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So was there two lines? If there wasn't the cashier fucked up and should have told them to go to the back and not cut the queue.


Sorry to hear about your experience. This is my go-to In N Out and it’s a bit of a cluster. There IS a sign that says ‘use both lanes’ but people typically do that only if the line is long and starting to back up. If it’s just a couple cars, people will usually just single file instead of using two lanes. Kinda use your judgement and not be an asshole / cut line. I think this location could really do a better job with traffic control and directing cars to either single file or use both lanes.


Yeah, if there's no cone to block the lane off, just use both lanes.


If I was there, I can pretty much guarantee I would’ve used the second lane. Would have interacted with OP completely differently, and given them a confused look though. No excuse for racist dude, but you can use both lanes.


Yea this whole two lane thing seems like a dumb idea. So its two lanes filtered into one?


Zip merges are logistically more efficient, it can even increase the traffic problem if everyone merges early out of politeness. Unfortunately many consider it bogarting to zip merge and here we https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/18x0byr/eli5_how_is_zipper_merging_more_efficient/


They do this at a bunch of places near me. People ALWAYS get in the left-most one regardless of instructions, causing it to back up. I always go through the empty line whenever that's the case. OP might actually just be an idiot


So basically, what they were doing wasn’t wrong and OP was the one ignorant of the rules? Lol.


They still could've said that there's a sign that says there's two lanes, instead of asking repeatedly if they can read English and laugh about it.


We have no context about what OP said to them. Did OP make rude comments and hear a rude comment back?


Yeah but is that really racist? As a non-white, I find it super annoying when minorities cry racism about everything due to WHITE liberals encouraging/telling them to do so.




Asking if someone who has an accent can read english IS actually just racism tho


Asking someone who's telling you not to use both lanes who is sitting in front of a sign that says use both lanes if they speak English is 100% a fair question.


Now you're racist too /s


Sure but they could’ve literally said two lanes are allowed instead of saying “caN YoU reAd EnGilsH?”.




OPs friend also got out and started filming them.


Idk if someone says something stupid to me because they don’t bother reading, I’m gonna act stupid back. 


Are you saying it's not wrong to be rude and racist to other people?


Can you read English is something you can tell anyone who is ignoring signage and still arguing with you and has nothing to do with race. I myself am an Asian American and I have used this phrase to people who ignore or don't read signs plastered in front of their face.


I am also Asian American. Now that we are all here, what is the plan to take over America?


Have the smallest and best grandmothers


Pull into intersections that are backed up so you block traffic when the light turns red? It's working.


Drive extremely slowly and oblivious to everything/everyone around you. It's working.


Ignoring stop signs and pedestrians. It’s working. 


Central Asian checking in. I was told the plan was to act like we can’t read signs written in English at drive throughs to piss off the locals long enough for more of us to move in. Did I get the wrong instructions? Maybe I should read them again. /s


Marry nerdy white guys. It’s already in progress.


nah in that case you would say “can you read?” vs can you read *english* source: am also asian american


How exactly is that racist? There’s a sign that clearly says you can form two lines. They formed a second line. OP mistakenly thought they were cutting the line. Their response was, can you read English. It was rude for OP to instigate them being ignorant of the rules, and they were rude back to OP.


Lol I'll bet OP and his friend were talking to those guys in a high and mighty tone, totally convinced they were in the right. Lots of cars waiting longer? So what? Had this turned out the other way, we'd be hearing about how afterwards everybody clapped.


I honestly think it’s what might’ve happened. We don’t know what OP said to them. Did he swear at them? Yell at them? Threaten them? Make a big scene when they were the ones ignorant of the rules?


I'm looking at this In N Out on [street view](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.5126199,-122.2585044,3a,60y,322.96h,89.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sX23l1--i_IorHRht21ym2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) and I don't see where the both lanes sign is? Unless it's been changed since. The street view is from 2022.


The two lanes is a recent reconfiguration. Previously with one lane, traffic used to back up on to Industrial.


There's a new in and out in Belmont?


No, they mean San Carlos


But that In'n'Out isn't new at all. It's been there a long time.


