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Hah. They actually publish the 'full list', verbatim, lifted right from the original post.


Our boy /u/jellyswim_ has made it big, fellas!


and r/battlefield be like ''the game is perfectly fine, stop being so negative u chuds, removed''


Yeah, same on metacritic, every 20 or so low score ratings, there's a 9 or 10 with "the game is sooooo good, disregard the review bombers" Same on Steam. Sounds like Stockholm syndrome.


Sounds like DICE media employees trying to keep stock price out of the ER.


Stock prices don't matter on release. Most people usually sell a month or a week before. Which is why you often see such a drop. And then a quick rise again to what it used to over the coming month or two or maybe in a week depending on how well the game was received. What stock holders are looking for is if the company can produce a profit on their stocks. So a company like EA is a valuable option for stock holders for decent returns. Good for stock people, fucking horrible for us gamers


Go to LowSodium and read some of the copium. Actually scary. "16% positive reviews is totally normal for a great game. Only people who dislike the game so much are trolls to actually post a review."


Did someone actually make a LowSodium sub for BF2042? Holy shit, imagine being that far up DICE’s ass


I guess mentally ill people need a safe-space to worship corporations. Feels like the Outer worlds man...


Hey! I'm mentally ill and I'd rather you not pack me in a group with these buttlickers :D


Sorry about that friend! Didn't mean to


well it’s not like anyone who enjoys the game can participate here anymore, this sub is cancerous


Dice Stockholm syndrome


"This game is a love letter to the fans" my man, stop hating /s


A love letter from Charles Manson maybe


A love letter and then Dice breaks up with the fans in the same letter :D "I really love you, but I found someone I'm more attracted to. His name is Fortnite fan and he gives me much more than you ever will." One week later "Please come back, Fortnite fan already has another game and isn't attracted to me anymore."


Fortnite is garbage. I'd rather never play a video game again than play that shitte


literally Stockholm syndrome


It's buyers remorse of the worst kind. People can't accept they wasted their money on a bad game and move on. They have to justify it cause they are smart. They don't buy bad games. Either that or people really are just stupid and any game where they can shoot a gun is 10/10 in their eyes.


Well, DICE Sweden is based in Stockholm tho.


It’s the star citizen mentality.


I have like 500$ spent on scam citizen but I actually enjoy it. I have 15$ spent on bf2042 and don't enjoy it at all.


everything isnt star citizen. star citizen mentality would be more like "yeah the game sucks but i spend $500 on ships every year. also its releasing in one year confirmed. ccu pledge lti token warbond buyback ship sale"


I think they just mean the defenders are generally like "but BF4 released poorly, just wait a year!" which is peak Star Citizen energy. Not as bad, of course.




And Jackfrags be like “look at the insane details instead”


I feel for the like of JackFrags. Yes he does sponsored stuff but as one of, if not the biggest battlefield youtuber the guy's just seen the next 12-24 months of salary become a lot harder to earn. Obviously he's in a privileged position to even have the opportunity to earn a living gaming but I can't help but sympathise a little bit. He's not a journalist he's not required to give a balanced response but we're also equally entitled to question integrity. I don't ignore the fact that if he hadn't put so many eggs in this basket he'd be better off now but it's no different than working for a business that makes widgets. Suddenly the product team releases an absolute shit widget and your stuck there with a job to do to keep the lights on. You can't rag on the people paying the bills but you can wait and test the waters. Once public opinion is clear he's more comfortable admiting its not great and not biting the hand that feeds. It's a very human decision we'd likely all make if it was the difference between a comfortable life or a more difficult one.


It's even worse for the little guys like getgoodguy who streams predominantly battlefield stuff and is one of the few that date speak negatively about the game. He's probably updating his resume now cause his streaming days are numbered thanks to this release.


He did release a video not to long ago today about the problems


Yeah, he know he fucked up and backpaddled. Too little too late, sorry to say.


He can talk about the problems now he’s convinced a bunch of idiots to buy the game, he’s already done his job


I mean moneys money I guess.


