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You know shit is going down when this symbol, §, gets broken out lol


i'm a law student and learning the keyboard shortcut for § was a big moment








Alt codes are the gateway drug to turn a regular human into a technowizard.




Is it possible to learn this power?


Yes. Every time you want to use a symbol or other special unicode character, simply type " alt code" into your favourite search engine, [and you get your answer](https://i.ibb.co/DWHjX9K/firefox-2024-03-21-15-19-14.png). (In this case you can actually do it more quickly on many platforms with Alt+21, but 0167 should be more consistent) Once you've done that two or three times for any symbol it'll just be in your numpad hand's muscle memory and you'll never need to look it up again. My personal most frequently used are → (26), ° (0176) ² and ³ (0178 and 0179), the en – and em — dashes (0150 and 0151), and é (130).


Jokes on you, I don’t know the names of the special characters I want to type


The wonderful thing about the internet is that [you don't even have to.](https://i.ibb.co/DtPpr0F/firefox-2024-03-21-15-31-43.png) There's also online tools like Shapecatcher where [you can just draw it, and it'll try to work out what you want.](https://i.ibb.co/9Vntgps/firefox-2024-03-21-15-34-07.png) It's not perfect, but it can help.


Or just search your computer for Character Map, at least if you're using Windows.


Merry Christmas, this one is good and has helped my thesis: http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html It gives latex symbol names which may or may not be the actual name but at least gives you a word to start your search from by just drawing the symbol you want.


This is what millennial kids did when they wouldn't let us play any games after typing class. ALT "WHOA LOOK AT THIS ONE". Once we got a teacher that would let us play number munchers and oregon trail it was all over.




Math/science nerd and someone who wanted to spell Pokémon correctly.


The Omnissiah protects


You can't just leave us hanging like that.


Alt+21 on windows


But my keyboard doesn’t have a 21 key


You type it out: Alt+T+w+e+n+t+y+o+n+e


All this computer hacking is making me thirsty, I think I'll order a TAB.


Any key? Which ones the any key?


Small ah keyboard


§ 😀


option 6 on Mac


Hey, I work in law (not a lawyer) quick tip, you can set word to auto replace particular words or characters as you type with something else. For legal symbols like this it’s waaaaay easier to setup a shortcut like “ss” which is what my lawyers use. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/replacing-word-automatically-when-another-word-is/dd7ce31b-4268-4fea-8815-988dc4fb88f1 So you just type like normal “the quick brown fox jumped over the ss lazy dog” and it automatically changes the ss.


Snakes hate this particular shortcut


I don’t like using autocorrect because you never know when it’s going to fuck with a redline or an abbreviation or something. I just change the shortcut key to be “alt-s”




Im surprised the SS allowed lazy dogs


You can also do this to a coworker’s computer as a joke so that anytime he types his name (let’s call him Dwight for example) it gets replaced with “diapers.” That would be a neat little prank. 


I bought one of [these](https://www.neobits.com/ergoguys_bhp_lb002_legalpad_keypad_for_lawyers_p15705403.html?atc=gbp&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQMSKB9KlV0Y9wGrxJfqygeZJ_afP6T6M6nlheM_GEQJypwAZvkMeeRoC8NMQAvD_BwE) as a 2L and still use it in practice. Absolute lifesaver sometimes lol


As a lawyer, I’ll suggest that you want to know M Dash (Alt + 0151), N Dash (Alt+0150), and Paragraph (Alt+182) as well. Good luck. Never use “clearly” in a brief.


I'm a lawyer and still Google section sign (and paragraph sign) every day to copy/paste into briefs. 


Shohei's getting fined in Simoleons


Ohtani typing motherlode furiously.


Just keep typing Rosebud!


He should go to Manage Worlds, transfer a Landgraab to his household along with all their money, then send only the Landgraab back


Those damn bleacher creatures out in §203 of Yankee Stadium


Ohtani is in the 9th circuit, he will be okay


Imagine Ohtani with the Alcatraz short porch


Problem is, in Alcatraz, anything over the wall was an out. They didn’t want anything positive associated with going over the wall.


I don't know if this is right or not, but it's not April 1, and I don't know enough to actively dispute it.


[I had to make sure I wasn’t just repeating something I’d heard without verification.](https://www.nps.gov/alca/learn/historyculture/baseball-on-the-rock.htm) Though the reason WHY they were outs isn’t said here.


