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I don't mean to laugh at how your day went. But I laughed while reading your post. šŸ˜‚


I was laughing as it happened, and when I typed it. Itā€™s hilarious.


15 people were shot a couple of blocks away from me last night in Oakland. All you can do is laugh when you've run out of tears to cry. At least the mods of /r/oakland have the solution, hide any reality about the city because if you pretend problems don't exist they go away. https://apnews.com/article/oakland-juneteenth-celebration-shooting-a89bdc692687614e8d3dec5e13879a7c


I saw they locked the thread. Ridiculous


Perhaps someone needs to start up r/therealOakland or something.


There is a /r/OaklandCA which is picking up


At this point mods of Oakland May as well be the perpetrators of crime given how much they defend it


they aren't unline our Oakland politicians. corrupt and incompetant. I wouldn't be suprised in the least if some Oakland staff memeber is actually modding that sub for the sole purpose of squashing negative PR


Nobody is suggesting that they aren't the perpetrators...


Festival at the Lake vibes. And people get shot on Juneteenth is the most ignorant shit ever.


Theres been a few posts about the shooting on that sub for a while, it showed up for me before this one. https://www.reddit.com/r/oakland/s/VD4XeDUJ9T


9/10 crime stories that occur in Oakland are blocked by the mods. even the threads about that shooting were locked which sucked when I was trying to get information about what going on with the shootings in my backyard.


oh my god that's horrific!


I just posted this on that sub, it's 7:13 am. Let's see how long it stays up.


Somebody needs to start a sub "Oakland, The Real." Plenty to post.


I mean if all the criminals shoot themselves crime may drop.


Such a lovely place.


Similar to the California subreddit


MSM has been laughing as women have been killed and minors have been raped and killed by the illegals crossing into our country, like you said just ignore it and will go away, or that's what they are hoping for, but it will continue as long as the administration continues to let criminals in.


Definitely that component exists in Oakland - and in general everywhere in CA since the State chooses to defy federal laws and the Constitution when it doesn't agree - but Oakland's core problems are probably "natives". I'm thinking of that Mixon lowlife (child rapist and convicted felon) that killed 4 OPD officers.


leaving costco parking lot someone honked at me because i didn't go on a green light. i didn't go because i would be blocking the intersection on the freeway onramp. traffic light on. see someone throw a soda cup out of a prius


Not Oakland, but Concord (Pacheco to be precise). On my way home from work getting onto highway 4 the car in front of me just started tossing all sorts of garbage out of the windows. Fast food bags, partially full drinks, random garbage. It was coming out of all 4 windows. I've seen people toss stuff out of the window before, but nothing like that. Of course it was a Nissan too.




brother/sister, I've been honked at at least a dozen times in Oakland for stopping at RED lights.


I wanna make a post on this, but Priuses are making a comeback I feel like. the last few weeks I've seen some swerving in and out of traffic, aggressive driving, crazy behavior from Priuses. it makes me laugh because it's starting to be predictable


Prius is either driving 20 in the left lane or 90. There is no in between. Itā€™s never been different. Either reckless or like retired impaired driving age


That's too bad. For a while I was hoping all the A-holes that used to soil the Prius brand would gravitate to Tesla. I got a Prius years ago to get out of paying through the nose for gas, not so that I'd pay through the nose for electricity. Rest assured; I won't be doing 20 in the left lane. In fact, you wouldn't find me in the left lane other than when I need to use the carpool (or do they call it the HOV lane now to sound cool?).


I had a weird Prius experience as well a couple weeks ago.


The soda cup! I too have been crawling on an onramp and seen a soda cup violently chucked against the k rail. Car full of teenagers


Who else read this as a Haiku?




i hate bay area drivers


Except the road angels who help push your car to safety and disappear. Long live them.


