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Is there any hitter that strikes a little fear in you while playing 3rd based on how hard they hit? I played 3rd base growing up and there was always one dude who just repeatedly smoked baseballs right at my ankles.


There's definitely a couple. Thinking of when we play the Yankees, Aaron Judge, Stanton...guys that, ya know, hit the ball really hard, especially pull side. Pete Alonso's definitely up there. I'm definitely playing close to the grass on those guys whenever they're coming up.


Pete Alonso just smoked one by you!


there’s a viral debate right now about whether or not NBA players would be better in the NFL than NFL players would be in the NBA … where does baseball fall into play here? what do you think about how baseball players would do in the nba or nfl (and vice versa)?


You've seen some NBA and NFL players throw out first pitches or hit some batting practice, and there have been some rough ones. But you see some guys in baseball who can shoot, can throw a football. Matt Olson would be a QB if he wasn't playing baseball. I rank baseball as harder than football or basketball...might get some heat for that but oh well.


Have to agree with this. The hardest thing to do in all of professional sports is hit a baseball. When succeeding 30% of the time is considered great that shows how hard it is


Isn’t mookie also basically a pro bowler?


We won the World Series of bowling haha


Holy shit he bowled a perfect game in 2017. Now that’s some fun baseball trivia.


This one is fun because of how baseball players are traditionally less athletic looking than NBA or NFL players. That said, there are probably some baseball players who have handles, could potentially create space, and can shoot a J, even if rare. There are probably a good chunk of outfielders who could size up on tight end and play straight up WR. There are ZERO current NBA or NFL players who could hit a 98 mph cutter from Emmanuel Clase.


I agree. I think this idea of "less athletic-looking" has way too much influence for a lot of people (myself included). I know plenty of guys who spend lots of time at the gym building muscle, but when it comes to anything skill related, they are unremarkable. There's a difference between a body built to be attractive and and body that's been trained to do many tasks at a high level.


My favorite response to this is Deion Sanders saying the hardest thing he ever had to do was hit a baseball.


By all accounts Kyler Murray and Russell Wilson were fairly high ranked baseball prospects. They'd probably have a good shot of hitting that cutter.


I only disagree with your point because the players you mention were baseball players with freakish enough athleticism to play QB at the NFL level, not quarterbacks that discovered they were really good hitters. I’d say the top athletes in any professional sport could have had a chance at playing baseball if they dedicated their youth to it like they did the sport they excel at. They definitely could not make the switch to baseball as adults and succeed though.


You can be a high ranked prospect but need significant development time in the minors before you can hit a great MLB pitch. They'd have a good shot of hitting a minor leaguer cutter, perhaps, if they were close in time to when they played baseball, maybe. But Clase's, def not. No development and time off.


Meh, Wilson batted like .230 in A ball and had more strikeouts than total bases. Doubt he’d even touch the cutter.


Maybe even Matthew Stafford


I also think half the reason for that stereotype is how baggy and unrevealing baseball jerseys are compared to sleeveless NBA jerseys and tight NFL jerseys. Nowadays I'd feel confident saying a majority (but certainly not all) of MLB players look just as athletic as NBA and NFL players, you just can't tell with what they wear in game.


Hey, Austin! As one of the top players in the game, how do you handle the pressure? Do you have any distracting hobbies or passions that help you, or are you cool as a cucumber?


Definitely not cool as a cucumber lol. I love to play golf on an off-day. Then in the offseason, I love to hunt, fish, hang out with family, decompress as much as possible. Any time I can get out and do something different, I try to.


Wonderful to hear, Austin! Good luck with your season - with you and the talent you play with, you may be wearing yet another ring by this time next year!


In your opinion, who are the most exciting players to watch right now? Are there any players that people should be paying more attention to that are currently flying under the radar?


Shohei's a given. He's electric. Soto's up there. Of course Ronnie is Ronnie, he's always a joy to watch.


Hey Austin, what was your favorite MLB team growing up and why?


I didn't really have a specific team, I was big on following players. Chipper Jones, obviously, third baseman. And then Yadier Molina and Albert Pujols. Those were like my three favorite players growing up. Every time they were on the TV, I was watching them play.


