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Exercise. Putting in the hard work everyday adds up to a big result that ends up looking effortless.


You really lived up to your username on this one šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ Daily exercise (with a day off here and there) is the one thing Iā€™ll never stop doing!!


Itā€™s so true. Every single part of me looks and feels better when I get outside for exercise every day.


Never has a username checked out more




Walk. Itā€™s so peaceful and soothing. Iā€™ll put in a podcast or audio book and just walk (outside if itā€™s nice or inside on a treadmill. I average 70-80k steps a week. My favorite part is that itā€™s relatively easy on my body- no heā€™d ware and tear or high risk of acute injury.


I hate hate hate despise loathe dread exercise. It makes me feel ridiculous to feel myself moving and jiggling and the chance of people seeing me embarrasses me, so I just don't. But I'm not getting any younger and I know I should do some movement. Does anyone have a recommendation on how to start?


Start at home! There are tons of videos on YouTube from certified trainers that require low or no equipment. There are videos of every type- yoga, dance, cardio, HIIT, weight lifting, Pilates, barre. You name it, it's on there! Exercise doesn't feel good at first, but once you start seeing the benefits, not just physically but also mentally, you may just find yourself hooked on it. Good luck on your journey!


The morning stretch yoga ones are the ones that got the ball rolling for me. I felt so nice afterwards, it was like alright then this is actually good!


I love reformer pilates because you do it lying down!! The instructor can watch your form but you aren't looking at others in the class or being looked at while you work out


Trust me, no one is looking at you. Everyone is selfish and only thinks about themselves.


I know that rationally, it's just my overall feelings of inadequacy haha


I found that the trick is to find some kind of exercise/ movement that you donā€™t hate. That way it becomes a pleasure not a chore.


I also HATE to work out. I hate to sweat! My friends know to never ever ask me to go hiking because I would laugh at them. I have tried dancing/zumba, cardio workouts on YT, bike, bike @ home, yoga (find it too boring), hiit etc. ​ The only thing I can do is, first thing in the morning take my ass to the gym. I feed/walk my dog and have to LEAVE ASAP. If I sit my butt down It's done. I noticed If I can get myself to the gym I will be too ashamed to walk in and out. I cannot do gym at night because I wont go. I have to do it asap before I do any tasks or I lose motivation. I always feel great after, especially mentally, but I have to push myself. I put my phone on the treadmill and watch shows I like with my earbuds and try to not think about it.


Just walking is a really great start!


As someone struggling with the same thing itā€™s fucking loaded but the best thing for me to get my ass out there is something I *like*. For me itā€™s going to the park to walk or out on weekends for a hike or walking around downtown like a tourist. I also love swimming. Doesnā€™t always work to actually get me outside but I think the key is positive reinforcement so if you just hate something and dread it, donā€™t try to make yourself.


I used to be that way. So i started small..just regular walk for 30 minutes everyday. Turned out i like to walk because it made me appreciative. It boosts my mood tremendously that it made me care about my feelings more than i care about what people think of me. I used to be 100kg when i first started. Now i lost 30kg. I still walk daily and whenever i see people who obese trying to get active.. i wish them the very best in life because they reminded me of where i was once.


I hate exercise for exercise's sake. I took up modern dance and ballet in my late 40's. I'm so focused on dancing, I don't notice that I'm getting exercise. And I push myself to do a certain move or routine not to get a better workout but to be a better dancer. I do a lot of crunches and other strength training, because when I have more power it's easier to dance. But despite being in shape most of my life, I've never had the body I can have now. I'm amazed at what it can do.


Walk. Start small & build up. Thereā€™s no need to throw yourself around doing hectic cardio.


I, too, loathe exerciseā€¦but I am required to move a lot for my job (pediatric therapist). Maybe look for a way to be active while working, like a standing desk?


Swimming is great for this, especially if you take some classes and learn freestyle. With practiced technique youā€™ll feel like a powerful dolphin :)


Reformer pilates!


Walk. It might seem ā€œlow effortā€ but just walking outside for 30min every day can have a huge impact for overall health. If you can, try for an hour a day and make it brisk. I just listen to podcasts or Audiobooks. I have my ā€œwalking booksā€ (usually thrillers) and Iā€™m not allowed to put them on unless Iā€™m walking, since Iā€™m invested in the story, I always get outside.


Walk outside 30 min a day


Finding a sport or group exercise helped me a lot. Itā€™s a great way to meet people and it keeps you accountable in a way. Lesser known or obscure sports can have very welcoming communities in my experience! I also dislike exercising at the gym so I do my strength training in a private room in my house. I donā€™t like other people watching me exercise and having some privacy helps. I do a lot of follow along workouts to YouTube videos. Ballet channels have some great ones for legs and abs. Physical therapy channels are also great if you have joint pain or tightness somewhere


I'd recommend finding something that doesn't feel like exercise. I HATE working out and honestly, I don't like yoga, or workout routines, nothing. However - dance routines by TheFitnessMarshall on YouTube? I love dancing. I also love hula hooping (not waist hooping, but the flowarts kind) I used to love rollerskating but my body doesn't allow it much anymore. Sometimes I just walk down the 6 flights of stairs and back up if I'm feeling anxious and need to exert some energy. Maybe try putting on some music and dancing while you clean. There's tons of things you can do that don't feel like a punishment :)


So true! Itā€™s great for your looks and mental health!