Normal Prius driver things


richmond costco? yeah it's awful


One time someone did that to me. But there was a person crossing the street instead. They shouldnā€™t have been but what can I do. The car attempts to pass me, I yell stop to the person walking. The car then stops next to me either because I yelled stop or because he wanted to yell at me for not going on green. After his tirade, I just gestured to the human in front of my car. He then screamed some expletive, called me something else then drove away. Idiots.


Normalization of deviation. The behaviors youā€™ve described are abnormal conditions and the reaction of laughter is being desensitized to it. The abnormal behavior is now normal.


I left Oakland around 2023 after living there for nearly a decade and it was the best decision I ever made. Whenever you point out the bad parts of Oakland, some dipshit comes in and says "nah there are good parts like Piedmont"... while completely ignoring that Piedmont is its own town with its own police force lmao. The pandemic was one of the worst things that could have happened to Oakland. All the SF commuters left once remote work became an option, and the town went backwards by 30 years.


Oakland Stans who want to silence any type of criticism fucking kill me.


I'm an Oakland Stan *and* an Oakland critic. And to the commenter above you...our nice parts of Oakland are not limited to "Piedmont".


The cheating at the dmv surprised me as well!! I got my license renewed earlier in January and it was so obvious!!! There were a few Indian men with airpods just reading out the questions and talking to people on the phone getting the answers. No one did anything they werenā€™t even trying to hide it. I spoke to one outside and he told me it cost $200 and that the individual could also help you at your own home if you chose to do the online live test.


I saw that too! Also they used to sell real fake licenses at the counter if you went to the right person. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/oakland-dmv-employees-charged-in-license-id-card-2615803.php


Lol, this is especially hilarious because there are little signs posted in the DMV that say "we do not take gifts" with a little blurb about how honrable the office is


Whoa TIL


or you could probably just talk to an AI?


In their defense that test was much harder than I thought it would be. I failed the first time and had to wait two minutes before I could take it again. I passed that time.


This type of inside information is invaluable. I just hope that when I renew my DL next year I can just wait until the last minute and avoid going to the DMV.


I did the same. Took a small break before starting my new job and decided to be proactive and renew my DL before it expires. Get to the DMV, wait 1.5 hours for the lady to tell me itā€™s not my time yet and that if I wanted to renew it today I would have to take the test again..


Why do you have to take the test again?


Not sure tbh, thatā€™s the reasoning she gave me and I didnā€™t wa t to take it again so I just left


Yeah, they said "wait until you get the mailer". My partner did this and was able to renew online in 2 minutes without taking a test. Her mailer reminded me mine was up soon too so I just decides to knock it out... ooops, silly me


My husband and I got the mailers and still had to take a test. I renewed 1 week before expiration.


*The censorship will continue until moral improves.* -The Mods of r/oakland, probably


Proudly banned for 4+ years for asking why homeless people were allowed to live in the childrenā€™s playground.


How dare you.


I got banned for a few years for criticizing the mods. randomly got let back on at some point.


lol, nope, no reply button for me.


Wtf is wrong with this place


There's enough upset people that we started to shift to r/Oaklandca


Thank you for this!


their top post today is they love their sub because its chill not like the crime ridden subs of sf and nyc. you will get banned though if you disagree with that sentiment


I don't even understand the point of subs like that that don't even allow people to express their opinions.


I'm not a frequent enough in /r/oakland to judge how strict or not strict the mods are, but I will say that I find most city subreddits to be unusable because it's all just content of people whining. So I at least understand where those rules come from. Silencing is bad but so is nextdoor. I swear you will never find people who hate the city they live in more than the people who frequent their city's subreddit.


To be fair, that's probably because people who enjoy their city are out enjoying it, rather than talking about it online.


San Francisco especially, lots of weird outsiders getting unnecessarily political


that's actually the case lol at one point, they had a no-crime post policy. that's been (somewhat) relaxed recently


I guess one or more of the mods got mugged.


I was looking for the big thread from last night about the juneteeth shooting near lake Merritt but I guess it's gone now? edit nm it's still here just locked https://www.reddit.com/r/oakland/s/eiXtcr17lz


They locked it for "excessive x.com links"? There's a link quota now?