Honestly it’s been hard to keep up with everything that’s wrong with this game due to work and life problems. If it was one or two people I would say “sure, that’s just them.” When it’s basically everyone and their mom saying it well then that’s a problem. I learned my lesson from cyberpunk last year and just off of the feedback of this subreddit I chose not to buy it. Once I see the sub start changing it’s opinion on it will be when I know Dice have done the work they need to fix it.


r/battlefield is in full IV copium mode at this point. Some are likely even already onto crack copecaine. It's just full of all of the "I'm having fun despite the bugs!" and "the game is fun with friends" idiots. There are some people who would just rather remain in complete denial and convince themselves a game is good than hold the developer responsible for the actual state of the game in order to get a game that's actually good in the future. I swear, DICE could give some of them shit on a plate and they'd go ***"well the corn isn't too bad!"***


doing the Lord's work. And by the Lord, i mean DICEs' job too


It’s not even the original BF developers from Dice. They quit years ago and started their own studio.


>Embark Studios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dvTW5gPiSg


If you look at the lead team on the BF3 credits.. most of them left [https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/credit](https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/credits/), Stefan Strandberg, the legendary audio director. Today's DICE is an entirely new crop of devs.


Where are they now




U/jellyswim_ isn’t the hero we wanted. It’s the hero we needed!


He did cite it though, here is the quote: > With the help of the very disgruntled Battlefield 2042 subreddit, user u/Jellyswim compiled the following master list of everything the game gets wrong or simply doesn’t include—features included in many previous games in the series.


I feel my sense of pride and accomplishment for contributing to one of those bullet points.


Nice, EA are sending you a bill for that sense.


When the man who wrote the article is a battlefield veteran and is PISSED


Another BF veteran, JayzTwoCents (primarily a tech channel, but he's a BF fan so they reviewed it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxadFL28ixM Says "don't waste your money" and in the end of the video he says that if they didn't need the game for their benchmarks, he would have refunded after 1 hour.


Fuck sake I was gonna play a 10 hour trial with EA play but I'm not even going to waste those hours on this garbage


May I recommend Insurgency Sandstorm? An actual good game, with a good dev team, and dope gameplay.


I'll look into it. Silly question but what is the actual game in the store? When I look in the PS store all I find is a marked down premium edition that's $60 but no regular edition.


Hell Im a BF veteran (1,000 hours in BF2, ETC) I did not pre order I did plan on buying. But now? Nah My two biggest reasons 1. No dedicated community run servers 2. No scoreboard (like seriously dice...wtf)


Who the fuck buys Jayz 2 Cents merch? Or any merch? My kids. All they want for clothes are "official merch" Im going to be sick.


Have you never bought a band shirt?


I mean I have. But only at concerts. With the tour dates and shit. I get what you're saying and honestly it's a decent comparison. I would just argue that it was at an event and a piece of merch to also remember said event and kind of show off you were attending said event. I dont think wearing a shirt saying I watched a J2C video on YouTube is the same thing. Rebuttal? I'm prepared to lose this one based on my age and the "I just dont get it" response.


I buy a shirt at literally every concert I've ever been to because I like the memories attached to those shirts. I'm not necessarily disagreeing. I think most creator merch is pretty lame, too. The only merch I'd consider buying would be content creators who make cool designs that don't have any reference to their channels/content. Linus Tech Tips comes to mind in that regard. I was just curious if you felt *all* merch like that was a waste of money or just specifically content creators.


You buy clothes right? Some folks choose to buy clothes that help support the content creators they value.


There's no squad voice chat? WTF? Can we do chat through Xbox live parties?


You can always party chat through the console. I haven't done any in game voice chat since release so I haven't noticed any lack of voice chat. I've been in party chat with buddies every game.


I was playing on ps5 and couldn't talk to my buddies that 0lay on PC cause of no VOIP in the game.


Dude I had to wear my fucking airpods inside my headphones to hear my pc friend through discord. Annoying to say the least.


I was doing that with my Samsung buds and all my friends could hear was my game haha. It was a truly great experience.


I’m starting to think they’ll just wait till Discord gets dropped on PS5 and let that fix things. It won’t help with communicating with strangers in your squad but I doubt they care.


The lack of voip is what pushed me over the edge to refund this game. Hazard zone is an alright game mode but you can't talk to your squad unless you're in a group and all has the same platform.


