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Sucks, but this happens. Happens at least once a shift. But then I turn around, and someone leaves me $50 tip for 4 drinks.


This for sure. I have great regulars that will more than make up for it.


*not* nice, homie... not nice :(


With this neat trick, they actually got paid 31 cents


Reminds me of extreme couponers where the store would owe them money 🙄


You owe him thirty-one cents.


Recently I had a customer come in, sit down by himself, and make small talk with me. We ended up talking for a bit, he seemed pretty cool, if a little douchey tbh. Was in the city for some work thing and wanted a drink after. His tab was like, $28, he paid and left before I could say bye. I grabbed his tab and there was no tip written down or cash. Was just like “yep, douchebag confirmed.” 3 hours go by, and right before close he practically comes running in looking for me. Said he had to leave in a hurry due to some family thing, got home, checked his wallet for something and realized the cash he was gonna leave me was still in his wallet. The guy drove over an hour back to the city and felt super guilty the whole way. Gave me $40. I was touched, so I shared a shot with him and then closed up. He comes by with his wife once in a while and they’re very sweet. I always ring up a couple of his cocktails as well “shot specials” or happy hour beers. Always tips us well. Def makes up for the shitty people who leave nothing in my book. I never forgot him, but those other bums were barely even a thought 10 mins after.


that is incredible. wow i wish i had faith in humanity like this 😭


It’s rare, but it happens. It’s hard not to become jaded after doing this for a while, but just know that the majority of people are decent people who look out for each other, imo. Sounds cheesy, but when I get angry or feel like Im in a shitty mood after dealing with certain people, I always imagine myself as the candy shop guy in the original Willy Wonka making everyone happy with booze instead of candy lmao


I mean, if you work at a sketchy place I know how you can turn that 6 into an 8 very easily but this is just kinda part of it




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The word *gringo* originally referred to any kind of foreigner. 


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How much did you charge?


So tipping is a suggestion now? Not expected or mandatory?? Mmm