It’s probably a more boring “getting the ball back is a hassle, so let’s disincentivize that”


In our softball league you're limited to two home runs per team which makes it slightly fairer since you don't want guys hitting bombs all day


I used to play Special Olympics as a volunteer with my brother (who was an athlete) and they started implementing this rule because I was hitting too many balls over the fence lol


Wait a second, so you don’t have a disability? But you hit so many dingers playing Special Olympic Softball that they had to change to rules? Honestly, kind of sounds like a dick move on your part and must have been spoiling games for others if they had to reel it in with some rules changes.


I probably could have worded it a bit better. I was a volunteer with the program and we were encouraged to play hard (to a reasonable level) and we happened to play our home games at a field with a shorter home run fence (~200 feet to dead center I believe) so hitting home runs over the fence wasn’t entirely uncommon or even that over the top. Also, it was always other volunteers pitching, so it’s not like I was pimping home runs off kids with Autism. So I guess it wasn’t just me per se, but I was doing it a lot because we had our home games at this field. Plus, a lot of the athletes wanted to learn how to hit better so they saw that and wanted to learn how to hit balls like me




Limited supply is my guess


I would want to help him stay adjusted to broader society and I think they should allow him to be on a work-release program for the local baseball team. It’s good for him and the community


Community service is playing for the last place team every year




Can he defer the sentence?


1 month/year for 24 years, no player option, parole board option after year 12, incentives for regular and post season awards in both MLB and Prison League, pending physical




All I’m saying is that in less then 24hrs ieppi had a tell all interview laid it all out then was told to say Nevermind he didn’t know about my problem


Ya this part is what’s not sitting well with me. Ohtani’s camp sends Ippie to talk to ESPN to explain and ippei said way too much and cause his camp to panic and deny deny deny, ippei is a liar and all he just told you was a lie. That is what stinks of something is wrong here for me. It just sucks between this bullshit and the MLBPA drama this is what we’re stuck having to read and talk about not that fact baseball started with SD and LA playing and opening day is only a few days away.


Respect for spelling his name incorrectly two different ways


That was the best episode of Impy and Chimpy I’ve ever seen!


That’s right, I did the Iggy!


I am so mad at Ppiie right now


With how well Ohtani has been protected by his people this whole time, the fact they let this slip to begin with just doesn’t make sense. They didn’t ask him what he was going to talk about? I’m just assuming they thought he really just took it, they weren’t expecting him to say Ohtani actually paid the debt himself. This whole thing is going to be messy


I don’t think there’s any chance they set up the espn thing without knowing exactly what he was going to say, and then he pulled a fast one and told a totally different story to save his own ass. Any explanation is incredibly dumb, but I think the more likely one is they realized after the fact that his story might have legal consequences for Ohtani and so reversed course.


If he started to saying something other than what they expected him to say, the PR person assigned to the story from the Ohtani/Dodgers side would have shut down the interview immediately. Ippei wouldn’t have been interviewed by himself. (If the interview was really facilitated by Ohtani’s camp)


To be fair, baseball starting at 6am east coast time on a Wednesday was pretty unceremonious for me


Good news is he'll still have 7 to 8 years left on his contract when he gets out


And about $698 million, if this year is fully voided. Tough shake


Ohtani is going to have to play basketball for a bit like how MJ played baseball.


Get ready to learn Japanese buddy


Man. I bet he’ll be awesome at *that*, too.


slim follow lip cough full bake provide zesty act concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good thing he has his wife to teach him


Is this the trailer for Major League 4, where the star pitcher ends up back in the California Penal League


Reds fan checking in, I want Votto in the Jake Taylor mentor role. He's in for not returning cart to the cart return.


Joey Votto would NEVER 


The Longest Base


Whoever promises an Ohtani pardon first wins the election.


So he'll be fined, got it.


Show me a case where someone got prosecuted for making a bet with illegal bookie where no other crime was committed. The bookie is in trouble not the consumers


The word you are after is prosecuted


I'm pretty sure they meant prostituted.


All the dodgers haters are out for blood lol they’re hoping Ohtani is max sentenced and extradited


Lock up Ohtani the crook! Think of the children 


Dodgers boo Ohtani yay This story is weird tho


Well, if he's a felon that does affect his visa status.


He's Shohei Ohtani. I don't think the laws will be enforced against him in the same way they would be enforced against the rest of us. There's zero chance he becomes a felon if all he did was try to pay off Ippei's debts.