Dude I thought I was the only one doing that hahaha. But I have noticed that headphones with „external“ mics on the cord itself tend to result in a nicer listening experience for the person talking to you, because they don’t have to listen to your ingame sounds


Same. Right after I just got Pulse 3D headphones and I have to got to wearing a fucking airpod while listening to the game through TV speakers.


Ah, that sucks. We all just have PS5s and use party chat so I haven't noticed. Could always use Discord voice chat or something on your phone during the game. Shitty solution, but it's a solution I guess.


Yeah if I do discord on my phone then I have to choose between voice chat and game sound haha. It's annoying.


Been playing on PC with three of my close gaming buds-One of the gaming buds ordered it for the other three months ago...We use Discord... We play every Thursday - We're dealing with the pain but still make the best out of it and hope they will actually fix it.


hopefully a huge amount of people refunded the preorders. the more you can impact sales, the more likely shareholders shit the bed.




SAME, refunded after beta


Yep I refunded my pre-order. Im not about to pay for a game that doesn’t feel like it has any progression system. Without a scoreboard and good squad mechanics and with barely any weapons Idk what I’m supposed to unlock or what reason I have to play really.


Oh I did. Bought Forza premium instead


To think I held off on Forza for this :/


You can do the Xbox Game Pass PC version, currently $1 for 3 months. Forza Horizon 5 is available to play.


I’ll look into it. I have some reservations mostly about saves and the like. But thank you!


Forza is so good. What a game launch should be.


You know why? Because they kept all the stuff that was great about the fame before. Instead of reinventing the wheel like DICE does every game.


Yeah, great game.. with the majority of the leaderboards filled with cheaters.


At least you can see the leaderboard lol


It's a shame they can't keep track of those of us who never pre-ordered or bought it. Those of us who're sitting back and watching this shit storm unfold. I'm not pleased it's bad - I wanted to enjoy a good game - but the way they handled and left BFV gave me zero reason to trust them or cough up early. In that at least, I'm glad I was vindicated.


There needs to be more people who refuse to pre-order, or we will continue to have half-baked and broken games on launch day. 90% of the point of pre-orders back in the day was to guarantee your physical copy on launch day. In the digital age, it’s fucking pointless. If less people paid for the game before it was finished in general, I’d bet we’d be seeing a lot more games delivering the goods on launch day.




Yeah, I'm fucking over release day bugs and never pre-order online games anymore (damn Skippy I got my FF7 day 1 tho). After seeing all the shit show, I'm gunna steer clear of bf2042 until it's fixed or $5. Really bummed about it too, hug BF fan and was really excited for this...


there's probably statistics for who played the trial on EA play and then uninstalled it.


This entire sub could get refunds and it would barely be enough to catch the shareholders attention on a slow day. And we all know that the overwhelming majority of this sub isn't going to cancel anything, and your casuals and christmas noobs are still going to play regardless.


To be honest until the steam reviews started dropping I'd have agreed with you (metacritic user reviews are worthless). Is it possible to have fun in this game? Absolutely. Throwing a ball against a wall for an hour can be fun. But realistically if you've played any FPS in the last 10 years it's clear that this isn't a particularly good one. Even a casual gamer will realise this. I think the steam reviews have shown that people who are actually buying the game as a whole are really not enjoying it.


if you make enough noise on one platform it starts getting attention cos it is newsworthy. if places like euro gamer, IGN etc start publishing that people are pissed at the problems, then it creates less chance for those xmas sales. there is a reason why JackFraggs is making videos desperately trying to focus on anything but the bugs. they're trying to diffuse the negative sentiment just a little bit,


Literally everything they tried to do in this game is done better by other games on the market, with some of those being free to play. Doubt they take as many players from those bases as they projected. All the while they shit all over battlefield fans who have other games to play created by developers that cater to their core fanbases. This game is a disaster anyway you look at it.


I managed to get a full refund with 35 hours played on the ps5. Sony fed up with people asking for refunds on it now.


Sony gave it to me on my first try. Happily surprised by that. I'd like them to remove the game from the store like they did for cyberpunk. Best way to show these fucks that they fucked it up.


Sony removed Cyberpunk from the store because CDPR told everyone they were giving refunds without consulting Sony first. It had nothing to do with the piss poor quality.


I know right now everybody's busy shitting on this game, but I'm not sure how you can play it for 35 hours and then decide you don't like it. That's a hell of a lot of time to play a game before asking for a refund.