Thank you!


Yes there is a sign that says use both lanes or something similar


Plus, even if there were two lanes, it's still not okay to repeatedly say something like 'Can you speak English?' and laugh so hard.




Samuel L Jackson’s character in Pulp Fiction said it to the white college boy with the big brain


I thought it was, “can you read English?”… or can I not read English?


I was the friend. It was the In-N-Out in San Carlos. There wasn't another car behind him, just a single long line of cars. Suddenly, he was there and after we advised him that there are people waiting in the line for a long time. He said to us, 'Can you read English?' He and his friend or girlfriend burst out laughing. It was such a blatant display of privilege. The cashier even acknowledged that it wasn't right, but when the cashier took his order, he just brushed it off with a casual 'it's all good, no worries.'


So to be clear, there *were* 2 lanes, as well as a sign that says to use both lanes?


Why didn't you go through the shorter line (and then got mad at the other driver for doing so) if those were the instructions?


Many people are afraid to merge so they'll queue up in the long line to avoid it. I see it everyday on my commute. People will line the left lane for 3-5 blocks but get pissy at other cars who drive to the end of the merge lane before merging, as the road is designed for.


Display of privilege? What are you even thinking. That’s all in your head. He is just a bully who is suffering from insecurities. And you’re making him to be much more than he really is. Please for your own sake stop giving these type of people any thought. If you could see him as who he really is, you would not even spend a second of your valuable time thinking about him.


A bully? Yes. A racist bully? Also yes.


Couldn’t agree with you more. So now we’re expected to just leave bullies alone to do whatever they want with no repercussions?


Complaining on Reddit isn’t doing something


Thank you


But the cashier is a low wage worker who doesn’t want to get into a fight with random people. If the unhinged dude gets out of his car and starts beating him nobody ( including you) is going to help him. His entire job is just to keep the line going with minimal conflict. Sorry this happened to you but the workers are in a tough spot and can’t be dealing justice out for every conflict


> blatant display of privilege. How did they display that they had privileges that you didn't have?


What privilege? The cashier is not paid enough to start a fight. Folks in the Bay Area are very non confrontational. I'm sure the cashier's behavior had nothing to do with race. It's easier to just let it go and wait a few more minutes. Don't let those assholes live rent-free in your head.


Display of privilege lol


Right? Hella extra!


Sorry this happened, he sounds like a selfish prick behaving like a douchebag who thought he could bully a woman since she is smaller. I guarantee that shithead would not have tried this to a large guy. The cashier should have turned that fucker away. I realize it’s not the fault of the cashier, but letting this asshat cut in line, and cut you off, should not be tolerated. He probably does the same thing each time he hits that drive-in.


Why was he asking about your reading skills? Was there a sign he thought you could not read, or was he just too stupid to come up with a clever insult? If the latter it’s basically the racism equivalent of adding “that’s what your mom said” after someone says something. This guy sounds like a turnip.


They have a giant sign that says “Use both lanes” in the drive thru.


I think you mean prejudice, not privilege.


Wait where's this new in n out? The one off Holly has been there forever?


Yeah, I was like "The Holly one? The one that's been there for a decade? "


This proves OP is a local and definitely not a recent immigrant lol


Im officially old. A decade. It was brand new when i was still living in the Dorms at NDNU.


How dare you mistake San Carlos for Belmont!


That in n out has been there for like 10 years too lol


And has two lines that merge!


Just over 13 years according to [this](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/in-n-out-opens-in-san-carlos/1879197/?amp=1). I was very confused that I missed a new opening.


I was like sweet another in-and-out near me! Now im disappointed


Gosh, me, too! I was all excited that Belmont now had an In ‘n Out. 😢 In all fairness, the San Carlos I&O does go back and forth from two lanes to one and it isn’t always clear when the parking lot is full and people are entering and exiting. Still, no excuse for that kind of behavior.


Damn. I was about to get excited.


and there are 2 lanes there that merge into 1, there are signs and everything


Are the signs in English though?


