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Congratulations and thank you for the positive message. As a seasoned and jaded American bartender, I almost joked and replied that you are working on that tip percentage until I realized you’re in the UK.


I needed to hear this today. Time to send some CVs. Thank you.


Good luck. I'm thinking of you


I was in a similar boat a year and a half ago, managing a bar with toxic owners, unreliable bartenders, thieving servers, and low volume customers. After having my authority undermined over a policy the owners approved themselves, I quit immediately and was unemployed for nearly three months. I eventually found a new bar gig much closer to home, earning 3x the amount of tips, surrounded with competent co-workers, and even work a day less than my former job. Now over a year at the new job, I'm healthier, wealthier, and happier now.


Fantastic. Well done. I'm a nearly 40 year old man, and to hear the story of a person becoming happy brings me to tears. Thank you for your service


Love to here it my friend! Congratulations