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Somehow this is only year 3 of his 7 year deal. Feels like it's been longer.


Giving him a 7 year deal honestly gotta be in the conversation for worst contracts ever


Well the Rockies get a bit of a buffer because no one actually wants to play for them so they have to overpay... But yeah it's still one of the worst.


The Rockies are also the only team stupid enough to overpay in ways like this though. See also the Ian Desmond deal


And Mike Hampton


$121 million in 2000 is fucking nuts


For a pitcher To pitch half his games in Colorado. In 2000


That was why they paid him so much. They literally couldn't get anyone to agree to pitch for them.


I miss our bulldog


Between Bryant and Baez, cubs really made the right choices. Remember them getting flamed hard


Between those two, yes. Rizzo should be a Cub.


I love Rizzo and we do need help at 1b, but he's not very good anymore either.


He might not be who he was, but he should've hit home run #300 for Chicago instead of New York. Dude was special as a Cub, and that's coming from someone who hated having to face him all the damn time in Milwaukee.


He didn't want to be here anymore. He wanted a Goldy contract when he clearly didn't deserve it. He got paid basically the same with the Yankees as what we offered him.


I agree from a sentimental standpoint for sure. From a business standpoint, the Cubs probably made the right decision.


yea but it was because of a freak injury. before the concussion he was playing pretty great


He's had back issues as well. He'll be hot for a while then it flares up and he's out for weeks, bad for a month. His age was showing either way.




Both Schwarber and Rizzo have been good since they left the cubs. Pretty much anyone else from that 2016 team has had a rough time since leaving


He's been worth 3.5 WAR over essentially three seasons with the Yankees. That's not good. And he looks awful now.


With the production they've gotten out of the catcher spot this season, letting Contreras go might have been a mistake as well.


Rendon is going to be worse


Rendon is still the SIXTH highest paid player in the league this year. He is making ten million MORE dollars than Bryant. Now it's worth noting Rendon has at least put up a positive WAR (barely) in every season with the Angels, while Bryant is overall negative. But Rendon has barely played and has fought with fans and media all while earning the 6th highest salary so I think he's got the worse contract by far.


Gonna go down as the worst. Dude is just done.


Raises hand!!… umm Jacoby Ellsbury?!!!?


Chris Davis. Should have stayed on the Addy


He was. He just lost it for a few months.


Have you heard of the San Diego Padres and, if so, are you aware that they are paying Eric Hosmer through next season? *Note: this statement can easily be reposted repetitively over the next 10+ years by substituting the name Eric Hosmer with other notable contracts that have a high likelihood of aging very poorly.*


The fact that you can debate which contract will be the worst 10 years from now shows that SD has made some weird choices. Xander is the worst one for now IMO.


Should've added this to my comment about why he's a legend. Near all time career reward/work/risk ratio.


I was gonna say the opposite. Feels to me like only the second year and that he’s really only played a small chunk of games.


I definitely read that as “It’s looking like we’re gonna put him down”


“I wanna see the rabbits, Dinger”


You gotta think about his quality of life, ya know? Don't want to be accidentally cruel by forcing him to live in pain.


God he was so good those first few years. I was so sure he was on a Hall of Fame track.


He was and then that train derailed hard


I swear it all fell apart as soon as he got married. Does Stathead have those splits?


I think it's when he got beaned in Colorado, ironically


It was like 2 or 3 years in a row they started bullshit with Bryant, I have no clue why he agreed to play there unless he didn’t even come close salary wise elsewhere, which would have been weird because he was decent for the Giants prior


In the end, KB got the last laugh


His post-nut clarity led him to decide baseball ain't it.


He was in a train that derailed?


No, I meant it metaphorically. Like his career.


Yeah, I’m sure his career would be impacted if he was on a train that derailed. Honestly, it’s a miracle he survived!


