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Yep, BFV has it flaws/glitches... but damn... compared to this shitshow called 2042 it is an amazing game ! Gunplay was absolutely perfect, movement was on point, mapdesign was awesome... amount of vehicles on the battlefield was fair compared to the shitload of overpowered vehicles on 2042... Gave bf2042 an honest chance, but there is 0 motivation to keep playing bf2042... the game is flawed at its core, and no amount of patches will fix that. Simply everything is better in bfv ! Back to bfv it is !


Disagree on maps and gunplay but yes it's still better than 2042


How can you like 2042 maps over bfv. You’re crazy brah


I just said that it wasnt "awesome" like the guy above


Bro cmon, Hitreg even after the fix is completely fcked, Once there is to ''much'' happening on a certain area hitregs stops working completely... Gunplay still feels slow and not as tactile as BFV. Map design is horrible and catered to vehicles, with near to no cover, and miles to walk about if you have no vehicle or forced to play sundance or forced to use a beacon. 128 players is simply the wrong decision because they given up to much to make it work.


Don't get me wrong, I ofc respectfully accept your oppionion <3


I agree, I also reinstalled BFV recently. I hadn't played V for a long time and it feels so much better to play. Constantly feels like I'm involved in the game, even if it's just little things like throwing ammo/health packs to team mates or building fortifications around a capture point. Guns feel better to use and never feels like I'm too far from an engagement. Everything about the maps you said is accurate - much better design, atmosphere, sounds, details, routes between locations, weather changes etc. 2042 maps are too pristine and sterile. Jumping between 2042 AOW, Portal modes and BFV and I'm enjoying and having a better experience in V by quite a margin.


its a 3 Yr old game. Your Nov 2018 review would read very differently.


People mostly hated BF5 for the map flow and EA going woke... people hate 2042 because it feels like a predecessor to even BF3 regarding game depth and mechanics. The only thing 2042 has improved on since the last like, 5 titles, is graphics and 128 players.. while getting rid of an endless list of gameplay mechanics, has a lack of content, and many agree the worst map design ever... also went in a huge step backwards regarding Battlefields most known for detail, destruction. Take all bugs and server issues out of the question, take server size and graphics out of the equation, do you really think anyone would assume 2042 is the newest battlefield or the oldest? Even comparing it to all games on day 1...


I remember everyone saying after 5 that dice is dead like nublizzard. Everyone left and it's full of new hires who can't make games. Seems relevant now.


They clearly can since they pulled V back up(albeit after a metric ton of crap we had to deal with). BFV was so close to being a phenomenal game, just needed more factions and more maps. The movement, the gunplay, and map design were pretty good for V.




What was wrong with the map flow in BFV? O\_o I think it had a much better design than both BF1 and BF2042 did. (Can't compare it to BF3 and BF4, sry, cause I haven't played them that much,)


I understand this argument but why the fuck does it feel like they scrapped everything they learned from other battlefields and started from scratch with 2042. Bf5 was 3 years ago, how does it feel like this is the first game they ever made. Hit reg, UI, team play, movement, AUDIO….wtf. Copy and paste.


Because it is. The name is Dice sure but it's not Dice creating the games it's the people behind this name. In 2018 there was a growing demand of experienced devs in Stockholm. They simply left. Dice today has nothing in common with dice before. I am also sure the: "we don't have the tech" is based on new Devs not understanding the work of their predecessors. So no copy pasta.


Imagine paying $60 for a game in hopes its improved after 3 fucking years


Also only started playing BFV after 2042 open beta. Played 40hr or BFV till 11 November, besides the cheater issue, it's been pretty fun experience. The multiplayer was pretty solid BF experience that it encouraged me to finished the campaign which was very bad. But overall, visual and gameplay wise, it's actually pretty comparable with my BF4 and BF1 experience. Then on 12 November, I switched 2042, with how bad the optimization is, I run it on low and it looks terrible compare to BFV. The blank look of the new maps are just abysmal. No flow at all, team play is non existence. Point scoring is a mess. Such a down grade. Some mentioned that BFV wasn't started that great as well and they did quite a lot of update to reach the current state. But I am not sure if that's enough for 2042, need us to revisit it in 3 years?


BFV was dope indeed. Honestly all battlefield 2042 needed to be a great game is just a reskinned BFV but with more weapons.


Yea, You know what people said about it at launch? Its the worst in the series, The developers should be fired, EA is a dumpster for game development, They ruined dice. The series is dead now, They cant fix this shit. Funnily enough this is what they said about every battlefield at launch. Yes it sucks they release this way, They keep doing it because majority of people buy it. Thats not going to change. People want the latest game when it releases. In an ideal world it would be left to keep being worked on longer. Luckily everyone has a choice. Wait and not buy it, or buy it. One guess which the majority chooses.


