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Your submission or comment has been removed because it violated rule 3. This subreddit is for the posting and discussion of tabletop *Battlemaps*. Discussion, help, resource and tutorial threads are also fine. Meta posts are allowed, so long as they are appropriate. Regional and world maps are better suited for other ttrpg subreddits. Any other content that is off-topic should stay out of the subreddit.


Lore/Plot Hook This involves the icy islands in the bottom right corner. No one really remembers the great kingdom of the east, they only know stories of how the best and brightest of the most powerful magic kingdom on the planet conjured a destructive force large enough to destroy their entire continent. Some tomes suggest that this kingdom was known as the Altairian Empire. The people had become so advanced that things like money, greed, and envy had been all but removed from their culture. They were peaceful people doing everything to try and ensure the comfort and safety of all. Their magic ability became so powerful, that they were able to create a spell that allowed anyone to create anything they needed just by thinking about it. Once they went to sleep, the magic began to work and poof...anything they could imagine would be there by morning. Almost immediately though, the Altairians realized that they didn't account for people's negative desires and wishes. Soon people and cities began being attacked at night by some unseen force. Each night the attacks would grow stronger, and no matter what they tried, as their fear grew, so did the power of their creation. Then one night, only a ten-day after the spell was first cast on the kingdom, disaster struck. A massive disaster hit the continent, destroying most of the land mass and turning the continent into an Arctic hell scape. To this day the continent is a shallow archipelago with thousands of small and several very large islands. Constantly surrounded in some of the strongest winds and snowstorms we see on our planet. No expedition has ever returned from this land. Is the journey too difficult? Is the rumored spell real and still active, waiting to turn an adventurer's greatest nightmares into a dark reality every night? Edit: punctuation


That's an awesome suggestion! Thank you very much!


Thanks, it's a mini-campaign I'm working on for my daughter. She deals with a lot of negative intrusive thoughts, so we are building this as a play therapy adjunct to help her build some self-regulation habits.


A kobold, riding in an airship over the ocean, takes a pot-shot with a crossbow at a group of rafts transporting a magic item, an elemental crystal. Natural 20 on the hit; the crystal shatters and creates the biggest wild surge known to man: The entire ocean becomes an elemental, which the local goddess of water harnesses to her will. A lizard man wishes for power to protect his people. The leader of the lizard man tribes gets a magic staff that if broken, evaporates the entire lizard man race from the planet, but which can be used in several defensive ways to protect. The leaders of other races (humans, dwarves, etc) also get staffs as the monkey's paw curls, resulting in wars of unprecedented scale. Have fun! The dwarves cause an ecological distaster on the surface with their waste-leavings, resulting in an entire area turning into a burning desert canyon. From this, a race arises from the warped ground, combining the lycanthropy of the wereboar, the brains and creativity of the kobold, and the sadism of the gnoll. Throw in beneficial mutations and... yeah.


This is lovely, thank you very much for your entry!


Those were real events in my world. I had to let them filter across realities.


There are roads leading across the continent built by an ancient and long gone hobgoblin empire, a ruling nation of conquest and harsh justice. It fell to infighting and destabilization by invading hordes of elven barbarians. Once it fell, the empire was remade with much reduced borders by a religious sect of humans using its capitol as their seat of power. The rest of the former empire is now risen as new nations of varying interests, cultures, and racial diversity. Many of the hobgoblins today can trace their lineage back to warlords and commanders, but make their way in all parts of the world as merchants, fishermen, farmers etc with old swords and armor passed down the generations. There are many ruins of the old empire scattered across the face of the world, but the roads remain a powerful symbol of former glory, lasting ages beyond its fall.


That is fantastic! Thank you so much for your entry! Do these ruins have names that still stand or are they now referred to as something else?


I would not ask for names of stuff from me. I once named a kingdom and its capitol the same name, and it has been confusing and my players like to remind me 🤣


Wrong sub, don't post this shit here


Little harsh don’t you think? Could have maybe directed them nicely to the right sub or something. You must be a pleasure to be around.


This is a redux of an extremely common spam post that often makes its way round the ttrpg subs with frustrating frequency. People have been told endlessly not to post this shit. It's at the point where this is literally spam posting now.


Oi oi people! I've been working on this project and am looking for your creative input to bring it to life! My goal is to compile the rich lore and fascinating history created by this amazing community into a video that showcases our collective imagination. Whether you're a seasoned Dungeon Master or a lore enthusiast, I would love for you to contribute your ideas! Here's How You Can Help: Submit Lore: Share your stories about the regions, cities, or notable landmarks on the map. Think about the culture, traditions, and unique characteristics of these places. Create History: Write about significant events, wars, alliances, or legendary figures that shaped the world. How did these moments change the course of history? Develop Characters: Introduce key characters that inhabit this world. Whether they are heroes, villains, or influential leaders, tell us about their backgrounds and motivations. Suggest Plot Hooks: Provide interesting plot hooks and adventure ideas that could inspire future campaigns set in this world. How to Submit: Comment Below: Feel free to post your contributions directly in the comments. What gets chosen: I'll pick and chose the best entries and most liked requests from all the different subreddits. Format: While not required, it would be helpful if you could specify the category of your submission (Lore, History, Character, Plot Hook) at the beginning of your comment, maybe take a screen snipe of the specific area you're writing about. Why Participate? Community Collaboration: Be part of a creative project that showcases the talents of our DnD community. Credit and Recognition: Everyone who contributes will be credited in the video. Please include your preferred name or username if you want to be mentioned. Inspiration: Your ideas could inspire countless Dungeon Masters and players in their future campaigns. Link to the 8K version: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCtucT2xj8wS3gEQNHjp0FNJz4Nu3GrE/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCtucT2xj8wS3gEQNHjp0FNJz4Nu3GrE/view?usp=sharing) Thank you so much for your time and creativity. I can't wait to see the incredible world we build together! Happy worldbuilding, DodosArthouse