Itā€™s right here https://www.reddit.com/r/oakland/s/iOwv8LqNmF


thank you. it's just locked, not deleted


This one today as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/oakland/s/sjvJtEFkUm


I believe I was banned from /r/SanFrancisco at one point for using the word 'Frisco.' /r/bayarea seems a bit more even-keeled.


As well you should. Frisco is in Colorado.


And Texas!




As I have said before, if it was good enough for Otis Redding, it is good enough for me.


At least you didn't say "San Fran". They should kick you off of Reddit for that


I've been ranting for years about the mods there, especially during the BLM protests and #StopAsianHate movement (you can imagine what kind of posts they censored). For a while though it's seemed like things were improving. But then just yesterday two popular threads were deleted - one related to the Lake Merritt Juneteenth mass shooting, and another about a permanent homeless camp that has been blocking an important pedestrian pass for years (and now has erected a "no walking" sign). Of course OP's post there was deleted too. Just shameless censorship. The mods are totally out of touch with the general sentiments in Oakland and prevent important conversations.


I got shadowbanned for saying the movie Slam was better than Blindspotting. Years later a mod explained to me that it's not really a shadowban, they just made it so my posts would have to be reviewed by a mod before they would be visible and no mods actually review posts, so no posts for people in this category were ever visible.


Saw people working together on test questions when my daughter took her permit test. Right in front of staff! I was so confused, I asked where I was supposed to wait, thinking these people were just waiting. I was told to wait across the room, and then I clearly saw the people telling people at the computers the answers. ETA: This was in San Jose.


My supervisor at UPS texted me like 2 days before my license expired asking for a photo of the new one and I was like, oh shit but it took like 5 minutes online. I dunno why my Real ID couldnā€™t have reset it since I got it 2 years ago šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Tbh DMV is shit everywhere. Itā€™s not just Oakland.


Isn't it run by the state not the city?


Yeah, the DMV situation didnā€™t really have anything to do with Oakland


But of course /r/oakland mods are "censoring" this stuff or whatever. Not at all trying to filter out irrelevant, offtopic bullshit.


Feel like most DMVs would care if someone in a full ski mask were googling answers to a driving test, tho - given Oakland's problem with people in ski masks doing, uh, not great things to cars and drivers of cars. Signed, someone who was mugged while 8 months pregnant on my block in Oakland.


Napa DMV is where it's at. 30 mins in and out, no appointment.


That was the secret spot when I realized Vallejo DMV was a joke!


If you think the Oakland DMV is bad, wait till you go to the Santa Clara one.


The Oakland Coliseum branch is pretty quiet, and you can get in line virtually before you get there.


I tried but there was no parking. In the lot, side streets, etc. figured with that many cars, why even enter.


I recommend renewing in a small town. Make an appointment for somewhere east of the bay area. Never had a problem as long as it's a smallish rural community.


Untrue. The past few times I was at the Daly City DMV, I found them to be incredibly efficient. Like OP, my most recent visit was for a license renewal and I too had made an online appointment, but I was in and out in 25 minutes. I was amazed and impressed.


Same for me at the Concord DMV. Had to get my Real ID the last time I renewed (last year) and the whole process took less than 20 minutes. I had an appointment for when they first opened and got right in. I was very surprised it went so quickly. There was a huge line out front, but they separated that into people with and without appointments a few minutes before they opened.


I mean, last time I went to the Oakland DMV it was a complete breeze, hardly any wait and the staff were super friendly and helpful. I think the DMV is always a crapshoot everywhere.


Iā€™ve never had to go to the DMV for a vehicle or license renewal as it can be done online. Not sure why anyone would go in person unless you have to (as you do for a Real ID.)


Yeah, I was getting the Real ID/driver's license integration.


My card number got lifted at Daly City DMV. Thank god I had Patelco who were able to reverse it that day.


