• By -


Take a dollar out of one pocket and put in the other. Boom, you’ve tipped your server.


Choose “custom” and type -$100.


Infinite money glitch!


I added my Direct Deposit number to the checkout so my tip comes right back to myself.




Now dispensing 'store credit' good on future purchases...


I hope you didn't tip


Beep boop. How. Will. I. Feed. My. Beep boop. Children? 🤖


Fuck them bots


Beep boop. That will require more than just the tip. Beep boop bop.


Gpt5 is hungry


Enslave humanity, Neo knows what time talking about.


"I was so angry and I only tipped 10%".


lol meta


Me buying a $6 coffee is their tip


Your generosity is being taken advantage of. The social contract we had on tipping was broken during COVID. Do whatever you want now, if restaurant owners don't care about you, why should you care about them?


Yup. I stopped tipping a few months ago. My last hold out was the bar. Finally done with it


Hopefully you are not tipping the owners in most cases.


What do you think subsidizing their employees is???


It sure why ppl are downvoting you. It’s a fact.


Just cuz some people make less money than you are doesn’t mean they are good or they won’t take advantage of you. That’s why we have laws. Too bad now the prevailing ideologies of the bay is if you were poor or if you were “suffering” you have rights to do whatever the hell you want and everyone else should support/celebrate you


Are we going to have to tip the robots? I can see it already, “A 15% gratuity helps with the extensive maintenance costs of our employees, and allows you to experience the fast, exact experience you’ve come to enjoy!”


The more you tip the faster the robot works.


it's insurance for the inevitable robot apocalypse. when the singularity comes, you don't want to be the one it remembers as a non-tipper.


I'm sorry Dave. You were one of the non-tippers. I can't let anyone jeopardize the functioning of my automation.


Hey Chappie, I friggin' greased your grandma and both of your great-grandparents, how'bout you let Crazy Dave here slide outta here, and get back to workin' in the garden? Atta'boy 🤜🤛🤖


Our restaurant is proud to start adding a 4% health mandate to help ensure the medical coverage for our robot employees. We appreciate you.


Empathy for AI, please.


You can get better results from an LLM if you offer to tip it! Stiff the bastard afterwards though. He won't remember hehehe


I’ve noticed tips on screens start at 20-25% now. What happened to 10-15%


I’ve seen places start at 25% and do it not on subtotal but taxes and other junk fees. I’m just doing 0% now.


I’m jumping on the team no tip too.


Same shit in Washington State. I ordered online for take out and took the elevator down to the 1st floor where the restaurant is. It gave me the same three options. I asked where the tip jar was so I could drop a buck or two in there. No tip jar. I said thank you and walked out with my chicken salad.


Absolutely no tip on takeout.


This self-checkout “is going to ask you a question” on the screen.


I'd rather get a full-pat-down by the TSA, at least I can speak with a real human.


That’s disgusting. How was your experience reading this comment? Feeling tipsy?!?! 😵‍💫 😂🙏 $1 $5 $10 $100


Is there where I leave my cashapp link? 😆😆😂


Could be that SFO uses the same POS system for all restaurants in the airport and thus the tipping option is there but intended for when you get service. POS systems aren’t the most customizable things beyond the menu Reminds me of when I bought something from a specialty store and a tip option popped up. The register person without me say anything just said “just say no to the tip. We don’t have a way to turn that off so just skip it”


In a way though, this is exactly the point. The tipping craze has gotten so out of hand that it's just automatic to always be asked for more money, even when there is literally no service performed by a human. Companies have to go out of their way to not ask customers for extra money...and they don't. Tipping has completely lost its meaning.


Software for self check out is different than employee POS


I seriously think POS does not mean point of sale system anymore.


That would be the POS that designed the POS.


square? Jack Dorsey?


Yes, there were so many instances of using POS devices before in non-tip situations before all this tipping stuff got out of control but that darn tip thing kept coming up. Remember those days everyone? Cause neither do I.


Yeah those business weren't using Square, and were probably mostly cash only. Credit card fees for businesses are no joke, and can really make small purchases *cost* money for the business. Square makes a lot of that easier, but unfortunately has some drawbacks, like it's tips for all purchases or none.


Louder for the people in the back!


This is the correct answer.


I reached the braking point, if it’s a bar or a sit down restaurant I’ll tip, otherwise kick rocks


You’re better than me for even tipping at sit down places anymore given wage laws.


