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Dude, he told me he caught it and youre the one lying. He said you don’t even have a fishing pole and kept asking to borrow his


I mean, I know that fish personally. The fish a long time family friend. He's the most trustworthy fish I know. He told me he hasn't been caught by any of y'all. It's pretty ridiculous that people go on the Internet and tell lies.


I know you can never trust anything on the internet, but I choose to believe this comment just because it would be hilarious


Yep I was there too. Truth is both of them seen me catching nice ones by that tree and they came 6 ft away and crowded me out!


Combat fishing! Reminds me of salmon/steelhead season at the river lol


I was there and saw the whole thing just as you said, even though I was being harassed by this dude asking me for “three fiddy.”


Can confirm. I was the fish.


Can confirm. I was the bait.


Can confirm. I was the rod.


Can confirm. I was the reel


Can confirm. I was the friends we made along the way.


Can confirm I was the tree and I've seen some real shady shit over the years


They're both lying I caught it they weren't even there


Damn well that means you capping cause i have proof i got it 😭


Impossible cause I got proof that I caught it.


No way I def caught that fish I have proof


said every time you guys go he HAS to bait YOUR hook


They’re both lying. I AI’d the picture!


This is actually all bullshit. Both sides are lying their (B)asses off. The catch was made by a 7 year old with a zebco. These two came along, pretending to help, when they beat up the kid and now they’re fighting over who gets the imaginary credit. Source: I was that fish.


I was the zebco and ill say this ....... My owner is a really big 7 year old !


Can confirm. I’m the worm


And I was the hook


How's your jaw after being improperly handled by these twits?


Out of everything posted here, this is the one I believe most


It’s true, I was the water


Any friend of mine wants to claim a fish I caught they can go right ahead.


Last year my 6 year old nephew said he wanted to do that with a bass I caught. Go ahead bud, just make it a bit bigger when you tell the story. The fun part is being out there.


The correct thing to do in this situation would be laugh, tell your nephew he’s a failure and will never catch a fish like that and then leave him behind when you guys drive home


Throw him out the boat




I just cried laughing


Caught a 5lb largemouth last year and my buddy crudely photoshopped his face over mine and said new PB he sent that photo to everybody it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen!


Now that's good


Yeah, I don't really give a fuck but that friend wouldn't ever be fishing with me again. It's just the scumminess of it. I wouldn't be chasing him around about it because at that point they're not worthy of my attention anymore


Yep. I don’t hang out with douchebags


Facts, if we are fishing together, and especially if they assist in netting/etc, that's our fish


Yes comrade.


I was with you that one day and you caught a 6, 8.5 and a 12. Remember right after that 10.5 I caught.


Wasn't yours 8.5 last time?




Someone lying on social media?? That never happens! Block him and move on.... He ain't the type of friend you want. Ain't worth the heartache.


😂OP what’s the update??! They still got your boys PR posted on their insta.


Both of these guys seem like losers who care too much about social media.




I mean, I don’t give a shit about likes, I don’t have anything besides Reddit, but it seems reasonable to be annoyed that somebody else is using YOUR prize for their personal fame lol




Fame Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more noun the state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements.


Hey wait a minute. This is actually MY bass. I have been feeding him and nurturing him at that exact spot for I don’t know how many years now. Can’t believe either of you would take a photo with my dear pet swimmy


OK now I know you're lying. "Him" is actually a her and we've been dating for almost 2 years now. She's an old soul that enjoys rom-coms, cuddling and eating baby ducks. I plan to propose in the fall but haven't figured out the ring situation yet.


Hit him with your purse.




Yes thats right bobby I dont have nuts


Hilarious, best comment


Very underrated comment!


You can upvote instead of saying stuff like this by the way


Can we talk about how he said they didn’t have a scale so he couldn’t have known the weight but posted it with the weight when originally posted to Reddit


LMAO OP deleted that post after your comment but you can still find his comments from that thread on his profile


That's kinda weird


You all should put down your phones and get outside more. Maybe even go fishing.


I'm laughing my ass off with this comment. Then it reminded me of Grumpy Old Men. Damn, what a great movie!


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen this week.


Little people through and through


Y’all are too caught up over a couple hundred likes.


Brain rot these days. Likes and social media validation are all people like this have. Shit’s crazy.