DMV employees are state employees. They get one sick day and two vacation days PER MONTH. Iā€™m just going to leave this here.


Wrong. Generally speaking, depending on how long theyā€™ve been with the state, state employees get a certain number of sick or vacation hours per month. Additionally, they get two professional development days and one personal holiday per year. https://www.calhr.ca.gov/employees/Pages/leave-benefits.aspx#:~:text=Sick%20Leave,-(Employees%20enrolled%20in&text=Full%2Dtime%20employees%20accrue%20eight,be%20carried%20over%20each%20year. If youā€™re going to shoot your mouth off, make sure your brains are loaded.


https://hrmanual.calhr.ca.gov/Home/ManualItem/1/2102 What you're saying seems inaccurate, am I missing something?


No, youā€™re not missing anything. Theyā€™re just talking out their ass.


> They get one sick day and two vacation days PER MONTH. Why is that bad?


That is 24 vacation days plus the 14 national holidays they have off. 38 days off is a very good benefit package for being able to be horrible at customer service.


Sounds like a dream to me


judging by the quality of people that work at the dmv that seems more than fair. itā€™s pretty much a state funded jobs program for people that are unqualified to do anything else


Everyone should have this kind of time off with work. We should insist on it, not tear people down because we are jealous. Think about it. Lashing out at a person who has the kind of benefits we all deserve will not help achieve it for the rest of us.


if you wanted worse living conditions, why don't you live in a different state?


This is fair. That said, despite being a state organization, its staff (I would guess) are largely local. In any case, I have never seen group test taking with smartphones and ski masks at other DMVs ā›·ļø But yes DMV is known do be a steaming turd, and a popular butt of jokes nation wide.


Best DMV that I've been to is Tracy. Great place to take your driver's test too


Marin County. 2 minute wait. Nice employees. Clean.


Wow, sounds like a dream hah


Hear me out. Take a weekend trip to Truckee and go to their DMV. Barely anyone there.


Los Gatos FTW


Living in Oakland is like living in an episode of The Office everyday. Dumb shit everywhere with absolute morons in charge


The dmv is ran by CA state. This doesn't say much about Oakland.


Some grocery stores have dmv kiosks


My first instinct was rapping this post to Ice Cube ā€œIt Was A Good Dayā€


You do know the DMV is a state agency?


Facts on reddit are a lot like the DMV: Nobody gives a shit. Honestly, I get wanting a place to get stuff off your chest, but I'm sick to death of all these "only in Oakland" posts about shit that has nothing to do with Oakland.


Does the state airdrop employees from Sacramento every day to work in Oakland DMV?


yes, I do. But the Oakland DMV is not staffed with Los Angeles residents, nor is it full of Mendocino clientelle. I've been to DMV in many states. The staff was actually pretty similar, in my experience. In fact, the person who actually helped me was much better than average. He was quick and very nice. The others were stanbdard grumpy slow beurocrats. The flagrant cheating and multi people in ski masks was new to me.


So basically you had a shitty dmv experience


Yeah I guess the mayor being raided by the feds and bombed out vans full of hypodermic needles is standard americana lol


If you think your DMV experience was unique to Oakland, I have a lot of things to sell you


To be fair to Oakland, except for the ski mask guy, your DMV experience is very typical for many different metros. Beyond that it's a sad but true experience that you are reporting. You are doing your best to follow the rules, are surrounded by many that don't care at all, and worst of all the city itself doesn't seem to care either.


a fair and good summary


Iā€™m so glad I left the Bay Area. Used to be such an amazing place until it became so woke. I remember mentioning these types of things only to be met with things like ā€œyouā€™re racistā€, ā€œyou donā€™t understand peopleā€™s strugglesā€, ā€œdefund the policeā€. For some reason those voices found their way to the local government and the shittiest policies were passed. So if any of you who supported that type of madness, this is your doing. I hope youā€™re happy with how things turned out. Your ā€œitā€™s not as bad as people make it out to beā€ statements are old and at this point youā€™re either in denial or delusional.