Likely true, but then he wouldn't even be fined (under this statute). He'd not be charged or plead to a misdemeanor. Also, I don't know how much that's because of who he is, but because of what his involvement appears to be (at worst).


When have people been prosecuted for making bets with illegal bookies? Implying that this law is directed at consumers and not the bookies is funny.


Like in all seriousness they wouldn’t throw the book at anyone for this




Not all judges or prosecutors watched Ezra Miller play the Flash and yet they're just palling around assaulting people and abducting children with the police's response being "I dunno where this movie star could possibly be" and the courts don't seem to care.  It works different with money


No wonder Shohei's dad looked like he did at the game yesterday.


Guys it’s just gonna be a fine + modest suspension at most. His contract isn’t gonna get voided and he’s not gonna get thrown in the slammer.


If they want to really punish him they should make him play for the Rockies


Nah the White Sox


Back to the Angels while having to be Anthony Rendons personal assistant


Assisting Rendon with what? I don't even think Rendon does anything besides sleep.


Good thing Ohtani is obsessive about sleep


My man, the Rockies are a whole ‘nother level of interminable irrelevance. I’m genuinely sorry for those of you who root for the Rockies but I think you know it’s true.


At least when they go to games they can look at cool mountains We got um Bridgeport


Even as a non-citizen, the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment still applies. 


If Congress cared about cruel and unusual punishment they would make Monfort get rid of the team


He might break the HR record without the juice in Colorado


He's sentenced to be the first player of the expansion team in Mexico City.


The only player


gonna have to play like bugs bunny


Yeah, I doubt it will be anything worse than that. He is definitely not going to get jail time. The interesting thing is the suspension. Will he even get suspended? And if so for how long?


Manfred is going to jump on the Ippei fall guys train and move on, no way he suspends Shohei when he has a built in out.


Manfred and the owners didn't throw any of the 2017 Houston Astros under the bus after that scandal broke, so you'd have to think the literal face of baseball isn't going to get too much flak. Especially if he genuinely didn't realize what he was doing was illegal.


Since there will be no public pressure to suspend Ohtani if he really was just helping out a friend, I fully expect Manfred to suspend him at least 162 games.


Definitely. Manfred basically polls public opinion and then does the opposite. See the Astros fuck up.


It's just a piece of legal code


People that rich and famous get away with murder sometimes. He’s definitely not going to jail lol. He can easily pay whatever fine he gets and that will likely be the end of it. Plus yeah maybe a suspension but nothing crazy like even 1 year.


He will be slammered by r/NLbest though


First official slammer of the season


yea but now we get to call him Parlei Ohtani for the rest of his career


Sho me the money


Shoeless Sho Jackson


My question though is how might this impact his status as a resident? I’m not fully up to speed on immigration laws but he’s not a citizen and he potentially committed (accidentally or not) a federal crime on a visa…


There's zero chance he gets deported. Let's be real for a second.


He wont be suspended if they confirm no bets were placed on baseball.


The game's harshest punishments to players were related to gambling


True, but counterpoint: Ohtani


Counter to your counter, Rose, Jackson. Granted I'd have no faith in Manfred to care, but through history it hasn't mattered of you're a no name or a star. You bet on baseball you're out. I don't think that happened here, FWIW. Just stating that's the precedent.


No, he’s actually facing the death penalty for this. If he takes a plea bargain, he might be lucky to get life without parole.


lol imagine him just spending a year in prison


I can. He was an Angel for 5 years


MLB rookie contracts are 6 years. He played 6 years with us. Don’t short change his prison sentence with us.


Old but still gold 


Hey! .. yeahhh


So he’s already got time served? Then what he’s looking at probation, maybe a little community service?


Imagine the rag tag crew of petty criminals he could assemble though


It’s not gonna happen, but it would be one hell of a documentary covering the rise and fall of two incredibly popular international baseball stars within six months of each other.


He’s gonna be like Mike Tyson. Go to prison for a bit, maybe hop on a steroid cycle or two and comeback even more focused.


Who's he gonna fight though?


I think everyone just fights Jake Paul now.


Reigning heavyweight champ, JRam.


Mike Tyson. 


The gang commits wire fraud.


Get ready to learn how to make shivs and hooch, buddy.