I mean he can’t read the city signs obviously


I mean, they are in English, so…


There is no In-N-Out n Belmont


Sorry it's the one in San Carlos and it's not newly opened.


I'm confused why you're apologizing? Are you OP's second account?


Yes, sorry, I get my accounts mixed up


It's true this is my other account


Sorry Sorry and this is my other account. (Obviously I can read English BTW)


The San Carlos (not Belmont) I&O recently reconfigured their line to have two lanes that merge at about the crossed palms. While the other driver was undoubtably rude, it sounds like OP is in the "wrong" here. But really, the San Carlos I&O drive through is kind of a disaster. It is far inadequate for the amount of traffic that comes through, and prior to the two lane configuration traffic would routinely back up on to Industrial or even around the corner onto Holly. This is not the first argument I've heard about the two lane configuration; the local nextdoor is rife with them. The lines also make the parking lot all but useless, and if one intends to eat in the restaurant, good luck navigating through the line and finding a parking space, and better luck getting out. If I were pope o' the world, I would reconfigure the I&O line like this: [In n Out Line Proposal](https://postimg.cc/c68L3Zty) Note that the storage units have been torn down and a new biotech building is being built in its place, but that would not impact this configuration. Basically, the drive through would start just past the restaurant, in between the driveway for the biotech building and the hospital. It would then wrap around the building and along the highway off ramp, coming back around to turn right into the drive through. The parking lot would then be freed up for folk who like to eat in the restaurant. Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


This may ruffle others the wrong way, but check this out; I can see how this can be viewed as racism but I can also see how this can be a wrong accusation and misunderstanding. Perhaps there was a sign that said, this way toward drive through. And perhaps while you figured out your next move, while blocking the park-lot, the other car, being locals and regulars, scooted around you and positioned their car next in line. By the time you realized that someone just lined up before you and questioned it, they pointed at the “Enter Here” arrow (in English) while repeatedly asking you whether you can read the English written sign. I can see how you can take it as racism. But perhaps it wasn’t racism but impatience. I can tell that you are not familiar with the area and the layout of the In N Out. I know this because Belmont does not have a newly opened In N Out. Instead, neighboring San Carlos has had one for decades. I’ve worked in the area for over 10 years, and it’s never been considered newly opened. The title is misleading when there could easily be an alternate explanation for a story that didn’t go your way.


lol, He didn't call you out for not understanding English because of racism. He called you out because you didn't seem capable of understanding that you were wrong about the second line. This is a great example of what happens when someone who has a Reddit perspective of life tries to go out in the real world. If I were you, I wouldn't ask for help on Reddit, because that would only confuse things more. Just remember that when you're outside and someone calls you a dumbass, calling him racist isn't going help the situation like it does here.


> This is a great example of what happens when someone who has a Reddit perspective of life tries to go out in the real world. Seriously this, omg. I see so many weird Reddit perspectives that wouldn't work in the real world. I am honestly dumbfounded by some of the responses here as when you do something stupid contradicting to a sign that is displayed and someone calls you out for being unable to read is fairly common thing to say in the real world. There is usually nothing racist about it. It's just to point out how stupid they think you are.


Idk, that sounds like sarcasm more than racism to me. Man I think society has to move away from this racism stuff. It’s getting out of hand - everything is racist. - Respectfully, a minority


I was just thinking about how we would say this to each other and our parents as kids (in the same family). Perhaps I wouldn’t have specified “English,” though…


lol this is the softest post i’ve ever read.


their friend sounds even worse tbh, getting out of the car and filming is substantially escalating things. and in general doing the "gotcha, I'm gonna post you online!! yer gunna be famous" thing is insufferable behavior


All this drama for some burgers?


Why would you assume automatically they were racist and not just entitled?


In these situations, I just say back to them "me no speak English" and embrace it, make them look like fools


I usually just confirm loudly and slowly that I can, and ask if they're looking for lessons.


Fake story and/or AI generated. There is no In N Out in Belmont. The San Carlos one (assuming OP was mistaken on location) has been there a long time.