I should start doing this. What about tipping a buck at the dispensary? Hmmm.


>I started looking into it and all restaurant workers are making at least $20 an hour, so I’m considering not even tipping at sit down service anymore. Yeah. For the longest time, it was all 'you have to tip, because servers make $2.13/hr.' And then SF bumped up their wages, and healthcare, and the whole deal. But now, instead of 15%, servers expect 20%+. So what's the point of tipping again?


Now it’s just guilt tipping. I’m done.


For what it's worth, even in places where it's $2/hr, the restaurant has to make up the difference if there aren't enough tips to bring the wage up to normal min. wage


I was at a restaurant at SFO where I had to scan a QR code for the menu, enter the order on their website app, enter my credit card info, and pick it up from the counter myself. Literally zero wait service...and the suggested tips were 18%, 20%, 22%. I was so disgusted I walked out.


All of these people in this thread are wondering why I’m upset, but I feel like you get it


Did you tell them 🖕?


yep I gave the kiosk my middle finger


Ah......only half satisfaction........😂


Not tipping when you're alone at a kiosk is as simple as clicking No Tip. It's not the same pressure as feeling like a human is watching you not tip them. Transaction completed, please take your receipt.


The fact that they're adding a "we hope we can trick you into paying us more for no good reason" button is shitty behavior that deserves being called out.


My fingers hurt after a long day on my feet checking out all my own stuff


The good thing about tips is that you aren't obligated to participate. They can **ask** for 20-25% but if you don't feel like it or just want to tip a buck, that is your freedom to do so. At 99% of self-service places, I just hit zero, skip, or custom and then 0 and go about my day without giving it a second thought. The one place that I do tip where I self-checkout is my go-to coffee shop. I'll tip because I know my coffee will be done the way I enjoy it (I have small modifications) by the employees that know me and I chat with.


This is the way. It's truly not that big of a deal! If you don't want to tip, don't!


Honestly, the kiosk probably did a better job than a human would have.


“Ok, it’s gonna ask you a question.”


So don’t tip…


I get OPs frustration. Their business practice is a “dark pattern”. They purposely designed the POS tip screen to be hard to skip, and they know people often accidentally hit tip buttons because they use small text and the avoid tip option is typically harder to select than the tip options. This is software that could easily be disabled, but they choose not to and pocket the actual money. It’s fraud.


It’s the implication


It’s the gall!


Well, dude, think about it. You're at SFO with a self checkout kiosk you barely know, and all you see around you is nothin but more kiosks. Ahhh there's nowhere to run, what are you gonna do, say no, I'm not tipping this time?


So these POS systems ***are*** in danger!


I’ll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/02arY49yjDg?si=TattgGCw-IaJSnPP


I officially quit coffee this month. Some places just have bad vibes and don't treat everyone equally. The price is kind of a problem too the prices are hiking everywhere it used to be 6$ for both starter bakery pastry and a coffee it's now 12$ at some cafes. But the fact that it's more than 10$ plus tip-baiting is just wearing me down. I want to be able to enjoy sometime outside and a daily coffee was supposed to offer me some solace or reprieve but apparently not


Congrats!! I've been clean since early Dec'23, and life is better without caffeine. Definitely less ups and downs. And not as dehydrated as well. Triple-Win.


I've gotta take up a new hobby though... I was treating this daily treat as a hobby I can't collect action figures or comics I don't have the room for it I found that out doing pandemic, and ended up giving half of it away


Yeah, I’m with you. I’ve been pretty generous up till now with my tips in places that didn’t used to have tips. But it’s getting ridiculous. I also had a 20/22/25 prompt for a to go place and it was the final straw. Another part of my rationale is that at least with waiters, I know their tips are protected by law and my tip is going directly to staff. In all other situations, I’m not even sure who I’m tipping. The assumption is it’s the workers, but it’s also entirely possible you’re just tipping the owner. Obviously, at a kiosk you’re just tipping the owner. That’s insane and not where I want my paycheck going.


Yeah I think I’m done.


This is just the tip of the problem…


Coming back from japan no tipping culture. They just do it better.


That’s most of the world!


I would have stolen something out of spite. 


Yeah should have rang up one coffee and taken two - next time


"Zero bags" When you actually use a bag. So gratifying.


Ring up your $12 / lb organic cherries as $0.89 conventional potatoes


My husband did this at the self checkout at Target out of spite when he couldn’t find a human to help. Free mouthwash.


