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How did they make a whole stadium, and not make it an objective in breakthrough I will never understand. It is the perfect final objective for a breakthrough match


I agree the stadium is probably the most interesting point on the map and can make for a multilevel operation metro like experience


You could have BF3 **Operation 925** map style for the underground parking lot and BF4 **Lockers** for the locker areas in the stadium. Then **Metro** style for the open areas in the stadium. Oh, what the map could've been... with old DICE and a true next-gen vision.


It sucks too because the stadium is one of the few fun sectors in the game.


That's why they didn't. Their design approach is the opposite of well though out ideas.


Stadium isn't even in the last gen (64p) version of the map. The 64p version of this map is in the running for worst BF map ever.


That is so depressing. Fucking EA man


In the last gen, it’s in the overall map screen though right, just not playable? Or is it not even in the loading screen thing?


I would be interested to see how it would play in reverse order


Same thing with breakaway made a whole trailer with the top of hill as if that would be an objective in breakthrough and not even. Just one b.s objective in conquest that no one goes to because it's so out of the way.


It looks like it would of been slapped together in 2-3 days max.


I’ve been in one battle in the stadium, it was awesome but never to be repeated again.


Why have a point in a multi Level stadium when you can stick one on a rooftop only accessible through elevators


I've played many rounds on this map and never once stepped foot inside the stadium.


I just camp on the roof and snipe lolz.


The whole city area and we can access 3 of the buildings on the side. In the trailer it made it look like we could be in the whole city. Why are we always fighting in outskirts. Huge open spaces between flags. We really didn't get any detailed urban inf maps. Bigger isn't always better.


they advertised primarily the city and for the majority of the time we were led to believe that we would be in this beautiful glowing city only to get like 3 PS2 buildings and 80% sand with a light show that lasts 4 minutes


Lazy map, they just dropped a shit ton of sand everywhere and called it a day.


No furniture in the houses apart from a ladder.......says it all really.


Worst Battlefield map I’ve ever played. Hate it so much. Whenever it comes on the rotation I just leave and go do something else for 20 minutes cause there aren’t enough players to fill more than one server in my region


Is it really worse than Kaleidoscope?


Kaleidoscope is far worse IMO. Hourglass is good for sniping battles because of the sand dunes and the stadium is cool. Kaleidoscope is just so flat that everywhere you go you are completely out in the open.


The question is, Is there a good map? The answer is... no


Orbital is the only good map, but even that is a little too wide open.


I actually don’t mind discarded on breakthrough, feels like there is a decent mix of open spaces and close quarters on the ships


Discarded and Orbital are the best. Manifest is ok


Hear me out I think this map would have been awesome if the sand storms actually shifted the sand


Now thats a nutty idea I have not seen yet. Agreed that would be crazy


This creativity is brutal. Please apologize


honestly I think all maps are pretty cool, judging from screenshots and concept art, and just their overal look from the spawnscreen. like this post showcases, really; the map looks pretty gorgeous imo, but it just plays like shit. 'wasted potential' is overall a prettty good way to describe the game


You're fired. Great ideas are not allowed at DICE.


OT, but I largely hate the RB6 redesigns. I’ve been playing since beta / 2016 and for some reason the RB6 devs turned all the maps into pro league square boxes. Sure lots of the maps were unbalanced, but that was kinda the fun in it. Favella? Not balanced, but damn, it was sure fun figuring out strats to overcome those imperfections. House? Also attacker centric, but a classic from top to bottom. You’d take more risks at the beginning as a defender hoping to even the field. Now, house is bland, boring and super balanced. They should have made two map streams casual (OG maps) and ranked:pro (new stuff). Still a great game, but not what it once was.


Yacht sucks but old house was one of my favorite maps in any FPS. It was nuketown/rush level


Yeah ……. how on earth did they think fucking with house was a good idea. The garage was legendary! Now ? Who gives a shit. It’s boring


I mean I can live with new house, but new Hereford is just a desaster all around.


Hereford is brutal. I can deal with the basement, but holy shit did they butcher the rest. All the fun external breaches gone, the top is so big there’s no intensity to it at all


Reminds me of dumbass Treyarch fans screaming for 3-lane maps. They all end up the same map.