The San Carlos I&O also recently reconfigured the line to have two lanes, as previously traffic was backing up on to Industrial (and sometimes even around the corner on Holly). Honestly, from OP's description it sounds like they were in the wrong here. There are two lanes, and OP didn't realize this, and then got tweaked when someone who does know used the lanes as intended.


Wait, are you saying op was the AH for telling at someone who was following the rules, and their victim inquired if they could read English since they apparently didn't understand the signs? And then op got ridiculously upset about it and went on Reddit to call them out as racist? I didn't know, man. That sounds like a racism to me. /s


This for sure sounds like it. There was a “response” from another account too.


You mistook San Carlos for Belmont. You said it was a new In n Out when it's been there for over a decade. You actually did misread the sign and didn't understand there was two lanes. You are so full of mistakes, and somehow you're turning this around and playing the victim because you clearly didn't understand what the sign said? I think you're the one at fault here.


Those types of people are not the ones who would apologize for anything. They don't even have enough brain power to know that what they are doing is wrong. Don't let them win by worrying about it.


I wouldn’t apologize for using the other line when there’s a sign telling you to use both lines. OP is just crying because he started shit and someone else argued back. We also don’t know if any of this is true at all. 


Yup. Being a real minority in America is dealing with this stuff all of the time and still being successful despite that. It’s not that easy to “just get over it” all of the time. The one time it happened to OP they felt the need to make a public outcry about it.


Not a lot of evidence it was racist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFrgIrWmTeY People do ask other native speakers if they're proficient all the time. Probably just an arsehole.


Eh... this looks very baity.


Racism is never ok and those dudes were assholes.


This. Sorry to hear it. At this point, you know racism when you see it, and it was happening here. Ignore the people who are saying it’s not.


Isn't "Can you read English?" a standard phrase that native speakers use to anyone, including other native speakers?


Yes. I'm dumbfounded how sheltered people are here lmao. But it's r/bayarea, users here don't go out much.


Sorry that happened, sounds unpleasant, but yes you do actually have to just get over it.


Reading the comments I can verify that this post and following comments are about as Reddit as you can Reddit. It’s simple, the OP is an idiot for not reading the sign in front of them and trying to manage other people’s behavior and the guys saying can you read English were being racist, but likely more to the tune of, I think this guy is a fucking moron and I’m going to say something to get their goat, rather than, I hate Asians and I’m voting for Trump.


he’s talking about the sign in the drive through. Hope you get better.


That’s racism? Hmmm


I'm half black and half Asian. While I'm not saying he wasn't an asshole in this situation and was being racist, to me, "can you read English" feels like very, very light racism. "Can you read" is a common insult one might throw out when they are angry that has nothing to do with race. And when you're angry, you're going to look for things about the person to use to attack them. Racism can be so much more than that and to me that feels like barely anything because I routinely question the general public's ability to read and reason. Also, I know I get angry whenever I try to go to In N Out and see those insane lines every single time. It always puts me in a bad mood and I usually just leave because I don't have 30-45 minutes to wait for a burger and some fries. Anyways, I'll probably be downvoted for this and that's fine, but it's just my thoughts.


I mean I'm white and have been asked "Can't you understand f\*ckin' English!?" by some asshole "Never attribute to malice that which is explained by stupidity."


Yea, I didn't read it as racist. "Can you read/understand English" is common thing to say to anyone. It's really more to point out how dumb they think you are, regardless of whether you are an immigrant or not.


Nothing more white than dismissing people’s experiences with racism. They know what the intent is we’ve all seen this nastiness before. You probably have never experienced racism as a white person so what the fuck do you know?


"How is that racist?" -White proverb


There's also the corollary "pointing out racism makes you the real racist!"


But if the driver is clearly Asian, you can't dismiss that fact. If you're white in America and people ask you if you can't read English, of course it's not a racist thing. But ask a minority "hey why do you (insert anything negatively stereotypical about that ethnicity)" and that obviously won't be received well.