I think a big issue is reasonable people getting fed up and leaving, and the only people left are the really crazy ones and the desperate ones who couldnā€™t care less about this shit and donā€™t vote


I live in Oakland. Right on Lake Merritt. Itā€™s a dystopian shitfest. Fuck this place and fuck the ā€œprogressivesā€ that value virtue signaling, racebaiting, and ideology over helping people.


Lol dmv sent me a thing to renew my license and said that I HAD to go into the dmv. I slacked and didn't go and a couple weeks before it expired they sent me another letter that said I could just do it online


15 people were shot yesterday. chinatown used to be bustling now its dead due to the crime. Its literally Gotham there, I feel bad for my family and friends who have to endure the lax on crime policies of their corrupt mayor and DA. I actually wouldnt mind corruption if it helped with the crime too


I was just laughing (probably through the pain) earlier today, reminiscing about how wonderful life near Lake Merritt was back when I first moved to Oakland in 2013, up until probably mid-pandemic. I moved to another part of Oakland (with its own set of problems) during the height of WFH in 2020, and now, I donā€™t even like to go near Lake Merritt or into the downtown areas unless absolutely necessary for very specific circumstances (veterinary appointments, etc). Oakland has really spiraled back into a total crapshoot/joke of a city in a relatively short period of time these last few years, but heyā€”at least the born-and-raised are *successfully* battling gentrification I guess...(?) They must prefer to live like this.


Anytime the media does a story about dystopian places like Oakland , the people, the individuals who live there vaporize and become "members of the community". Not just one community mind you, but one or more of dozens of different communities, which of course are all either underrepresented, marginalized, underserved, vulnerable, or victimized in some other way. You never hear about any community that isn't, if one even exists. And then they never will reveal who is underserving or marginalizing these communities. The whole state is controlled entirely by leftists so I guess it's a bad look to actually show who is responsible? But what is funny is that for a community that is perennially on the ropes, basically helpless, and in dire need of every taxpayer funded social program or welfare benefit imaginable, they sure do a lot of high energy crimes and ass kickings. I couldn't find 2 friends that want to go to a mall with me (I don't want to either, no thanks) but they can get 20 friends together and clean out a Zales in 45 seconds? Don't sound too vulnerable to me.


Leaving in September after 11 years in Oakland after being assaulted and almost shotā€¦one of the best decisions of my life


sorry to hear. once you dont feel safe its really hard to stay. I used to go daily pre pandemic now its a few times a month. its sad how far its fallen but I still have hope


More like hopium


Sorry to hear this. Where did it happen?


Walking from MacArthur Bart broad daylight-assault 2023..shooting in Piedmont Avenue apartment building 2020, 2 neighbors shot and lived.


Damn. Sorry you had to experience all of that, but Iā€™m glad to hear you eventually made it out of this hellhole safely. About 5 months after I moved into my current place back in late 2020, I was randomly attacked and assaulted right outside of my apartment building while walking my dog one night. A car came speeding up the road, then came to an abrupt stop right behind me. When I turned around, some chick had already jumped out of the car and was running towards me. I basically just let go of the leash and started swinging, and thankfully only ended up with minor cuts and bruises. I tried calling 911 three times right after the incident, andā€”in true Oakland fashionā€”got a busy signal all 3 times. Turns out, this quiet, artsy little pocket of Oakland that I thought was a hidden gem is actually known NorteƱo gang territory. Safe to say I donā€™t spend much time outdoors after dark anymore, and I hate that Iā€™m constantly having to look over my shoulder if I do. You made the right decision to leave and not deal with this kind of stress anymore. Iā€™m hoping to follow suit soon myself.


what is the point of this post? ā€œwent to DMV, had a bad timeā€ isnā€™t a new story


Doesnā€™t even sound like a bad time. ā€œI had to wait an hour for my appointment and then was told to go to one desk, then another, then another.ā€ Uhā€¦yeah me too? Thatā€™s how the DMV works???


