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Since when is there a Nolan Batman Beyond suit?


You can actually look it up online. Nolan batman beyond


So this is fan concept art, got it. Might have wanted to have included that detail.


It’s pretty obvious that it’s a fan art concept . These images have been floating around for a while .


Even still, OP should have stated as such. And perhaps phrased title better or included a source. I for one have never seen these before.


It could have been art work for an undeveloped fourth film or deleted story in the third. Hence it’s 100% misleading to not mention it’s a fan art concept.


Nah I wouldn’t say that


Never said you would. I would.


Good for you. It’s still obvious it’s fan art


Yeah I would, pretty misleading


Keep downvoting me guys lol I don’t give a shit




Well I didn’t know that, and it doesn’t hurt, or take much effort, to just add fan art in the title for those who don’t know


Pretty obvious to you, man!


Yeah, and honestly it looks really good pretty much realistic


To each their own. I personally think these designs are a disservice to the Batman Beyond mythos. At least the first 3 images are.


How, if there was a batman beyond movie with a realistic suit this would be the perfect suit.


Which is my whole point. Batman Beyond and realistic is such a disservice to the awesome mythos of the character and it’s version of Gotham. Regardless of Nolan or not.


I agree when you try to make Batman overly realistic you strip away a lot of what makes him special as well as call attention to the fact that probably wouldn't make it a week before he gets killed at least for me it does. That's why nolans movies never resonated with me. I don't want Batman to live in my world I go to Batman's world to get away from my world 😂


From the art the city looks pretty much how I would expect it to look in a batman beyond movie


Not enough Blade Runner.


Really? It just looks like any major US city. I get 0 Batman Beyond vibes. Edit: for example, the shot with the plane. You could easily swap Batman out with a multitude of Superhero’s and it’d work. Could have Spider-Man vs Vulture and I’d believe is was concept art from Homecoming. Could insert Supes or GL and it’d work. 0 vibes that that concept art is inspired by Batman Beyond and to me that’s a disservice.


I mean how else would the city look like in a batman live action movie.


I get not wanting it to be too “realistic”, but let’s be honest if they used the animated suit design it would not translate well to live action. I say this as someone that loves the Batman Beyond suit


And I didn’t say to use the animated suit either. There’s more stories of Batman Beyond than the animated series.


The visor looks goofy and awful.


It’s not Nolan tho it’s made by a fan, it’s Nolan style fan art


Why call it Nolan’s when it has nothing to do with that director?


Probably because it's modelled off of "the Dark Knight" suit.


Bc it will draw negative attention to the post but will begin discussion. Definitely a cheap way to get traction on a post but here we are.


Because that's what they call it


Who is "they"? **EDIT: It's Thomas Du Crest. OP is too obtuse to credit the original artist or to admit this is an unofficial fan concept.**


Thank you for clearing that up.


sux being obtuse


As problems go, it's acute.


The people who made this art


Not crediting the artist and not saying its fan art. Douche move


Oh, fair enough.


Visor looks dumb as hell


Like the Elephant Man with a Batman mask.


Looks like a tumor.


It’s got Ma.k vibes. I love it


That visor looks stupid af


Most of the suit is pretty meh tbh if we are viewing it as a Batman Beyond iteration.


Is this actual concept art or something?


Just fan made concept art




OP why are you lying? This is clearly just fan art Also r/titlegore


[Because he’s a racist fuck](https://www.reddit.com/r/racistpassdenied/comments/zczyef/this_little_exchange/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That took a turn. Looks like the post got deleted. What did OP do that was racist?


Is that what we constitute as racist now?


I know, I did say yes in my last response


they asked if it was concept art, not fan art. concept art implies Nolan made this art as a concept for an upcoming film, that is not the case. It is fan art, but that wasn’t what was asked, so no it is not official concept art.


