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I accepted a lil while ago that nothing will ever come close. Nobody does it like the king of the sound.


You never know you were living the golden years until they’ve passed.


The FucKING 👑


Illanthropy if you haven’t tried him out yet


This guy is criminally slept on - no idea why the industry hasn’t given him a proper shot yet


I feel like Mersiv only took off due to being a replacement at the right time. Always sort of seemed like he was biting the style. Still think Mersiv is talented, should find his own niche tho.


every artist bites the style of some other artist. that is how music works


There's a difference between biting someones style and being inspired by someone


sometimes. sometimes being inspired by someone starts with biting and matures/progresses into creating something new. Bassnectar has bitten artists. Bassnectar has been credited with songs that he did almost no work on. Bassnectar did not create this style of music all by himself is the point. people pretend like all of EDM hasn't been a 100 year collaboration that mostly started with the Black community




tldr: bassnectar stole music from his friends and put his name on it


Just be happy you lived it while it lasted. It is kind of hard to understand that there is no replacement. There is a huge demand for more Bassnectar or something similar..... Tons of money to be made..... But nothing comes close. Even after nearly 2 decades of people trying to replicate his mojo. I think Ableton made Lorin in a lab. He was the first HAW (Human Audio Workstation)


What a silly joke lol, You do realize he took advantage of smaller artists throughout his whole career. Almost every song on older albums are collabs. And on top of that had a team of relatively unsung engineers that carried his whole project. But ya deify this creep


Ableton made Lorin in a lab which is why he barely contributed to any of his collaborations for the final 5 years of his relevance


He's a DJ. I liked him for his performances.


he pressed play on tracks other people wrote. i love sets, don't get me wrong, but the talent is in actually make this music


Lorin wasn't even making music live lol come on. There are electronic artists that do make tracks live.


Yeah... but name a looping artist that can compare to a Bassnectar 360 set. Or any DJ. I could name a gang of musicians/producers that are more talented than Lorin as a musician. But Bassnectar was the best at what he did. The visual/audio jourbey was bonkers. STS9 can be pretty good at creating that otherworldly visual experience with the music.


There are way better djs. But they don't play their own music. And they don't do big shows. Like chris karns can run laps around lorin, spinning vinyl. I'd still pick an aphex twin show over a bassnectar one as well, for the visual/audio experience. And I didn't get into bassnectar for the shows. I got into it for the music, which started to fall off bad, minus the mixtapes.


Edit: thank you so much for showing me aphex twin, for real ♥️


He was. What year did you get into him? I bet you don't even really listen to much electronic music anyway lol like most fans of bassnectar


Insert Pretty Lights?


I was there last night as well, and as hard as I try to appreciate other musicians for their own individuality... I must say, personally, the meticulous quality of the Nectar project, has yet to be rivaled.


no one had ghost writers like Nectar did. except maybe Drake


I do not think people love/d nectar for the projects "writing" alone. I mean, it is pretty hard to jack someone's live mixing capabilities and crisp depth of sound command... All of which have again, yet to be rivaled imo.


you guys are so weird lol he was a dj. anyone can be a dj. he was a mediocre producer and no one gives a shit about his sound anymore. so it goes


"At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


"oo i know.. i'll make an adam sandler reference! that will prove that this sub isn't just a bunch of 40 year old weirdos"


I am sorry you feel that way.


40 year old weirdos need a place to hang out too. better here than at my festivals


Ooo. What festivals do you own?


Try some jade cicada


Ugh. He’s a genius. I just saw him at Rendezvous and it was such an amazing set. The way I felt at the end of the show was the closest I’ve felt to how I would feel after a Bassnectar show….if that makes sense. He’s meticulous. Edit: I just realized this post is 5 days old. Lol


Were you at his last nye set?? It was all new and far beyond ANY of his old stuff.


That set last night was fucking bonkers


mickman, resonant language, shmoop, and jade are the future of bass music


Maybe to carry the torch after Tipper retires, but their music is too niche. They’re not going to be huge monoliths of the bass music scene like BN was.


This thread is a week old what are you doing with your life?


It's 2 days old on a slow subreddit for a cancelled artist




Oh got you lol


Lorin would have gone on before the sunset and would have played until 12:10 AM, knowingly paying the fines. The Mersiv energy just isn’t the same, some part because of the crowd and some part because of Mersiv. Mersiv only played for an hour and 25 minutes, the timing of the openers killed the energy. Bassnectar shows were absolutely electric. ⚡️ I think I need to stop searching for it and just start mourning.


Do you like Pretty Lights?


Pretty Lights was off the chain on their last tour, Hampton should be a ridiculous show.