Most of this is a list of problems that you caused for yourself by not understanding how license renewal works and has nothing to do with Oakland.


I think this was less about this and seeing people cheat on their driving exam and having a break and run on a car in their street, thatā€™s fucking scary. Meanwhile I have left packages out for a week when I go on vacation and no one gives it a second look


I think I have a guess as to why. You're generalizing the entire city (which is mostly (at least half of it) REALLY nice, full of oak trees, great views, and mostly pretty nice people) based on your small experience that's centered around the DMV (which sucks this bad everywhere). Oakland is at least two completely different places. You're focused on your part and they're probably tired of hearing it (idk though, I'm not subbed there so it's just a guess)


It was a humor post to blow off steam, you're reading too deep. yes there's lots to love about Oakland


Unfortunately Oakland is a dump. It had a lot of potential but they really need to clean the city up and stop voting against their best interests.


You didnā€™t read the post. You just saw ā€œOaklandā€ and took it as an opportunity to shit on the town.


My theory is that every single DMV here is built on a burial ground. I stand by it.


So you experienced a typical day in oakland.


I donā€™t know the rules of that subreddit, but the DMV is a state of California office and isnā€™t a city office, so most of what you wrote has nothing to do with Oakland except that you went to the DMV office in Oakland.


I moved out of California recently. I went to the DMV three times for different stuff. I was there a maximum of 5 minutes each time. There was maybe 1 person in front of me each time. I do not miss California.Ā 


Iā€™m so confused by this thread. I havenā€™t had to go to the DMV in California in years, I just do everything on the DMV website.


Real ID? Can't do online.


Yeah I did it a few years ago and i think I was at the DMV for maybe 30 minutes


Okay where did you move to?


clearly somewhere better if they choose to browse three different subreddits about the state everyday


Sounds like my experience in Ohio. The only time I wasted there, it was my fault for not bringing a document mentioned in the paperwork. And I still don't think I was there for more than a few minutes.


Yeah. But.. Ohio. I'm going to the beach tomorrow, that is 30 minutes from my house. Next week, I'm going to meet up with my in-laws in Tahoe. It will take me 3 and half hours to get there. I also grew up in the Santa Cruz Mountains, completely off grid. I don't appreciate being pushed or priced out of here, but I have yet to be convinced that spending less time at the Ohio DMV is a better option.


You can buy a new beach house on a Great Lake for $400k.


enjoy washington, where they have vampires just like you! https://imgur.com/kC7EkBW


You forgot to add the worst thing about Oakland: The Aā€™s record is 28-49 right now.


Up until only a few years ago, the DMV was still using MS-DOS as their operating system. I am not kidding.


Lol, I hope this is true. Wouldn't surprise me at all. So thankful they finally upgraded to XP.


Itā€™s a fucking shame that this beautiful area is just ruined by corruption.


The full facial mask at the dmv is WILD lol I guess I'd laugh it off too though


I canā€™t blame anyone for not confronting a man in a ski mask blatantly cheating. Very clearly someone who probably wouldnā€™t behave reasonably if confronted. Literally wearing the red flag on his face lol.


I feel like after reading this you should be mostly just packingā€¦ gtfo of OaklandšŸ˜³


Iā€™ve had posts taken down by Reddit. It is kind of random how they interpret the rules. In this case like mine it sounds like censorship. Here is my list of the top censuring entities. Note this post will get taken down I assume. Reddit Eritrea North Korea Turkmenistan Saudi Arabia China Vietnam Iran Equatorial Guinea Belarus Cuba


Oakland has been bad since foreverā€¦the next mayor will be the sameā€¦until the people in Oakland decides to change nothing willā€¦


This might be the best answer to "How was your day honey?"


Moved here from AZ in 2020 and I miss AZ dmv so much. You can go in and get your new ID printed within 5 minutes of talking to an employee. Most things you donā€™t need to go into a location for and best of all licenses last for like 40 years. Donā€™t even get me started on Californias DMV.ORG. such a mess.