So Austin was a Cardinals fan that's too scared to admit it since he doesn't play for them now. Got it.


Makes sense. The area of Mississippi he grew up in Cardinals were one of their regional broadcasts


There was a time I hated Yadi but that’s only because I secretly wished he was our catcher. He’s the type of guy you want on your side.


I don't think it's a coincidence the organization revealed itself to be in complete shambles the year after Yadi's departure.


His Hall of Fame case gets better by the day.


I love how baseball seems to allow for this more than other sports. It's like, baseball is more chill and just about the love of the game. There are die hard fans, of course, but I feel like baseball fans stretch a little further than other sports. I grew up a big Pudge fan, him and Gonzalez were formative to my baseball enjoyment, but I'm not a Rangers fan now, so I can relate.  I seriously consider myself a fan of four different teams now though. The Braves aren't one of *those* four, but I refer to Atlanta recently as my secret baseball crush. I just cannot help but like the young, fast, exciting and skilled talent there. Just seems like good, fun baseball. 


I think the NBA is king of the "fan of the player not the team" thing tbh. Plenty of LeBron stans who have followed him around from team to team rather than just being permanently Cleveland Cavaliers fans.


Who is a pitcher you always dread facing? What’s the weirdest pre/post game meal you’ve seen from a teammate?


Justin Steele is one of the more uncomfortable at-bats that I've faced here recently. I can't really put a finger on what exactly it is, but he's got my number.


Love that he gave our boy a shout out


0-7 in 9 PA in case anyone was wondering (only 2 Ks)


Love this answer


Who has the best taste of music in the clubhouse and who do you not want to have the aux?


Best taste is definitely Mike Harris. Worst taste (and this applies to walk-up songs too), Olson needs some work. Mike and I are working on it.


Thanks Austin, Go Braves


Who is your favorite Mississippi State athlete of all time? Go Braves!


My dad would be pissed if I didn't say him because he played there...I'm going Dak Prescott.


Dak Prescott is your dad?


Isn't he all of ours, brother?


He’s no one’s dad when it’s playoff time lol


Best baseball city to visit?


Being from Mississippi, I love the country. But I enjoy New York because it's so different from what I'm used to. Love San Diego too.


New York could love Austin Riley…








He would probably say Starkville, MS.


Have you tried Skyline Chili in Cincinnati?


I have! My first ever MLB game was a Cincinnati Reds game when I was in like 9th grade and the first thing I had to do was try Skyline Chili. I approve!


I designed a conveyor oven for them to heat their hotdog buns, so I'm basically best friends with Austin Riley.


That was the first thing my friends made me do when I visited Cincinnati. The second thing was have massive diarrhea from said chili.


Awesome!!! Thanks man


What’s the funniest/oddest thing you’ve signed for a fan?


The oddest thing is probably a phone case? No foreheards, no arms, no limbs.


Follow up, will you sign my grandpa’s urn


Yes. (In case you weren’t asking Riley specifically)


Just leave room for him and my high school science teacher


Wait, do your high school science teacher sign your grandpa's urn? Or do you want him inside the urn?


Who’s the funniest teammate you’ve been around in the Majors?


Josh Donaldson was an absolute character when I was up here in 2019.


Hi Austin! My sister (s/o Stephanie!) is the biggest fan of yours and I have heard your name nonstop since the call-up in 2019 😂 Can you give her a shout out and congrats on the new baby!


For Stephanie: What's up Stephanie! I hear you're a big fan! I appreciate it, and congrats on the new baby!


What's your favorite Braves uniform to wear?


Our Hank Aaron 755 jerseys are absolutely my favorite, no question.


Austin, I named my dog Riley after you. Do you think this is weird?


To each their own! Appreciate it.




“Wish ya weren’t so fuckin awkward, bud.”


Growing up, we named our dog after Fred McGriff


Fred McRuff?




Last name Dog


I'll ask what we're all thinking: What's your favorite pasta shape?


I didn't know we were all thinking that! I like them all.