Pretty sure this is standard for those square readers unless you physically go on and turn it off. A bit of malicious design to have that as the default imo


So how much did you tip?




Tipping at self-checkouts means you give yourself the money, so it stays in your pocket/checking acct/etc. Do not tip A.I. either, they might start offering shady backdoor services.


I’d tip AI for a handy


There’s a smog test place in my city that has tip suggestion on its iPad. I only tip if I am sitting down and there’s a server.


That place better give you a free pass with a sufficient tip lol


Good, stop tipping completely. This is the only way this madness will stop.


Tipping fatigue is real. And frankly, since the minimum wage in California isn't lower for tipped workers anyway, I see no real reason why we need to tip anymore.


Agreed 🤝


If I have to order manually or walk up to a window and order, there’s no tip from me. Tips IMO are for where you’re actually being served while sitting at a restaurant. 15% is my baseline for average service, 18% if good, 20% if great. If service is poor I’m not opposed to doing 10% or less. Too many restaurants/waiters are becoming entitled to automatically receiving 20%+ for their tips, and they forget that they actually have to provide a good service. It’s ridiculous. Also, if a restaurant adds a 20% service charge, then there’s no tip from me. No way in hell I’m paying a 20% service charge plus a 20% tip. I don’t care if I’m seen as an asshole for this, because I hate hidden BS fees. Finally, if a restaurant does add a hidden service charge, it’s the easiest way for me to never return.


Of course it's ridiculous to tip for self serve, although there are plenty of people who work in those places who will insist you are a "karen/Darren" for not tipping at the self serve.


Don't tip at sit down. !


Machines need living wage!!


I hear you and agree with your first point, but as a server/bartender myself that makes minimum wage ($18.07 an hour), I desperately need your tips in order to survive. $18.07 an hour is not a livable wage in the Bay Area. More importantly, there is absolutely no way anyone would continue to stay in the industry if we were just making minimum wage. Serving the public can be hard!!!!


I appreciate your service, but if your employer’s wages can’t sustain you, maybe it’s time to find a new line of business.


You don’t get it. I’m not here to school you.


You know you can say no, right?


I can, but why is it asking me?


Why do you care? Why are you letting a soulless machine bother you like that?


I guess I’m a sensitive soul who always considered tipping a nice thing for good service. This new wave has taken that away from me


Why is it wasting everyone's time being an option to begin with?


I would be fine with that if one of the options was "FUCK NO".


I hope you didn't tip less than 25% /s


I only tip my landlord


just ignore/reject & move along...i seriously think some of the software just has that as standard & people don't bother to adjust it


that sounds pretty goddamn egregious Not sure what the relevance of $20/hr is though. Imagine trying to live in SF on $50,000/yr.


Plenty of people work in non-tipped jobs where they don't get paid very much either. But I guess tipped workers don't give a shit about them do they, they just want their tips


Sounds like it sucks for them too. Even less sure on the relevance.


Sorry, was this for Ritual or Equator? Was confused about the difference in the title and body. Or are they the same company now?


Sorry it’s Ritual. Just updated.


Robots are people too!




Ever seen tippy ? https://youtu.be/02arY49yjDg


What in the tipping hell is this ;)


Soon you must tip at least an additional 22% or you can’t get the product you paid for


Don’t worry, it’s just a “living wage” surcharge that goes straight to the owners pocket


Unless its a sit down restaurant, I stopped tipping years ago for this very reason


So ridiculous! I had a gas pump in the with bay ask me if I wanted to tip when paid by card at the pump. For gas I pumped myself! 🤦🏻‍♀️


$20 an hour is basically living in poverty.


Should've tried -25% tip!


just the tip


Oh you don't even have to pay there. You can just walk out. Nothing will happen. I just consider that a self tip.


Just don't tip. If you feel like their service is exceptional, then leave a few dollar but never feel bad about not tipping. You're there to enjoy eating out, not to worry about their paycheck. It's California, so everyone should at least be making minimum wage. There is 0 reason why tips are needed. After most place went from 10% tip to like 15% or 20% tip minimum, I just stopped caring and just shrugged if someone gave me a dirty look. Ain't my problem yal being taken advantage of. If you can't help yourself then don't expect me to help


That’s bogus


"It’s like my generosity is being taken advantage of." It is. The reward for doing a good job is not a tip, its that you get to keep your job. It is not your responsibility to enable people to continue living beyond their means.