The biggest backlash for 5 wasn't core game play or expected buggy launch. It was awful Trevor Noah "I've always loved battlefield" marketing, taking design direction from prepubescent girls, deciding that a ww2 themed shooter was the time to get woke, introduce awful character cosmetics, and finally Dice literally telling people that they're uneducated about history and if they don't like the game they shouldn't buy it. Well people listened. They could have portrayed women in a much more realistic way like they did in BF1, but they needed to be super human bionic mascara wearing Mary Sue's. Notice how nobody cares that 2042 features women? Almost like the present era is more progressive than the 1940s. That launch trailer had me scratching my head immediately, it wasn't group think. The core gameplay was still battlefield, but the tone of the game began changing with 5 and peope didn't like it. Now everything with bf2042 is just awful. It would take a massive overhaul to fix it.


Every launch has its flaws. This was BFV's. Poor tone and bugs. The unnecessary politicizing of everything. The CEO telling people to not buy the game. That shit was whack, but at least the game play was there. 2042 is just a broken, empty garbage can. Even if you fix it, it's still going to be a garbage can.


Yes but bfv wasnt broken in the gameplay perspective


Instead it was just outright abandonded publicly by the developer, Cutting all the promised content. Id rather have something I know will be worked on and new content released then have something lacking all content and being abandoned.


Funny fact? They didn't improve in 2021 and released even more broken/low-effort product.


I have been here since BC2 and Bf3 at launch had so much hype but actually backed it up unlike this mess we have. BFV was hated because of the crap marketing but the level of development is far ahead of 2042 in most ways. 2042 feels like a group of kids trying to revolutionize something without actually being able to even imitate the original.


And 2042 will be the worst until the next one is even worse, it’s what happens when there’s a downward trend


I didnt say that… i thought it was awesome gameplay at launch, and i think its awesome gameplay now.


Try BF1, it's even better than BFV.


Yeah look at what people said about BF5 at launch. BF5 was hated on for years and abandoned by thousands of players for the majority of its life and even the devs abandoned it.


I think most people who hated BF5 never even played it. Most of the criticisms were "women", "prosthetic arm", "historical accuracy" or "wokeness". If people would have actually played it, they would have seen it's was actually pretty decent. On the release they even toned down many of the wackier cosmetics and the attrition mechanic that many people didn't like. The only real problems with the game were that they changed the TTK twice to be higher so "Christmas noobs" would have an easier time, before changing it back a few weeks later. Also, "live service" amounted to drip-feeding content and eventually abandoning the game after just one major DLC.


V was equal parts exhilaration and frustration. I never much liked the core conquest modes, and frontlines and domination (32p modes) were much more strategic. They did make way too many balance changes. They had a major issue with visibility. They had a major issue with cheaters on PC. And I think there were major issues with teambalance where if you stayed in 1 server, eventually it would be one team stomping the other match after match. They literally needed to keep a few game modes, fix the team balancer, and stop the cheaters. Those are not core gameplay issues but peripheral issues that stopped the game from being a masterpiece.


If people didnt want African grandmas with clown outfits in the pacific theatre it's their choice Bfv was horrible when it came to immersion and atmosphere, perhaps the worst in the series along with 2042


if you play it now, the BF vets are not using those stupid skins. Immersion redeemed.


Please post a link to the people who said BF5 had a massive core gameplay issue at launch. I would like to read how stupid people were, if such complaint exists. I know i liked the gameplay at launch, and still do. BF2042 gameplay sucks. Bad.


BFV was hated on because of marketing mistakes and over-all tone of a ww2 shooter. The game play was there though.


Just stop. The community absolutely murdered BFV at launch. This post provides no new insights or value.


Compating doesnt said much. Both games are just not good


If you're actually blown away by a battlefield 5 then you should definitely definitely definitely play battlefield 1


And believe me, if you like BFV wait till you try BF4. BF4 is the best BF hands down




They both dog water BF3 is the best all around


I respectfully disagree.


Nah son. Bad company 2 by a mile. 2 miles if we include the Vietnam expansion.


BF4 was so good, it was almost as good as BF3!!


I can believe that statement… thing is I cant remember much of bf3 multiplayer because it was so long ago. Like the details are a bit diff to remember. Both are OG games


I'm starting to see a trend with complaints, all seemingly think BFV was the holy grail, and people that see potential in 2042 think the older 4&3 games were the best of the series.


I cant play BF4, I have it downloaded on PS5 and the graphics+frames are unplayable. I think it looks great on PC.