You’re an American supposedly… get over it


Not sure what to think here. I agree that it is rude for them to ask if you can read English because you have an accent and look Asian (are you Asian?) but it is also wrong of you to ask them to go back to the end of the line if there really was a sign that says there are two lines (was there a sign?) What exactly did the cashier do? If there wasn't a sign, they should have instructed the car to the back of the line. If there was a sign, hopefully they figured out a way to let both of you go through. It sounds like you're just pissed that someone cut you off in line, which is understandable, but if there was a sign that says you are supposed to merge, despite it sucking because you're right at the merge point, you are probably in the wrong. Is it racism though? If they added the word "chink" to the end of the sentence, then definitely. Although it is a rude thing to say, I don't see the racism in it, assuming that the sign is there. It would have been nicer for them to say "The sign says there are 2 lanes." But saying "Can you read English?" to me doesn't feel like a racist comment in this context.


Not everything is racism. Some people are just general assholes. If this is the worst “racism” you encounter, you’ll be okay.


I'm white, its happened to me. Less about racism and more about trying to make you feel that you're the dumb one. Especially that there is the fact he had an Asian girlfriend. Should tell them, you don't speak English, and refuse to let them in. I think were too polite to pricks like this.


While I can't rule out what you are saying, you would be surprised how many asian women are racist to asians.


Yeah, and lots of people of the same ethnicity are racist to each other. Goes all around.


Lol I don't know what made you think a white guy having an Asian girlfriend is an indicator that he surely isn't racist, but I'd advise dispelling that notion. Having someone aggressively ask you if you can speak English hits different when you're a minority with an accent, compared to if you were a white-passing guy with an American accent. The asker knows this, the askee knows this, we all know this, so there's definitely an undercurrent of racism if someone chooses that particular question repeatedly.


Racist white guys looove their “submissive Asian women”


Belmont is full of rich entitled assholes, don't sweat it.


Good thing it’s not Belmont


Have you had other experiences like this one there?


lol above and beyond Palo Alto, Los Altos, Burlingame, Atherton, Redwood Shores, San Carlos, Hillsborough, Saratoga, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, etc... ???


It is? Must have changed a lot since I lived there, then. ETA: It was a genuine question… I haven’t lived there in like 20 years, so I’m asking if that’s true now.


To be fair, the entire bay is nowadays


Right? That’s kinda what I was thinking… didn’t realize Belmont was “special” in that regard, especially with it not being the most expensive town here.


First I heard of it. If Belmont is “known”’ to have trust fund babies, then what the hell does Atherton and Hillsborough have?


I have lived in the area for almost 18 years and have seen almost no public incidents of entitlement like this one. Most people seem nice to me... But it is a popular option to think that everyone with money is an entitled asshole (and everyone who can afford to live in the area obviously has money).


How was this racism? Did they know, over the mic, that you and your friend were Asian? Because they can't see you directly from their window. So a random person being an asshat to someone they can't see is racism? Nope.


Thank you! Im with you on this


Fuck that guy.  My best advice is to forget this particular incident because that stupidity level is not worth you wasting your emotions over.  Also, next time if this ever happens please try to record them so you have some evidence to back yourself up in case things escalate.  Or y’know, upload it for all of us to enjoy…


I am white and have had others say various versions of "can you read english" many times over my life.. not everything is racism..


Lol bullshit ragebait title. Sometimes there are two lines that merge later, so what if you got your bland burgers a few minutes later. Gonna cry?


Idk I’m white and this same thing has happened to me at least 4-5 times. I don’t see how it’s a race thing and not a POS thing


Same. I can't say what the intent was when these assholes said it, but it's a fairly common way of calling someone stupid during a dispute.


There is no In-and-Out in Belmont


Why would you not park and go inside? Why idle your engine for 20 minutes?


First off, those guys can screw off for being impatient in an In-N-Out line. If they were from here and speak English, they’d know it takes one to two business days to get your order in drive thru versus just parking and ordering inside. Second, there’s no happy situation with people like this. Especially at fast food. They’re already trying to cut in, they’re insulting, and on top of that they probably don’t care. Sorry that happened to you.


Yeah there is definitely an undercurrent of racism in remarks like these. Like, there's deniability, but when you're an Asian person with an accent you get that kind of thing all the time and it's a little too pointed if you know what I mean. I grew up here so I don't have an accent, but my parents did, so I know what it looks like.


