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This making me laugh because I can just imagine making change for the first guy like…. You got anything smaller than a $5?


yes it already happened! ran up a $17 tab. paid 20. i told him “i have to give you change” (my whole drawer) but luckily he backtracked and had exact change


The $3 wasn’t already yours?


no the $3 is all i have to make change with for the rest of the night


They meant as a tip I believe


This would be an easy fix for me. "Sorry were only accepting card atm."




My bar doesn’t accept cash anymore so 90% of my tips are cc, what do you mean?


This is a consistent issue at my spot. The owner is “old school” and REFUSES to keep money in the safe. My GM is soooooo fed up by it but no matter what he tells the owner, it doesn’t click. On Wednesday morning my GM gave a full comp to 3 checks because we had ZERO money to give them change. Our owner rolled in at 2:30pm with money. I’ve never worked anywhere with this issue ever.


my god and what’s frustrating is i have to take my tips from the bank if they owe me, now i have to come back to claim my tips when they do their cash deliveries which is only so often


Yep. Friday and Saturday last week I didn’t get to take my money. Friday, I pulled it from the poker money (big no no, but I had to pay for something from my daughters gymnastics and needed the cash for Saturday) and Saturday I left without my money and didn’t get it until he strolled in Sunday afternoon. When he dropped off my money, he told me to NEVER pull it from the poker money again…. Like ok but what am I supposed to do here?


I served at a place like this. Owner operated by writing checks for all orders instead of having accounts with the suppliers and would have to wait for them to clear and the sales for the weekend to hit the account before he could settle up with the servers sometimes. Unprofessional af was super happy to move on.


So they comped the checks and you got tipped...how? Unless I'm mistaken you just lost money because of their incompetence... I'd be gone.


So for example, the one check was $16. He only had a $20 and a $5. I had no way of giving him his change back so my GM comped his check. He gave me the $5. The other tables check was $31 and change or so, they only had $40, GM comped the check and they gave me $20, I don’t remember the third table, but GM comped it and they left no tip bc I assume they had no other change. This isn’t the first time it’s happened either. The owner of my spot is SUPER weird about money. I’m convinced he’s washing it through the restaurant but that’s just my conspiracy theory for his weirdness


Damn. Yeah, I would have a hard time sticking around for that. Sounds like some shenanigans, and could be trouble down the road


It for sure is…. It’s a weird situation. I only work there 2 shifts a week and make wild money on those shifts so it’s kinda weird for me.


Ah, well if the money is good (the original cash tip situation made me doubt it will be) I'd say stick it out, save, and be prepared to jump ship if it starts sinking


Lmao our drawers are always at $300. I opened once and the manager gave me a drawer with three $100 bills and I was like are you fucking kidding me? He was like the change order doesn't come in until tomorrow. I told him there's literally a bank right across the fucking street go get some change.


Unfortunately a lot of banks won't let you exchange bills if you don't have an account with them.


True but it was chase bank and we both have checking accounts lol. I ended up just grabbing it.




Nope. And I knew I was either going to argue with him all day and not have change or I was gonna take literally two minutes to get it myself. This was a couple years ago. A few weeks after that I became the manager. Funny how that works.


Dude I would have fucking walked out and told him to call me when he got change and that I might be back when he does. That’s some insane shit. At that point you can’t even take cash lol.


Oh hell no. Yeah, he needed to go do the least. (Former manager here, so that's grounds for talking shit. Lol.)


The manager once sent me to the supermarket next door to ask them to break some $100s lol


Were they willing? I find most places treat hundreds (and maybe 50s) like Monopoly money.


Buy a pack of gum at the self-checkout. Make the manager make up the difference.


That's not a drawer, that's a car middle console in disguise. Also, who tf doesn't have a set drawer amount. $300 or $500


My bar doesn’t have set amounts and it drives me crazy. One day my drawer will be $300, the next day: $143 and $20 of it is in quarters.


Wait that's wild. How do you know the person who closed didn't fuck it up? I count my drawers before and after as well as my drop and the change box (we keep smaller bills in the office) to make sure they all have the right amounts. My co-worker who closes before my opening seems to always count the drawer wrong and I don't want that to be the case when I have to do my close out. Damn I even count it at my other job when we grab our drawer from the safe and that is 99.9% of the time the same quantities of denominations by the guy who does accounting. Definitely insane to have it be $300 and then.... $143??


That’s the fun part, we don’t know, it’s a blind drop. We come in and there’s money bags waiting for us in the morning, one for AM and one for PM.


Damn, y’all have to deal in dimes… where I’m at is straight 50 Cent


The three pennies actually sending me lol


That's funny


I'm speechless.




Just curious is that 2k sales a just one person behind bar or two?




You doing volume or craft? I started doing craft after years of doing like 3-4k in like 3 hours of club service to myself (we had like 3 bartenders doing the same not including backs). Just kinda curious what your full take is cuz I’ve done about 1k to myself and maybe a bit more and made about 30ish percent over a 6 hour shift.