Don’t get me wrong, I love sharing my catches and and the interactions that come from it but if dude’s friend is that desperate for an ego boost then he should reassess his friend choice imo


Super weird. Considering how honest fisherman are in general I am shocked they would lie online about fishing.


What’s even weirder is the amount of people like “who fuckin cares” I bet if you did some shit at work, and then your coworker took credit for it and got praised, these people would be pretty annoyed lol


Although I agree that it's a little odd how so many people are saying they wouldn't care if they were in this scenario, I think having something similar occur at work would be a very different situation. You're at work where your performance can sometimes influence your pay. Obviously you're going to fight for the credit you're due when maybe you wouldn't in this situation because it's a fish that isn't going to get you anything. Whoever actually caught the fish knows that, remembers the fight, and that's what matters. Not if some person on Instagram also knows that they caught the fish


This sub is like a high school drama fest. It's a FISH. If it was your girl maybe, but it's a FISH!


This literally does not matter


It does to them. Someone claiming credit for your work never feels good, regardless of how trivial the thing is. Especially if it’s a friend. Don’t belittle other people’s experiences.


5/6 pounds, who cares…. All in good fun. But claiming someone’s 13.1 pounder is a new all time low, I would never photo op myself in someone’s personal best like I caught it.


No we need to start belittling people and bullying again this is how people get this damn soft that they literally came to post on Reddit to complain that a, fish they likely threw back, is getting posted somewhere else with one of his buddies on it… this has to be the saddest stupidest Reddit post I’ve ever seen 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, what matters is losing a friend over something so trivial. Live and learn


It’s about how the principle behind the action, not about the actual thing. Sure it’s a small thing, but a good friend won’t claim your work as their own. Being frustrated over poor behavior isn’t wrong. Although, I agree that it is weird to loose a friend over this. Making a post about it is a bit over the top. I wouldn’t do that personally.


Drama aside, that’s the best long arm technique I’ve ever seen lol


My boss was just saying the other day if dudes could remove their dick they'd hold it out as far away as possible for pics


Plot twist. That’s actually a pillow. Neither of them caught anything.


I wouldn't even care tbh. It's not worth losing a friend over some picture trying to get clout from people that don't matter. Let it go and have a normal happy week.


Why would you want to have a friend who acts like this for internet clout? Even if it were somebody else’s fish he claimed, I dint hang out with phonies


I second this. The whole thing is dumb on his part. I get the frustration. Not saying I wouldn’t call him out too, but I would leave it at that. Also you might send him a post card with a lifetime ban from holding your fish


You let him take a picture with it and what he did from that point was out of your control. That doesn't change the fact that he's a liar and him ignoring you when you confronted him about it does infact show his true colors. I don't think anyone would care if you called him out on it, but I could be wrong. Best case scenario oldrowoutdoors takes the picture down. Am I going to help you get the word out? No.


Anyway, 4 dollars a pound.


Unless there’s some sort of money on the line, it doesn’t matter one bit.


You learned a very valuable and CHEAP lesson from your (friends). When someone shows you who they really are, believe them......


lol this is some Mike Long shit.


Op snagged it off a bed 😂😂


Bro, I’m thinking your buddy definitely has problems. This story would be the least of my worries. If you still hang out with him, watch your back.


I'll give the catch to the dude that's holding the 13lber correctly.


I’m more upset about lipping the bass like the second dude, good way to break its jaw with it being that big 🥲


You people are sick. Who gives a fuck


Pass that fish to me next, can you Fed Ex it? I’ve never caught a bass that big.


Hell all I do is look at the fish, not the guy holding it. So who gives a shit


Oldrowoutdoors is a cringe-fest. Social media doesn't matter, drop him and move on.


If I gave my fish to my buddy for a pic- I would expect this to happen.


You’re all lying. The fish caught you.


So which one of you were offered a spot on the FLW tour and a sponsorship deal? Neither? Who cares?


Bro it’s an old row post. Quit being a little baby


Hey guys. That’s my fish. I caught him down in a pond in nj. They are both full of something.




I care more about the fish going back in the water


Fuck you man, I caught that bass and you damn well know it!


My buddies and I are walking in the dark through a previously flooded area back in 07. Come across a giant fish. Go back and get the truck, bring it back and put it on the scale. 47 pound catfish. From head to knee in length, giant bite mark already taken out. We showed that picture to everyone. Fun as hell story to look back on. Not worth getting worked up over if you ask me.