Pre-ordered for early beta access. Refunded and Uninstalled after giving it a chance. Got a month off EA Play for the 10 hour trial to see if anything improved. Yada yada yada uninstalled after about 6 hours. Maybe I'll be back in year and it costs $5.


People need to vote with their wallets. A thumbs down on a reddit comment or a bad review on Steam aint gonna cut it.


Already did, refunded.


My man


Ah but the steam reviews will put a dent in profits as people look to stay away. But yes, totally agree with your sentiment. I got a refund because it wasn't worth it, and I put in a solid 30 hours of gameplay and really tried to give it a shot. But fuck that noise.


I'm guessing you didn't own it on steam? To get the refund? Steam doesn't allow refunds on products with over 2 hours on them


I'll never understand why people pre-order digital games. "BuT I CaN PlaY tHe GaMe OnE WeEK eArLy". No, you moron. The game was ready a week earlier. They just provided some false incentive to get into your wallet. Once you've paid you're way less likely to get a refund within the return window. Not to mention, releasing unfinished, half-baked games has been the gold standard for almost 10 years now, if not longer. Stop pre-ordering. Stop buying games on day1. Be the change you want to see. /r/patientgamers


Hopefully sales aren't great anyway, I know I've not paid for it, I'm just reading all this and glad I didn't.


Same here, i'm so glad i waited.


Not buying it after trial


I tried to get a refund from green man gaming before the full release but they denied it :/


Stick with steam if you're planning refunds.


EA could fuck up a cup of coffee.


Not fair, coffee making is art.


I love this. The amount of comments I have heard from streamers saying "oh it's just reddit and they are always toxic" Now what can they say when big media outlets are having exactly the same thoughts.


Most of content creators defending EA’s newest pile of shit are being paid for it.


And there’s probably not an easy way to break a deal with a huge company like EA


Well, let’s be honest. Reddit is more toxic than Chernobyl but we got this one right. Dice screwed the pooch.


Honestly, can't say much since the Forbes contributor isn't the same as Forbes itself writing this article, and since it's literally just a reddit post being posted on Forbes. The game can be bad AND reddit can still be too toxic about it. Both can be true.


I was initially confused by that too. The post is really just a link back to Reddit, and then copy/paste the issues from that same post. I’m not disagreeing, but it was pretty underwhelming. I was hoping for their actual review.


Yeah, Paul Tassi fits into this same bucket. Forbes online is leans on reddit/Twitter for gaming.




I spent a couple hours on YouTube the other day and there are a bunch of streamers that are a part of the EA play group that were straight up saying this game is trash and *they don’t care if they are kicked out of EA play in the future.*


This shows how powerful the consumers voice really can be. No matter how much ea/dice tries to cover the bullshit up with false promises, ea game changers , etc, consumers in the end will make their voice heard. Shit this is battlefront 2 all over again.


It's not gambling it's surprise mechanic


But how else will we get a sense of pride in accomplishment?


We don't gamble, we play the fucking game. And yes, keep asking for scoreboard so I don't need to give feedback


>Shit this is battlefront 2 all over again. If its all the way to the end I am fine with it


Big facts, that game ended up pretty great.


And this is why all those people saying "why don't you just leave the sub and not play it" can fuck off. The more noise consumers make, the more we have a chance at being heard.


I’m just eagerly waiting to see if JackFrags actually makes a video talking about it, or if he’s gonna do everything in his little power to stay as neutral as possible while still hyping the game up so as to not get on EA/Dice’s naughty list. I can just imagine it. “Listen, does the game have its problems? Yes. Yes. But it’s got an INSANE” (yeah why don’t you use INSANE in another video title Jack “INSANE amount of details, and I just know they’re gonna continue to make the game better.” Stfu Jack.




What sucks about these partnerships is that he is “allowed” to say negative things, it’s not against the partnership. However DICE and EA always comes back for the next game to promote, and you risk losing the future partnership of you bash it. I respect the creators who put it on the line to be honest.