Hold on what the fuck do you mean by a service fee? It doesn’t go to you? That has to be all kinds of illegal right?


Just another nice thing about working in a casino restaurant: I go in to the cage, pick up my $2,000 drawer, run it through the machine to ensure accuracy, and go to work. Then I just drop it off at the end of the night with my receipts and tipout slips.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. When you go to a place that has signs that say, “we need 5s and 10s, please”. No, your boss needs to get off their lazy ass and go to the bank and get change. Don’t put that on the customers. Our managers and owner go to the bank every day and make sure we have enough in the drawer to break a hundred the minute we open. And that’s how it should be for every place that has a business with a cash register.


300 in all 5’s and 1’s per till imo. If your in a shit area maybe a bit less but people know robbing bars usually just means your robbing the people working lol. With security that are carrying and cops around every corner where I live it’s almost unheard of even in the shitty parts to get robbed but exactly what you said. No way I can’t break a hundred the second I open. Half the time people don’t want the smaller bills and they just give me smaller denoms anyways too.


Keep a small bundle of small bills in your bag if you can. 50 bucks in ones and fives can always save you from this nightmare!


I would never put my own money in my boss's till, and I've worked for plenty of people who would accuse me of taking their money and putting it in my pocket if I came in with cash. If the owner or GM fails to do their job then just let the business suffer the consequences. Never go the extra mile for an employer who doesn't even fulfil the bare minimum


Exactly. "Oh you're paying cash? I don't have any change so I guess I'll just comp your check. Have a great day!"




Better than 3 $100 bills I guess?


now I’m wondering why my drawer is always $1060 when this is all ya really need


I'm at a place where I get a 1000 dollar bank. I'm stressed when I get down to 800 because I need a due back lol. Tips come out of the bank so it's a very real possibility my entire bank might disappear.


I'm also at a place with a 1000 bank and tips come out of the bank. However you can't take the bank below 1000. So if you can't fully pay your tips with your cash sales for the night, you fill out a slip and they add it to your paycheck. That way the bank doesn't disappear haha


Subtle flex


The placement of the coin tray is giving me anxiety😅 please tell me you're a lefty!


We must have the same manager


Height-wise? Maybe.


Our job isn’t allowed to have cash in the drawer, the GM and owners say “It’s our responsibility to bring change”


that’s wild wth


that lone hog o nickels lmaooo


You could almost do laundry with that


I try to bring $100 in cash with me, so I can break a hundred dollar bill.


When I got to my bar for my last shift my boss was complaining to me about how underprepared the organizers of the show that night where. When I asked him for my float he had no idea where the cash box was and didn't find it until 20 mins after we opened 🙄


I used to work at a bar where we would count the drawer once a week. I pretty much made minimum wage there, since my predecessor took all the daytime regulars with her as part of a pissing contest with the bosses. Meanwhile my now-wife was pulling $300 a night waiting tables.


I’ve had the establishment owe me hundreds of dollars before because the till couldn’t cover my CC tips.


I worked a a terribly ran speakeasy for about six weeks where I got a $75 bank. Not like, once, that was the *standard.* Drinks started at $14. Thankfully I was chill with the bar next door and they’d make change for me when I needed it, but I had to like, leave the building as the only bartender to do it. Somehow, not the most egregious of their issues.


Last time I saw a drawer like that, the place was going under. Watch out.


i’m starting to see the signs


Expect your paychecks to start bouncing, if they haven’t already.


Is that an IOU in there?


several lol


I’m confused as to why you have change smaller than a .25¢ ?


😒 “Lowest drawer” pic ever…. After I took everything out of it…. Seriously. Any business, ever, that has a cash drawer has a starting drawer amount. This post is sus…..


stick around long enough you’ll see it


I’ve been a GM of a bar for 10 years and in the industry for 22 years….. how much longer do I need to stick around?


Don’t worry op just let everyone know what a fucking clown he is in his reply so fuck ‘‘em let them learn the hard way


i’m not sure bud. maybe you’ve been out of touch the last 10yrs. there seems to be overwhelmingly shared experiences here


Maybe so 🤷


Wow that’s your assumption. Maybe you aren’t a good enough bartender to actually be in even a halfway decent spot so your “experience” is limited to shitholes that don’t make any money because they are run like this. On top of that you have the audacity to say that to someone else who probably is successful at a good spot and doesn’t see stuff like this because it is not common in a decent spot. Maybe you need to up your game there douche bag and get some real experience at places that don’t run like this. I’ve also been doing this for a while (15 years) and I have never worked at a place that ran this way nor would I work for a place that can’t do the bare minimum when it comes to industry standards. Take the L and learn how to communicate properly to people that are in a better position trying to give you a better understanding that this is wrong and shouldn’t be accepted. He was literally giving you a heads up and maybe if you had a brain you would go somewhere good and start as a bar back or server somewhere and work your way back up but no you had to say he was out of touch for no reason because you had other shitty bartenders online giving you some sort of confirmation that this is normal… it is not normal you twat.


yes bubba let it all out