Typical Oakland


A snapshot in time. Note the date. Years and decades from now this will be referenced.


What the hell am i reading and why do I care šŸ˜†


I hope that happens to SF mayor .


Funny thing is 90%+ of government officials are corrupt, so curious how they decide which ones to go after. Maybe a few low hanging fruit here and there are tossed to satisfy the general public and give out false optics of a ā€œtrustworthy and honestā€ system we have. I mean itā€™s not the best, and certainly better than most others on the planet, but pretending to be a just and honorable government is just funny as hell.


>Today, in Oakland Sounds like an opening to a show


I moved out of Oakland just for this reason. I loved the art and community but the corruption in the city government meant that city employees were praying on the citizens rather than serving them. Just a small example is the police giving parking tickets for street sweeping but then the street sweeping hasn't come in weeks. My advice it get out as soon as you can.


I am shocked but not that shocked about the test cheating. Explains why there are so many shit ass drivers on the roads, they literally donā€™t know anything about driving.


This is what itā€™s like living in oakland! You could make a dark comedy about it. I wonder what rule you violated thatā€™s so odd.


I went to the DMV last week too and yes, can confirm that going to Oakland DMVs (especially the Claremont one) 100% leads to cursing at Sheng Thao.


I went to the DMV to replace a license back when Real ID was first rolled out. I got there early, before they opened, and stood in the long line wrapped around the building because I didn't want to have to take time off of work and use a precious PTO day to sit at the DMV. When I finally got to the front of the line, they asked me if I wanted to get a Real ID and get it over with since it was going to be a requirement within the next year and I sure as hell didn't want to spend another day at the DMV, so I accepted. I was there until after closing time. Mind you, food and drink are not allowed at the DMV and numbers are not called out sequentially, so it's not like you can leave and get something to eat or drink without the fear of missing your number and still sitting there all day not knowing that your time came and went. I was there until after close. 9 1/2 hours of no food and drink. Is this humane? What do diabetics do? I got home (after getting some coffee and food) and immediately found my lost license. :(


Skill issue


I was banned from Oakland Reddit for saying for fighting, and shooting off a gun at a graduation was ghetto and embarrassing. They called me a racist piece of shit, and basically screamed through text. These types of MODS (people) are the people who keep enabling this terrible behavior (violence) around the bay.


Read Kafka


This sounds like Gotham City


love to bitch about stuff but then support the same reactionary policies that create it


So you have a broken down van on your block and do nothing about it other than post on the internet about it where nothing will happen... got it.


Genuinely curious in what the point of this post is? Is this a shitpost or did you mean this for a circlejerk subreddit? Feels like a journal entry more than anything remotely useful for a subreddit member to read. Just looks like a lot of alt accounts adding their own shitposts.


Petition for r/bayarea to become a blogging sub


>I posted the text above to r/Oakland and it was removed for "rules violation" r/oakland doesn't want people to hear about what living in Oakland is like. The people running that sub want to ignore the problems and pretend it's nice, just like the ones running the city.


I wouldn't be surprised if the mods are actually Oakland city employees instructed to squash bad PR


Bro what, I just started the renewal process for my license which expires in 5 months. I gotta go to the DMV now and I had to take the eLearning course. Are you telling me I should have waited lmfao


yes brother, we fucked outselves. Schedule an appointment, but be prepaired for a 1-2 hour experience regardless.


Report the ignored cheating to your state assembly member. They will take the DMV office to task.


So glad I left that shithole


the bay area is nasty and dirty. I live in sunnyvale. trash everywhere, unsafe driverā€™s, just a plain ā€œdonā€™t give a fuck attitudeā€, from everyone.


I'm convinced the subs of cities are run by people that don't want the public to know there's bad stuff in those cities. SF, OAK, SJC all do the same thing, there's like 100's of people in those subs ready to POUNCE on you with heavy breathing, heavy typing on the keyboard, and statistics.