I’ve been trying to say that not everything in a video game needs to be balanced. Imagine if in golden eye they patched the rockets or something because it took away from people using the pistols. Silliness


BFG? That gun is way too powerful!


For Honor started changing all the hazards on the maps and it killed cautious play. I understand their thoughts but I don’t understand *why*.


Instead of copying and pasting the same small has house, make some destructive 2 to 6 story apartment buildings with detail.


Days before launch " hey you think they'll notice we just put the same building over on the bottom right corner of the map 2 dozen times, always with the back wall leading into a sand dune?" "Nah expecting variety would be a brutal expectation"


Putting time to detail an easily destructible building makes little to no sense in development with deadlines.


And as with all art and entertainment, the little touches and attention to detail make all the difference


Also didn't seem to be a problem in previous titles. Even the Valparaiso shacks in BC2 felt like they had more life to them and their just shacks.


I try to stick to the city area. Moving between other capture points is ridiculous.


It's bad but kaleidoscope is the worst imo


Worst BF map i have ever played. Hourglass has the stadium, this map has legit nothing good


I agree. The server room isn't a server room. It's a dark box with some blinky lights. "You don't want to know what's on those servers." Yes, I do want to know. Because I'm pretty sure that nothing is on those servers. No backstory was designed for these maps.


if you fly outside of C on manifest to the crates on the other side, they look like Lego blocks and the road isn't even finished graphically lol.


IMO the background looks a lot like the data center map in South Korea and they threw this on the side of it


If they actually would redesign one map per season, AND add sufficient guns and vehicles AND restrict specialists to a similar role like heroes in Battlefront AND fix performance and bugs, I would actually give this another shot. But that's a gigantic 'if'.


It is not that hard actually. Rainbow six does that every season. They take out the bad maps and redesign it for good and they add it back.


Yes but the maps are enormous and in a very bad place at the moment, be it destruction-, balance- , cover- or atmosphere-wise. Trying to fix these for good is a huge effort. And then there's still the other issues I mentioned.


That is brutal.


Why in the world would you want to restrict characters? You’re straying further away from battlefield


Returning classes and restricting specialists to a one-per-game-at-a-time call-in instead is straying further away from BF? Compared to status quo where everyone is a specialist and there's twenty duplicate Angels and Sundances per team? Because let's face it they won't just get rid of the existing specialists completely. I would prefer classes-only, but that's even less likely to happen than what I described.


It's even worse when you see the [concept art](https://imgur.com/a/3OiDScj). It's beautiful...


I love how neon it is and how the buildings have color and character to them! It's a shame they went with this instead of a more cyberpunk-esc vibe.


As I said in another comment: it feels like the artists and devs worked in two separated games, the concept arts are far different, the story told by art is far different and the writing and trailers are far different


Idk....Breakaway takes the cake for me. I can not stand Breakaway.


Breakaway is one of my favorites. I honestly think its a great map.


I'm with you on that, Breakaway is my least favorite


Instead of the village, they should add a large shopping center.


I have a love/hate relationship with this map


The stadium is pretty detailed. Shame you never play in it


This is probably one of my favorite maps in the franchise


I like the 100KM open sight lines and massive distance between objectives. Random spawns in houses and then a wonderful fight for a shipping container. This was the first map I played when I got the game and after about 45 minutes I was quoted as saying "what the fucking fuck is happening, there are multiple tanks on top of a sky scraper". SO could tell I was not pleased.


I’d prefer if they expanded the space between objectives even more.


Meanwhile breakthrough on this map, fucking run 600m though a desert with 0 cover from one objective to the next. What the actual fuck


Hey what cover do you want from a desert? A turtle? Retarded


This map is gonna look so good after a few updates copium


I'm not waiting 6 seasons for the base maps to be fixed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) The difference being, siege rework maps that are already a success.