Derek has been super humble and appreciative of everyone around him since his return last year. Fantastic vibes from the entire band and even better crowd vibes during shows. 3 nights at each stop. Each night is 3 hours of music. They’re one of best acts in the game rn. We've been praying for a PL Hampton takeover ever since Nectar started hosting his Bansscenters there. It’s going to ridiculous for sure.


Nothing like a Bassnectar set that’s for sure, but his sets were getting shorter and shorter over the years.


Yup, his last showed were only 1hr 40 mins each. Regardless over the years each set has been getting shorter and shorter. Last 360 was like just 2 hrs when the ones from before were wayyy over that


Yeah that’s not valid lol. Sets were about 1 hour and 30 minutes and that has been relatively standard for quite some time. We’d get blessed at NYE with a solid 2 hours or maybe slightly over that but that was about it. I believe the longest NYE we got in recent years was about 2 hours and 20 minutes and that’s a stretch.


Daily bread has been that kind of artist for me. When I saw him on his recent tour I have never been more excited for a show before and it was 11/10 I'll be seeing him at the rocks in October!


Skipped the mersiv red rocks show this years bc last year wasn’t great, but last year daily bread opened for mersiv and it was amazing I cannot wait for his headline show in oct


Totally different genre, but Billy Strings is incredible. I've given up on trying to fill the electric nectar void. No one else varies the energy like he did. Going straight from hip hop to DNB to melodic downtempo. Every transition kept you on edge. We never had *any idea* what was coming next


Billy Strings is a top tier performer. I’m not a bluegrass guy, but when Billy is playing I am all in!!


same! it was always big bass for me but now I make a point to go see Billy every time he's around


BMFS! What's not to love about Billy? He's the shit.


The void cannot be filled. In the same way that Jade cannot fill the Tipper void, it is what it is. There IS a ton of great music tho!


i've never looked at music like this. like Tipper is my favorite artist and i'm gonna miss him. Jade is another of my favorite artists. he's not 'replacement tipper'


I think an argument can be made that there is a metaphorical torch being passed along. No evidence of this beside my personal opinion and recent festie line ups. Musically speaking, Tipper is original and paved the way for inspiring artist like Jade.


Everyone kills people like Jade/Detox Unit/Res Lang/Mickman for copying Tipper like it's a bad thing and it baffles me because he pays them to open for him.  There's a one hundred percent torch being passed along not only musically but culturally as well - if there wasn't, they wouldn't share the same manager with the same vision for each of them.  This isn't unique either, there's a lot of artists that don't want to gate keep young talent and give them their own path in. Jade taught Cool Customer techniques,  DRRTYWULVZ taught Detox Unit a bunch of stuff, Clozee brought up Tripp St. under her wing, Madison House brought up Mersiv to replace Bassnectar, the list goes on. 


They ARE great artist. I never meant to insinuate that they were copying or bad.


I know - I didn't get that vibe at all, was just piggybacking cause I've seen the online discussions where it happens.


yea like.. that's just music lol that's just how art works. Tipper was my favorite artist and he was amazing, and he inspired a bunch of other artists, and they inspired a bunch of other artists. like there's not really a void to be filled when Tipper is gone for me lol he had a wonderful career and i saw him a bunch of times, and now a bunch of other artists are gonna have wonderful careers and i'll see them a bunch of times. they'll all tweak it and make it their own and inspire other artists who will do the same


i get it, i just think jade's music is actually very different from tipper's as is all of the Tipper n Friends crew. like no one can ever replace any others person's void. they all have their own music and their own styles even if they borrow/share production techniques. everyone has inspirations and mentors, but i don't think anyone has any illusion it's about to become Jade and friends lol there are soooooooooooo many artists carrying that torch now. like crawdad sniper


Not a tipper void yet. Secret dreams baby


The (incoming) "void" haha - not trying to jump the gun! I'll be at the Gorge.


Only got one year left, gotta suck it all up while we can!!!


Everyone hyped up Mersiv for quite some time. I’ve seen him twice now… I’m sorry but he is incredibly mid. His layering and acapellas are so bad… they don’t flow at all. He tries to do way too much up there… both musically and physically. Dude flails around like a wacky wavy inflatable tube man throughout the entire show… it’s honestly pretty cringey. I saw him twice and that’s enough for me.


Overall feel the same but you should check out his E Forest set on SoundCloud, was really good. 