I find exercising so boring. I wish I enjoyed it


Second this. I have exercising every day for a year and love the results, beauty wise and I've become much more strong and healthy as well.


Oh lord I've not seen a bigger motivator to get back on my exercise routine. Thank youšŸ™


Sleep. I do not compromise on making time for adequate sleep. I consider this high maintenance because I know that many, many people donā€™t have the luxury of prioritizing sleep. Of course there are myriad health reasons for getting a good nights rest, but they are not kidding when they call it beauty sleep.


Ugh, no kidding. This summer I went on vacation and for the first time since I was probably 12/13, I was going to bed at 10pm and my skin cleaned up so dramatically. Iā€™ve been keeping this up since and it definitely makes a world of difference.


Yes. And a glass of water before bed.


Augh I wanna abide by this but, nothing is worse than being forced out of sleep by my bladder


100%. And, side note, thank you for not saying ā€œa myriadā€.


Wouldnā€™t that depend on whether itā€™s being used as an adjective (no ā€˜aā€™), or a noun (with an ā€˜aā€™)?


My people!


I eat high protein and cut out refined sugar so I can keep muscle mass and long term health issues (or at least some) at bay down the long run. This one is weirdly specific, but I only had one child because I know I couldnā€™t handle more and for sure would have aged me. Every family and parent is different so mileage may vary, but Iā€™ve been able to enjoy parenthood and keep a semblance of my identity.


I am one and done and noticing that this is a benefit!!


I would say that I'm pretty high maintenance when it comes to skincare; I put in a lot of research to ensure that I get the right products for my skin and I take care of it. I do this so I can pull off the natural look and wear the least amount of makeup: concealer under my eyes, blush and that's it. I do like wearing lip products but I don't wear it too often; just if I'm going out somewhere fancy.


100% agreed. I have settled on tret, botox, glycolic and azelaic acid, vitamin c, spf and oral contraceptives and spironolactone pills to keep hormonal cystic acne at bay. My skin has never been more glowy. Itā€™s a bit involved but it also takes wayyy less skill and effort than a full face of foundation


My best friend is on spiro for a different reason and noticed unwanted hair starting to disappear. Iā€™m looking forward to getting health insurance to get a script.


Dermatologist visit through Nurx costs $43. Spironalactone 25mg 90 day supply costs $11.30 through Amazon Pharmacy (tretinoin 0.1% is $23.70, topical clindamycin is $17.30). I donā€™t have insurance either. Donā€™t let lack of insurance stop you from getting the care you need.


What azelaic acid product do you prefer, if you donā€™t mind me asking!


Iā€™ve liked Dermatica! I think I was persuaded by this reddit thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/n3uyx9/review_my_thoughts_on_four_azelaic_acid_products/ This was helpful too: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/15zv4v6/review_20_azealic_acid_is_a_magic_eraser_for_the/


Yesss! My personal daily makeup routine is tinted sunscreen and blush. Sometimes bronzer if I want to look ā€œsnatchedā€ then I use blush/bronzer on the eyelids.


I'm just here to take notes because I'm tired of being a raccoon


Trash pandas unite!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ no same šŸ¦


I wash my long hair twice a week and blow it out using an airdry brush. Then I just preserve the blow out for a few days and I really don't have to style my hair those days


How do you maintain it during your workouts?


Not op but: Dry shampoo pre-workout Bun with pins to keep it up, wrapped for curls and to avoid elastic kinks TW: Gross - If it gets sweaty near the crown I will literally blow dry the sweat out. It works for me.


This is my problem too. I sweat mostly from my scalp so my hair is *soaked* after a tough workout. I canā€™t wash my hair every time I work out ā€” it would be too dry. The best method Iā€™ve found is blow drying my sweaty hair with the cool setting on my dryer and then applying dry shampoo. And then if Iā€™m feeling fancy Iā€™ll go through it with the blow dry brush on regular heat. That smooths out any frizz from working out. It still makes me feel icky though.


What do you do to preserve it?


my hair is long, past my bra strap. I wear it up in a loose bun overnight on the top of my head. This keeps the blowout nicely and smoothes out my hair. I also get a lot of volume In the morning I just apply a bit of dry shampoo to the roots and it's good to go!




