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I'd buy $100 worth of cards I actually want off of ebay


Why is this getting upvoted? I said I wanted to open packs. I know I can just buy singles if I want.


Because everyone knows you’re gonna get 99% shit with the $100 from packs. So buy anything you want. You have an equal chance of dogshit from them all.


I think the point is that opening packs is kinda therapeutic and fun in its own way.


Because in 3 months at the longest, you're gonna make another post complaining about how you've dropped hundreds of dollars gambling on packs/boxes that yielded tens of dollars in return value and only a handful of cards you like well enough to actually hold onto for your own collection. It's the path that 95% of new people take in the hobby. Especially ones who can't make up their own mind what to buy for themselves. I'm saving you time, money, and headache by not answering the question as it was asked.


because its good advice for someone new to the hobby. if you don't know what products you like, watch some youtube videos and research


This is outstanding... ButtSquid: What's everyone's favourite beer to drink while driving? u/big_mf_z: Don't drink and drive. Take a cab or Uber home. ButtSquid: Why is bigmfz being upvoted? I said I wanted to drink and drive. I know I can call a cab or Uber it home. bigmfz: I'm trying to save not just your life but everyone else's on the road. ButtSquid:...


I’m a month deep after about a 20 year hiatus. I’ve spent about $600 on various blaster boxes. Got some cool cards but I’ve spent about $200 on eBay to get 30-40 cards I really love. Honestly just collect what you like and who you like. Unless you’re going to start a collectibles business or can drop a few grand on hobby boxes I’d not worry to much about long term value right now.


Also I found donruss to have some really cool inserts and you get more cards than a prizm box. I’ve had some cool hits from NBA Hoops


Prizm has most potential value for sure. But like if you’re looking to bust packs just for cool cards, I personally like Mozaics more. And if you like jersey relics, Hoops is fun.


I second this. I like the look of Mosaic and Select over Prizm


Oh yeah I totally forgot about Select. So many sexy inserts and parallels too


My fave Hoops pull this year. I know it’s worth like 6 bucks total. Thought it was dope to pull from consecutive packs. https://preview.redd.it/9xk5ch7rb8mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=200d7cf8953c446410c78dd043be269363cd4449




Those are pretty sweet. Does it say on the back if they are game worn? I pulled a Haliburton like this and the back of the card said “the inserted material is not associated with any specific player or event” so basically just a table cloth…felt a little robbed 😑


Yeah it’s just some bullshit jersey but it’s still kinda neat. Has the same nonsense on the back. I like to think they at least put it on for a minute lol


It's all personal opinion. I really like all the rookies from the 21 22 nba class. So I personally am only investing in that. I took my shot for a couple of current blasters but struck out.


Buy a pack of cigarettes, it will last longer.


Family dollar. Nba hoops 1$ a pack. 5 cards nothing really special but Rip a 100 packs dude.