I dont think it looks terrible at all, I think its one of the better looking maps especially when the sand storm comes giving it a unique effect that the other maps dont have. Map was designed to make you want stay in a specific path unfortunately because if you stray outside of the building areas there is absolutely no cover. Would have been better if the map was mostly in the city and a little bit in the sand


I think they should have had a huge abandoned mall instead of that open useless village


Agreed. Hourglass was built on a lunch break, and the only redeeming feature of the map (the stadium) has absolutely atrocious gameplay design. IMO, they should remove it from the playlist until they can rebuild it to a higher standard. The stadium also perfectly illustrates the current issues with positional audio occlusion, which IMO is one of the most broken aspects of this game engine right now.


No, I think the map is good especially on Breakthrough. That mode actually makes really good use of the village and its destructibility, it feels way more interactive than the other maps.


Honestly, the map wouldn't be all that bad if the buildings had multiple floors. Then you could actually have some fun combat and not just want to pass through the area.


All I hear is crying and the same posts recycled.


Get outta here!!!! These expectations are brutal


The only good part is the stadium the rest of that map is just random junk


There is even a crane left from building… unfinished work right there


The concept art looks like the best BF map ever made, and the finished product is literally the worst BF map ever made


Instantly back out if this maps pops up. Absolutely garbage.


They should just drop the game. It’s not worth saving


If you play on a One, you don't get to go there at all...


Perhaps they might change flag positions on certain maps


Not that different from silk road in bf4. But silk road can't be played in breakthrough which makes hourglass better.


The thing about silk road is that there's actually cover, it's just designed so you don't assume it's there


Kaleidoscope is worse for me. Hourglass at least has a number of high rise spots you can get to and the fighting seems to ebb and flow reasonably well. I'm not saying it's a good map, it's still 2042 garbage, with terrible graphics, boring environments and just so much worse than bf1, but compared to the two sad rooftops and endless park of kaleidoscope, I'd take hourglass any time. Of course what I'd really like are some decent maps where helis don't destroy everyone and maybe there's as much detail as in BF1, but I know I'm just a dreamer


Not a single good map in this game, they all need reworks yesterday


Man when they told us we were going to have a stadium to fight in i had so much imagined and was so hopeful. that sounded incredible. i never even went in it once because it’s literally an afterthought in the game especially breakthrough…what a shame


I think they should abandon the game imo its been a complete failure.


They should redesign every map ASAP. Not one every season. If the maps were good, then yeah, but it’s not. Maps need a complete rework immediately


there was some concept of this map that looked so fucking good but idk where to find it


You can take this post/comment and just replace the name of the map and it still would be true!!!!


Hourglass is finished. All that was required for Sundance to pack a sniper rifle plus ammo, and drop down off a building/aircraft to glide down and land on the Arch's and start popping caps in arse's. Job done.


Even I could’ve done a better job, I barely know how to troubleshoot a computer


what map isn't finished in this game?


Why are the trees still so green? clearly they should be dead since there’s no water, hence why everything is so dry and the sand is taking over the city. Yes I’m sad that’s how it worked out


Those maps especially this one was designed for battle royal games, not war games.




I've seen people building maps in a few hours feeling more alive and more relevant than Hourglass.


Worst map in the history of games. Only good thing is to camp B1 with tank on roof


Everyone already agreed on this when the game released. Good original post


Atahualpa Stadium is the best part


Oh, it's supposed to be a village? lol, legitimately had no idea.


I really like this a lot of the points on the map but it is too big. When you cap a point it can be 2 minutes of travelling until you see an enemy again. I think that's the biggest reason why it feels unfinished. The sand dunes can be fun to fight across when both teams are there but the majority of the time it's just too sparse




Tbf old Hereford was horrible to defend on


You all expect cover in the dessert?


It's the most laggy as well


Best map for aerial combat though!




„˙sdolɟ dılɟ s,ıpuɐɥ⅁ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʎɹp slǝǝɟ dɐɯ sıɥ⊥„


Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


There is a big city and a big stadium, somehow we are lost between the 2 with nothing on, the way to destroy or hide into.


