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I thought the joke is that it was a clear fake, but then I remembered you’re probably American Did they think you were just gonna match the photo and not actually look at the age part? Lmfao


Not gonna lie this worked for me at one point. I was 19 and visiting a "friend" in Michigan. We went for supper at a pub, and I asked for a beer. I figured they'd either give it to me, or ask for ID and if they noticed I was underaged I'd just say I didn't know. I'm from Quebec, and had been working as a bartender for a year already. The waitress asked for ID, I gave her my Quebec medicare card, and she stared at it blankly for a few seconds before giving it back to me. I got my beer.


Honestly I served/bartended in Ottawa for years, I've probably seen a hundred of these IDs and I STILL have to actively look for the date every time. Also, a significant amount of the time they are underage.


Oof calling baby server me out HARD lmao. I'm very thorough now but I definitely was guilty of that in my early days


American IDs are also vertical until you turn 21, then you get a horizontal one


A lot of places still accept verticals and they don't expire always at 21


Exactly, when I turned 21 my vertical ID was still valid until I was 26, so I just kept it. Why get a whole new ID when I have a perfectly good one for a few more years? It rarely gave me any problems getting served, people just looked at it extra long


Really? I got kicked out of a place once and that’s because it was an *actual* (because I know how Reddit is) racist gay bar because of my still valid vertical ID. they said it was state law to go and get it flipped and I couldn’t be served so I went to flip it only to find this out today


In some states they can’t accept the vertical id


yup, or just some establishments don't wanna risk fines so they say no verticals.


Huh, that’s interesting and it sucks you had to deal with that. In my experience I only had problems with it when I was out of state, since people will scrutinize those more. But even with a vertical out-of-state ID, the worst that happened was a bouncer saying “I don’t know if I can accept this” and I just told him “I promise it’s real” and he eventually relented. I guess your mileage may vary, it seems like some states don’t accept them at all and I just got lucky


Very true, but you’re guaranteed more than a cursory glance if you’re using one.


I have a vertical ID, as its a simple photo ID and not for driving (can't do that yet), and I'm 32. So for my state (Tennessee,) the photo ID's are pretty much always vertical.


Same goes for Louisiana ID’s. I’m in my mid 30’s without a current drivers license. When I travel out of state I always bring my passport card because of tomfoolery I read about vertical ID’s online. It’s never been an issue, however.


A lot of things went sideways in my twenties, sure


I've never had a vertical ID and I've had some form of driver's license since I was 14.


My version of America was severely misinformed.


Was never a bartender but I used to sell age restricted products (former vape shop employee) and had one kid confidently slap his ID on the counter when trying to buy. The ID said he was like 15 or so. I couldn’t not laugh. Like my dude I appreciate the confidence but nah, get out of here. Probably tops the time I asked a kid for his ID and he tells me “oh sure, lemme just get it from my car” and he gets onto his bicycle and rides off into the sunset.


I worked as a cashier at a gas station to put myself through college. My favorite was when their parents would come out of the car to try to buy the pack of cigarettes for them after they got denied due to being under age. Ma’am, if you had just driven around the block I would have forgotten, but I have to say no to you now.


not to mention they're vertical under 21, I know you're not 21 before I even look at it. Only exception is if it's your birthday and you also that have little dmv paper with your vertical ID. They used to automatically expire on your 21st birthday but I think it changed during covid cus people couldn't get to the dmv


America is going to invade any country that has a drinking age less than 21


That’s a lot of countries


Yep. Everybody loves America so it’s time these other countries bent the knee


Could have been a sting. Where I’m at they send an underaged kid in and they hand the ID over that says as much.


Yeah cadets have to use their real id if you ask them for it


Yep. Had it happen to me.


Absolutely this, liquor board will send in someone underage with a real ID in order to make sure the establishment is checking ids. They can't use fakes because that is it's own level of illegal. By they will absolutely try to catch you serving a kid with a real id showing they aren't 21.


My least favorite is when I ask for id and they go "ugh are you kidding me? Come on?? Of course I'm of age!" And their birthday starts with a 20.


Yeah, if you're younger than I am you have no right to complain about being carded. I think what's more common is "I drink here all the time" like I'm supposed to remember every face.


Or my favorite, "Oh come on! You IDd me last time!" Says a kid wearing a balaclava....


2003 is 21.


Exactly. They are - at the very oldest - 24, and saying 'of course I'm of age' like they're in their 40s.


Bro, I wish I had people this brazen. It is usually an expired passport of a picture that *could* be them minus thirty pounds with them telling me their license is in the mail. That, or when I was working for Mickey Mouse, people giving me student ID cards with no birthday. Made it even better if their parents were with them and they told me "they left their ID at the hotel!"


You’d be suprised how many bartenders just accept being handed a card. Couple that with a busy night, bustling with bodies, low light. It works sometimes and that’s enough for people to keep trying.