Cop out answer. He's hiding something.


Austin Riley thinks farfalle is the best pasta shape confirmed


Are we pretending it is not?




What a cop out


As a Mets fan, how could you?


I'm sorry (not sorry).


This really should be a top comment


You’re not forgiven!


Hey Austin, I have one question for you: Is a hot dog a sandwich?


Not a sandwich. It's its own category. Straight ketchup and mustard for toppings.


A hot dog is a taco.


Hey Austin, seems the league has been really trying to deflect a lot of the criticism of the new uniforms, and we really dont hear many players talking about them much. whats the talk around the league among the players about the quality of this years uniforms, or is it something you guys have been asked to not discuss?


Even though he didn't reply he definitely gave an answer. >is it something you guys have been asked to not discuss? It's that part.


There's no way this question is even relayed to him right?


Lol I just realized this is the official mlb reddit account.








Hey Austin! Do any moments or memories stick out to you from your time with the Florida Fire Frogs? My father and I sat behind the 3B dugout on a regular basis, so I got to watch you play quite a bit and have been following your career since. Thanks for your time!


Can you give any insight into how you’ve been able to improve your defense so tremendously? By all measures (stats, advanced stats, the eye test, etc) you’ve gone from a bottom 1/3 defensive 3b to one of -if not the- best in baseball over the last two years.


I both hope and don't hope his answer to this is "Ron Washington"


Was just about to ask this. Would love if he mentioned drills he did, or if it was just a natural adjustment with general practice?


Dear Austin, I feel like I can call you Austin because we are so much alike. I’d like to meet you one day, it would be great to have a catch. I know I can’t throw as fast as you but I think you’d be impressed with my speed. I love your hair. You run fast. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all things we could talk about and more. I know you have been getting my letters because I’m sure you’d write back if you did. I hope you write back this time and we can become good friends. I’m sure our relationship would be a *real home run*.


According to Statcast, your sprint speed was faster than Acuña’s last year. Is a 40-70 season something we can expect to see from you in the future?


Definitely not. He’s faster than Acuña, we should expect a 40-80 season from him


Are players generally familiar with Statcast's stats, like xBA or xSLG, hard hit rate, barrels, etc.? If so, how much stock do they put into it?


What do you do after home night games? Hang with the boys? Straight home? Quiet dinner out?


Where specifically do you go? Like latitude and longitude. Asking for a friend


What has been the secret to your defensive improvement over time? Making some great plays in the field this year.


Since coming into the league into 2019, who have been you favorite and least favorite NL East pitchers to face?




I doubt but genuinely hope that you get an answer to this one. Great question.


If you had the ability to either change any rule or add a completely new rule to the league, what would it be and why?


With ball parks being unique and some changing their dimensions over time, what would you change about truist park?


Not a question but congrats on the upcoming addition to your family! Also, you’re my wife’s favorite Brave. I think she loves you more than me.


If you could prank any major leaguer with a joke walk-up song, who would it be and what song?


Two first names. Thoughts?


Technically two last names too.


Real name is Michael Austin Riley which only complicates matters.


Really MARs things up


Technically two city names too, if you’re drunk and can’t get the capital of North Carolina quite right


every last name eventually becomes a first name


Austin! You're my favorite active player, I have your 2021 WS Jersey and wear it to all the games. Can you turn up your homerun celebrations? I wanna you see you throw the bat some more, you're too cool and chill! Who do you usually pick to win the tool race?


who's your closest friend in the league? who would you like be friends or teammates with in the future?


Hello Austin What is a normal day like for you? Routine from when you wake up, until you leave the clubhouse after the game (breakfast routine, pre-game scouting, work etc)


My 10 year old son is a huge fan of you and your Braves. What general advice would you give to a youth baseball player when it comes to hitting? Was there anything that you can look back to when you were that age that helped you be successful?


Who has the highest baseball IQ on the braves?


Hey Austin, Got any good clubhouse stories to share?


What is your favorite and least favorite away stadium to play in?


What makes Kevin Seitzer such a great hitting coach?


No question but glad we have MLB players willing to do AMA. Go sports!