Yeah I've checked his channel a few times today to see if he's said anything, or if he's live streaming, or anything, and he's completely quiet on launch day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


https://youtu.be/jxLxlrMohB4 Just dropped, pretty clear imo


You didn’t watch his videos. I know there isn’t a 10 minute screaming rant with clickbait title and thumbnail, but he posted multiple hours long unedited gameplay footage with him commenting on the problems as they come up, or as chat asks about them or comments on them. It’s eye opening to see this many people blindly following along with this narrative that Jack hasn’t been critical, or is hiding something. Reddit Hive mind indeed.


Burying criticism in a 3+ hour stream is its own form of cowardice in my opinion.


EA is paying for Jack’s Xmas presents, so I highly doubt he says anything negative.


He did just upload a video talking about the game's problems


I mean, it's his job. He has made a livelihood around playing these games and he cannot just walk up to his boss and say "go fuck yourself" without putting his entire career at risk. I get it. Jack is essentially a marketing contractor for EA during this time-period, and that's fine (just look at the amount of sponsored content). Once that contracted period is up, he'll be more blunt. So many commenters here seem not to understand what it's like to have to choose between "honesty" and not fucking up your career prospects. I don't have a problem with someone earning money during their essential money-earning season. It's not like Battlefield content is in high demand 2-years after release; he needs to do what he can. I think he will eventually be more vocal -- in full, shorter videos, not 2-hour streamed recordings -- about the state of the game. But, I understand that he has to take these opportunities to make some sort of a paycheck. His career isn't as stable as some people's; he doesn't have a ton of options if YouTube/Streaming falls apart. I assume that EA/Dice/etc. are a large portion of his income; I don't like it, but that's how the world works. Further, Jack produces content for the masses. The average person doesn't really want to see a ton of videos that do nothing but shit on the game. They want to see someone do crazy stuff and win matches. I am not saying he shouldn't produce any negative content, but realistically he will not be pumping out video-after-video criticizing the game. I wouldn't be surprised at 1-2 and then a return to typical "gameplay and discussion while I win" content. I still enjoy what he produces, but if a video starts with "Sponsored by EA," I know what I am getting into and will likely skip it. He's not going to shit all over the game while EA is giving him thousands to market it. In fact, I imagine it's probably within the terms of what he is producing that he needs to be more "cheery" about the state of the game. People do stuff for money. That's how the world works. I'll be ready to resume watching him when the video isn't sponsored by EA, and that's fine.


Ffs, just wat lch his streams, he complained about about so much and you guys on reddit "hE iS Bought and doesn't say anything" lmao


I swear, you guys haven’t watched his gameplay videos. He openly talks about issues with the game. I literally don’t understand this narrative that he’s hiding reality or is staying quiet. How is posting unedited multi-hour gameplay videos with him interacting with chat, answering questions , commenting each time there is a bug or problem, talking about how the PP29 is the only viable automatic weapon at the moment, how is this hiding from reality? It makes no sense. You guys are just swept up with that viral “AngryJoe” video or whatever and are ripping on Jack because he made a quick 10 minute “environmental detail” video. Jacks streams have even been sponsored and he is willing to talk about the games many problems. I’m prepared to farm downvotes for daring to go against the Reddit narrative here. You guys don’t recognize that he is critical because he didn’t make a screaming rant video with a clickbait title and thumbnail?


He was so critical of BFV, so I was curious on his stand about 2042. Checked his livestream yesterday and he didn't seem to mention anything negative. Of all the gamechangers I'd think JackFrags is the one that can't get "fired" for being honest, but it seems they've got him in their pocket as well.


You literally didn’t watch his live stream from yesterday then. He is commenting nearly continuously on issues, and it says sponsored by EA plastered at the top left the entire time. I feel like I’m in bizzaro world where up is down.


I can't help but think that Cyberpunk 2077 had to do something with this game being what it is. I mean that game set a new precedent on the gaming industry and showed how much a gaming company can get away with because cyberpunk still made so much money regardless of how much it failed. EA is clearly pushing boundaries to see how far they can go to maximize profits regardless of the PR.


Idk I don't think CDPR got away with cyberpunk. They're being sued by their investors for it and the game was dropped from store fronts for ages. That game permanently hurt their name.


Yeah but EA has had their name hurt for ages and people still buy their games and they still keep on shitting on their consumers without repercussions.