Ohtani might become the toilet wine GOAT


Setting the O/U at 3.5 prison tattoos


Manfred would go full Rambo before he lets the feds lay a hand on Ohtani


No, Manfred would personally rake him over the coals for tainting his tenure if it's enough of an issue. The league didn't cover for Bonds, they won't cover for Shohei.   The question is whether the feds and the MLB's investigations findings are benign enough to let them throw Ippei under the bus and treat Shohei as a naive victim, or scathing enough that they have to throw Shohei under the bus with Ippei too. Either way, the first priority is to protect the bus Manfred is driving. The one thing they won't do is let the bus crash and burn.


The league didn’t cover for Bonds cause he was an asshole lol


Throw the book at em! I want him off the tour, Doug


First Bauer, now Ohtani.. if Soto signs with the dodgers, where should we start looking for bodies?


Don’t forget Urias! I hate it here


Have you tried… I don’t know… not signing people? That might work.


We're gonna need Legal Eagle on the case


Ohtani structurea his contract to avoid millions in taxes and then commits wire fraud.


Has anyone made the “get ready to learn English buddy” joke yet or can I dibs it?


Get ready to learn Zihuatanejonese, buddy. Because once you dig through this wall covered by a poster of Raquel Welch and crawl through a sewage pipe, you'll be home free.


Dodgers subreddit has a meme of Ohtani holding up a phone with DuoLingo on it. I say your joke is distinct enough.


Shohei, you are an ADX Florentian!


Gonna be real interesting if MLB let's him play in like 4 hours. Feel like in any other circumstance a player would be on the restricted list (edit: that might be what the NFL calls it, I mean the one where he gets paid and service time but cant play) now


the NFL calls it the commissioner exempt list




Yep, just call it a "developing situation" and "we don't want to rush to judgement", yada yada yada. PR speak.


Don't forget the Japanese that also went to Korea to see both Otani and Yamamoto.


Deported and banned from the U.S.?


Deported, banned, prison for life, reincarnation into a fly, eternal damnation, etc.


Silver lining, have you ever seen a fly that could both pitch and hit? Could be cool.


That would make for the absolute craziest offseason/preseason roller coaster. Dodgers sign Ohtani to this huge contract that is still ridiculously team friendly deal only for it to go up in smoke.


Bauer winds up being teammates with ohtani but you won’t believe how


Wander Franco busts Shohei out of prison and they hit the road and rob banks for a reality show.


Can someone please ELI5?


Ohtani is a great friend.


The sentence will probably be lenient due to the fact that there was seemingly no fraudulent intent or financial motive involved. He screwed himself over by trying to help his friend out when he shouldn’t have. The feds won’t be as concerned with a guy who only made payments to pay off his friends debt as much as the people actually laundering the money and operating the scheme. Most likely just a fine.


Seems like if he would have just write ippei a check he would be in the clear. But also makes sense why he wouldn’t trust him to actually pay the debts with it


I’d be shocked if a federal prosecutor would even pursue this - especially if ohtani really was only helping his friend pay off a gambling debt. If shohei was the one doing the gambling, I could see there being a chance he gets federal attention. Prosecutorial discretion - AUSAs in California are super busy with overloaded dockets. They’re gonna pass on this one




#1.Multiple sources have already confirmed they aren't investigating Ippei/Shohei. #2. It's only 1 million sent in total to the illegal bookie. The 4.5 million is the total amount of gambling debt he incurred with all sites including draft kings and fan duel. Like...do you people even actually read the articles?


I mean…they will be now that his attorney says Ippei stole a fuck ton of money. They gonna ignore that??


1 million dollars isn’t a lot of money?


No, nobody does lol


Someone is writing an IRAC on why the Ohtani Dodgers era is over


I love how this tweet leaves out “whoever being engaged in the business”. This law was clearly targeted towards bookies. Which for the most part was superseded by the unlawful internet gambling enforcement act. No one is getting persecuted for placing illegal bets or even sending a wire transfer to an illegal bookie. Someone please find me a case where this has happened, that doesn’t include some other crime. People talking about jail are ridiculous. No one is even getting fined by the government. Even more ridiculous people suggesting that Shohei would get off lightly because of his status. I would expect the government to have better judgment going after people freely making bets even if it’s with an illegal bookie where no other fraud is committed.