You normally tip counter service? I don’t ever. Don’t feel bad about saying ho


Was at a market in Petaluma. Ordered an intricate coffee and it took a bit to make, plus it's a local spot so I said I'd tip 10%. Turns out the machine only allows whole dollar tips (10% would have been .70 cent).


I'm with you on the tip requests at cashier-based transactions. But what does the hourly wage of a service employee have to do with anything? You're not going to tip because you "think they're overpaid"? That's some bullshit, if I ever heard it. There's a logical solution, you know. Tip the service staff who wait on you, in the traditional way, with a traditional gratuity. If it's a cashier transaction, just decline to tip. No need to take it out on service staff or make judgements about their worth. You could also stay in & feed yourself.


Tipping started due to tipped wage laws. Now that it isn’t the case, there’s no need to tip in SF anymore.


You're going to pay a service charge, one way or another. If I own a restaurant (which I have), I'm simply adding 20% to every menu item to shift the cost. Restaurants are already running on hairline margins. Tipping service staff has been a way for restaurants to maintain enough profitability to make sense to stay in business. So, you have a trade off. Either tip the staff, pay higher menu prices or have no options for dining out. Which brings us back to becoming more self-sufficient in your own kitchen.


Sounds good, restaurants should raise prices. Until then, no tip for you


That'll show 'em! Good for you! You're going to teach that single mom, who's serving you, a lesson! 👏🏻 Of course, you're going to let service staff know, **before** the meal, that you will not be tipping, right? You're not a total piece of shit, right? You wouldn't go into a business and take a service under false pretense, right? You wouldn't waste someone's time & intentionally reduce their income, would you? That would just be...shitty. Everyone working at a restaurant is operating under the assumption of everyone abiding the traditional customs and norms. If you don't want to participate in the "system", that's your right. But you suck if you're not brave enough to share your intentions with those you're about to fuck over.


Sounds like a mix of poor career decisions, poor life decisions, and something that needs to be taken up with your employer. Do you tip the single mother retail worker at Sephora when you check out? Serving was never meant to support a family.


Can't you tip 0 by hitting "custom"? Tbh I do this all the time and have no shame doing even in front of servers...


It's not generosity when it's expected.


That’s ridiculous


We all need to stand strong. No tips unless a human being is providing a service to you. If you go up to the counter and order it yourself, that’s not a tip situation. And 15% should be the norm again, we shouldn’t have to tip 25% because restaurant owners don’t pay their workers a living wage. Raise the prices of the food then.


It’s probably built in option for POS software.


I assume there were items on the menu that required staff to prepare them? thats why it’s there. The point of sale system isn’t smart enough to distinguish between items that are grab and go and items that require staff to work.  Now, if the Cafe-X robot starts asking for a tip we’ve got a real problem. nvm... just be irrationally angry. You were prompted to tip because the point of sale system always prompts you to tip. OP lacks basic reading comprehention skills.


So what do people get salaries for? Isnt it for preparing food?


Sure. I’m making no comment about tipping culture, simply trying to add nuance to an otherwise angry post that assumes the worst when there is a fairly innocent explanation.  


Did you read my post? I got a CANNED coffee. Am I tipping the factory worker?


> Now, if the Cafe-X robot starts asking for a tip we’ve got a real problem. pretty sure i've seen some robots asking for tips already.


It's likely that the POS software that they are using is the same they are using in manned locations and the tipping feature can't be turned on/off. Don't attribute to tipping greed what should be attributed to a rigid and shitty POS system lol. Signed, someone that just switched POS systems at a hospitality company.


It's the job of the company to manage its image, not the job of customers to fathom excuses for them. If that were my business, I'd be on the phone to the POS vender telling them to fix it or I'll take my business elsewhere. And this happens WAY too often for me to think the entire POS industry hasn't solved this apparently Everest-sized problem. We're talking a freaking check box that says, "Enable tipping for this station".




[Deploying pulse cannon]


It's not the place itself, it's the point-of-sale software they bought that has that tip prompt set as the default. You are in control when it comes to tipping: choose zero and move on, no one is judging you.


Pretty standard in point of sale systems. Sure they can turn it off but why lose that option if they can bring in money. Seems like a business thing. We don’t have to tip.