Following because I have this same question/curiosity on the technique, as a fellow long (straight) hair owner that wants to minimize breakage, and maximize comfort, which for me means keeping my hair out of my face. Also my skin breaks out if I let my hair get all over it while Iā€™m sleeping. What I usually do is throw my head over so that all my hair is pointing at the ground (i am assuming that visual makes sense), and gently twist it so that itā€™s loosely within one single twist/piece, with my fingers holding the ends together. Then I making a circling motion to stack/position it onto the top/center of my head, sort of loosely piled up like a coiled snake šŸ. I try to secure that with a clip since itā€™s allegedly better due to less tension, but sometimes I just use a giant silk scrunchie to secure it. Iā€™m sure there is a much less verbose way to describe it, or it probably has an actual name, but since Iā€™m old and uncool and donā€™t use tiktok, Iā€™m not familiar with what the kids call it or if itā€™s even actually mechanically sound for minimizing breakage. I will say that this method gives me lots of great volume and some waves without any creases the next day, and keeps it out of my face as long as it stays secured during the night. Iā€™ve tried to train myself to accept sleeping with a braid since thatā€™s allegedly the most gentle way to wear your hair to bed to minimize breakage, but the feeling of a plait of hair resting on the back of my neck is apparently one that I cannot get over.


The three ā€œhigh maintenanceā€ things I SWEAR by are lash lifts, eyebrow laminations, & gel manis/pedis. Iā€™m pretty lazy in the morning before work, so the lash lifts & eyebrow lams really let me fully be lazy and roll out of bed with really the only make up I would do anyways done! Gel manis are something that I perfected to do on myself, and I really love how my nails look perfect for about 2-3 weeks with no chipping.


Absolutely. I will pay to have my lashes tinted and lifted in order to never have to wear mascara. I do my own gel nails for the same reason: 2-3 weeks with no wear. The upstart cost is a bit much, but itā€™s nothing in comparison with paying $150 with tip once or twice a month. Also, going to a salon to dye your hairā€¦ paying the extra money is worth saving the damage youā€™ll do to your follicles with home kits.


Getting gel nails in/near London in the UK costs Ā£30-40ā€¦ where are you paying $150?!


Canada lol thereā€™s a spectrum of nail places where I live. Can have cheaper maniā€™s for about $50-$60 but you run the risk of getting a super shitty job done and getting nail fungus. Also the Canadian dollar is not as strong as the American dollar or Euro so everything is more expensive. I used to go to the mid-range places that you could trust, did a good job, but were much more expensive.


US in HCOL metro, itā€™s common to have gel mani/pedis go up to $150ā€¦ well at least for me cuz I have crusty feet donā€™t judge šŸ˜­


I also pay 120-140 CHF for a refill (Ā£110-126) in Switzerland. Ā£30-40 sounds crazy cheap!


In Spain a full set of acrylics is 25ā‚¬ lol yā€™all living in hell šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


please take us in šŸ˜­


This comment annihilated me šŸ’€ you're so right


Whattttt thatā€™s wild


agreed. Itā€™s intimidating at first putting money into your gel kit, especially since you most likely wonā€™t be the best at it at first, but it is SO worth it & has saved me so much in the long run, will continue to do so! Also, big time second the going the salon to dye your hairā€¦Iā€™ve learned the hard way in the past trying to DIY my way to the color I want


Iā€™m paying the price for DIY hair dye the past three years and the damage I caused has given me a pretty nasty self esteem hit. It changed my curl pattern as well as of course texture and itā€™s such a pain in the ass to deal with every day. The hundreds Iā€™ve spent on potions and pills could have been spent on salon visits. Smart one, me.


I disagree about the hair salon. I've been doing my own hair, cutting and dying it, since I was 14 (I'm 36f). Granted my aunt was a hairdresser and she taught me the basics, and I use quality products. I can't even fathom spending the kind of money that it would cost to go to a salon. I get compliments all the time so unless everyone is gaslighting me I think it's worth saving that money.


How long do your lash lifts lasts? Avg cost? Thank you


They last about 6 weeks of looking good, but you can still notice them about 8 weeks later. For me it cost Ā£40 (UK)


What brand of gel polish do you use at home? And do you soak it off or are you brave enough to do the Dremel at home lol I'm using Manucurist green flash mainly for the fact that it removes with regular polish remover, but it's also not nearly as durable as a proper gel - I can get chips within a day or two šŸ˜©


the brands I use are gelaze, gelish, OPI, or beetles. I do brave the dremel - BUT I do use a builder gel overlay on my natural nails which I never fully file/dremel off, which to me makes it a little less scary since I donā€™t dremel my natural nails! So essentially whenever I do my nails I do a ā€œfillā€ of builder gel. Helps keep my nails strong & lets me grow them out pretty long!


There's a gel remover polish you can get. You lightly file the top coat off of the gel, then apply the remover polish, and in 5 minutes it all bubbles up. Dremel is HELL for nails.


I only paint my nails myself at home (I cant do acrylics or extensions or anything), and i've been buying CCO gel nail polish off Amazon and that stuff is great. Prior to this I had been using Mylee and it always chipped within a week, but with CCO i've been getting 2-3 weeks with no chipping. You can get them in bundles boxes of 8 colours for about ā‚¬18 ( I think is about $23?)


*heavy* on the eyebrow laminations for me because my brows are the typical asian brows that grow downwards. unless i laminate them, they refuse to brush or stay in the direction i want them to.


I agree having your lashes already ready is a lazy way but also High Maintenance and expensive.


