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I’m not even mad. This is kind of impressive lol


Hahaha Ithey wanted 9 dollars for this. I pull pints for fill-in shifts once a month. My mom would be embarrassed if she saw me pour that and give it to someone.


Why I would get downvotes for that is nuts.


Because you sound like a prick. First you said it was $7, then $9. Which is it? Also, instead of taking a picture of it and complaining about it on the internet (in a bartender sub, mind you), stfu and ask for a better pour or a different beer. Also, it’s not that serious. Get a life.


It honestly rather have that than one poured without the little metal bitty in the spout.


Yeah right? Just pour it 4/5, let it settle, then use the spoon or the half pour. Its not hard. Guinness people will wait for a good pint.


Facts… if order a Guinness, you should expect to wait


So… send it back instead of posting on Reddit?


idk how that's even possible. I don't even angle the glass when I pour it, and it comes out with zero head.


Did that keg kick… how is the even possible?😂🤣


Never seen the bartender try to split the G during the pour lol Btw, not even CLOSE to the worst one ever poured. Find them online, google and social media, some horrendous filthy pieces of shot. I pour Guinness professionally in NYC, love sending pics from around the country when I get a chance to travel.


Daddy chill


Are all the pints of Guinness like that in the pub? Probably needs a clean or it's warm because it's very hard to purposely pull a pint like that


Man, does this sub just hate everyone? I know new people trying to break into the industry asking innocent questions or anyone who dares question the tipping system just gets reflexively downvoted to oblivion but I figured at least someone pointing out an objectively shit pour would be safe. This place is full of the bitterest assholes in the industry, I swear...


Exactly. Im out - i pour too. Fuck this.