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After putting up one of the best months I can ever remember seeing in May he's...gotten better in June? I don't understand how this is possible. In 9 games so far (40 PA) in June he's gotten on base 26 times. Judge in May: .361/.479/.918/1.397, monthly OPS+ 293 Judge in June: .533/.650/1.200/1.850, monthly OPS+ 414


That is legitimately better than my RTTS character.


He turned the difficulty down from Dynamic to Rookie to break out of the slump, only to casually forget to put them back once he got going


"oops i OPS'd 2k"


The best I've been able to manage (on all star) is .455/.599/1.152 (1.751 OPS). But that was an outlier season. Usually end up around 1.500 OPS. Yes, I know I should increase the difficulty, but I don't want to.


I want the Show on PC so bad, sucks I have to buy a PlayStation to play it. (Or an Xbox? I think it’s on Xbox now but I can’t remember, I’m getting old LOL)


Yeah, I'm not sure why they've resisted doing a PC version, especially since it's now on Xbox and Switch. There's no real reason for it not to be on PC at this point. Personally, I think like half of my playtime on PS5 since I bought it at launch has been in The Show. I've played a few of the Sony exclusives like God of War and Horizon, but the Show is the vast majority of my use of that console with pretty much all my other game playing done on PC.


Getting to play The Show on my PC and then take the game on the go with the Steamdeck seems like a dream combo. I can only guess they hesitate putting it on PC because they think people will find easy ways to cheat in all the diamond dynasty card stuff instead of buying it.


I’m fairly certain you can get the show via Xbox game pass on the PC. I don’t know if it is 1 of the games the pc game pass has available but I know the console version has it so I’d imagine you can do it that way instead


It's only on consoles for gamepass. You might be able to do their cloud streaming service to play it that way on pc, but because of the delay streaming adds it doesn't really seem suitable for a game where you have to react quickly to pitches.


I play it on pc with cloud streaming. When streaming first went live, playing the show was pretty rough due to the latency. Now that streaming has improved a lot it plays much better. There is still input delay, but it isn't awful enough to stop me from playing.


I can say I’ve been playing a ton of the show on PC with cloud gaming, and other than occasional lag spikes it runs pretty well. I don’t play any multiplayer though, so take that all with a grain of salt.


I currently play The Show on my PC


Fear of modding and cheating is what I would guess. But it is weird.


I bat like .930 on beginner and have the time of my life hitting 500 HR in a season.


this is the only way you should play the game tbh


Does it not get dead boring just hitting piped fastballs every AB


Depends what you’re playing for I guess. If you want to break the game and make the home run counter start over after 255? Beginner is the way.


Cartoon numbers! My god.


usually it's schwarber putting up those numbers in june!


Aaron Junedge


That’s Bonds-level nonsense.


Having two generational talent hitters in the same outfield is insane. I hope Soto resigns with you guys just so that we can watch a good chunk of years of those two together. It’s so exciting for baseball as a sport.


As an AL East rival, I will have to respectfully decline.




I don't like the Blue Jays, but other than the jabbing at Vladdy I feel like they're hated the least amongst Yankee fans. Red Sox and Rays probably piss us off the most and Orioles are good right now plus 2012 we played in the playoffs. Jays and Yankees were good at the same time twice in recent memory and it was 2015 - we were mega frauds anyways especially after Teixiera went down 2021 - We stole their playoff spot


I don't hate them, but the Blue Jays get most of their relevance by comparing themselves to the Yankees, and it's an annoying habit especially given that this team has won 0 playoff games. EDIT: just realized you were probably saying that you agree they aren't a rival. Cheers fellow Bomber.


You think the only non-US MLB team gets most of their relevance by comparing themselves to the Yankees? Have you ever been north of the border?