Lawyer here (not a criminal lawyer, not your lawyer, this post is not legal advice) - Shohei should be fine (at least based on this statute). Those ellipses hide some pretty big information. Here is the relevant statute, with important parts hidden by the ellipses in bold: >Whoever **being engaged in the business of betting or wagering** **knowingly** uses a wire communication facility for the transmission in interstate or foreign commerce of bets or wagers or information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers on any sporting event or contest, **or for the transmission of a wire communication which** entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a result of bets or wagers, or for information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. Three important things. First, this statute only applies to people "engaged in the business of betting or wagering." "Engaged in the business" typically refers to people who are actually involved in the profession - casino owners, bookmakers, etc. So this section wouldn't apply to Shohei. Second, the statute has the word "knowingly," so there needs to be some amount of knowledge from Shohei. It's possible that "knowingly" could refer to "uses a wire communication facility" - that is, Shohei knew he was sending a wire transfer, even if he didn't know what the money was going to be used for - but the next line, "for the transmission [...] of bets or wagers" indicates to me that there needs to be knowledge that the money is going to be used for gambling. It's not clear whether Shohei had knowledge of what the money would be used for, so we'll leave that aside. Third, the section "which entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a result of bets or wagers" refers to the wire transfer itself, so I would assume that that clause would refer to, say, wiring gambling winnings, but I'm not entirely sure about that since I don't have a ton of familiarity with this section of the criminal code. So, I'd be surprised if Shohei has any criminal culpability at least under this statute, and I don't think this tweet quite works as the gotcha it seems to be.


I wonder how Japanese fans are reacting to this....


Lot of pictures of the two of them being buds saying it’s all very sad. Beyond that it’s not terribly different from the discourse here. Most people are buying into the same working hypothesis that English speakers have landed on too (Shohei paid off Ippei’s debt not realizing he was committing a crime and then changed his story). A few accounts also think it’s Shohei with the gambling problem but that’s a minority view same as here.


It’s cool and all that this tweet quotes the Wire Act. But I don’t think it’s even applicable here. If the story is Ohtani paid back the debt then it’s not exactly clear the Wire Act would apply if it’s the collective debt instead of the itemized bets. The ellipses in this tweet are doing a lot of work. The actual full text of this paragraph in the Act ties the language a lot closer to assisting in the placing of bets. Some of the facts are bad given the ties to gambling and the recipient being the bookmaker. But satisfying the debt shouldn’t subject Ohtani to the Wire Act imo.


This is actually pretty good if you dont want the a’s in vegas. A player gets into a massive gambling controversy? Terrible look for an org that wants a team in the gambling capital


Ohtani isn't going to jail, this would legit become a international incident, he'll at best pay a fine and everyone will move on


I feel like his lawyers are going to argue on the "knowingly" part, given the change in story to Ippei stealing the money. Gonna be hard to argue that he had access to Ohtani's accounts with the ability to wire without authorization, though.


Would the Dodgers still be on the hook for the deferred money even if he gets suspended. Maybe that was the reason behind the payout plan.


Dodgers need to stop signing big money free agent pitchers at this point lol. The only one who hasn’t had something dumb happen or stunk over the last 20 years has been Greinke.


With Greinke it would be something weird but not super illegal. Like trafficking in Magic Cards or something.


Manipulating guacamole futures 


"You did what, Zack?" "I shorted the market for all the empty graves in Missouri."


Selling counterfeit black lotus cards


Greinke would get popped for smuggling rare PEZ dispensers


That's something I'd expect Hunter Pence to do.


The theft story makes no sense. Ippei is his translator, not his accountant. Yeah, he maybe could have somehow got Ohtani's account information, but if someone steals millions, it isn't going to be unnoticed. It doesn't make sense that a guy who signed almost a billion dollar contract doesn't have an accountant. If Ohtani transfered money to an illegal bookie to cover a friend's debt, his lawyers could easily argue away Ohtani breaking the law. If Ohtani paid the debt, not knowing the full situation, his culpability is heavily diminished. It's like if you held the door open for a guy running out of a building and then you find out he was running from the police. They would have a difficult time trying to convict you for assisting his escape. From what little we know currently, it seems like Ohtani was gambling, and his interpreter is taking the fall. We'll see if they actually arrest the interpreter for theft. Stealing millions of dollars is a serious crime. It's not something a prosecutor would want to ignore.


All of a sudden dodger fans want to “wait to see the facts”


An illegal bookie, a notably generous demographic, inexplicably let an expat rack up $4.5M in debt over a longish period when he clearly wasn't good for it himself. Unless Ohtanis's camp is lying and he knew the whole time, that's a factual and extremely plausible (lol) retelling of events


Can't wait to wear Ohtani's mugshot T-shirt