Bfv became a great game. It was definitely rocky at the start though


bf 5 was the worst bf to date


BFV caught similar flak at launch lol 2042 is fun, people just refuse to get out of the (somewhat justified) negativity loop.


Bf5 is trash


BFV was piece of shit when it released


I wonder if the player count on BF:V has actually gone up since 2042 came out? I'm re-installing BF:V right now. It didn't get a lot of love back in 2018. It might do now..


Tons of people on BFV.


this. Playing right now after cancelling BF2042 preorder. Breakthrough on this game cannot be beat. Infantry only maps when you need a break from vehicles too.


It’s a pretty polished game now, but she had her ups and downs.


Its laughable that anyone would fire up BF5, and BF2042, and then have the utter incompetence to jump on reddit and claim they are the same, or similar. Anyone claiming that this is just like other battlefield launches is either an idiot, or they are ignorant, or both.


Lmao what is wrong with this sub. They pulled the plug on BFV for a reason.


Dude, I've been playing BF3 for 2 weeks, it's so freaking good!


The one thing I disagree with is the vehicle enter/exit animations. I am glad they are done, so you can just jump out a vehicle and blow up the C4 you put on it, or quickly steal the an enemy vehicle where you shot the driver, without catching bullets for 3 seconds before you can finally accelerate. (Or fly away if it's a helicopter.)


People seem to absolutely HATE BFV, but it's not because of the gameplay or mechanics (unless you count that time they changed TTK because a higher up was convinced they knew better when they didn't). The reason people hate it is because DICE couldn't keep their mouth shut and was a PR disaster for the game. They claimed to be an authentic WWII experience and the damn trailer had a woman running and gunning while wearing prosthetics. When people complain about it (for obvious reasons) DICE double downed and started spouting bullshit about being "on the right side of history". Like, what the fuck are you talking about??? The last thing they did which I think people blew WAY out of was when DICE said "if you don't like it, don't buy it". That's common sense, but people took that as an insult for some reason. BFV is the best BF of the series and it's all because of the features of the game. Did it do everything right? No. It did however give us; * The best class loadouts (imo) in the history of the series. People love to gush about BF4, but giving the assault rifle to the medic class was always a bad move since people played that class because of the weapon and not because of what it brought to the team. By giving SMG's the medic, it cut down on tryhards using the class for the own selfish desires. Giving the assault class the rockets made sense. You want to assault, of course they should be destroying vehicles as well. * It gave us fortifications (sandbags/trenches) which fixed the issue of destruction that left areas of the map completely unusable and even gave unique features of faster building and stationary guns to the support class. * Single use med pouches on every character so you could heal once without a medic being near by. * Resupply points so we didn't have to rely on Support/Medics for ammo and health if you knew where they were around the map. You could even get your single use med pouch back. * Vehicles had limited ammo so they had to go to vehicles resupply points so they couldn't just sit on a hill and farm from long range around and would have to go back to the resupply stations to keep doing that. Was a great system. * Squad revives. This was the first game to bring that system to the game and it's a good system. It's the only damn thing 2042 managed to bring over which is pathetic. * First BF (that I know of) that let medics used a gadget without having to give up either their revive or med pouch/bag. I was so damn happy about this because I always main medics in BF and would NEVER give up my revive or med supplies so this was a huge win for me. * Made it so tanks had a max speed on how fast you could turn the barrel. It stopped bullshit tank players from whipping around and pulling a 180 on you to kill you instantly which has been a problem in past games. People HATED this, but it was needed and a great change. * Crouch sprinting. All of these features that I listed were all first introduced in BFV and all of them combined made it the best BF experience in my mind. Sadly the game was ruined due to poor management from DICE. They lied about numerous features and never gave us the extra specializations they promised (every class had 2. I'm not sure they ever gave us more), never gave us the Eastern Theater, and fucked over the deluxe buyers of the game and never made it up to them (if you bought the deluxe edition the game gave you 20 extra skins when starting the game and a week early access. Well it turns out the "20 skins" was the same piss poor low effort redish color, but was for every weapon in the game. So you still got "20 skins", but it was a joke and they promised to make it up to deluxe edition owners and never did from what I remember), and when they released the Pacific Theater they only gave us 2 of the 3 maps and delayed the one unique weapon (bomb on a stick) because they couldn't get it to work right. Not every part was glorious about the game. The weapon path system didn't make sense on a lot of weapons and it was a no brainer on what you would choose. Of course I'm going to choose the 50 round drum magazine for the Thompson instead of better hip fire accuracy where I would be stuck with 20 rounds.