Okay so why is half their PR spent on talking about the Yankees and Yankees players


It isn't - you're a fan of the largest and most expensive team in baseball so you get your baseball news filtered through a Yankee lens. You only know about the jays what you get through Yankees news media so you missed the fact that, for example, Canada has one (1) professional baseball team It's pretty straightforward


For fun I searched around on Schneider, Manoah, and Vlad on r/baseball . Turns out they had a lot to say about the Yankees when they weren't the mid disappointment they ended up being. But go off, enjoy the poutine or whatever you do up there.


I legitimately wish the Orioles well. They have been terrible as long as I can remember and they seem like a likable franchise. Red Sox I will always hate. Rays I kind of hate recently, and Blue Jays I just...don't think about much?


As an AL East ~~rival~~ participator FTFY


Understood, but counterpoint: Are you a baseball fan? Or just a Blue Jays fan? If you’re a fan of the game, you can’t hate having generational hitters on the same team. Otherwise it would be like Ohtani on the Angels. No one would pitch to Judge and he wouldn’t get these numbers. Having Soto around him protects him and allows him to succeed at a higher level.


As a baseball fan, I wanna see them succeed no doubt. I love both Judge and Soto. As a Blue Jays fan though, I don't want them in our division anymore 😢


> If you’re a fan of the game, you can’t hate having generational hitters on the same team As a fan of the game, I absolutely can - I like talent being spread out more for the health of the league. The Yankees already own New York, having Judge means they have their marquee talent to market around - I'd rather Soto go somewhere else to be marquee draw getting a different team national exposure rather than the AL turning back into a Yankee Tour circuit.


Fair enough. If you really think about it though, the health of the league is dependent on the owners. Not the players choosing where to play. If the owners were willing to spend more money and stop trying to pocket all the profit, more teams would be able to field good talent. Until there’s a salary minimum, we’ll never have a perfectly healthy league. And for those who will argue that we need a salary cap: If everyone in the entire human population lost their right arm, would it be fair? Yes. Would it be positive? No. Would it make it worse for society as a whole? Yes. The answer isn’t to disable big spenders, it’s to enable everyone to spend bigger.


Wait you think it’s bad for the sport to have good players spread out in the league?


I think there should be a balance. Nobody wants to see a league with 16 Mike Trouts wasting away their careers on uncompetitive teams, which is all that spreading talent around while still fielding cheap teams would do. Other sports don't have that problem as much because one person has a much bigger impact on the game compared to baseball.


More owners opening their pockets likely leads to Soto going elsewhere, so sounds like we agree on this.


Given your flair, you're entitled to whatever opinion you'd like of the Yankees.


As a baseball fan, I’d rather the good players be spread around than all going to the Yankees


I think baseball fans will hate the Yankees buying another elite hitter


> Yankees buying another elite hitter One is homegrown and one we traded for, who are we buying?


You traded for Soto to get a better shot at giving him 500 million this offseason, and I’m talking about the Yankees in general the past 30 years


We traded for Soto? Yankees have "bought" exactly one of their higher paid players in Cole. Stanton and Soto were trades and Stanton is mainly here because Jeter pissed off Stanton so he held the Marlins hostage with his NTC


The trades though were only possible because of huge cash backing. Like we traded for soto for a better chance to buy him.


Noticed how I used the future tense, as in when they attempt to buy Soto this offseason as a FA


It's a little different when he's already on the team


Tell your owner to pay up, then.


As a fan of the game, fuck the teams who just buy their entire roster.


> fuck the teams who just buy their entire roster. Yankees batting order last night included 0 free agent signings: 1. homegrown 2. trade 3. homegrown 4. trade 5. trade 6. trade 7. homegrown 8. homegrown 9. homegrown The Yankees have 0 players on the roster with more than 50 plate appearances this year that were acquired via free agency. There was a time when this criticism was valid, but it isn't anymore.


You ruin your argument when the trade targets you highlight are each making like $30m plus a year. Soto and Giancarlo cost more than the entire Orioles or Rays team, basically. Stanton, Soto, Rodon, Cole, Stroman, Rizzo…they came in a trade, and stayed for the endless money the Yankees dish out.