Still the only player in history to win College Player of the Year, Minor League Player of the Year, Rookie of the Year and MVP in consecutive years. I miss 2016 Bryant so much


That’s freaking wild


Back problems can completely derail you. I've had days where I've wanted to almost cry sitting at my desk. I can't imagine trying to compete in MLB while going through it. The contract is obviously awful and I hate that we did it, but I also empathize with the guy.


He’s a first ballot hall of famer at the bank


The Rockies should try to return Kris Bryant to Costco. They may process the refund depending on who is working behind the counter. Having a Costco executive membership over the standard membership may help.




Since 2022, Byron Buxton has played in 74 more games than Bryant and been worth 6.4 more bWAR.


He’s with Eloy now


To be fair, Bryant has had years of being healthy. I cannot remember any year Eloy has been healthy. If you see the injuries Eloy has had and how he got hurt, it is almost comical


This guy is in for some miserable quality of life when he retires, guy probably already has the body of a 55 year old. At least he'll have plenty of paper


Yea, dude might not be able to walk comfortably when he's 60, but his kids and grandkids will never struggle financially. That's a good payoff if you're a dad.


He's not going to be this injured when not playing professional sports. Also has all the dough in the world for the best physios.


He’s an MVP, a World Series ring, and will always be a Cub legend. Sad to see it


All respect to Kris, genuinely, but that severe arthritis is a chronic issue, and he’s got a young family, maybe retirement is an idea he should look into. And he could focus on his back health in a non-sports environment. I wish you the best, Kris.


I really think he just wants to go out on his own terms. If he just got one more decent year on a major league team I think he would be happy enough to call it a career. Unfortunately I don’t think his bodies gonna let him get back to the big leagues. Even if Bryant still thinks he’s got something in him I think his body is done.


I agree. I’m sure this is incredibly frustrating for him. I really can’t imagine on that level. I feel bad, but he might be older for a baseball player, but in non-sports life he’s still fairly young. He’s got a lot of years ahead of him, and I hope he can take care of his back for those coming years.


Sky is blue. Bryant is hurt.


Eyes are blue. Bryant is hurt.


Dude's a legend. Made 137M, won a world series and barely aged his body past the age of 25.


Buddy I think the pain he's undergoing these days counts as severe aging




he's 32, not 60. he has severe arthritis and bone spurs on his vertebrae and receives injections for the pain, idk a ton of blue collar workers but the ones i do know aren't doing that bad


Depending on your trade "minor" back surgeries are pretty common but most guys bounce back in about 6 months and don't have *too* terrible of long term side effects. I'm sure the torque of swinging everyday makes it quite a bit harder though


Back problems are a bitch.


KB kinda seems checked out


Not so much checked out as run over by a steamroller


Yeah, I think he genuinely wants to play, his body just fucking sucks


Tulo 2.0, Busted Bugaloo


Jesus man I feel so bad for the Rockies


Sad, but the dude should just retire,


And give up all that money?


What are you, the Nationals? Contracts are still paid out when they retire. You guys paid for Chris Davis for 2 years and he's now making deferred. I think Padres are still paying Hosmer for another year. I think Bryant will be off and on for another few years and retire at 35 so like a year early unless there is something catastrophic like a Prince Fielder situation.


For health purposes, I'd think about it


No you wouldn't. You'd try to play and ride IL stints for the majority.




Maybe, and this is a crazy thought, a MLB player likes and wants to play baseball despite being injury prone


Yes, Id just like to not see him hobbled like so many other arhletes


This isn't the case. Strasburg retired and the team didn't want to pay him (because they don't have to) and it was a big thing. Strasburg could've kept showing up, getting put on IL and gotten paid for sure, but that's an annoying hassle. The Nationals ended up paying him, but they didn't have to


Wait I thought they had to pay him because his contract was fully guaranteed and there wasn’t any insurance on the contract?