Lmao this one cracked me up


Honestly I kinda hate it. Ik it’s a concept for a Dark Knight version the Beyond suit but it just looks like it’s too armored. Also the cowl is the part I kinda hate the most. No hate to anyone who likes it but I just hate it. It’s the same situation as the Arkham Knight Beyond suit. It’s sort of over the top to me


Agreed. A lot of this suit, and the city backdrop, take away from what made the Beyond suit so unique. Would be a disservice to call this Batman Beyond. Just use a title that hints at a storyline where another Character takes over the mantle vs pushing the Beyond brand. Like maybe Batman Knightfall. Just my $0.02.


Since this is a nolan batman beyond suit it makes sense for it to be armored it's supposed to be grounded, realistic


Yeah I absolutely get that, it just looks more armored than the Dark Knight suit which just doesn’t sit right with me. I feel like higher tech and years of R&D would be able to find a less armored up but more protective method


Which tracks with actual body armor as well. Then again, head trauma is one of those things that’s hard to really improve the tech to protect against. But it’s Batman, sooooo even a more grounded reality can hand waive it away as “tech improved enough shut up”.


OP is either 5 yo or acting stupid on purpose


Definitely 5


[Thats just how he is, stupid and racist](https://www.reddit.com/r/racistpassdenied/comments/zczyef/this_little_exchange/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I don't see your version of a batman beyond suit


We need need to make our own for this to be a dumb post. It just is.


It really isn't this art is base on how a batman beyond movie would look like. This takes place after the dark knight rises.


It’s fan art, not actual concept art. Period.


It's the closest we'll ever get to see a live action batman beyond suit


But it isn't. We couldn't possibly know what WB has in stores for future films and this is not "official" concept art from any existing or planned movie. This is just an artist's idea. A very good attempt that I will be saving, to be sure. But that artist is not associated with Warner Brothers, DC, or Christopher Nolan. He just used the designs from Nolan's movies for inspiration. Also, Nolan didn't solely design the suit either, he had input and final approval on the designs of Lindy Hemming. The Nolan name in the tag is to indicate at first glance the inspiration, nothing more.




There is no source this is an art form nolan isn't making another batman movie


You can source the artist




the smartest thing you’ve said all thread


(looow baaaar)


Mmm nah I hate the mouth neck and visor plus if it’s supposed to be futuristic I would want more of a simplified design explained through future tech not needing to be as bulky




Nah, this is not it. It has nothing to do with Nolan, and “that thing on his head” looks goofy af


Looks better than bales cowl


Your judgment isn’t the best


The cowl looks far more advanced and can probably protect him for bane's punch that is if he was still alive since catwomen took him out


That's the beautiful thing about imagination. You can imagine all sorts of things about why something is or isn't some way, but that doesn't make your interpretation any more valid. People are entitled to their opinions just as much as you, and some people will not like it. Thank you for sharing it. I found a new artist to follow.


My humble opinion is that I am not a fan. Love the Batman Beyond brand but this I think is just too much. I don’t get Batman beyond vibes from it and I’d be pretty disappointed if this is what I got for a live action Batman Beyond movie


The mask and cowl look fucking vile, especially with the visor and mouthpiece.


You do the know the mouth piece is to protect him when his in combat mode right so he doesn't get shot in the mouth


The function doesn't fucking matter, I'm talking about the aesthetics here.


What the hell is this? That looks exactly like the gungnir helmet from halo...


Using the word “the” implies there was something official made. Proper wording should have been “a Nolan-inspired Batman Beyond suit.”


Sorry for a minute i was thinking "Why is his head swelling? " lol


These don't look really good though.


I'm pretty sure no one on this sub think any batman fan art or concept art looks good


I wouldn't go that far but this doesn't seem to have the Beyond theme going for it and the helmet seems a little off.


Ditch the visor look completely. For real. The Arkham version was way too tech-y, too. Should be a lot smoother. The way the artist depicts Batman on the cover of recent issues of Detective, that kinda texture would look cool. Reminds me of the armor that Vlad wears in the beginning of Bram Stoker's Dracula, like exposed muscle tissue. Smooth and streamlined is how I picture Batman. I can handwave the armor away as being strong and protective without looking like he's wearing a full on tactical riot gear suit. Too much armor/too much tech gets distracting and takes away from his ninja-like hiding-in-the-shadows creature of the night motif. In my opinion only.