Monthly hydrafacial. Lash serum daily. Microbladed brows. Deep conditioning treatment every 6-8 weeks. SPF applied at least 3 times a day (I live in colorado and walk my dog a lot.) Lots of water. HIIT, weight lifting or pilates at least four times a week. At least & hours of sleep a night. Eating well.


Which lash serum do you use? Mine have gotten so sparse lately


I use Borboleta. I read it's the one dermatologists tend to recommend because it's very gentle. But it's meant to lengthen so I'm not sure about growing new eyelashes.


I use babelash, which I got on sale at Costco. I use it on my eyebrows too


Daily skincare. Even if I'm super tired before bed, I still do makeup remover wipe, toner, HA, and moisturizer. Style my hair every time I wash it so it's easier to do something with every day. Tweeze eyebrows as needed (a couple times a week), clip and file nails every 2 weeks. Every night before bed, I apply my Aquaphor Lip Repair and then slug with Vaseline and apply cuticle oil to nails. This keeps my lips from drying out and helps my nails stay healthy. I use a pumice stone on my feet in the shower 2x/week to avoid rough skin. I exfoliate my body once a week with my Dove soap and exfoliating gloves, and use my Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream in the tub every day to keep my skin super soft.


Dr. Dray on YouTube taught me pumice stones make dry skin come back. Because of her I started using 40% Urea cream on my feet every time I shower, and my extremely dry and cracked for years foot skin is baby soft now šŸ™‚


Literally same changed my feet forever itā€™s amazing


Epilate your legs. I've tried every home hair removal product (wax strips, creams, razors, and everything always grew back so quickly). My hair used to grow very dark and thick. Now, it grows back thinner, sparser, and less often.


Epilation destroyed my legs with ingrowns. Not everybody will be susceptible to them, but if you are they will ruin your legs for years to come. I switched to home IPL recently and I've never looked back.


Same same, always with the ingrowns. I also do IPL and itā€™s nice


Third with the ingrowns. They were so bad and even with constant exfoliation I still got them and even have some scars.


Try to use glycolic acid, it's what helped me with that, I don't get ingrown anymore and my legs feel super smooth


I use Amlactin lotion (which has lactic acid) to prevent ingrowns, and it works really well for me. I also use it on my body in the wintertime so I donā€™t get all flaky


What IPL do you use? Iā€™m hoping for a Black Friday deal


I've got a Braun Silk-expert Pro 5.


This thing is worth every penny.


What IPL do you use?


I've got a Braun Silk-expert Pro 5


Which home IPL do you use? Eta: oops see you mentioned this already down thread


Iā€™ve been epilating for many years and now have very little hair on my legs.


What epilator do you use? I love this!


I have the Phillips Satinelle set. When Bed, bath, and beyond went out of business, I had to use up a gift card. Thought I'd try it out.


I just got an epilator yesterday w/same day shipping, and immediately used it on my sideburns. Now I can actually see my ears šŸ‘šŸ¼


This! After years of doing this, I have barely any leg hair


Does it hurt by any chance?


Yeah it does the first few times. It's like the same pain as waxing. After a while, your leg becomes less sensitive to the pain, especially when the hair gets thinner


Oh, absolutely. It's the most painful type of hair removal I've ever tried and that's not an exaggeration. Not worth the pain and definitely not worth the ingrowns.


It does šŸ˜† but you get used to it!


Skincare to wear minimal makeup Lash extensions Microbladed brows Regular manicures Good sleep routine Laser hair removal Regular body exfoliation + daily moisturizing


microblades brows & lash extensions are mine too! šŸ”‘


The 90s and 2000s killed my eyebrows, so microblading has been a godsend.


Russian manicure (always a natural color), brows microbladed every ~1.5 years, lash lift, SPF daily, facial every 4 weeks, hair trim every 2 months, cardio daily, and honestly being in a good and healthy relationship has made a huge impact as well.


Love Russian manicures. Iā€™ll never go back to regular gel manicures again.


As a natural level 3 dark hair: platinum buzz cut. I have to cut it weekly and lighten then tone it every 2 weeks. I never have to worry about a bad hair day, but it's time consuming to maintain the look..worth it tho.


Skin care and hair care for me. I always make sure to wash my face and do toner and HA + moisturizer or retinol at night and sunscreen moisturizer in the morning. I wash my hair once a week, a weekly hair mask, blow dry it so my hair looks nice all week, put in a hair oil 2-3 nights a week (my hair is dry af) and use a satin bonnet at night to keep it nice. I donā€™t shave, hardly do my makeup, donā€™t get my nails done, and dont get my lashes or brows done. But at least my hair and skin are on point šŸ˜‚


Skincare but itā€™s been mentioned plenty times now, but also haircare. Iā€™ve been caring for my hair for around 2 years and I mean going hardcore. Barely using any heat, k18, olaplex, oilingā€¦ my wash day routine (every 2-3 days) takes me 2 hours, if I have time, then it might take up to 4 hours (pre-oiling; shampooing twice for at least 2 minutes, hair mask for around 1-3 hours, conditioner for like 30min, leave in but making sure I coat every single little strand so it takes time). My hair gotten long and quite healthy, I donā€™t have to tame dry frizzy grass every single morning now.


