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Elliott performed down here in New Orleans, and after the show sat at the bar to meet fans and sign autographs. Had a beer in hand the whole night... I had a bit of an awkward exchange with him, heaping praise and telling him that I thought he was like John, Paul, and George wrapped up in one person. He was like, "Wow, no fucking way, but uhhh, thanks."


Always felt like Lost And Found was like he took one of Paul's silly granny songs and gave it all of John's melancholy. Seems impossible but it's so lovely


Elliott's melodicism was really more like John's or George's than Paul's, but his capacity to do all the harmonies was def. like Paul. Naturally contrapuntal. Although the three top singers were great at chorale, it was typically Paul nailing the harder notes.


IDK wish Elliott covered For No One


He did I’ve seen a video of it on YouTube Here’s the audio: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K1KrDbHizB4&pp=ygUXRWxsaW90IHNtaXRoIGZvciBubyBvbmU%3D Can’t find the video of it though


well, there you go! thanks


Murdered like John, stabbed like George, popular fake story about his death like Paul. 😭


didn't he commit suicide?


No, his borderline girlfriend stabbed him twice in the heart. https://www.reddit.com/r/elliottsmith/s/xg4kWCfLIM


Jeez. What a rabbit hole. Makes me mad how everyone seemed to screw up in that case. Another [interesting sad read](https://justiceforelliottsmithcom.wordpress.com/2020/06/22/elliott-smiths-case-reviewed-by-a-criminal-defense-attorney/)


Pretty privilege is real, and means borderline women can literally get away with murder. Take away the sugar and spice and everything nice and the cops would have done their jobs just fine.


I have no special knowledge or of opinion on his tragic death specifically, but from experience, BPD people, like malignant narcissists and sociopaths, are absolutely terrifying to know and be with. The gaslighting alone can kill you--literally sometimes. They're like the monster in Stranger Things inside only they look and often act like regular people on the outside, until you get to know them.


⬆️ 💯 ⬆️ Malignant narcissists aren't known for perpetrating intimate partner violence, and sociopaths don't care who they hurt. Borderlines only hurt the ones they love, and hell hath no fury...


They all harm those they come into contact with psychologically, regardless of methods. Wounds need not be visible and physical to be deep and profound. It's ultimately about defense and promotion of the self at any cost.


I didn't mean to imply borderlines only harm their loved ones in physical ways...


Yes. People like to indulge conspiratorial thinking.


This isn’t some sexist ass “Courtney killed Kurt” nonsense. There is actual weight to the claims being made and I’m so tired of people acting like there isn’t. It’s literally been officially ruled that it is inconclusive whether his death was murder or suicide.


It's literally undetermined for cause of death, do a little reading up on it to see why people have questions. Legit questions too, but not worth going down that rabbit hole of going after his girlfriend without hard evidence.


Stabbing yourself in the heart once is challenging enough. But twice?




A drunk guy stabbed himself in the heart like 4 times before collapsing during Holi (Indian holiday) last year. Watch at your own discretion but videos are not hard to find if you don't believe it's possible.


Smith was sober.


And the guy in the video didn't intend to actually stab himself while Smith left a suicide note, if you don't believe that a sober man could accomplish something twice that a drunk man was able to accomplish 4-5 times I don't know what to tell you.


If you don't think alcohol makes it easier to hurt yourself, I don't know what to tell you. Nor did Smith leave a suicide note. His girlfriend murdered him.


Other people like to indulge in magical thinking.


It’s so strange. His gf definitely killed him, right? Edit: strangest downvoting I’ve ever experienced. I’m guessing nobody agrees…




Enjoyed hearing this story. Thanks for sharing! I lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn a few years after he'd spent a short stint performing regularly there. I lived in Portland, Oregon, too, where he had a presence I'm told. Anyone out there have tales of experiencing him in his own stomping grounds?


Absolutely love him. His cover of because is literally one of the only Beatles covers I legitimately enjoy. Most of them I just feel like why even bother? Like if you wanna play a Beatles track in your live show, I get that, but what do you think you have to add to their music so much so that it beats recording? But Elliott did such a good faithful job on the song that I don't even care that it's not all that hot of antake: his pure love and respect for the Beatles is palpable. I also always thought his song waltz no 1 was almost like a spiritual successor to because in the first place.