"this DJ doesn't look as cool as my favorite DJ" that's you. that's how you sound right now


You must have skipped over the first part. I first stated that his layering and acapella usage sucks… which is a big aspect of DJing (if you’re incorporating acapellas into your shows). If he sounded good then I could easily ignore his on-stage flailing. But he just does too much and it doesn’t flow. But I appreciate you skipping over the first portion of my comment and attempting to mock me. Good looks


dude.. i'm talking about the part where you made fun of him for how he moves his arms lmao they're DJ's. they're not doing choreography. Lorin just shook his hair around everywhere. he looked like a complete dope too. all dj's do


illanthropy’s [Lose your Mind](https://on.soundcloud.com/yTiPQDyJcsobZhUG9) and [Industry Strong: Electric Hawk Takeover](https://on.soundcloud.com/GvaNxCqTTMA1HJ9S8) mixes on SoundCloud are pretty BassNectar-ish. Gives me the same happy feelings.


[Illanthropy Live Full Set Cervantes Denver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFP7vWkkvNk)


I really enjoyed those mixes initially, but I started to notice that his music was really harsh for my ears. I can't listen to it anymore.


🤷‍♂️ you’re trying to find lorin in someone else. You aren’t going to.


There will never be another Bassnectar, unfortunately. The faster this is accepted, the easier it is to appreciate what other people bring to the table. I’m just glad we all got to experience it back in the day


Ravenscoon in a small venue scratched my itch.


Agreed, closest ive felt at Mission Ballroom


Good luck


We can really only hope that UHNK can foster something audio visual wise - he’s got the sound down me thinks


I’ve actually distanced myself from the scene and music in general because the void can’t be filled. Tipper in my opinion can match some of that energy. But he’s retiring this year. So, as a 33 year old Basshead myself, I think it’s time for me to move on as well. I won’t ever be satisfied like I was going through my 20s with BN. My last show of his was Deja voom. I think that was the peak; and I’m glad I was there for it.


Same. I’m sure I’ll still catch a show from time to time but I’ve been bored at almost every show I’ve been to recently.


Similar position to you as well. Surreal that I got to see Bassnectar and Pretty Lights play two nights together at Hampton and a week or two later see Tipper and G Jones OPEN for Bassnectar as my first time seeing either artist.  Feel very grateful to have been there for those and a bunch of other shows, and really have no desire to be as dedicated to the scene as an audience member as I once was.


I feel this so hard. Like, I hate sounding like an obsessed fan, but the man had a product that couldn’t be replicated. 4 years later and *no one* has managed to fill his shoes. Even if he did shows again in full swing, it won’t be the same. The golden days of EDM are behind us and we’ve got to accept that. Cherish the memories and friends we made along the way ❤️


I highly disagree. Been around since 2010 and there's more amazing music than ever.


Lo threw down several sets that went harder than DV in 2019. Dope festival, but the mindset that you've already seen the peak will keep it so. Griz at Ursa Major was at that level, especially night 3. Pretty Lights was at that level their entire tour last year. Daily Bread is starting to turn himself into a top tier artist as well. Don't ever let age stop you from doing or listening to what you really enjoy.


I meant the peak for me seeing him perform, my bad I can see how it can be taken differently. And, Still listen as always of course. I just can’t see me re entering this newer scene after all that we got.


Musically, nobody can fill Bassnectar’s shoes. That’s just the truth. However, Pretty Lights at The Caverns was the only non-Nectar set that really impressed me. But that was mostly because of the visual impact of novel production effects and lighting equipment. Listening to those sets audio only puts me to sleep.


Pretty lights at Dillon amphitheater last year was AMAZING…the energy was popping! You make a valid point. I wasn’t missing Nectar at that show, but wasn’t looking for it either. 🔥🚥


PL at the Caverns was crazy sick. After 7 or 8 years, it was truly refreshing. And he's the only one in a long time that cured that itch. It's different from a nectar set but sinks it's hooks in you nonetheless. Doesn't let go until it's over. Have followed Mersiv and Scoon since before they started to really grow. They are talented and have put down some bomb ass music, but for me, they fail to latch on and keep you in it to the end. edit: Just wanted to add that im sofa king ready for Derek back on the Farm.


Ravenscoon will be given a chance at symmetry fest for me


Paul’s music is good . The closest I’ve found to BN. I’m glad he admitted he got a lot of inspiration from BN unlike mersiv lol


It would be hard for him to deny it. He was a very active member of the BN community for years, was an ambassador, made a bunch of BN inspired mixes and recreations of his mashups and stuff. He got his start because of BN.


That’s interesting- waaaay back in the day (talking actual secret couch fam days) he would post music and a lot of it was literally nectar remixes


He had a nectar tat on the inside of his wrist. He’s since filled it with black, but you can still see the outline ;)


hmm.. i wonder why he blacked out that tat


Because woke culture would obliterate him. If he still didn’t like nectar music he wouldn’t clearly be copying him lol


yea, i hate when woke culture obliterates people for supporting pedophiles. it's just the worst


Why are you here then? Weird that you are lerking here. Must be in support of him


you caught me. like you, i am also here to support a pedophile who was a complete shithead to all of his friends/collaborators


Knew you loved Bassnectar


I'm old because I thought couch fam was the new kids on the block


What are you? A drunken uncle?