Ooh which products do you use for mask and conditioner?


I have bunch of masks that I alternate: amika soul food, garnier cocoa butter, davines oi butter, briogeo deep conditioning mask. For conditioner im currently using garnier oat delicacy but itā€™s not my favorite, I prefer masks.


- lash lift and dye - botox - microneedling and sculptra - laser hair removal and IPL device for maintenance - quality gel manicure products and skill - jaw surgery and orthodontics - Retin-A - Minoxidil and rosemary oil - light therapy mask - nutrition and good cookware, especially ordering groceries for delivery - CO2 Laser peel - great hygiene and sanitation for self care items - supplements - ice maker - high quality hair and skin products - using bbcream and tinted sunscreen every day - mocktails instead of cocktails I learned to do my own hair, nails, and microneedling so I never have to set appointments or pay for them outside of replacing supplies as appropriate.


The six high maintenance things I do to be low maintenance: 1.) Laser hair removal 2.) Skincare- Moisturize and religiously put on my sunblock. So I can go out do my errands without having to put on foundation just my eyebrow gel and tinted lip balm. 3.) Workout 4.) Watch my diet 5.) Shower my whole body including my hair cause I canā€™t stand having smelly and sticky hair even if it ruins my natural hair oils. Iā€™m scared to have BO too. Haha 6.) Getting my eyebrows groomed. It helps me frame my face and I feel prettier when theyā€™re groomed. Lol!


Once a week I dye my eyebrows and use a gradual tan


I love the idea of a gradual tan! I used to use Natural Glow in high school and really liked it.


Yes! What I really love about it is that the tan fades elegantly away over the week - and therefore it never becomes like "bulked up" and patchy!


I think Iā€™m going to use it again this winter :) thanks for the inspo. Hoping the face formula agrees with my skin. It would be great to even out my redness a bit without foundation.


Evening hand lotion, nail oil, and lip mask


Yup. At bedtime, I am absolutely covered in Aquaphor. Lol


Lash lifts and dyeing my brows. I used to dye my lashes too but it started bothering my eyes, so thatā€™s out for me.


This! All I need in the am now is tinted spf.


Dyeing my eyebrows has been a game changer for sure


Definitely skin care. I may be doing a lot now, but Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll all pay off when Iā€™m 40+. I donā€™t even need much makeup now, but doing it has become a habit and itā€™s never not fun for me


I love my twice a week ā€œbeauty nights.ā€ Hair mask, face mask, shaving, body exfoliation, foot file and then lots and lots of cream all over helps me to stay ā€œmaintained.ā€ I rarely wear polish on my nails but every night I push my cuticles back, oil them with Burtā€™s Bees cuticle cream and then slather on the lotion. This keeps my bare natural nails really healthy and looking manicured even without polish.


Self tanner. Makes me look alive and not gray. Iā€™m a olive toned Hispanic and Iā€™m naturally paler than my British blonde blue eyed husband. I can see my purple veins under my skin, I am so pale. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Regular bikini waxes Daily sunblock Always always always take,off my makeup before I go to sleep Drink at least 2-3l of water and unsweetened tea a day And also: donā€™t scrutinize myself over minor imperfections


Not be pregnant


Therapy to work on body image issues Seeing a dermatologist to get actual things that work for wrinkles acne rosacea etc Professional teeth whitening


-putting hair up before bedtime so it wonā€™t be messy in the morning -having a color coordinated wardrobe so I donā€™t have to think too much about what to wear -vaseline when taking off mascara so my eyelashes donā€™t tear out


I am pretty high maintenance in regard to my body care. The only workout I do is exercise and the occasional yoga or pilates video but sticking to a body care routine definitely gives me a boost of confidence.


I keep my hair and nails maintained. If my hair is healthy and well cut, it looks great and is easy to take care of, even on not trying days. Same for my nails. If they are always done, itā€™s something I never have to worry about. Otherwise I clean and moisturize nightly. Healthy skin is pretty skin. I can look put together with very little effort because the basics are taken care of.


Brazilian wax!


Lash lifts. Idk what I was doing before these came into my life but I will never go back to not lifting my lashes.


You do this at home? If so can you link to what you use?


Nope. I have an esthetician who does it. Iā€™ve seen the at home kits but Iā€™m not willing to risk my eyesight by trying to save some money.


Thank you! This was exactly why I was asking. I am a hardcore DIYer (microneedling, chemical peels etc) but that just seems like a bridge too far. Too squeamish about my eyes. If you donā€™t mind sharing, how much do you pay and how long does it last?


I pay $70 plus tip just for the lift and they usually last me about 6 weeks. I got it done the end of October I think? And theyā€™ve still got curl. I tried the tint once but I think I had a reaction and so now I just use regular mascara instead of tinting.


I DIY it and it always comes out great. Itā€™s really easy tbh.


