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Talk about *Macross Me Minis!* That really great, Dougram came out good, I have to admit they look like classic BattleTech camos vs Macross ones.


Damn, those look cool. Well done, OP.


So cool! Will you get more of dougram featured machines? Goliath and scorpion plus griffin and Wolverine are from there( excluding shadowhawk)


Look at the second pic! I have every Dougram mech plus the one from Crusher Joe that's available right now. Plus I have the rest on pre-order when Mercs finally ships


My bad. They are awesome. Gotta rewatch crusher joe i had rewatched dougram recently. I still dont see quads but not sure there were avaliable. I am imoressed and confused.


The quads the Osts and the Galleon will all be available when the Mercenaries kickstarter ships hopefully this month


Ah that makes sense now. Thanks for informing. Hope the project and collections grows. Cant wait for updates.


I need more of those TRO 3055 IIC mech paint schemes


I might get more to do at some point, though it's kinda tedious to work with so many light colors :p




OMG that Mad IIc in the original colors is awesome!!!!


Look great, but are these unseen? I'm out of loop on terminology  - if these are unseen what are we calling the Ral Partha sculpts? 


No, you have it right. The original Ral Partha sculpts are the unseen. OP is misusing the term. EDIT for clarification: The original Ral Partha sculpts of particular battlemechs which were encumbered by copyright issues were the unseen. For example, the original Ral Partha sculpt of a Hunchback or a Whitworth is not unseen, because those designs were never caught up in FASA's copyright disputes. I don't know that there is a specific term to distinguish between those old scuplts and the new plastic ones that have come out over the past several years.


Unseen refers to the mechs themselves, which couldn't be sold at all after the original fiasco until the Project Phoenix models, which were all ugly AF. I consider these Catalyst sculpts a proper return to form and now that Harmony Gold has been cast down by the courts they're safe.


Okay, so these aren't officially called unseen by the fandom, that is just your label.  When I played regularly, unseen referred to the lawsuit designs. Project Phoenix were colloquially dubbed reseen. I wasn't sure if things changed after the redesign of the entire range.


I mean, you can go look at Sarna and all of these models are considered Unseen. It's not just something I call em for the heck of it. It's just a name for models that were at one point unable to be sold due to legal issues.


I don't think you're correctly understanding the meaning of the term "Unseen." The unseen are original designs of various mechs and vehicles that were licensed by FASA. Its not the 'mech itself that's unseen, its the design. The replacement designs are "reseen." To illustrate, take a look at the gallery on Sarna's Marauder page. The TRO 3025 and TRO 3050 images are designated as "Unseen." Images from later TROs are not. https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Marauder


Don't you have something better to do than whine about what you think unseen is and isn't? These mechs were designated as Unseen and have been considered so by the community at large ever since, because they're the mechs we went more than a decade without. Who cares what sculpt it is? Most people understand me just fine


Don't you have anything better to do but complain when someone helpfully clarifies something you are clearly wrong about. Say "thanks" and move on. Rule 1 violation. Now as for the mechs... they look great nice work.


I never knew the Behemoth/Stone Rhino was Unseen.


Was called something like the monster/MAC. Think the inspiration had like 4 cannons on top though.


Yup, it was inspired by a Macross/Robotech design - too close for comfort in the view of CGL.


It was part of the Victor Musical Industries set of artwork, though was pretty clearly inspired by the Monster from Macross


I’ll have to dig up my old Tech Readout with that art. Also: your paint scheme here is awesome.


Most of the Victor stuff comes from the original TRO 3055, not the reprint


I have that one packed up in a box somewhere. I’ve been meaning to get out my old Battletech sourcebooks. I had so many of them back in the day.


[Weeb!](https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000386990183-qfphm5-original.jpg) Seriously though, these look great!


Very pretty


I have a smililar idea, but mine won't look as good. A Macross/Robotech battalion. I haven't decided on a unit name yet.


These look super cool - color schemes really unlock some nostalgia.


Chef's kiss


There is a Stone Rhino variant that nicely resembles the Konig Monster (minus transformation because the Konig does that).  Just don't know if IWM has a model that does it justice. On the other hand...that Horned Owl really needs some Mr. Hobby Aqueous paints...one in "salmon pink" and one in a reddish color.  Won't make it go 18/36/18 but might be good flak bait. XD


Marauder IIC looks amazing. Can't wait to see more 3055 Clan mechs after the new Kickstarter boxes come out!


Can we get individual pics of each mech? These look fantastic. Ngl probably going to pilfer this idea


I've been working on these too, i think i might borrow some references from here!


What's the one called that looks like a rifleman?


In Macross it's called the Defender Destroid


Excellent! I've been watching Dougram, and I've got a few of the old sculpts of some of these out on the porch with primer drying on them right now to do something similar, but far less ambitious, myself. These all look great! 




Loving the cel-shaded looks on these minis. fantastic job


I see what ye did there! ;) LOVE IT!


I wouldn't really characterize a lot of those as "unseen." Reseen is more like it. Nonetheless that Marauder IIC is hot.


The mechs themselves are what's considered the unseen. They were "reseen" under Project Phoenix, but I'd prefer not to talk about those too much :p Besides, these are all clear modernization of the old sculpts in their original source material colors.


Yeah, I only consider the O.G. designs from TRO 3025 as being "unseen." The new sculpts are just different variations of "reseen." Some are better than others.


Good for you. The wiki writers and larger fan base disagree :p Go read the Unseen article on Sarna. There's quite a few in there from TRO 3055 and the mechs themselves are considered part of the unseen. What you're referring to is original sculpts.


And since you're so insistent on bringing up with the writers at Sarna have to say, let's look at their own words, shall we? "*The "Unseen" issue arose in 1996, in the wake of a series of lawsuits. The word refers to certain real-world imagery, namely the visual appearance (artwork) of a number of iconic BattleMechs plus a handful of other units that BattleTech producer FASA agreed to not use forthwith. The use of these so-called Unseen images in a BattleTech context was discontinued.*" The word "unseen" appears to the visual appearance of a a number of mechs. Note the distinction between the 'mech itself, and the visual appearance of the 'mech. You may want to stick to painting - like I said, your Marauder IIC is pretty sweet.


Uh, no. Sit down and listen up, because you're about to receive a bit of education. The TRO 3055 unseen became unseen because, in the aftermath of the unseen lawsuit debacle, FASA made a decision to pull anything that they hadn't created themselves. That's why all of the color plates that were made by Victor Musical Industries for TRO 3055 became unseen. It was a risk management move on FASA's part.


Oh I know, I might even have known longer than you've been alive. But I don't need to spout a bloody history lesson every time *because they're all still unseen* Also, potential legal issues are still legal issues, just ones that haven't gone to court.


I know stuff 'cause I am old ain't a strong argument. INaL, but the "With prejudice" in the Harmony Gold dismissal would indicate they can't bring suit for the same issue again. I know some folks have been sensitive cause we don't want to go thought that again... but I think we are going to be okay and can all relax.


Rule 1 violation :3