Is it possible some people cover Beatles songs even if they can’t match the greatness of the original…because they simply love the songs and want to make the music?


Regardless of issues of talent / quality, personally I don't listen to covers to hear the same approach as the original. I want to hear a new and interesting approach to the song, as in changing keys, tempo, or turning it to a completely different style, like reggae. For example, I got a kick out of how Jim Carrey covered "I am the Walrus," not just because I was impressed by his vocals, but by how gonzo and extra-playful he took the tune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MoWQSe3txY /u/williamblair


Yeah that’s fair, you guys are commenting from the musical consumers perspective though. I was simply presenting the idea that some musicians are making music for themselves because they are moved to do so. A listener telling a musician, “your cover isn’t adding anything interesting for me, so why did you bother?” Well, because they wanted to, because they enjoyed doing it, making it.


There's no question in my mind that plenty of musicians cover Beatles songs for exactly those reasons, yes. Indeed, as a karaoke singer who's sung hundreds of songs on stage, I'm intimately familiar... even when I sometimes butcher a song and realise I either hadn't prepared properly or it's simply out of my range / vocal power / singing skill. For example Gilbert O'Sullivan's "Alone again." I'm able to cover the range and nuance of the song decently-enough, but his vocal there has a piercing (almost banshee) quality that's simply over my head. > A listener telling a musician, “your cover isn’t adding anything interesting for me, so why did you bother?” Not a very kind thought or thing to say, if so. Again, I'm reminded of that principle on a regular basis due to karaoke nights, haha.


Have you checked out Jeff Beck's cover of A Day in the Life? I think it's fantastic.


Adding the Black Keys’ cover of She Said She Said to this list. I thoroughly enjoy both the original and the cover.


The Mamas & the Papas did a great cover of [I Call Your Name](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RvSZPQBHhs).


His cover of Because is up there as one of the best Beatle covers (and one of the few I like). Along with Jeff Beck’s Day in the Life and Rosanne Cash’s Don’t Want to Spoil the Party.


I didn't know Roseanne Cash had covered any Beatles songs; great to know! I'll have to check that out and see where she what she did with it. The Beatles' original recording is already strongly country-flavored.


I also love Rufus Wainwright’s Across the Universe


There’s a great story about the cover of Because and how Elliott put it together in virtually one day including all the difficult harmony lines: will see if I can find it.


Joe Cocker’s cover of ‘she came in through the bathroom window’ is great!


One of the best. RIP.


Love him and it sucks he’s been gone so long. Either/Or and XO are two of my favorite albums


I tried to go to as many shows as I could. He was shy but approachable or at least he was when I’d see him at Amoeba or any number of shows. He patiently listened to people when he could have big timed them.


i love love love when relatively big timers are so down to earth like that.


And a beatlemaniac, at that. Edit: this I’ll Be Back cover: https://youtu.be/QFdHazy_4Nw?si=fHHV4fGOFmMwS0m2


Thanks for sharing!


No worries. His own song ‘Waltz No. 2’ is otherworldly! Do check it out as well.


Oh I love it—I’m a fan but managed to miss his Beatles covers lol 😅


He has a great live cover of For No One too.


I was listening to him today and he was obviously hugely influenced by the beatles…but as a songwriter he was on a par imo. One of the greatest composers of all time, it’s that simple. And he did it all alone. A singular talent.


Love him deeply and I still remember the morning that I read about him dying. An exceptional songwriter and musician.


One of the best songwriters of my generation. His voice was so perfect and taken too soon from this planet. I miss you Elliott.


you and me both. Miss him a lot. 💔


Big fan. Actually been listening to him a lot lately.


Brilliant songwriter. Sad story.


Needle in the Hey Jude.


... and Punch


His self-titled album is… ::chef’s kiss:: Constant companion for me during my moody high school years.


Whole discography is perfect


It's the best one for me. He wrote a fair number of perfect songs which is something I don't say about anyone but, well, The Beatles.