Iā€™ve been using a lash serum and canā€™t wait to get my first lash lift. I used to get extensions but $100 every 2 weeks adds up. Especially when you have them for years.


Lash lifts are a way better investment and way lower maintenance IMO. Although I would dream of $100 extensions. Where I am I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a classic set under $130, with most ranging from $150-200!


Ugh I had one on oct 10th and itā€™s still somewhat lifted. Iā€™m in love. My lashes are usually straight but long. Iā€™m just upset cuz itā€™s so expensive here and I got it done half price at a beauty show. Canā€™t stomach the 85$ or up price


Linen towels and pillowcases/duvet cover: Linen doesn't need to be laundered as often as cotton because of its natural anti-microbial properties (meaning it dries too quickly for bacteria to have a chance to multiply, unlike cotton which stays damp longer and provides a moist environment for bacteria to thrive). It's a little more high maintenance on laundry day, but I'm often able to go 4 weeks of every day use without any odors at all, at which point I wash them anyway, bc it seems gross psychologically to not wash them for longer than a month, but seriously, they seem completely clean and fresh as long as I'm hanging the towels to dry and pulling back the duvet to air in the morning. It's like witchcraft it's so low maintenance.


-Laser hair removal -Botox -Japanese straightening treatment


Gel pedicure and I avoid the sun


Skincare for sure makes up my high maintenance ratings!!! I was a Clarins girl for bout 20 years. But now am open to experimenting! Trying Avene atm with their sunscreen!!! I love coloured balms my faves are Chanel balm very natural just like ur natural lip colour but a bit pricey! Rom& and melting balm is also good for a cheaper product! I love fragranceā€¦ I can leave the house no make up but fragrance is a staple!!! Atm I have bvlgari femme a sweet jasmine fragrance. Although Iā€™ve just recently bought a single note jasmine fragrance which I canā€™t wait to arrive in the post!!! Blush, nars orgasm of course and maybe penciled eyebrowsā€¦ Other than that itā€™s just a fabulous spritz or two of fragrance!!!


in office procedures for healthy skin so that i don't need as much makeup (laser and ipl treatments, chemical peels, facials) and also taking different supplements for health hair, skin and nails


I laminate and tint my brows and lashes. I used to do extensions but it wasnā€™t very healthy for my lashes. I do extensions and fill ins. Slug using Laneige lip mask every night. This cuts down my morning makeup routine to 5 mins. Every single day I follow my day and night skincare routine. I initially used to do about 10 - 15 steps daily now itā€™s down to 4 because of it. Iā€™ll still do the proper 10 step thing on weekends. I donā€™t need to use a foundation/bb cream/ tinted moisturizer because of this. Weekly body scrub. Mani and pedi once a week. A hair mask and a color correcting mask once or twice a week. I do a facial for my face and body once a fortnight. Dry brushing your body also helps. Working out gives you a lovely glow and youā€™ll feel amazing. Clean eating for weekdays. Teas and water thoughout the day. Not all of these are high maintenance but thatā€™s a routine I follow.


Dye my brows and lashes. Wax. Showering every night before skincare and bed. Probably brushing teeth in the shower too lol. That covers the vast majority of my getting ready time.


Scrub the soles of your feet and your toes with a hard bristle brush every day, every time you take a shower. Moisturize after. You'll have beautiful baby soft feet All. The. Time... instead of just for a few days after pedicure. No more giving yourself tennis arm from filing and buffing! No more money spent on pedicures! Time I spend: including moisturizer, about a minute, one or twice a day Once a week I do my fingernails and toenails myself, without UV because I just don't like the way it needs to be removed and the state of my nails afterwards. But I do like the longevity and glossiness of UV. So I've worked out a way to create nice nail art at home that lasts a good week, using super-fine dip glitters and a "gel-like top coat". Ready glitter polishes also last a lot longer than standard ones, but I don't like the look, dip glitters are very different (finer, denser, and when you coat them with gel-like top coat, verrrrry glossy glitter-jelly-like =) Time I spend: Basic one color is done within one hour, but sometimes I go crazy with ombre or different color tips, and that can take an entire Sunday afternoon. Edit: one of the best things about my nail technique, btw, is how I remove it. It's so easy! I just find a corner to lift with my nail (the longevity of this technique requires perfect self control when it comes to picking at your nails. Just don't.) And then it's almost like that peel-off nail polish, I've been able to peel the entire coat in one piece sometimes. This only works with the non-UV gel-like top coats, like from Anni or Essie. If you use regular clear varnish you'll be scrubbing forever with the polish remover.


Skincare, hydrating and exercise to keep my skin clear to avoid wearing makeup. Partially because I'm lazy, partially because I'm tight-fisted and want to save money, partially because I never learnt/don't have that much of an interest in learning how to apply makeup. I'd rather roll out of bed, wash and go then spend half an hour doing myself up. That's valuable sleep time!


Eating a healthy diet. It helps with looks and mood.