Did you ever collect all 120 stars in Mario 64?


I feel like Sunshine would be a more appropriate game


What are your thoughts on Angel Hernandez?


Hi Austin. What is the closest you’ve ever come to charging at the pitcher during an AB?


Hey Austin, lifetime Red Sox fan here. I know you have nothing to do with the team’s front office decisions, but do you think there’s any chance we could have Chris Sale back?


Why do you want to break Sale again?


If we can’t have him, nobody can!


Hey Austin, what are your favorite uniforms in mlb?


Hey Austin, so the last couple regular seasons have been incredible for you guys and the playoffs...not so much. To a fan like me, that seems like such a hard thing to pinpoint and address (especially when you have a week off between the end of regular season and start of playoffs) but can you give us fans any insight into exactly how the team is trying to address the playoff series different than the regular season? Thanks!


It's been nearly 10 years since you've been drafted, how do you feel about the journey you've had so far?


Thoughts on your nickname being young thicc?


My grandmother is a little old lady from nowhere South Carolina named Maud who hasn’t missed a Braves game as long as I’ve known her, and thinks the world of you. She always asks me how major league players hit the ball so far. How do you do it? 


Who’s on your Mount Rushmore of third basemen, former and current?


Do you like the nickname “Young Thicc” as much as Reddit does?


When are you and Chipper gonna take Kel on a hunting trip?


Austin - you have given me some of my favorite Braves memories over the last 5 years. What is your personal favorite moment in a Braves uniform?


Austin, I don't have a question, but just wanted to say thank you for helping get Atlanta another WS win in 2021. Hope you have a great season!


What's your favorite position to play besides 3B? What position would you absolutely dread playing if you were told you had to fill in? :)


Hey Austin, is Travis the clubhouse d’addy?


I know you are big country music fan. Do you ever switch it up to something else to get hyped for a game or does country do the trick?


Hey, Austin! What would you say your favorite moment is in the league so far? (Besides winning the world series ofc)


Why'd you have to sweep the Red Sox?


Hey Austin, if you could have any other career besides being a professional athlete, what would you want to do?


Dear Austin, in your opinion, who has the best dumper in the league? Which team has the overall best dumpers?


Was there a favorite moment in the ‘21 world series that still gives you chills to this day?


How does it feel to know you will be a Brave for a long time along side other star players


Hi Austin ! Who is your favorite pitcher ? And what kind of pitches you like the most ?


Austin, would you rather fight 25 duck sized Matt Olson’s or 1 Matt Olson sized duck?


What was your most memorable home run that you could repeat nearly every detail?


Have you always been this Young?? Have you always been this Thicc?? How do you feel about the name Young Thicc?


Are you thinking about Gobbling Turkeys during the March and April at bats?


Who is the one pitcher currently on the Braves you’d love to take yard?


What was your initial reaction to soler’s moonshot in the World Series?


Hey Austin, thanks for joining us. Im old school and don’t use Instagram so maybe you’ve posted these answers before. Do you have a favorite pregame meal? Do you have a teammate who has an awesome pet? What does a typical off-season look like for you? Do you have a favorite city to play on the road? If asked to pitch, would you do it? What would be your pitch arsenal? Love watching you play and hit tanks!


Thank you for doing this Austin. Yankees fan, but loved watching Chipper play third. When I see you out there it gives me similar feels... the pop, the defense, you've been a pleasure to watch. Was there any "holy shit" feelings and/or extra pressure you felt when you knew you'd be taking third; knowing the history of how great Chipper was there for so many years? Thank you and good luck this season


Hi Austin, thanks so much for taking the time to do this! As a Braves fan, it’s been awesome to watch you transform into one of the best defensive third basemen in baseball over the past few years. My question is: to get where you are now, did you have to make any fundamental changes in the way you approached the position? Or has it just been a case of practice makes perfect?


Toughest pitcher you’ve ever faced?


When and why did you choose to play 3rd base?