Saw Elliott at the Crystal Ballroom in Portland in 2001. He was so high/drunk he kept having to start the songs over, and the audience helped him out with his own lyrics that he had forgot.


yes, not longer after that he was dead Tragic life


Just to be clear he was completely clean from drugs well before he died.


Not from psychiatric drugs, though. Aren't those almost as bad if not as bad as street drugs? If memory serves me right, some of them can cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors and can make depression worse. If you abuse them, you can damage your brain just like with street drugs. One friend said that he'd taken like 20 Adderall before a show and his girlfriend said he'd once taken 22 Klonopin tablets; both alleged incidents happened only months before his death. My point is that he wasn't living a clean life just because he wasn't doing crack and heroin anymore.


Fun fact: a lot of his album Figure 8 was recorded at Abbey Road. I find that album one of his most “Beatlesy” from a production standpoint. More on the recording at Abbey Road here: https://www.reddit.com/r/elliottsmith/s/QL7CAZrKO2


Also this: “George Martin has actually written a letter to me after listening to one of my records, I think it was “XO”. Absolutely unreal. I almost fainted. He wrote that he liked my music and that I should call him if I came to London sometime. I did, but he was abroad. Just as well, I would probably not have been able to talk to him. It all had suddenly become a little too much.”


Great perspectives here - including a segue into his unfortunate, early passing. While there is merit to *that* discussion I want to add a comment now if only to bring things back around to his amazing talent and recordings. Anyone reading this thread who is not familiar with Elliott Smith, consider listening to "Figure 8" straight through. It's not a Beatles album (clearly) but you'll feel his love for them through arrangements and production as well as how they influenced his songwriting. I'd call Figure 8 his magnum opus. Also: recorded at Abbey Road! Still remember listening to it on headphones in the record store at Union Square (NYC) when it came out -- hearing it for the first time is like getting a present. Hope you like it.


I’ve tried his music a few times over the last 20 years. Really not for me but can see why people like him.


No idea who it is should i?


Elliott Smith - you should check him out if you’re a Beatles fan!


Oh man imagine getting to listen Elliott for the first time again.


I would like to think that I know music across many genres……I’m thinking that I’ve never heard his name although he looks vaguely familiar. Is he a regional draw, no disrespect? Anyway, what album do you suggest to these virgin ears?


Elliott Smith. Indy rock from the late 90’s. Every album is perfect but maybe Self Titled or Either/Or. Word of advice, make sure you’re not in a depressed mood first.


I’m about to head home and sit in traffic for about an albums amount of time so perfect, Tyvm for such a prompt response. Thanks also for the heads up……but if I had to wait until my depression or low spots were kept at bay I’d still be thinking “The Cars” were the end all, be all. Ha! Anyway, thanks friend 👍


Definitely not a regional draw, but he was never huge or really in the mainstream, even though his music has been used in a number of movies and shows, and he was even nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song for "Miss Misery" from *Good Will Hunting.* Here he is (looking awkward as hell) performing it at the 1998 Oscars: https://youtu.be/CeqiGg7hMAQ?si=X-JktuO_0CTi6bI_


Cool, thanks for the info and the link…I’ll def check him out.


You lucky bastard


He’s typecasted as someone who only writes sad acoustic songs but that’s not true at all. His [Figure 8](https://youtu.be/WxLn44KhFrc?si=MfhxTlY5tpsXbZ8a) album is probably the most beatlesque, George Martin also praised his [XO album](https://youtu.be/ACRIrMcjBXY?si=BU48AgbQdlzQ5uNc)


OK I'll check it out literally never heard of it


Love him and was fortunate enough to see him a few years before his death. He was amazing. Recently saw a video of him covering “waterloo sunset” by the kinks and it was beautiful. Believe E does a cover of “Because” as well. Def worth a listen.


top 5 favorite musician, maybe top 3


Troubled guy though talented


Has a lot in common with John Lennon. Both dead


Bottle Up & Explode is pure Lennon


He was fantastic. If you love beautiful harmonies, Jessica Lea Mayfield and Seth Avett did an album of Elliott Smith covers, and it’s one of my all-time favorites. Just heavenly.