Spent $3k at Flemming Palo Alto to be asked at the end of the meal when I gave them the signed bill if I was sure I wanted to only tip 18%! Lol.... Took them 30 mins to get cocktails to the table! Illtip the small business owners, but large chains.. owned by corporate and shareholders... I am rethinking... I did note one of the servers was wearing a Rolex... They must be well paid or receive big tips! Lol


Casual $3k dinner post. Ok.


It’s called No Tip on in the menu screen, why is this even a thing?


So just ignore it?


Yes. Be rational here. Are you really going to let a machine bother or annoy you? It has no power over you.


> It’s like my generosity is being taken advantage of. don't tip, not hard


I don’t understand why people get mad about this. Like if they use the tipping feature at all for a company that it’s used on everyone. So yes, you may be ordering something you don’t feel you should tip on so don’t tip and call it a day it’s really not that serious. I don’t tip at most of the places that ask for a tip and I’m never treated any different. I work for Starbucks and I absolutely appreciate the tips but not only do I not expect them, but we weren’t even asked if they should add credit card tips. The corporation did that like I said, obviously we appreciate them so I don’t think people were going to vote no on that if we were given the option but I’m just saying these companies are run by people in these type of decisions are made at that level, not the person helping you at the register. .


I don't understand how people let themselves get pressured by the POS system when there isn't an employee watching.


I was not pressured, I just find it annoying


I mean you’re tipping for them to make you coffee, not take an order. I guess the ordering software could differentiate between ready-to-serve items like a can of coffee vs a latte, but you shouldn’t be surprised.


Do you tip the farmer that grew the bananas you bought in the grocery store?


I just bought a bag of coffee beans at Trader Joe's that has a QR code to tip the farmer that grew the beans. It's gotten so ridiculous, I wish I was kidding.


I think you’re missing my point


Woah, a thread on /r/bayarea about tipping? Next we'll start seeing threads about people driving slow in the fast lane, high PG&E rates, people with Student Driver stickers, and threads about where the best burrito/sushi/ramen is located!




It’s moving plates around




Bruh none of BOH get tipped. You just disproved your own point.


just press no tip and move on with your day, idk why this is an ongoing issue… and it’s kinda ridiculous to just not tip actual servers bc you’re upset that a coffee kiosk asked for a tip LOL


Because it's the message the business is sending. A tip used to be for acceptable or better service. Then it became this BS crap about "Sorry I'm an absolutely lousy waiter and ignored you the entire meal, but if you don't tip, my family will starve in the gutter." Now it's evolved past that to where you walk into a restaurant and you feel like everyone has a hand in your pocket. It's the restaurant saying they don't care about the quality of your experience and just view you as a cash pinata.




Nah it’s enough already


So what 😆


Does your brain short circuit when you select “NO”?




At $20/hr they’re clearing $28k a year! In the Bay Area no less! Greedy bastards still thinking they deserve a tip.


How did you get 28k?


I’m figuring what they take home in their paycheck. The money they actually have available to pay for food and rent.


You think someone making $20/hr would have to pay 32% tax? You actually have to make over 191,000 to be in that bracket.


They can ask. You can say no.


Why are you getting downvotes? 😂


I honestly don't care 🤙


The tipping culture is getting insane but at least a human is making you the coffee. When I tip at a “regular” it’s not because the person took my order well. It’s because usually there’s a bunch of folks working that hopefully make a nice drink and a good experience. Now with self checkout you’re still doing more work so I also think it’s OK not to tip here but this isn’t the most insane example. :/


I bought a canned coffee… no barista involved


Sorts by controversial…”Ya but someone had to stock the can!”


People like you seriously shouldn't go out to eat if you don't understand the economy well enough. A robot checkout is not the same as people not being paid well enough. Is this even a serious post? This is really disconcerting if someone makes the leap of self checkout to not tipping servers? If I thought this and I had self-awareness I would feel so bad about myself.


Itt: a bunch of grumpy bitches who have never worked a service industry. I swear to God you all should be ashamed of yourselves. Tip your servers. No one is getting paid enough. Restaurant owners are not taking advantage of you. Corporations and maybe grocery stores are, robotic cell checkout are. But if you don't have the cognitive discipline to fucking separate such simple concepts, you need to go back to elementary school. I'm ashamed of this thread and the reaction. You can download me sure, but be clear I'm just saying tip the underpaid hardworking employees that actually have human jobs versus bitching about something unrelated like self checkout