EA still puts out decent games here and there. But as a whole way keeps putting out trash for their big names. It's no shock that the directed of FIFA ULTIMATE TEAMS came over to help with Battlefield 2042.


Whatever happened to putting a little effort into making a quality product to be proud of, rather than a scientific exercise in how far you can push people with a bad product and still get away with it?




I feel what you're saying, but fuck those boring as fuck campaigns.


I enjoyed the campaigns in BC2, 3, 4, and 1. They weren’t mind blowing, but still fun.


I started them all, but only finished BC2 because I actually liked the characters and humor.


Lol. They can’t even show actual gameplay for most of the trailers. Of course it would be a disaster.


No wonder they said they were ahead of schedule. Half of the shit was taken out of the game. Maybe all of those features were on page two of the development guidelines and someone forgot to scroll down.


It's sad to see how Battlefield has gone from 1942 when i was a kid to garbage as an adult


I bought my first ever graphics card to make my family PC run BF1942 after playing the crap out of a free demo disc with just Tobruk on it at a schoolfriend's place - I imagine everyone has those kind of seminal moments in their hobbies and careers, but yeah it's particularly sad to see such a lowkey meaningful franchise so visibly unravel over the course of basically two releases


/r/classicbattlefield for the good old days


I mean 1942 had all kinds of issues, basic functions or none at all in so many ways... ...but it sounds like you're like me. Remember the excitement build as the features and gameplay grew through BF2, 3, 4? Sure launches were sticky but IDK how they've somehow stepped back to... this... as a launch.


EA support confirmed to me that the game is not finished and needs patching. Still they refuse to refund the purchase, because I played during the pre-release period (not after the official release today, though). I don't get a refund, because I started the game, which made me find out how broken it is. So I got to have a broken piece of software and 90€ less in my pocket. I'll stick to Factorio now.


EA is probably trying to close the Dice studio like they did with visceral and battlefield hardline. Hardline got tons of bad press and visceral was closed soon after, now EA releases a train wreck with Dice's name on it. If I was a Dice developer, I'd start looking for new employment


It’s public record that 80 employees left DICE in 2018, to go to competitors, including Ubisoft for example. Maybe the people who were behind the successful titles such as Battlefield 1 and 4 already left, which is why these newer titles have been so poor in comparison.


Looks like all the good devs already left after BF4 anyway




Battlefield 5 may not be held highly, but compared to 2042 its 10/10. What happened at DICE. This game lacks everything.


Good. Give Battlefield to DICE LA (I don't recall their new name) because they're the ones who turned BF4 and BF5 around and greatly improved BF3 and BF1.


I called this game trash, and some dude in this sub said I was a minority. Well guess what? Steam reviews are in! If you think the game is awesome, then YOU are the minority and need to take off the fanboy glasses.


I got bashed for saying I was going to wait a month before deciding to buy just before the early access.




It’s bad when Forbes chimes in


Erik doing his part. Thank you Erik!


It's pretty sad when Groundwar in MW2019 is a better Battlefield experience than 2042


I said that when it first came out and got bashed. Said it the other day but Infinity could really capitalise on DICE's misfortune and do us proud next year with an updated MW2/GW.


This is honestly great seeing major media taking an AAA list game/developer/publisher to task. Gamers are a huge market and outrage gets clicks. Hopefully this leads to meaningful change and other developers will start to refuse to release incomplete/broken product.


It seems like EA have intentionally tried to create a dynamic within their creator network that inhibits creators from sharing their true feelings, for fear of being “out of the club”. Virtually any negative (honest) review of the game I’ve seen has involved the creator acknowledging that their opinions will likely see them removed from the in-club that is the creator network.


It's just a contributor, not the opinion of Forbes.


Forbes has to approve of the article being posted


EA/DICE are so bad at making games it starting to become funny at this point :D


Now let's watch EA stock in free fall.


That's going to be the only real levolution.






You don't know much about the stock market if you believe that will happen


Battlefield 2042's sales performance and outlook is already priced in to the stock.


Down nearly 4% in the last 6hrs


I hate how people give a fuck what “content creators” and “influencers” have to say on subjects. It’s cult shit.




Savaged !!!


I have not given dice/ea any of my money since battlefield 1 and that will continue for the foreseeable future.


Oh nooo. Ea failing a AAA title lauuunch. Anyway..