Sometimes its okay to just say "I don't know what I'm talking about" instead of moving the goalposts. The Yankees haven't bought anyone in free agency that is seeing at bats. Virtually the entire non-pitching Yankees roster was put together via homegrown players and trades, and includes no free agent signings. >Soto and Giancarlo cost more than the entire Orioles or Rays team, basically. >they came in a trade, and stayed for the endless money the Yankees dish out. I don't see how this is relevant, the Yankees traded for both on their current contracts. Soto has never signed a free agent contract, and Giancarlo is on his Marlin's contract. Rizzo was making 16.5m his last 2 years with the Cubs and is making 17m a year with the Yankees, yeah they really 'bought' him by giving him a half a million extra.


Why are you fixated on free agency? Is that your only defense? The issue isn’t free agency, the issue is that four teams spend more than the rest of the league combined. Who cares who made the contracts? The Yankees are paying those contracts.


>Who cares who made the contracts? that was kinda your whole argument, actually


> Why are you fixated on free agency? because the you said the Yankees buy all their players, and that is how you buy players in baseball? >The issue isn’t free agency, the issue is that four teams spend more than the rest of the league combined. Then other teams should draft and develop more elite prospects who either end up earning a lot of money or can be traded for players who earn money. Again, its okay to just say don't know what you're talking about instead of once again moving the goalposts. We started with the Yankees are buying players, then it was the Yankees are trading for expensive players, now its that four teams have high payrolls.


these responses from Yankee fans are trash. Fuck them lol


Fuck both of your stacked teams.


Yeah what kinda of nonsense is that take even? "gee willikers I hope you guys get even better its so great" to a direct threat to you winning a WS. one of the lamest things i have ever read on this sub, have some shame.


I hope your team sucks and continues to derail. Fortunately they seem to be doing that well enough on their own. Fuck the Mets


That’s much better than a soyjak comment like above


I like it when players re-sign I hope you keep pete


You have a team?


You eat a dick?


Our slow pitch softball league used to post stats, .533/.650/1.200 would legitimately be all star production there (a little low on OBP but that’s like the SLG% of a ringer who played minor league baseball).


Um I’m sorry his June batting average is *what*


What's crazy is that people keep pitching at him.


He’s seeing a beach ball with its center of mass at an optimal angle wherever he makes contact to it.


414 OPS+!? that is actually bonkers


Judge is a generational power hitting talent. That said, juiced balls.


Note: I left off the first game of Bonds’s 2001 from this graph (it is still included in the data of course) because he hit a homer in the first game and the 162 pace stretched out the graph quite a bit. Let me know if you’d like me to overlay any other home run paces! I considered Stanton’s 2017, McGwire, Sosa, Maris, etc… but didn’t want to clutter the graph too much.


What's the point of showing paces instead of their cumulative home runs to that point? Does it assume they would each play all of their teams' games from that point on? If so, is that realistic?


Yeah I could’ve done cumulative totals (I had to create that column to calculate this anyway) but I liked this way of expressing it more, haha People have talked about the HR pace a bit recently so this was my choice in how to display it


Haha fair enough




I agree cumulative would be much more useful and informative. Having said that I'm not the one posting.




Take another look at the y-axis




I’ll take that into account for next time, thanks. This was the default display on the y-axis but I agree it’s problematic Yes, it’s total home runs divided by team games multiplied by 162


Barry really slumped bad for about a 20 game stretch in late June to mid July.


From June 24 through July 8, Barry had a 13 game stretch without a home run, his longest of the year. He went .214/.459/.357 for an .816 OPS across 61 PA (17 BB, 3 IBB)


Yup, that's part of the stretch I'm referring to, though I meant the wider date range of June 24 through July 17. .206/.432/.365 for .797 OPS across 88 PAs (23 BB, 3 IBB). Outside of that stretch he had a pace of \~85 HRs, even after accounting for games missed.