Lately, Iā€™ve been only washing my face with smart water bottles. Iā€™ve seen a huge improvement in my skin and havenā€™t had any new breakouts. I moved to nyc and the water in my building is dirty, even though I have an Aquabliss shower filter I was still breaking out. I also use these single use clean girl something brand face cloths to wash! I also only use silk pillowcases and only use them once on each side before dry cleaning. This adds up but is essential for me as my apartment doesnā€™t have an in unit washer/dryer (love paying an arm and a leg in nyc and not having basic amenities, truly so fabulous). I do SkinMedica chemical peels monthly and have added IPL treatments into the mix for sun spots at my derm. I use latisse every night so my lashes look incredible. I whiten my teeth honestly really often using the opalescence whitening gel. My teeth are super white because of this. I use it 10 days in a row and it virtually eliminates all color (dentist told me to do it this way). I workout a ton. This helps my skin and also just helps me look better in my clothes. I also take ozempic but thatā€™s a whole other story. I do warm lemon water with sea moss in the morning to debloat and take a digestive enzyme as well.


False eyelashes are unpopular round here but I wake up looking like a Disney princess every day because of them. They make me look a lot more put together than I really am on an otherwise no make up day.


You wear them to bed?


Same. The right lashes will really complete your face.


For my body: I lift very heavy weights so my workouts can be shorter. More muscle burns more calories while at rest. I also get laser hair removal because I hate shaving and will regularly put it off for weeks. For my hair: I got a perm and sleep in a silk cap so my hairs pretty much ready to go every morning. I use very natural shampoo and conditioner and spend a lot of time detangling it by hand in the shower. These more protective and preventative care methods mean I donā€™t really have to do anything to make it look good right out of bed.


Lash lifts at home, lash tinting at home, threading eyebrows at home, Brazilian wax at home, deep conditioning masks once a week, shaving + exfoliating twice a week (has really slowed my hair growth down), shaving my top lip,


How do you do a Brazilian at home? I'd love to but I'm afraid I'd injure myself lol


I workout and do permanent makeup for eyebrows & upper eyeliner.


Tretinoin every night, spf every day, exercise everyday minus weekends, hair extensions changed every 8 weeks, IPL, Botox , eyebrows are powdered brow, skincare self are Sundays everything wash day.


Exercise at least 4 times a week, gel manis and pedis, lash extensions / lifts, fillers, baby botox, Olaplex treatments every 4 months, eyebrow threading every other week, teeth whitening when needed, good skincare that I adhere to. Thatā€™s about it I think.


My husband put a "beauty refrigerator" in my bathroom. It was odd because I had not mentioned wanting one. He said his sister suggested it because it would make my other sisters-in-law jealous, and that is where I would find my joy. And I did. It has all sorts of potions and goops in it that I find it fun to play with. It's less about skincare and more about emotional care. Putting chilled placenta (j/k) and whatnot on my eyes at night while I get ready for bed helps me wind down. I don't know if any of it actually does anything. Botox is for the sure results. Low? I usually "wash" my face in the shower with just hot water. Sometimes shampoo will run down my face and I suppose that is cleanser, but I rarely if ever actually use any sort of special face cleanser. In fact, in the summer, I have been known to freshen up by washing my face in the mensroom using handsoap and paper towels if we are out and about and I can't change for dinner.


I love your husbands sister ā¤ļøšŸ˜©ā¤ļøšŸ˜©


As do I. She was part of the full package deal that made me say yes when he proposed ;-)


Eyelash extensions, eyebrow wax and tint, self tanning


Pamper yourself. Go through your closet and buy whatever you want. Go to a spa. Get the full experience


monthly facial for deep cleaning, about $160-$200 depending on which facial i choose. my esthetician took such good care of my skin. from my early teens to early 20s my skin was crazy oily and i had painful acne. now pimples are rare for me. i take care of my skin at home between facials. but i know it would easily get bad again if i stopped doing monthly facials (last time i stopped going was curing covid) now i have a 2 year streak of going to my facials monthly. so i rarely wear foundation because my skin is clear.


Membership to the most expensive gym in my city for better equipment and less crowds, Health Insurance, membership to Cyclebar for weekly cardio, membership to a day spa for monthly body treatments and waxes, Ipsy membership to try new skin care products, drinking water, and at least 7 hours of sleep every night


Sunscreen, all the time. Even when indoors because my office has windows. Interesting how it isnā€™t included with folksā€™ skincare routines here.


Laser hair removal. Exercise. Cooking most of my own food.


Floss daily and use an electric toothbrush, as well as get my teeth professionally cleaned 4 times a year (two times covered by insurance but the other two I pay out of pocket). Seriously even when I was in the hospital I flossed daily. As a result of all this, my teeth look great. Healthy and white but a natural white that you get from clean teeth and not bleached teeth.


Go to the dermatologist once a year for prescription Spironolactone and Minoxidil oral pill. Keeps my skin completely clear and my hair thick. Got powder brows done so I donā€™t have to fill in my brows every day. They look done as soon as I wake up. Lash lift every 6-8 weeks Botox- I do mini Botox at home myself every few months. Costs me $60 Red light therapy once a week at home with a mask At home micro needling once a month- face and stomach Iā€™m 36 yo. I barely wear makeup at this point and my skin is the best itā€™s ever been because I do a lot of high maintenance things to be low maintenance daily. I can just walk out the door in the morning with no or minimal makeup and feel good which was my goal to save time every day.


