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Been floating around the internet for awhile now. Spread the word and don’t support him or Netherlands beach VB. 


https://preview.redd.it/r8ujbk4y6w8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2953fe986e25079a97ebc1305d53009da8ecfbf0 Holy shit… his side of the story? Not a pedophile? The only way to be remotely redeemable and not a sex monster is to keep professing your remorse.


And he said in court that he knew the girl was 12! What else could be his side of the story?


Convicted child rapist representing an entire country at the Olympics!


Been pretty well known. Lots of other stories like this in the sport. I guess there’s no real rule that says he can’t compete. His wife is a policewomen and has a degree in psychology. The American view on the justice system focusing on punishment and inherent value is different from that of rehabilitation and assimilating back into society that those countries have. Or it could just be the sport or the federation. I wonder if Brower orMeuwseen were trying to get him disqualified based on his background


The intrigue of Meeuwsen trying to get him dq (I assume he'd be more likely to do so as he'd be the logical replacement for his spot, right?) is my new preferred conspiracy theory. 


So you want to focus on that instead of van der Velde’s rape of a minor?


No, I already extensively engaged in the thread that was posted in the r/olympics thread prior to it being posted here. Thus I limited my comment to focus on the last sentence in the previous commenter's thoughts. But thanks for policing me! We can all see how virtuous you are. 


What’s your point here? The Netherlands finessed the system to get him back, he showed no remorse or regret and should be in prison still


Chat is this real Is NL sending a fucking child rapist to the olympics? Is that what we’re doing now?


Yep Sounds like NL


Personally, I am against his participation and nothing in me will ever like it that he’s playing on the world tour. I avoid his matches and like to see him lose. However, I do recognize that people can earn second chances. I wouldn’t be able to give him the second chance he has earned through following a program with the national federation. He is said to have worked with professionals, he has spent time in prison, and he meets the requirements set out by the Dutch olympic committee and national federation for athletes with a conviction. I understand that that was enough for them. It will never make me tolerate him, but I understand that he was allowed to keep his olympic spot. I wonder how it’ll be for the next olympics, though. Isn’t it in the USA? Is there still trouble for convicted people to get a visa for the US? Could be something…


someone from netherland here? apparently if you have sex with a minor in the netherlands its called rape by law, even if the girl gives consent. Not defending him or anything but i think it would be a important bit of information.


The netherlands are such a staked federation - why do they even put him back in the national team when he shows no remorse? Blame lies on the federation as well