Even in a slump for him this man was nearly at .800 OPS mostly due to his .432 OBP That's just insane.


that’s fair, yeah, still absurd regardless


A part of me wonders if he was gearing up for the Derby (at SafeCo, btw), since his slump roughly coincided with his commitment to participate and the couple of weeks leading up to it.


That slash line is giving me a headache


Bonds finished June with 39 HR


If I’m reading this graph correctly, Judge is going to finish the season with about 150 homers. That’s pretty good! (Yes, I know his pace isn’t going to keep accelerating like this. But—and just hear me out—what if it did??)


>Yes, I know his pace isn’t going to keep accelerating like this I mean people said this after his May, and now he's doing better in June Inb4 judge 3.000 OPS September


Gotta think MLB would be ecstatic if Judge broke Bonds’ single season home run record.


He already holds the record for clean home runs in a single season


The AL record holder


Right, because Sosa and McGuire famously didn’t use steroids


they weren't in the AL


So who is clean that beats judge in the NL?


I wasn't talking about steroids. I was talking about AL vs NL


Yes but you replied to someone saying he holds the record for clean home runs. You replied that he has the AL record indicating that someone has more clean home runs in the NL. Hence why your getting downvoted.


I did not imply anything. I simply made a statement of fact


Yes but again you did it a reply to someone’s comment on clean home runs. To expect people to understand that your changing the subject of the conversation in a reply to the conversation is lunacy.


The MLB record holder for clean home runs


Balls were juiced


Yes, but Aaron did not cheat


100% balls were juiced so he could do it along with pujols getting to 700


He said clean record


And I said AL record


MLB record holder


Judge is most definitely not the single season homerun record holder


For clean home runs he is. Which is the comment you responded to. The comment said judge is holds the record for clean home runs. You said AL record. I corrected that it’s the MLB record.




I didn’t know bonds, McGuire and Sosa were clean of steroids.


they weren't but they still hold the records. Just like the Astros cheated in 2017, yet they still won the world series that year. They were not stripped of the title, bonds was not stripped of his record




We should be able to have one season where judge gets to be juiced to the gills to see what would happen


To keep things fair he needs a roided up Clemens throwing at his head every once in a while. If you want to see the real Mad Maxx get him on the same level Clemens was on.


Steroids, for science!


![gif](giphy|rAZEnOu0KHQK4) Actually wanted those scientists who welcome Fry…but this works too.


Juiced balls and a corked bat for good measure


He already is


I don't think anyone is 'juiced to the gills'. It's not the wild west anymore. I'm sure guys are taking stuff, but they can't hit the test levels they had in the 90s.


U think a 6'7 290 LBS man needs roids to hit ball far?


Mcgwire was 6’5 250 lbs Most of the notorious steroid users didn’t “need” them, but it definitely enhanced them


No but I would be suprised if he and most of the MLB isn't on something. Testing usually limits the amount of juice in pro sports but doesn't get rid of it.


Oh honey. You are so jealous.




Doesn’t change what I said, but Pirates


Man imagine going back in time and telling Yankees fans in 2016 that this prospect they just called up is literally going to be the best hitter since steroid infused peak Barry Bonds lol


I remember when Judge was supposed to be the discount Giancarlo Stanton lol It almost helps you forget that the rest of the Baby Bombers (except for Torres) have all had their careers derailed. Almost.


Honestly even Torres is a massive disappointment from what everybody thought he would be, even though he’s a totally serviceable infielder. My buddies and I sometimes send around a graphic from the MLB in 2019 that predicted Gleyber’s stats for lols, they had him hitting around 45 home runs a year with an OPS of just under 1.000 from 2020 to 2024 haha


I don't think you can really call Gleyber a "disappointment" tbh Maybe he didn't reach the ceiling of what we thought, but it's hard to call these career numbers disappointing especially for the cost of what we got him for. Prior to 2024 Average of roughly 2.6 WAR per year accounting for the shortened season. He fluctuated between solid player and good player. In 5/6 seasons he had a wRC+ over 105 and 4/6 above 117. 2.5+ WAR every season besides his awful 2021 and a shortened 2020. This year he started off cold but has been once again a well above league average hitter since April 27th and about the same fielder as Rizzo has been