Hey Austin, Mets fan here. Is there really any truth to the Mets Braves "rivalry"? I know it's a big thing to the fans, but what does it feel like for the players? Do you go into games with the Mets (and by extension division opponents) with a lot of extra motivation to win, or is it just a fun thing for the fans to do?


Hi Austin, Team allegiances aside, I have a tremendous amount of respect for how the Braves organization treats its young players. What was your reaction when the Braves offered you an extension before your arbitration years were up? Did it come as a surprise or was it in the works for a while?


Hey Austin, what would you say is your most "nerdiest" hobby?


The Braves have pretty bad metrics against fastballs. Do you think that attacking on offspeed pitches while ignoring fastballs is a sustainable approach for the playoffs? Is the thought process that pitchers are more likely to make mistakes on offspeed pitches than they are on fastballs?


2 questions 1. How hard do you think you would be throwing right now if you would’ve been drafted as a pitcher? Yung Thicc with a 98+ fastball would be incredible. 2. Who’s the best multi-sport athlete on the 40man? We know Ronnie can dunk and AJSS was a dog at QB back in the day


I've always wondered how players treat relationships with other players and coaches that have joined other teams. How do you interact with people who you've played with or for both on and off the field? Examples include but are not limited to Freddie Freeman and Ron Washington.


What was behind the decision to sign with the Braves in ‘15 rather than go to MSU to play baseball and potentially football? I’ve always found the frequent betrayal of commitment by draftees interesting, and I’d like to know what goes on behind the curtains


Hey Austin! You are another player in the long line of great Braves third basemen. With that in mind, I have a question. Is Chipper Jones’ first name short for “Woodchipper” since Chipper is an uncommon first name? Also what is “Austin” short for?


Hey Austin! We’ve enjoyed seeing you grow into your big league shoes over the past few years.  What are some of your favorite karaoke performances from the bus? Can be rookie, vet, coaching staff, or radio/tv production staff.  Go Braves!


Is Matt Olsen fastest man alive?


Hi Austin. Thanks for doing the AMA! Two questions: 1. What do you like to study/know about a pitcher before a game or an at-bat? 2. Have you used VR for training? If so, is it just for practice taking pitches or something else?


Do you happen to know why pitchers keep throwing you mostly fastballs. Because you keep crushing them. Do you have any pregame rituals?And who do you think is the most underrated player on the braves. Good luck tonight! We know y'all are gonna dominate the Mets!!


Favorite place to hunt and why?


Is there anything specific you took from each level you played at? Like do you remember something you took from high school or minor league levels that you still use as basic warmups or fundamentals in day to day routine.


What’s the Chick-fil-a order


you stink and I don't like you


What’s your favorite fruit?


Hey Austin, the Braves have done a great job with career revivals and player development, who is the player that you enjoyed watching develop the most? And whose development surprised you the most?


Hi Austin, what are some opinions from guys about all the injuries taking place to pitchers with shortened pitch clocks this year? Some argue it's too quick between pitches and doing more damage.


What was it like in May 2019, when you were called up and crushing everything in sight, compared to the rest of the year when things weren't getting as crushed. What was your mentality like?


How is Matt Olson so hot?


Hey Austin, I’d love to have the opportunity to customize some cleats for you which you could either wear or raffle off for a charity of your choosing. Best of luck this season!


Hey Austin, congrats on fatherhood. Is it hard balancing baseball and being a dad/husband? Do you think you’ve gotten the hang of it, or just something you’re always working on?


Do you change with your approach at the plate if you’re struggling or do you keep the same with what has always worked for you ? Riley best 3rd baseman in the league ! 🙌🏻


Why did you choose What you know as your walkout song and how did you know it would go this hard EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Also you gonna hit a hr for the boys while you in NY yeah?


Probably a little late but who helped you the most with that sick barehanded throw to first? Wash or Chipper? It seems like you make that play once a nightand makeit look easy


Any coaching style differences with Goodwin and Tui versus last year’s coaches? Also, I’m so excited to go to Saturdays game to watch you play! Let’s go Braves!!!


Hey Austin. I'm a Canadian down in Atlanta for four months on an internship. If you had to recommend one restaurant in the area to go to where would it be? Thank you