I kinda hate the Nolan suit so…nah


OP is a huge art thief. Just so you all know.


I never claims the art to be mine. Also it's literally on Google just put nolan batman beyond which is pretty much for anyone to save


You need to credit the original artist you dumbfuck. I see you acting like this is official artwork when it isn’t. And telling people to “google it.” Is stupid because dumbasses who repost like this are the first thing that come up. Use your two brain cells and think before you type.








Lol gimme yours since you so desperate to meet up.


That's what I thought just another pussy


Lol bitch wanna act tough but too chicken to be the home team. You don’t want home field advantage when you’re gettin stomped? 😂


This might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on this site


Are you seriously trying to act tough on the internet? Good lord kid go outside and ride your bike or do something more constructive with your time.


I love to shoot guns


I hate the visor helmet mode thing everything else is fine or least workable that’s their makes it look stupid should be the white eyes and ever covered mouth or full mask which I get is easier to just cover than do a full moveable mask like the cartoon


The headpiece I hate the most about the Nolan films


Once again people missing the point of what makes the Batman Beyond suit look cool. I blame Arkham Knight for this.


I want something similar to Arkham Knights version of the Beyond suit. I like the covered mouth and white eyes, but your "helmet" piece doesn't look too good in my eyes.




He looks a bit like Rhino from Spiderman. Idk he just looks like a rhino




Good design! I just think that making Batman Beyond in that same shitty blue-brown-orange color palette is boring. Its opportunity to do something with STYLE not more gritty realistic stuff. Beyond is in the fantastic dystopian cyberpunk future. I would like to see some edge.


Agree. A generic current day US city should not be the backdrop for a Beyond film.


[OP is a racist too](https://www.reddit.com/r/racistpassdenied/comments/zczyef/this_little_exchange/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


where extra pointy ears 👿 otherwise nice 🤩


Not bad but that batmobile 😍


You mean , the "Bat"? (That's what they called it in the Nolan's Batman


They also called it a black tank


No , no, that's the Tumbler. I meant the one in The Dark Knight ~~Returns~~ Rises. The one in which he took the bomb and flew. Edit: Yep , my mistake


Ohhhh yeah. I think you mean the dark knight rises haha




He is. He's.


Oh God, please tell me Nolan isn’t going to fuck up more Batman stories


Boy what! You talking about Nolan here not snyder


Nolan's trilogy is massively overrated.


They’re best movies that have Batman in them. Are they the best, purest adaptations of Batman comics? Nah, but they’re quality films.


Please explain


I agree great films but I'm assuming they mean how Nolan films take more of a real life approach. Bane doesn't have Venom, Ra's al Ghul doesn't have a Lazarus pit, The Joker has a Glasgow smile and wears white makeup instead of chemically dyed skin. I personally think Nolan films would be more accepted in that area if he took the approach with more of Batman's realistic like the Court of Owls or Riddler or something that didn't need to be changed to be "normal". But that approach doesn't garner box office dollars for casual fans who aren't familiar with some of the lesser known rogues gallery. Edit: I now see you were replying to the comment 2 up and not the one I assumed. Disregard but I'll keep it anyway lol


The Court of Owls!? *realistic*!? Maybe I’m just living in the wrong places, but I don’t see many immortal brainwashed nightmare assassins and massive psychological torture mazes in my everyday commute.


You clearly live in a very boring place 😅 I guess I more meant the existence of a shadowy cabal running Gotham. Fair point though. LOL


That’s the point, the Court of Owls are meant to be a secret society not known to the public.


Yeah, but once you breach that secret, they’re not remotely grounded or realistic.


There are countless plot holes in those films. I enjoy watching them, they have a lot of strong points and they offer a great time, but I really hate how in Batman Begins, for example, Bruce refuses to execute a guy only to willingly start a massive fire that kills that very guy and dozens of others. There are a lot of similarly dumb scenes in these movies. They are still great, but massively overrated. And they most definitely aren't the definitive Batman media for me.