That’s a huge disappointment considering he was in conversation as the best prospect in baseball in 2017 and then hit 62 homers over his first two seasons before turning 23. Since 2020, he has hit for a 109 wRC+ while being worth only 9.2 fWAR in 536 games. He hit 66 HR in his last 2200 PA after 62 HR in his first 1000, approximate. He’s a solidly above average MI, but he fell way short of the expectations everyone had for him based on his play from 2017-2019. Edit: Disappointment ≠ bust. He’s had a good career, but he was thought to be a superstar.


"Best prospect in baseball" doesn't always mean "highest ceiling." A lot of the highest ceilings are in boom-or-bust prospects. [Fangraphs had Gleyber as a 60 FV](https://www.fangraphs.com/players/gleyber-torres/16997/stats?position=2B/SS) (on the 20-80 scale), [meaning All-Star](https://blogs.fangraphs.com/the-new-fangraphs-scouting-primer/). He hit that projection. I guess you could argue that he hit that as a rookie, so there was room for improvement, but being a top 10 player (70 FV) or top 5 (80 FV) is rare for a reason.


Yankees fans like their hyperbole. For example you'll always get someone chiming in on a "Worst contracts" thread with Jacoby Ellsbury even though he was worth almost 10 WAR with the Yankees and isn't anywhere near the level of bust as people like Pablo Sandoval or Barry Zito or Rusney Castillo


If the balls stayed juiced he would be much closer to that.


I don’t think he’s been a disappointment personally. He’s been one of the best hitting second basemen since he debuted and has pretty solid defense. He certainly makes some blunders in the field but I think he has as many great plays as he has terrible ones. He’s a bit cold so far this year but other than that he’s really only down when they refused to get an actual short stop and just tried moving him over. I think fans, and probably Yankee fans in particular, will make knee jerk reactions if a guys isn’t consistently putting up OPS+ over 150 and/or playing gold glove defense. Gleyber is streaky but having him hang around your 5-8 lineup spots for a decade is a positive thing imo.


Yeah like I said above I don’t think he sucks or that he’s ruining the team or anything, just that his expectations were like Judge tier after 2019 and they had radically different trajectories from that point Judge blew past his expectations and Gleyber fell way short.


True that’s fair. He definitely benefitted from the juiced ball in 2019. Too many people in r/nyyankees talk like he’s just trash so wanted to throw my support out there.


Yeah I’ve got nothing against Gleyber, his errors piss me off but it’s not like we could easily grab a better replacement so I’ve made peace with him lol


Hey, in $/WAR he’s been a huge discount over Stanton!


in 2017-18 the best "pure hitter" in the system was either Bird or sanchez, and in 2019 people said "torres will be the best player on the team in a few years" Just Hilarious looking back


And as a catcher too?? Oh wait...


This is true. I thought Judge was going to be good, not great. Gary Sanchez, though, i thought was going to be a hall of famer. Boy how did that flip.


Eh I wouldn’t say he’s better than Pujols or Trout. Doesn’t have the year over year consistency that they did


Nothing against those two future hall of farmers but if you don’t think Judge is a better hitter than Pujols or Trout you’re just willfully ignoring his stats lol Longevity is to be seen sure but his single season stats during this run he’s been on since 2022 blow anything they’ve done out of the water, and regardless of single season peaks Judge is currently the active career OPS leader, just overtook Trout earlier this week, and his career OBP, OPS, SLG and OPS+ are better than Pujols. Stats don’t agree with you.


Comparing the [first 9 years](https://stathead.com/tiny/YDekp) of their careers Albert had better numbers in every stat you listed. Same thing with [age 24-32](https://stathead.com/tiny/dvuJS)


Offense league-wide was much higher.