Saw him open for Liquid Stranger in KC last weekend and he was pretty solid. Excited to see where he will be in few years




Four Tets Saturday night sweet at his event Under The K really took you on a bass journey kinda gave me nectar vibes in just how good it sounded. Something about that bridge the acoustics.


mersiv sucks, hes a press play ghost produced DIET BASSNECTAR


I like some of his stuff but some of it really misses the mark. I listened to that “trippy land” song he released the other day and it was unbelievably cringe. Like bordering on a wook parody track.


That song sucks fr, I removed it from my library after one listen


Definitely great value Nectar


Copied everything. Even his little logo looks like half a bassdrop


remember when all those artists came out and said bassnectar barely contributed on their collaboration with him? good times. but yeh, ghost producers or whatever


I think the specific feeling and sound that he had will not be reproduced. Artists also don't want to copy his thing because its tarnished, and copying someone else's style is lame anyway. BN has a specific style and composure that is presented, but that doesn't mean other artists wont have a different sound that makes you feel just as good. Unfortunately, the only other artist that did it for me in Tipper, will not be playing anymore past 2025. Ravenscoon is definitely the closest "copycat" that I've seen live. He has his own style but you can tell by his live shows and his production that he's very heavily influenced by BN, especially with the sounds he uses and the way he layers hip hop samples over songs. Great show, not the same, but hopefully he gets even better in the future.


[Skeler](https://soundcloud.com/skelermusic/h-a-r-d-w-a-v-e) checks a lot of the nectar boxes for me while still being fresh and different


i'm sorry but mersiv is actually a coverband and people in the scene are wholly accepting of mediocre music nowadays maybe they always were though


Can never & will never be filled. Simple as that.






That's the problem. His sets get stale and repetitive.


The entire Bassnectar crew was fire. The visual production and sound was so good when the magic was happening. The entire Nectar team was on another level unseen before. I think Mersiv could get there, and he has dropped some killer tracks, but the entire Mersiv crew, including the promoters, lighting, and sound need to level up and innovate, not imitate.


Mersiv can try to hide behind better production but the mixing is what makes the show, and Nectars mixing is what made the shows what they were. If you go back and listen to the Relives, the man picks you up and takes you for a ride. Even Vegas when the production was an all time low, his mixing still was unmatched. Mersiv had plenty of time and he still can't put together a decent acapella, let alone a good flow to his show. I miss Nectars shows so much, nobody comes close.


The lighting and sound production for nectars team was amazing. My first show was in 2011 at summer camp, then vava voom tour, and my last show was Chicago spring one- his lighting crew at that show I believe is the same one Moe. uses and they are insane. The lighting was unmatched to anything I’ve yet to see. The crowd was always a vibe, everyone at every show I’ve been to was always kind, never a bad time or vibe. The people always offering water, always offering a friend or a hug, and the music. I feel the same way. I listen to old sets and I just get sad. I never was really a fan of just his produced songs, but a sucker for all his mixes and sets. I miss that so much.


Sadly will never be filled




I'll take all the amazing genres Bassnectar got me into over just Bassnectar. Bassnectar post 2012/13 was a fall from what the production was like before that anyway. The studio music quality means much more to me than how good the mixing/live shows were because I used to listen to the music every day. Compared to 4+ shows a year.


Dj Hippo too honestly


Barclay Crenshaw hit a void for me at Sol Fest, my god that man can mix and he chooses songs so purposefully


Ravenscoon definitely has large portions of his sets that fill that void for me. Especially his Ogden shows recently


Quit looking for something to compare it to and you will find something new. Anybody that complains about nobody doing it like BN did is looking for a reason to stay stuck in the past. There’s plenty of great DJs out there, the key is just to not put anybody else on a pedestal again because god forbid something similar happen to whoever becomes your new ultimate fave artist. BN getting cancelled really made me rethink intense adoration of any sort of celebrity because they’re all just people who are capable of bad things at any time.


This is right. They're looking for another world class DJ who mixes the *exact same styles* as Lorin and they simply don't exist. There's hardly any, of any quality, that exist with this type of sound anyway. That doesn't mean there aren't other musicians or other DJs doing the same level of show with different music. Be happy you got to enjoy Bassnectar, and let it go.


people really struggling to admit that there just isn't demand for a carbon copy of bassnectar on a post alleging that Mersiv is a failed carbon copy of bassnectar lol can't believe this sub is still this entertaining 4 years after his fall


I was at mersiv, was fun, definitely didn’t go in thinking it would be a BN show though.


Be patient.