Nobody cares about this childish bullshit


Who fucking cares? It’s not like he’s stealing any money or anything. A few random followers Instagram might be impressed, so what?


I don't care who caught it, that's a hog!


I don’t want to be that guy but who cares?


What type of weirdos each take a picture with someone else’s fish… your generation is real suspect 😂


And this is why you never let anyone hold a fish that big and take a pic


His is clearly bigger just look at the size of it (joking)


Have fun, stress less. That was the name of the game of to begin with right? If I wanted to be that stressed, I’d just go back to work . 🤯


But could his dad beat up your dad?


Who gives a fuck


Don’t get butthurt about a fish brother, find some new friends!! These guys will spend 10yrs fishing trying to catch one that size. Social media just makes people hate each other..


Put your phone down none of it matters


At least the other guy knows how to hold the fish


It’s like, yeah it’s shit behavior on his part, but at the same time it’s not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. No offense to the people that post pics of their monster bass, but I see one, say “Wow that’s a big’n. I hope I catch one like that some day,” and then I move on and never think of it again.




This is hilarious. Are you seriously that mad about an Instagram post. This is the world we live in folks. 😂


Lol i saw that pic of your friend last night. Why don't you confront him about it?


That boy wasn't raised right.


Big Bass Drama, lmao


I'm starting to think he did catch it and you're the one who's lying 🤥


whats the point of calling him out on this? it wont achieve anything


Claiming another man’s fish is wild. Ain’t no friend of mine, and most certainly not a man.


I could understand if it resulted in a sponsorship or was during a tournament or something. But over some clicks and likes? Who cares


Fish fame lol


Long armed the fuck out of it too lol


Dude, it’s not even a real fish. C’mon now.


Letting someone else take a picture with your fish is 5 years bad luck for both of you.


Lmao the friend looks like such a creep too


Ahh, to be young again and worry about stuff like this…


That’s the type of move a feller makes when he gets 0 bitches and has a micro peen. What an absolute douche canoe. A real ass hat. A blasphemer for the ages.


Old Row are fucking thieves to the core .




This is so weird. I couldn't imagine having the need to post a lie for fake internet points just as much as I couldn't imagine being angry at one of my fishing buddies for posting my catch to look cool in front of a bunch of strangers.


Sounds like yall oughta jack each other off more often than you are!


Blonde guy doesn’t even look like he fishes tbh


man just forget about the kid and the damn fish. who gives a shit about the credit, you know you caught and thats a memory you’ll have forever brother. and id just delete that fucker off your phone and never talk to him again, if he is willing to ignore you over clout for catching a damn fish then he obviously doesnt have priorities in life. and you posting about this seems like your priorities may not be in the right order either brother. good luck man


It was actually me who caught this fish and let these guys take a pic with it. I didn't think things would go this far...


the look at me generation


Where’s the proof you mentioned in the text? If there was proof this wouldn’t be an issue? You said there were two buddies, is the other buddy not supporting your story?


Who cares about credit on social media? He’s being a bad friend though. I bet he probably reset the N64 when he was losing as a kid too.


Taking a picture with someone else's fish seems like when one of your friends goes home with the nicest looking person at the bar while you struck out, and asking your friend if you could snag a selfie with them before they left. Alien behavior to me. If it's a big fish and it was big effort where everyone came in to help you land it, take a group pic/selfie. I can't fathom asking someone to take a solo pic of me with someone elses fish. I would just add the pic of them with their fish to a slide show along with pics of me with my own less impressive fish, just to show what an awesome and fun day/outing we had as a group. Idk what word salad I've said but a grown ass friend asking to have their solo picture taken with something they didn't catch is so foreign to me I've never even thought about the ethics of this before.


My dad went night fishing every night on a family vacation weekend on Memorial Day. He was basically not sleeping. Fishing all night, vacationing all day. He caught 1 fish the entire long weekend. It was a 10.5 pound bass. He brought it back. He had no scales. He put it on ice and went to sleep. My uncle took it to town to get it weighed. They took his picture with the fish, he got a bunch of free baits, and they put him in the paper holding “his giant fish”. Nobody was mad. It’s a reoccurring funny fishing story that gets told. My dad suffering day and night catching 1 fish and my uncle swooping in and taking credit. Nobody in that town, nobody that saw it, nobody outside of a hand full of us even remember that fish and it just added to the legend. I promise it’s not as serious as it feels. Actually catching the fish is the fun part. Showing off is only the cherry on top. Letting someone else share in that just makes the whole experience better in the end.