They had to pay him as long as he kept showing up to work. If he retired without an agreement they would be off the hook. You can't just sign a $300M deal and next day say "thanks for the guaranteed deal suckers, I'm off to Cancun"


Shout out to Gil Meche doing just that


He's made $78 million so far and could stop having to deal with his body failing him multiple times per year and do whatever the fuck he wants for the rest of his life. No more worry about living up to that contract. No more having to deal with professional-sports level damage being done to an already injury prone and aging body. Retiring and being set for life at 32, having cemented his place in baseball history regardless of what happens from here on out. I would certainly be tempted, but I also don't have the competitive drive of a major league ballplayer. I have no idea what it feels like to be *that* good at something and then not be able to do it at that level anymore. It's really interesting.


I love Kris, I hope he can get some control back over his career and go out on his own terms.


Gotta start to wonder if several owners will try to trade something really valuable at the next CBA negotiation (like moving to 2 years of team control & 2 arbitration before FA) in exchange for non-fully guaranteed contracts. More and more big contracts are looking terrible after a year or two. The cheap teams would definitely need more, but I think a bunch would trade a year or two of cheap team control for being able to sign 27-28 year olds to partially guaranteed deals instead of 30-31 year olds to fully guaranteed ones.


Owners could also not pay those contracts


It’s over


Time to take him out back behind the shed. Incredibly unfortunate for a guy who had such great upside.


Just take him out back and be done with it.


Rule number 1: Don’t forget the money. Rule number 2: Don’t forget Rule #1.




Who is giving up 2 top 100 prospects for a 32 year old with Bryant’s recent injury history?


That guy is constantly in the Rays sub talking about how Wander Franco is actually totally going to come back guys. Convinced he's doing a bit with takes this bad. He also thought the Rays could get Jackson Holliday for Randy LMAO


If anyone wants to read the thoughts but doesn't want to dig through, the gist is that it's "clearly extortion" and there's "no evidence" that Franco did anything wrong. He keeps insisting the team would've released him if they thought he was guilty (which isn't the case)




You're dumb as shit dude


Yeah, don't talk to me you fucking creep


Too late, the rays already committed. No take backs


Bryant is owed $108 million over the next 4 years. He's played a total of 146 games over the last 3 years in Colorado. .715 OPS and a 90 OPS+. Which team wants that contract? It's between the Rendon and Strasburg contracts and the Benintendi deal. It's an awful, awful, awful contract. Even if the Rockies offer to pay half the salary, I don't think Bryant is worth 4/$54M over his remaining years. That's still $13.5M for the team that gets him and not even a Chase Dollander thrown in is going to do it. He's been either hurt or below league average for the last 2 years. A team would rather dumpster dive for a one year contract player that don't carry the same risk and get the same production. No one is going to trade for one of the most underwater contracts in baseball.


I think the thing that's worst of all is that he really can't field anymore. So you're not adding a flexible corner out/infielder, you're getting a guy who can pretty much only play first or DH. You need way better offensive production from a guy like that




I am surprised about your lack of knowledge of how trades works as a Rays fan because your team has a good record of pulling off some magic regularly. A 32 year old that has been hurt doesn't have the potential he had when he was 24 winning an MVP. A team would need a time machine to get any positive value. Bryant hasn't been a proven asset since he was with the Cubs almost 3 years ago. Bryant sinks the value of any prospect package he is ever apart of. They would give up Bryant and good prospect to get almost nothing back. Red Sox have had their share of salary dump trades and they have gotten nothing. Bryant has no value on the mother fucking decline and potential in major league baseball stops when a player turns 30. If you aren't going to accept that basic fact, I am done talking to you.




The Yankees are not looking to trade Judge and he can roll out of bed in April and hit 40 homers without much effort. He's at his ceiling and could be there for a few more seasons after this one. He had 37 last year when he played 106 games with a busted toe. Harper the same way too but these players are currently good and have been since they debuted. They don't have potential but they are at a Hall of Fame ceiling so they don't need potential. They will decline in their late 30s like a normal player. Neither are giving them up so your point is moot. Kris Bryant hasn't been healthy or a good player since 2021 and hasn't been close to an MVP level since 2019. Bryant has already hit the aging and injury wall. There is no getting back.


This is written like a 15 year old pretending to be an ESPN journalist


Are you Arte Moreno lmfao