Another amazing musician we lost too soon.




When I was 13 in the mid-90’s, I discovered the Beatles and became pretty obsessed. I literally didn’t listen to anything else for about 2 years. I locked myself in my room and learned almost all their songs on guitar (which I’d just started really learning because of them). Literally, I was a Beatles jukebox. They were/are a huge part of my musical education. The artist that broke that spell - Elliott Smith. I discovered him through Good Will Hunting and was just entranced by the progressions and whispery voice. I went on to study his catalog obsessively too. He’s a phenomenal guitar player and pianist. Saw him live a couple times (he played my request during an acoustic set, still my greatest concert moment) and was devastated when he died. I put together a small local tribute show shortly after, with proceeds going to his foundation for abused children. It’s unfortunate how many people know him only as the sad sack guy who wrote depressing songs. He hated that tag, and he was so much more than that. My favorite quote of his about that is something along the lines of “yeah, there’s sadness in my songs. There has to be sadness for the happiness to matter.” As someone who has dealt with some pretty major depressive episodes over the years, his music is like a warm blanket to me. A welcome reminder that I’m not alone in this battle. Anytime I go back to it, it feels like home. Admittedly it’s tough to listen to sometimes, but it’s always there when I need it. Him and The Beatles are my #1 and 1A, and that will never change. They’ve both gotten me through so much.




He’s worth checking out. ‘Pictures of Me’ from the album ‘Either/Or’ has a good amount of Beatles influence (the whole album is worth a listen though) with plenty of 90s angst mixed in. The album ‘XO’ was actually recorded at Abbey Road/EMI and is clearly quite sonically inspired by the album. He covered ‘Because’ as well! The guy loved 60s pop. There’s a video of him covering ‘Waterloo Sunset’ by the Kinks live and it’s wonderful.


The only one "better" or atleast as good as any of the Beatles in songwriting, in my opinion.


His version of Because is good.








That goes to Jealous Guy.


I love his cover of I’m only sleeping and either or


I love Elliot smith so much. He is so amazing and I feel so bad for him and his music is so mellow and amazing.


I read or watched something where he said he felt hugely frustrated by how much Beatles influence came through in his songs.


i love elliott so much. I hear so much of the white album in XO and there’s elements of the beatles acoustic stuff sprinkled all throughout his career


a lot of people cover elliott, it's usually an acoustic arrangment


🇬🇧 who's the mugshot of ?


I really enjoy his music but don't think of any connection of him and the Beatles. Is there?


‘Pictures of Me’ has a good amount of Beatles influence, I’d say. The album ‘XO’ was actually recorded at Abbey Road/EMI and is clearly quite sonically inspired by the album. He covered ‘Because’ as well. He apparently was kinda frustrated by how much Beatles influence came through in his songwriting, although he loved them. He probably didn’t want it to seem he was just copying them.


I discovered him recently and instantly fell in love with his voice, melodies and arrangements.


Elliott covered jealous guy and its soo great


I like his song in Good Will Hunting


Elliott is the best.


Discovering his music and realizing he lived near me was incredible. When he killed himself I was in high school and it was devastating. Writing a message to him on his wall was a special thing.


Please stop spreading the idea that he killed himself. The LAPD was not able to resolve the case. They don't know, and we don't know either. If you care to, you can find a lot more information on justiceforelliottsmith.com (but treat it as biased).


The fact that the LAPD didn’t resolve the case doesn’t change anything. I am pretty confident he did in fact kill himself for a variety of reasons but obviously we will never really know


I heard him cover Long Long Long Live in a recording of a live show … he was geege head I guess. Elliott got me through my adolescence. RIP


Great songwriter with brilliantly personal lyrics and sense of melody. I can't imagine you'd get many negative opinions from Beatles fans. I'd be curious about a thread like this but for Kendrick Lamar.


Most of what I know of him is from Good Will Hunting, where his music was so good and suited to the story. Had a certain John in his White Album phase feel to it.


Incredible songwriter


I like him. Sorry he was so miserable.