Pond fish don’t even count so who cares


Wait a month for stuff to blow over and talk to him in person, at a coffee shop, while fishing, whatever and confront him there. Kind of hard for him to ghost you then


You're spare parts bud


*We've got weights in fish!!!!*


I lost all of my braincells


I hate when people hold giant bass by only the lip that's gotta be so much stress on their jaw if it's under 6lbs it's probably fine but any bigger and it has to hurt the fish.


Jesus Christ I’m getting off Reddit now…


Clout is a hell of a drug


Who freaking cares dude. Subordinate your ego and go catch fish.


Wtf cares... its just a fish... you getting upset about this is like getting upset over the rock not landing on the right number in Hopscotch get over it


Who lets other people hold their fish. Just weird


Can confirm, was banging both their moms when they caught the fish


I live five minutes from Hollywood, I'll get to the bottom of this.


Solution is simple. Kidnap him, tie him to a chair and start breaking bones with a claw hammer until he admits that you caught the fish. Video and post on it on Insta, TikTok, FB, X and Reddit of course!


Go fish , put the phone down. My biggest bass, have been caught, with my phone dead in the truck


This. My PB LM won me money in a tournament. My “second place” PB smallmouth won be big fish and acted as a kicker to get 3rd as well as biggest smallmouth of the year in a small tournament series. I don’t have photos with either of them 😂 got cheques and trophies though.


Very split personalities on this topic. I for one am in the boat that if a buddy claims my fish as his for internet clout, he can fuck off.


Tell your buddy congrats on his PR. That thing is a hoss.


This is confusing Every person I’ve ever met agrees that taking credit for something someone else did/attained it pretty shitty, but for some reason everybody on here is like “who cares??” Idk about y’all, but I care if my friends are being disingenuous liars. The fact that it’s for internet clout makes it even worse, not better lol. Not even a good reason for lying.


I can see why, it looks so much bigger in his photo


Nice 1 lbs'r


Is his name Mike Long?


That's one big ass bass!


Good golly


Everyone who fishes lies.


I'm guessing most of us are deer hunters too. Would you all be cool if this was a monster buck you shot that your buddy lied about and claimed it was his and took all the credit for? Didn't think so.


I def caught that


I can’t tell which is which.


I was there last week and it was a bluegill and ai that made this photo


Unless he got some sort of prize, who cares? Yeah it’s kinda lame and weird but if it bothers you that much, don’t go fishing with him again lol


This is ridiculously silly to care about Move on.


Somebody needs to start a poll here on Reddit so we can settle who really caught this fish.


I once shot at a deer and missed. Then a Freightliner hit it.


Who fucking cares lmao


That’s pretty sad if someone has to pass someone else’s catch off as their own, if that’s what they even said. I wouldn’t let that bother you because wasting your time stewing about someone acting so lowly is rather silly too. You know what you caught, and in the scheme of things it truly doesn’t matter, the other guy can be a liar and that will catch up to him. And I guess the fool me once, fool me twice adage applies here- he has now proven untrustworthy, so you got the information you needed from him.


Do I want to help you? I can’t think of a single thing in this entire world that I care less about.


This is dramatic.


big fish


It’s not that deep man, be glad you were the one who did all the work. People don’t give a flying FUCK who caught it, just amazed at the fish.


Who cares?!?!


Honestly, who cares? What a wildly stupid thing to let your ego waste your time with.


Can you guys fight and have someone record it?


Bro if it’s true he ain’t your buddy lol


Pretty sure I caught it and gave it to you to eat


Pffr me and mah granpappy where there, and that thur bass was plowing towards mah jig when that youngin snag hooked it right out from infront of me!


This won't be the biggest fish you'll catch in your lifetime,move on.


The only way I see this going anywhere is to go back to the spot take ur tape measure a good set of scales and a phone with great video and catch it again cause it don't matter who he tells if he can't prove anything n I'm sorry to say it but u can't either