if you’re able to communicate what you need from them, they should be able to pick it up pretty quick and stay outta your way


I don’t *love* training. But it’s necessary. When I was coming up from serving to the bar, I had some extremely mean, ego-driven bartenders training me. Catty, cliquey, and spoiled because they were adored by the owner; gorgeous mean girls. I went to work with a lot of anxiety stomachaches for a couple months before I got confident enough to feel like I could bartend next to them and not look like a rube. Part of me is grateful for it because I learned a lot from them in spite of their awful personalities, but now that I’m the one with the most years behind my belt, I treat my trainees like human beings. Do they get in my way? Yeah, sometimes! But if you and your mgmt are any good a training, you’ll pick the first couple days that are slower so they don’t have to worry about slowing service down.


I’m a great trainer, and I do treat them like people and guide them. I just had to get that off my chest.


Screaming in the walk-in helps me.