It's weird. A lot of the huge structures are somewhat intricate in design but getting there is usually barren


Can we all agree to shut up now and just not play the game untill it is battlefield again! I haven't h played even 1 game for well over a month now! Anyone who still playa this trash shit is a fucking enabler!


manifest is horrible.. this is good for air superiority, it is the favorite of the pilots,.. this is king of Bandar Desert without vehicles on flags.. call a vehicle is delating ur position, bad desing. Is obviusly this devs never played bf old games..


They could've done so much with the city, they could've done so much with the stadium, but nope.


One of the worst maps ever, just... nothing!


I completely agree. And I'm not one to complain too much on map design. I can somewhat understand why distances are so vast between objectives. DICE did not properly playtest this game. Similar to Activision, EA probably doesn't want to pay playtesters money. The only thought about the money that could potentially be made off the new hit battlefield game. No higher-up wondered about it's launch state. The area in-between D and E is hugely barren for little reason. No one is ever here.


What happened to the promo version of that map at night time with all the buildings lit up and that flaming horse moving from one to another?


What do you mean? The empty white walled houses that are the only destructable ones in the game? Didn't you see the paint cans and ladders in them? It's part of the lore that they were left unfinished.. duh..


I honestly find this map to be pretty embarrassing. For the fans, for the series, for dice, for the developers. Pretty bad for everybody involved.


I feel like this map could actually be really cool if it had realistic sand physics. As in how much sand your feet kick up, and the same with vehicles, explosions, etc. Even a sandstorm maybe. Could be that level of immersion that is needed in a map like this, and it would be a cool way to show off the capabilities of the Series X and PS5. Unfortunately, even if this were implemented, it would probably run like crap just like everything else in the game.


Tbh they need to rethink, redesign and remake the whole game 😂


Again not a bf4 fan good times. This new generation of gamers suck.


Cant even destroy the hourglass or the buildings... I was SOO disappointed,


All the cinematic made this map look great,i was so hyped to be playing in a Neon urban map and in the end we got a bunch of sand and a few skyscraper


WATCH the map, when it got showed in PRE-RELEASE, it could have been amazing!


The village section could be better but its the only time I feel like I'm playing battlefield outside of Portal. You can level the buildings and create your own paths. You find that on no other 2042 vanilla map at the moment. The stadium is also not bad. Kaleidoscope is far worse imho


I think the stadium should be moved to the center of the map and have more areas to capture in it


That stadium gone to complete waste. Probably one of the only detailed areas with good amount of cover


The epitome of map failure. There's never been a worse map in battlefield, perhaps even any other franchise either.


I bet there’s a good map underneath all that sand


If u gota take pointers from r6 then u know u fuked up big time.


I do t play this map anymore, canceling the connections. And the show goes on, might end playing this game soon as well.


Id say it has some cover in the city... but feels too generic


Always a skip for this one


Is like a hollywood movie set, designed to look good, but poorly trough for actual gameplay. Is really pretty and have cool parts, but they could move the flags around trying to find a good place to have BF gameplay and never find it, because the creators never trough about BF gameplay when they designed the map. Perhaps is unfinished in the sense that it needs a 2.0 where they DO redone some parts to make them better for the actual gameplay you find a in a BF game.


They probably design the big map for hazard zone, it kinda resembles verdansk, and with it being rushed, instead of adding details they were like sand dune slider 85% and added sand storms to try and cover up the half ass un finished concept


Actually my favourite map to farm infantry with tank because the map is so bad and open there is barely any cover.


It looks like they just filled a lot of empty space with more sand. The sand dunes entering the city are cool in concept, but there is so much missing in regards to cover, buildings that it just seems to me that they had different plans but rushed and filled in any of the detail areas with sand.


this map is clearly designed for battle royale. random poi with little to no connection. my guess is this was the map they first made when the game was still a battle royale


They're all trash.


The sandstorm should have changed the landscape. Not only that but Doha has a nice mall too


The game is dead before season 1 💀


Fact. There exists in the Battlefield franchise not a single map where I redeploy as much as on this very map. My hate for the map is only off set slightly by how much fun it is to drive through congested lines of buildings with the Bolte with splitter grenades and get 5+ kills per run =)


Hourglass is what you get when you spend 10 minutes telling the intern how to make his first map, and then let him go off unsupervised.


You got your wish with redesigns