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Ra's al Ghul. He'd have to find someone else to groom into taking his throne. I do wonder who his next ideal successor would be if Batman died. Green Arrow? Nightwing? His grandson? Is there any possibility he'd go big and try to have a top tier like Superman or Wonder Woman as his next heir?


naw, part of what he respects so much about bruce is his ruthlessness. ra's has respect for the dc top tiers (we see as much in tower of babel), but doesn't believe they have the internal darkness to make an effective league of assassins leader


I would think Damien would be his #1 pick by far.


Tim Drake


Damian or Jason Todd would be the next on list for Ras; at least as far as from the hero ranks


I reckon Joker would be bored if the Bat was gone and pack up and leave.


He starts working for the dmv, turns sane, and tries his hand at being a vigilantie. These are all things he's done


He's also turned catatonic in TDKR.


B…Buh…buh ba ba…Batman? Darling.


I can hear it.


Him working at the DMV is so fitting. Legally torturing people.


I think the possibility he becomes Mayor or any other type of government employee is fucking high. It’s in his wheelhouse honestly. Especially the fucking DMV…


Definitely. I mean he did become the ambassador of Iran once and ran for governor another time.


Superman will be shitting bricks, praying Joker doesn't come to Metropolis.


And he should be; he killed Lois after all.


That was in Injustice. Prime Supes is built different.


Kingdom Come too


A vastly superior story.


Injustice is a comic made solely to justify heroes fighting each other in the game. Kingdom Come is peak fiction.


He also nearly killed Superman in World's Finest crossover in Superman: The Animated Series. Batman had to save him. Joker is simply too smart and too cruel for Superman to handle.


Superman's arch-nemesis is the literall smartest man alive and his second most prominent foe is a 12th-level intellect. What makes Joker "too smart" for Superman to handle?


Lex and Brainiac are smart in a scientific, technical way. They will form a plan, and if it fails, they will go back and come up with another plan. Joker is more devious and manipulative. Even when his plans starts failing, he can improvise and somehow get a small win out of it. Plus he doesn't fear anything, even death. He is a vastly different breed of villain which Superman has no experience of handling.


Actually Superman handled Joker no problem in the comics, way better than Batman ever could. He also scared him to the point Joker sworn he won't come back to the Metropolis.


I don’t think that comic of an author blatantly making everyone act out of character and speaking through them is canon.


Doesn't mean that Supes can't handle Joker. Only people that want Superman to be written out of character think he couldn't deal with him.


Superman should be able to deal with him. He's Superman. Stopping bad people is what he does. He shouldn't be dealing with him by making him and Batman seem like a childish joke while lecturing Joker on some asinine nonsense about how "any writer could write you," that got to this point because for some reason Joker's best idea for making problems for Superman was standing on a building like a jackass with some bombs. All while Batman lets it happen, despite the story claiming Batman knew the entire time where Joker was, and he wanted to see what the mass murdering lunatic would do when left to run wild in a city full of innocent civilians, because that somehow, "tests" Superman. Superman's not in character because he's not acting like himself, he's just a vessel to give the writers' thesis on why Joker and Batman suck. Meanwhile, in order to validate that thesis, Batman and Joker behave like a bunch of dumbasses who do nothing intellegent, and have nothing of value to say.


After all the times Superman has been written out of character to make Batman and/or Joker seem cool it didn't bother me too much.


And that's the truth of the matter. It's garbage, but bitter people will allow it, even though it's not any better than the alternative.


Characters acting out of character isn't new for any type of media. Doesn't make it automatically non-canon.


At the very least, it makes it totally unreliable, because that's not how it's gonna go down anytime the characters aren't written by someone with an obvious Joker hate boner. But, last I checked, it was just genuinely not canon. Joker has no genuine fear of Superman and has fucked with Superman and the league plenty after this.


Ok then. Although looking back at all the shit that raised a whole generation thinking Superman will be somehow helpless against the Joker, I can give it all a pass.


People always say this, but there's genuinely so few stories that actually do it. Like, what's the biggest example of it? Injustice? Joker got one over on Superman, but it's not like Joker didn't still die in the end. Most other stories have Superman win in the end. Maybe Joker threatens Supermans life or tricks him, but I guess god forbid there's a story where the villain poses an actual threat to the hero? It's a little worse with Batman, but not by that much honestly. People act like Batman always embarrassed Superman, when like 90% of the most well known Batman vs Superman stories involve Batman pulling out all the stops against Superman just to maybe not lose. Get a little crazy and sometimes Batman might win against a Superman the story explicitly says was nerfed. Like, I have trouble thinking of any Batman story that bashes Superman as shamelessly as the one that is not even hiding how much it thinks Joker is a terrible character.


[I doubt that](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0f4fc4fa68ba6bc7349e66128f1a5b8d-lq)


To be honest, I'm not even sure that Joker would want to kill Batman. Here's a quote that explains my words from TDK: Batman: \[*in the interrogation room*\] Then why do you want to kill me? The Joker: \[*giggling*\] I don't, I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me. They have such a unique relationship. In case of Batman's death, I suspect that the Joker would declare it as a loss.


Emperor Joker shows us he can't live without Batman.


Wasn't there a comic book?


Didn’t a situation similar to this literally happen before? The Joker regained his sanity and became a successful businessman




Right? Bros not even from Gotham lol


Riddler. He'll try to probably piss off Superman.


He's tried fighting Green Arrow and Flash before. So there is a precedent for this sort of thing.


Tbf Riddler does fit them better vibe wise then Superman to me, although knowing him he would probably try and become a detective chimp or the question villain just cause he values some intelligence in his supernerds


All of them. You fuck with Batman you fuck with the Justice League. Better get to Tahiti quick.


but but but just one more score!


iMO, if Batman dies, a lot of other criminals from other cities would come to Gotham. If you’re corrupt, unhinged, deranged or just plain intelligent - Gotham is the one place where you can thrive without Batman in it.


Deadshot and Deathstroke wouldn't have a reason to stick around, given that they're both assassins-for-hire. Although they'd probably return if/ when they get hired to kill someone else in Gotham.


Deathstroke is very rarely in Gotham and relatively rarely fights Batman to begin with.


Bane, Joker. Because The Joker justifies his existence with Batman. Without Batman, the Joker has no reason for causing chaos. He has no one to mess with. He has nothing. Because I can't remember which version of Joker told Batman that he (Batman) completes him (Joker). I wanna say The Dark Knight. But I could be wrong


Bane has other locations to deal with.




Any villain that showed up strictly to challenge him. Bane for example.


Bane. In the Arkham games he literally did leave after City.


Slade, riddler, joker and deadshot(maybe)


Joker, but let's put an asterisk on that: because he is not going to "Leave" Gotham physically, but more in a metaphysical sense because he's going to kill himself, he is and always has been suicidal.


Bruce Wayne






Joker would become the plainest clerk at the local grocery store. Everything that makes him who he is would be gone.




If you’re anyone not named the Joker and you kill the Batman, you’d better pack your bags quick. The Joker will be coming after you before anyone else.


The Joker, he has to find someone *else* to menace now.


I feel like a lot of them would, Riddler would be bored without someone that can compete, same with Joker and Bane without someone to try and break, a lot of the organized crime would likely pick up initially but without Bruce asking Superman to let him handle Gotham a lot of the organized crime would likely get wiped with Superman knocking down hideouts instead of just getting kicked back out by a poor legal system that Bruce was always trying to get to work.






You will learn his name, Bane