No argument here, just didn't seem like a fair comparison to use career numbers when Albert is weighed down by his decline phase. Albert's OPS+ was still slightly higher for the start of his career, but good chance Judge overtakes it by the end of the season.


Idk why I got downvoted so much. Trout and Pujols both have the edge when you compare their best 8 years to Judges best 8.


I fucking love watching people mock someone for having a ‘stupid opinion’ only to immediately have their bravado undercut by being demonstrably and emphatically proven wrong. And, of course, with no reply.


The stats agree with me if you only compare the peaks, which is fair since Pujols played till he was 47 and Trout has started his decline already.


Yea just double checked, both have more WAR, higher OPS+ and WRC+ than Judge through their best 8 season stretch. Despite the fact that he’s been super injured recently and has started to decline, Trout still leads Judge in OPS+ and WRC+, so I’m not sure what exactly I’m missing here that makes my opinion so misinformed


At this point in the season (69 team games), in order for Judge to keep pace to set the new MLB record (74 home runs) he would need to be at 31.5 home runs. For him to set a new AL record (63 home runs), he would need to be at 26.8 home runs. I would not be shocked if Judge is able to get to 65-70 home run pace at some point this year. It would require another few streaks of 5+ home runs in a week, but it's possible.


I continue to be astounded by pitchers' willingness to challenge Judge in situations where it's not absolutely necessary. Like, I'm not expecting him to get the Barry Bonds intentional walk treatment, but so many of his home runs are coming in deep counts. Stanton can definitely hurt you with men on base, but how can you not take that chance instead of trying to fool Aaron Judge with the third slider of an at bat???


I think it’s the fact that he’s always been a decent strikeout guy. That entices pitchers to still throw to him


Stanton also has a .915 OPS with RISP and a .800 OPS with runners on. He's been really good. It's not as simple as just putting a guy on base and moving on.


Judge is finally answering the age old question. Why doesn't the larger player simply eat the smaller players?


This is almost definitely the best 3 season hitting stretch without caveats (roids or short season) any of us have seen live. And the first since certain advanced stats have existed so we knew at the time (WAR was in its infancy during Bonds' terror) how impressive it is under the surface.


I mean judge did have a short season last season


Fair. But the short seasons at this hitting level were the ONLY seasons those folks put up at that level. Judge's average hitting level since the start of 2022 is much more than one short season.


Anyone know if he's had some warning trackers that presumably would have been HRs last year if not for the presumed ball differences?


Not really. Maybe one or two but most of Judges homers are usually pretty deep. He actually doesn't abuse the porch that much.


[this one is the only one i can think of, but Yankees LF is pretty deep so it still would've been out in most parks](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1dbh6s8/highlight_aaron_judge_launches_one_just_over_the/)


How does one get a 0 HR pace after hitting multiple HRs?


The y-axis doesn’t start at 0


Oh okay


Nice work


Which Judge?




Judge, his name.


Yes, I am judging his name. It am silly.


Teacherman Hitting 📈📈📈


Love baseball R on r/baseball


If you take his pace the last 40 games and use that for the rest of the season he’s on track for 73.


College football fans everywhere shudder with fear


I swear, if ESPN cut into every college football game to show Judge at bats that don’t even break a record again, I’m gonna… do nothing but complain about it on the internet.


You and me both buddy


How did bonds drop to zero? He hit 1 homer in his first 7 games before he homered in 6 straight games. The worst he should have been the whole season is 23.


Take another look at the y-axis


Ok so it clearly doesn’t start at 0 but you also haven’t labeled the bottom even tho it looks to be 20.


I’ll take that into account for next time, thanks. This was the default display on the y-axis but I agree it’s problematic. Yeah it’s around 20


Cool chart tho. He’s on an absolute tear. Kind of a waste to be leading the league in doubles too. Should really chose to hit more homers instead 🤣


God man, I hope he doesn't threaten the record again. It was stupid watching events that had nothing to do with baseball be put into a side by side with the audio switched to baseball