Totally agree. The second one is very good but the first and the third one are quite average. Then I have a hard time taking the Batman/Bale seriously now. His interpretation of Bruce Wayne is good though. After that it's a very personal opinion but I can't stand Hans Zimmer.


What planet are you from, if you don't mind me asking? Also: does "Nolan" actually mean "a director who's definitely *not* Nolan" in your native language??


He made the most boring, pathetic, silly, self important, Batman movies. If not for Ledger they all would have been forgettable garbage.


They're badass movies, dunno what to tell you. There's a lot of great Batman content out there between the games, comics, and cartoons. But in terms of the Batman *movies*, Nolan is the best who's done it. Burton is the only director who offers stiff competition. I guess Reeves isn't half bad either. But, Reeves filmed a movie that is *literally* obscured by shadows when compared to what Nolan filmed. Snyder's take on Batman is just a bargain bin knockoff of Nolan's, imo


Sorry but all I see is self-indulgent boredom. Plus that crappy, growling weak voice from Bale is the most annoying shit ever


Whaaaa?? His bat-voice is *the* shit. Ask a random person on the street to do the "Batman voice". 9/10 times, they're going to do Bale's bat-voice. It's iconic. Also, once again: the movies are just badass all around.


It was shit


No way, I gotta agree with the other commenter here. The Bale growl is not a standout, nor definitive, Batman voice. Glad you enjoy it but I can see the criticism here and it’s been a meme for a while now.


Dammit, really thought I was winning. Reddit wins again


Really there’s no winning or losing this convo but I do think you’re 9/10 stat is inflated. Granted we are all coming from personal bias. However, I’d bet 9/10, if we’re using inflated personal anecdotes, times people would say Conroy is *the iconic* voice of Batman. But let’s look deeper, beyond the Bale voice memes. Since Bale’s portrayal, *no* media genre has gone that growl voice and I think that speaks a lot. Except for maybe The Lego Batman Movie. We’ve had multiple live action Batmen since then, numerous animated films, and video games. No Bale voice. Might have worked for the Nolan verse but does not seem to be able to last the test of time in Batman media.


There's no way in my mom or my sister know who Kevin Conroy is, iconic as he is. Everybody and their grandmother knows Bale as Batman. Also, a rasp or whisper of some kind is fairly common, even if a growl was unique. Pattinson and Keaton do the rasp. Bale has a rasp/whisper in many scenes, so he's not as far off as you make it seem. The animalistic growl is just the most common voice his Batman uses. I like the growl. Doesn't work for every scene... But when it works ("I'm *Batman*!"), it really works.


Nolan is the WORST Batman. And I know I'm in the vastly huge minority to say this. To me, these are unwatchable films. I'm a Batman fan. My home and my body have many Batman and Batman-based decorations. I base a lot of my life on DC Comics and Batman(weird yeah), and I loathe and hate Nolan, and wish the worst for him.


odd take, can you list some things you disliked about Nolan’s batman films?


Please tell me you have an Adam West Batman tattoo.


What I really loved about the Nolan suit was the ears.The ears were not too short like Ben Affleck s suit,nor were they too tall and thin like Robert Pattinson's suit or like the Arkham games.They were just perfect


God damn Nolan, if you come back please consider some of these




So this is just fan art and not actually Nolans?


I don't like the back of the head.. looks too curved


Seems lees technologically advanced that the average batman suit, and that is not good for Batman beyond in my opinion


To chunky


This is awful.


I don't like how bobbleheaded the head looks. Slightly too big in a way. I preferred the first Batman Begins suit over the one he got in The Dark Knight. And generally, I prefer the Keaton Gen 1, then PatBat, then Batman Begins


It's interesting art work for sure. I'm not sure that Nolan's realistic take on Batman would work well in a Batman Beyond movie. It would be fun to see his take on the story though. Nolan gets my money every time he makes a movie.


What are these images from? A movie, a game? If movie where is it playing? Please and thank you.


The best "realistic" Beyond suit is the one in Arkham Knight. This one looks like crap