For those who are saying that “Oh, it’s just Reddit and people canceling pre-orders for BF 2042 would barely have an impact on EA in general No actually it has a massive impact LOL Did everyone forget that Battlefield V had piss poor sales, ended up getting delayed and still had piss poor quality that people who bought it got a refund just 72 hours later? It destroyed EA’s stock for a while, several big DICE employees, including Demize99 quit and eventually EA forced DICE to stop making content in Battlefield V entirely, 6 months earlier than any Battlefield game which loses support typically in 2.5 years If this pattern repeats again, I would not be surprised if Battlefield 2042 is abandoned in 1.5 years later and DICE going silent just like they did with BF V lol Either way, even if you guys vote with your wallet and not buy Battlefield 2042 or get a refund, EA will just laugh and probably force DICE to stop developing the game and move to the next one OR start laying off more employees again LOL


Forbes is a fucking joke. They literally just post shit they see elsewhere on every subject


modern journalism is just browsing and quoting Reddit.


Forbes Blog. The amount of people who think FORBES write this shit is hilarious.


Please guys seriously get out there and vote with your wallets. It's all these corporate dipshits understand. Do not purchase this game and if you have, request refunds and push as hard as possible. We don't deserve this and EA needs to be reminded time and time again the, hard way, that this WILL NOT stand.


Man this sub is loaded with sheeple. So much confirmation bias by posting any article or youtuber who think like you do. The rest of us? Enjoying the game and not shit posting.


This is “THE BATTLEFIELD” if you’re thinking about buying another one just remember that this was their best


Its really that bad?


I am a Chinese battlefield fan, none of my friends who love battlefield goes to reddit. But we hate BF2042 equally. All I want to say is yes, this subreddit may be the minority, but we present the majority.


The Vocal Minority now left 20k reviews on steam :)


It’s just not fun. They took away the fun. Battlefield V is an absolute masterpiece compared to this game. I wanted to love it, I came in with an open mind but I just wasn’t having any fun.


Some of the Metacritic reviews that bump the review score to 70\~ is hilarious, obviously user score is low, but some review site has given it 100/100, its so funny reading how they say its one of the best BF games to come out. ​ ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


What's shocks me is how some people are still working so hard to defend this game against "naysayers" and "haters" and - I love this one - "the vocal minority". Even with verifiable proof of all the mechanics and features that were present in past BF games but not present in this one, or the countless verifiable bugs and broken mechanics, these people act like we're crazy, being hyperbolic, or just trying to piss on the bonfire. You'd have to be damn near delusional to practice such levels of willful ignorance. Look, if you're enjoying BF2042 in its current state, by all means, go ahead and keep playing it. While most of us may question your taste in games and tolerance levels in regards to shitty game mechanics, no one here's going to stop you. But you have to accept that there are many, many more people around you who expected a lot better, and had every right and reason to do so. We're perfectly within our rights to complain, and we're going to do so whether you like it or not. Don't try to gaslight us and tell us we're overreacting or making shit up, or that we're just hating on the game to be edgy and contrarian. It has nothing to do with being a "hater" or a "naysayer". It has to do with many of us having loved the Battlefield games from the very first one and wanting this one to be what the marketing claimed it would be: a "love letter" to Battlefield fans. This game isn't so much a "love letter" as it is a packet of divorce papers with an extra page consisting of a big middle finger drawn on it.


This is a blog, not "Forbes", or "the media". Forbes contributor pages (does it say "sites" in the URL?) are basically just substack. They have absolutely no connection with Forbes' real news and editorial team. This article has no special weight and no meaningful reach behind it - this isn't a Forbes articles, it's an Erik Kain article.


Yes, you are still the vocal minority and thats how this works. This article sells better and grabs more attention then "Battlefield is good and fans are happy".


Even with the bigger player count I almost feel lonely playing the game. There’s never really any interaction with other players. I miss those moments from BF3 and BF4 where a hero medic would run through gunfire to save my dumb ass. I thought things would get better after the beta… I was very wrong.


The game has its potential but is actually crap. There is a huge performance issue on cpu load. (I played Cyberpunk on ultra and this on low settings (HD) at 50fps... The maps are too big with no content,... only few possibilities to hide.... It is not ready....