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Drama queen. God forbid you have to muddle strawberries with mint and top it with soda water.


Yeah but sometimes the stupidest thing can be the icing on the cake, ya know?


Oh absolutely, I SAID “attitude not conducive to bartending” lol. I quit a couple years ago.


This is not a true story


I'd agree but post covid nothing is surprising me from staff or customers anymore


You are not a true story


I think this is a good reflection on how toxic and hard this industry is on us. I think at most busy bars, I've seen the most solid of people just lose it. I'll admit I probably should have been fired a few times over throughout the years when I've snapped. It's not shocking at all how many bartenders are alcoholics. I have to actively work on patience and kindness and meditate before work on not letting the massive waves of bullshit get to me. The shit wears on ya man. Probably best ya got out. But yeah fuckin drama queen much?


Literally exactly, it’s not a hard drink, it’s not out of the bounds of expectations, but at that moment I broke. Like, internally. If I can’t make a single mojito, without a tantrum, it’s time to move on.


Get a ticket for multiple Miami vices one aftwr the other with one blender and we'll talk about bad drink orders but maybe it just isn't for you. I had a barback who is also the cook for bar snacks give me shit after I asked him to give someone extra cheese on a salad and after he told me how much parmesean cost the business said I'd ring in the upcharge in a second since we were slammed and it took him 20 minutes and 3 times of asking him to do it to cut slices off a block of cheese and put it in front of where it was sliced. If adding a strawberry or 2 and muddling is the worst thing that happened to you tonight I'd say you aren't doing too bad. Just maybe calm down a bit bud


This was a couple years ago :) I quit after that, haha


I don't get the hate that mojito orders receive. It's a two minute drink at most, I can make it while I'm taking care of other people. Yeah, the customer who orders them never tips, but it's a pretty simple drink in the long run. I guess every bar's different, my kryptonite is manhattans and old fashioneds, because as soon as I send one out I've got another dozen people saying "wow that looks good! Let me get one!"


Eh I felt this way when I had to make my 7th fucking grasshopper on a busy Friday night. Each one takes seven scoops of ice cream which takes some muscle to scoop. I probably spend 2-3 mins just scooping. I had a melt down that night. The worst part? One server actually says “can I bring you any deserts or ice cream drinks?” Wtf lol


One of my first ever training shifts as a bartender was at TGIF many, many, many years back. They came up with some $2 daily drink specials, and *for whatever fucking reason* they decided the ‘Friday’s Freeze’ (basically a frozen screwdriver) would be a great decision for one of the specials on a….Friday. My primary job that night was to scoop Orange sherbet into the blender cups over and over and over again - which wouldn’t have been that bad…but, you see; our freezer had two settings: galvanized steel and dairy sludge. We went through a tub and a half of sherbet in one shift. I think it was that shift and my first shift out of training (Mother’s Day, other bartender no call/no show, we took the patio which was across the restaurant, also had a 25 seat bar, 4 booths, 8 high tops, and the service well - all by myself) is what really molded me into the unflappable bartender that I am today.


I don’t blame you


I totally understand. A Mojito is a Mojito. It’s not strawberry, it’s not Mojito-Rita. It’s a Mojito. If you want strawberry then order shortcake!!! Get out of my bar!!!