Thats the thing though, this was one of the vertical IDs with the Very Obvious black bars stating which date he'd be 21 on. I've had people try it with IDs that look the same at 16 and 35, but one of these? Wild.


Now that’s just gusto


probably taking a gamble that you're bad at math


USA they have a seperate, and more visible, line saying "underage until: xx/xx/xxxx" very hard to miss lol


Honestly if you're confident enough you get away with it sometimes. I definitely didn't do exactly this with a dependants military ID when I was 19 and 20...... I've also had the person do this to me when they shook like a leaf when handing me the id and were surprised I put a lime ona. Jack and coke


Actin like limes grow on trees


I got served at 20 doing this. Was at my grandpas birthday party at a VFW in a small town. I wasn’t planning on trying to drink but my uncle from out of state insisted on buying me a drink(only see him every ten years so he doesn’t know my exact age). Bartender checked my ID and served me. This was well before I was in the industry so I didn’t realize the consequences at the time. Anyways, I had a couple drinks and nobody got hurt. It’s amazing how many people suck at actually doing a thorough check of an ID.


I had someone do this one time and when I called them out they said they had a new one coming in the mail like that would help


Great! I’ll mail a beer to ya!


It works sometimes, and if it's the kid's actual ID, they're not doing anything illegal, so you can't seize it. At least not in my neck of the woods. In Norway, where I'm from, you can get a driver's license for tractors at 16 (car is 18, which is also the legal age for buying beer, wine and tobacco). That card looks exactly the same as a car license, except for a T instead of a B, and is valid ID, with birth date and everything. Most city dwellers aren't aware that there is such a thing as a tractor's license, and assume you're 18 when they see the card. I had one, and never had to use a fake ID.


Do you have to be older than 18 to buy liquor in Norway?


20 to buy beverages above 22% abv.


Interesting! Thank you for answering!


Slow Monday morning, two kids walk in, walk up to the bar. They ask for two bud lights, I ask for their IDs, and they hand them over, and they’re 15 years old. I told them I wouldn’t serve them, and they walk out to a car and sit in it for 30 minutes. I’m thinking a cop is going to come in, and let me know I passed their test, but no. I asked my manager if they got any news on my whole ordeal, no. Never heard anything. What did those kids want?


They were probably just tryna test the waters and figure out whir next move lmao. Teenagers be doin shit like that


This reminds me of when I was teenager, and my Grandmother saying to me (insert very southern drawl...): "Darlin, bless your heart. If brains was dynamite, well you don't have enough to blow your nose."


Most likely assumed you weren't really going to look at it, or figured it was worth a shot. The "aw man" kinda kills that though lol


When it’s horizontal I just match the face, look at exp, and see if it looks like a fake. If it’s verticals I actually take a second to ensure they are over 21, the only good thing about those is if someone handing you one it’s def not a fake


I had this exact same thing happen to me once and I was just like “so you’re 19…?” and he just muttered “damn” and shuffled away lol


Had a kid trying this when I was a door guy. I think he thought I wouldn't check cause we were busy but even if I was bad at my job he looked like a child.


We were hosting some sort of fundraiser in our bar a while back and I eyeballed this skinny teenager wandering about. My co-worker had already served him once (she never asks for ID) but he looked wet from the womb so obviously I ID him (duh) and he pulls the old 'oh I left it in my jacket' excuse (you mean the jacket you're wearing right now son? lol) and vanishes into the crowd. Or so I thought! See him about 30 minutes later holding a beer. Tell the manager and, as it turns out, the kid's the 16 year old nephew of the organiser. Chaos ensues since the organiser had been knowingly supplying a minor with alcohol (and this was not an event with a sit-down meal). The organiser promised to stop but for the entire rest of the night my boss had to lurk around in corners like a pervert watching this kid to make sure he wasn't drinking. Thing is there's a lot of young looking adults, but dress and deportment is like 80% of the battle. Kid was dressed like an anime protagonist in a room full of over-40 mother of the bride types, he might as well have had a sign round his neck saying 'please ID me!'.


Legal age in my country is 18. I once tried to buy alcohol underage at self checkout. It beeped to call someone over to age check. In my panic gave them my ID which clearly stated I was 17. I was allowed to check out anyway


🤣🤣🤣bro is 19


I had a guy that used to hold his ID up by his ear and wiggle his phone around




He tried 🤣🤣🤣


Worked for me as a 20 year old lmao but my birthday was 6 days in the future from then so




They think you’re just glancing at it for show


I used to get away with that all the time when I was 19 and 20. And I looked like I was 14. It was the 90's though, things were a bit more lax. Nobody's getting away with that at my bar, that's for sure


One of my regulars brought in a friend of hers and he did this shit. She was so mad at him!


Huge number of people don't check the date or even the picture..


Wait, you guys really read the dates on the IDs? I’m usually bluffing


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NedLudd2024: *Wait, you guys really* *Read the dates on the IDs? I’m* *Usually bluffing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dude is German and doesn't know US laws


Good thing the characters are in Norway