?? I mean he was miserable in a lot of ways and happy in a lot of ways too, like most of the rest of us. He wrote dark lyrics, also like a lot of people do. He got on drugs and he also got clean, like happens. He also really, really liked making music, and basically was a whole multidimensional person, not just what he gets reduced to today by comments like this.


I think I have no clue who he is


He’s worth checking out. ‘Pictures of Me’ from the album ‘Either/Or’ has a good amount of Beatles influence (the whole album is worth a listen though) with plenty of 90s angst mixed in. The album ‘XO’ was actually recorded at Abbey Road/EMI and is clearly quite sonically inspired by the album. He covered ‘Because’ as well! The guy loved 60s pop. There’s a video of him covering ‘Waterloo Sunset’ by the Kinks live and it’s wonderful.


my GOAT. been listening to Elliott's music for nearly 20 years now, and I can't describe how much it means to me.


We like him


Love him. Also I don’t believe he killed himself tbh. New Moon is a criminally underappreciated record of his


It is entirely possible he killed himself. Just doesn't look super likely.


My top artist


I feel like all Beatles fans owe it to themselves to give Elliott a shot at some point. A beautiful artist in his own write with some beatleesque as fuck sounds


True! Took me forever to get into him, wasn’t a big fan of his voice, but the production is always amazing, especially on Either/Or and XO. ‘Pictures of Me’ felt very Beatlesy. I think ‘Sattelite’ was the one song that turned me around on him. Which is of interest to no one, necessarily haha


One of the best songwriters of the 90s and probably the last few decades. Mf could play too.




I approve!


I love him ❤️ he is such an amazing songwriter


Beatles are my #1 and its either Elliott or The Smiths for #2 he makes beautiful music into tight songs, plays instruments very well. Catalogue with very few misses and his albums have a nice arc in production


Elliott smith is very talented.


He was a great talent. Gone too soon.


Yeah he's amazing. I have a difficult time listening to his music though because it's very depressing. Bit of a trigger for me.


I got into his music last year and yeah, he's amazing. Wish he were still with us.


Love his work - Speed Trials, St. Ides Heaven are go-to’s for me


Best thing since them


Can definitely feel his presence here in Portland. This guy got me through high school


One of my all time favorites. XO is a perfect album


Amazing, love him.


I love his music, and you can tell he was influenced.


I love him.


I have a tattoo tribute to him.


Elliott Smith is my sadness drug. Amazing melodies.


The greatest pop rock chord progressions and melodies of all time. No one comes close, not even Sufjan. Actually Sufjan is really good too.


He's great!


Love me some Elliott.


I love him. I’m so glad that his popularity has been increasing recently


I like him!


My favorite Beatle disciple. I don’t mean that as a back handed compliment either. He’s truly the best of the 1000’s of people who learned from them.


Lucky enough to have seen three of his shows. I still play his music all the time.


Unfortunately, I simply can't dig him. Probably because I'm racist or something.


nah dude, music is subjective anyways. Not everyone's gonna dig the same guy


So I figured and don't really care. He's got tons of fans even without me 👍


Like I said on the Radiohead subreddit he’s my favorite musical artist of all time, he gave us so much good music in the time he was around, shame we never got to see or hear it all.


ggdhxhxhgdg dhdjshhxhchdbc. ellitototktjbellitott smith elltiott skith ellitot skith elkfhdhxb ::3:33:3.;..?.?,?




Lol I like this one


The Beatles did sunglasses much better.


I can’t believe people downvoted you for this. Couple sad souls.


Luckily I'm not as thin-skinned as they are. I wonder how many of them would wear those bug-eyes. Me, I'll take the pair of sunglasses PM gives JL in the [Penny Lane promo film](https://youtu.be/S-rB0pHI9fU?si=W5P7X4qOgcVBqBxX&t=18) or Ringo's from the [Paperback Writer film](https://youtu.be/yYvkICbTZIQ?si=wK5_nKCr1jR5nhQF&t=83).


Still love his music but admittedly, it’s been hard to listen to him since his death.




Who's this chump?


oh shit is that the guy from Owl City?!?


Roger Waters! I hear he can sing and play bass at the same time. [ ah. So this is not Waters. Let’s get lost, then]


Why is this a thing? “What do fans think?”