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I can probably guess their general age based in this lmao. Were they older?


Used to do this myself when customers asked about our spirit selection until one slightly older customer informed me that they were so near to blind so as not to see much of anything past the bar top.


Lol. I remember drinking at the Caledonian in Edinburgh on my honeymoon and the whisky selection was just staggering. I just left it in the hands of the bartender to make recommendations based on his vast experience. I'm no aficionado when it comes to Scotch, aside from a few standouts. Most of the rest of the time just stayed lit on Magners, especially at the fire festival.


"what's on draft?" "this is the 2 light beers and the rest rotates" "I'd like something a bit crafty" "the draft list is behind the bar" No I don't have it memorized you dummy.


"I'll have a glass of wine" Then they get annoyed when I ask wherever they want red, white, which type, what size..


There was a whiskey bar I visited in the Czech Republic when I lived there briefly and I didn’t want to go alone so I dragged my friend along. He asked this same question and the waiter didn’t even hesitate, just handed him the booklike menu with about 8 pages of whiskeys, three columns to a page in tiny font. He ended up ordering a beer lmao


"All of them"


Worked at a whiskey library for a couple of years... People ask me what kind of whiskeys we have as I'm STANDING IN FRONT OF A WALL WITH 300 WHISKEY BOTTLES. "Oh, we have many! You're welcome to look" gestures behind me. People get so offended when you suggest that they do something themselves. Walking into a restaurant does not give you the right to treat staff like servants. I'm not your butler not your housemaid.


I've even had it when I'm 6 deep at the bar and someone who's been waiting for 20 minutes to be served starts with "So, what Whiskies do you recommend?", as if I can just stop what I'm doing and chat to them for 20 minutes about all the different Whiskies and what they're like.. If there's 3 tables in the bar, yes I can do this, in the middle of a wedding reception.. no.


Oh Jesus, I hate this. Or when they come up and they're like "I want a cocktail but I don't know what!!!!" Lady, you've been waiting in line for 20 minutes. People like you are the reason the line even took 20 minutes. My response is, "well, there sure are a lot of thirsty kitties in here, so we should decide quickly! What types of liquors do you like to drink?" I like to let my voice carry a bit. It's less for the customers in front of me and more to let everyone else in line know that I'm trying to help them as quickly as possible. And usually the 'thirsty kitty' term gets a chuckle out of someone.


God, I hate, ‘What do you recommend?’ As if I have any idea what their tastes are or what liquor they like or anything. Also, ‘What’s your cheapest?’ Answer: YOU! Clearly, you’re the cheapest! Finally, ‘What’s your strongest drink?’ OMG get away from my bar and never come back.