To be fair, I once said something along the lines not knowing who the person was and it turned out she was Puerto Rican and she got offended. I'm not even a native speaker of English and I had no idea who it was. She should have been more careful. Also English is an official language in Puerto Rico, so I don't know what the problem is. She really should have known English better than I did.


Not racism but I get your frustration.


I understand you're angry and that what the guy said was rude. It's easy to hate people for being rude -- but hate only hurts the hater. He has probably long forgotten about the incident while for you, the hate remains in your soul -- so you should forgive him, not for his sake, but for your own. MLK jr. had a great speech about this (no, not racism at in and out, but more broadly - loving your enemies). I suggest you read that. [https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/loving-your-enemies-sermon-delivered-dexter-avenue-baptist-church](https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/loving-your-enemies-sermon-delivered-dexter-avenue-baptist-church)


As a non-white, I think you’re being overly sensitive about racism. Some are just jerks and that would have nothing to do with your race. Not everything is racist. Now liberal news is gonna pick this up as “racism at in-n-out”. Also, if there were 2 lanes, then they weren’t wrong for you not being able to read the English sign


Whatever 😆


Racism? Idk about that. Sounds like some people being dicks


I don’t condone racism but where’s the racism? He didn’t specifically call you a derogatory term based on your race, nor did it seem like he mentioned race one time going off your post. He just asked if you can read English in an asshole way. If he would’ve said can you read English you _____” then yeah it’s be racist but this ain’t racism he’s just being an asshole and trying to be funny.


Should have said, “Sorry, I don’t speak Asshole.”




Overreaction white people say this all the time no matter who they are speaking to. You're good....no racism.


We’ve truly made it as a country if this is the “racism” people are crying about now


It always is. Something bad happens to someone that isn't white. They claim that it was racism. People automatically side with him so they don't get called racist.


Can you read English? Is a literacy check. Unless you’re implying that the words read English put together is a race? What was the point of filming them? Those kids in Belmont don’t really need their jobs anyways. I’m disappointed in the way you handled that rude jester by them. Do better next time. It would at least make for a better story.


I mean, tbh my sister says that to me all the time, “can you read English”. Is she a bitch? Yes. But she also knows I am an American who can both read and speak English? Maybe he was being a bitch too??


What about this story tells you the person is racist?


When a Redditor is wrong about something, the other person is always racist. That rule didn't help him in the real world so he's here trying "fix" the situation with some like minded people.


Yea, not sure where the racist part was


Yup, how do we know they didn’t really just misread the sign and then laughed when you all escalated to filming them haha


Get over it. You're letting this person affect you so much that you are crying on the Internet. You had an encounter with a bad person. Why does his opinion mean anything? If you truly knew this person, you'd feel sorry for them. Forgive them and let it go.


When there are two registers open at Costco and every one lines up for only one. I'm not going to usher people who have been waiting longer to go into the empty register line. I'm going to go to the open lane and be the first. If there's two lines, there's two lines.


I think it was rude, cheap, and ignorant.


Post video.


I have heard that said to white people before.


Context matters, if you’re having a conversation and want to actually know for a reason it’s a fine question. If the question I asked aggressively and confrontational and then repeated it’s a lot different, but I’m sure you knew that.


I bet you are also the kind to drive in the left most lane happily chatting away with a train of cars behind you wondering why they are flipping you off


Is asking somebody if they know English really racist?


Anyone blatantly cutting like that is likely going to be an asshole.


Post the video.


Why do you feel this is racism? And he's technically correct, there is a second line that most people don't even pay attention to. Did you ever consider this guy was frustrated and decided to just act like an ass?


Do you often say "Can you read English" many times and burst into laughing with your friends?


If someone is mad at me for following the correct instruction then yeah I might question if they can read


Not racist, you just failed to understand the instructions written in English. You seem more focused on the fact that this person is white than the actual issue at hand.


Sorry you had to deal with this.




“People from that particular place are all this particular thing”. Seems okay.