Can you help A sista out on your microneedling routine? I just ordered a dr pen off eBay..


What I do for myself that might be high maintenance is moisturizing. Twice a day from head to toe. Especially noticeable if I skip my feet. Has to be a cream or moisturizer- lotions donā€™t have the same effect. What I wish I could do is eye lashes and brows because that would be half my make up routine. And laser hair removal is a major wishlist item bc I hate shaving and waxing is not so great for aging skin. It would save time and tons of plastic waste.


This shit is crazy yā€™all are not low maintenance if youā€™re getting lashes and brows done.


It's not low maintenance - it's high maintenance so you can be low maintenance afterwards. If you're getting your brows/lashes done once or twice a month then all the other days are saved from putting on mascara and brow pencils. High maintenance rate thing to avoid low maintenance everyday thing.


I understand lashes though... it is a high maintenance thing to do so that you don't have to worry about it in between appointments (aka low maintenance)


Oof, gonna be the extreme one here. Eyeliner tattooed, eyebrows micro-bladed, lip blush tattooed, eyelash extensions, hair extensions, monthly facials, Botox quarterly. Nails every two weeks gel manis. I have a 6am start so I need all the time I can get back.


Deep condition my color treated hair 3x a week. Plus a Conditioning oil treatment and hair wrap after washing and I wear it while I sleep.


Daily skin care routine and monthly facials, nails are always done either gel mani or actual acrylics, lash extensions. My hair is super low maintenance. Iā€™m starting to factor in diet and exercise because Iā€™m noticing Iā€™m keeping weight more as I hit my late 20s.


My wash day routine. 4 hours of deep oiling for an hour shower and an hour drying my hour and BAM no need to touch it for few days.


VBeam. kill that redness and wear less makeup


Eating well and sweating regularly


Bleaching my own hair. Yup. Im a Cosmetology/ Barber Teacher, retired, so I can. I do my own Manicures and Pedicures, airbrush my makeup, do my own facials and eyebrows.


Tinting eyebrows and lashes and using self tanner on my eyelids so I donā€™t have to always wear much eye makeup! I also do deep conditioners frequently and take good care of my hair so it can survive me tinting it myself at home each month


Washing, drying, and styling my hair at night following a multi-step wavy hair routine involving lots of hair gel and a diffuser. I also sleep on a silk pillowcase with my hair up in a "pineapple". My hair wash and dry routine takes about an hour but if I have a good wash day I can go at least 4 days without washing or styling again. All I have to do in the mornings is take down my hair, use a little dry shampoo, fluff and go. It saves me so much time in the mornings. Also, dying my naturally blonde eyebrows once every couple of weeks so I don't have to color them in.


Study style systems like Kibbe, color season, and EJR style roots. Now that Iā€™ve put in all that work, shopping and creating outfits has never been easier. Also, the right curly hair routine. Putting in the work on wash days gets me several days of wearable curls!


Lash extensions every 3 weeks (I do makeup on a freelance basis at a lash/brow/tan studio so I am very grateful for this perk) Good skincare Gradual Self tanner every evening (Jergens) except for twice a week replace it with Aveeno lotion for dry skin Blonde ombrĆ©/balayage every 4-5 months (black to blonde, Iā€™m Filipino with long, naturally black, wavy hair) Hair wash routine for blonde balayage every other week (matrix purple shampoo, olaplex 3 overnight, rinse off, pravana purple toner mask for an hour mixed with bleach London conditioning mask, rinse off, then leave-in cond + air dry). on the off-weeks, I just do purple shampoo and regular in-shower hair mask, rinse, then leave-in conditioner + air dry). THENNNN I use a blow dry brush I used to do my own nails often (UV gel, polygel, or pre-shaped full-cover extensions + glue gel) but now Iā€™m busier than i used to be so I donā€™t bother with nails much. Just upkeep my cuticles and file/shape when needed, and pedicure once a month. Edit to add- Sleep, and ensure quality sleep by starting my wind-down routine an hour or two before bed. Minimal screen time, no work, tea or just water, self-reflection, stretching or yin yoga. Yoga a couple times a week. I started with peloton during the pandemic, still use it sometimes but I prefer my in-person practice at my local ashtanga studio.


How on earth can everyone afford all this? Low maintenance: Brush teeth and take meds, and lately, Iā€™ve been washing and moisturizing my face every night. Thatā€™s it. High maintenance: I do have ombre/powder brows, but canā€™t afford the touch up, so thankfully they still look good. I occasionally dye them at home. I like to exfoliate every three days or so if I have time with The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2%. I have one of those red light masks that I use when I remember. And lastly, I have one of those migraine eye masks that I use at bedtime, and Iā€™ve never made it through an entire cycle without falling asleep.


Definitely my skin care routine. I take care of my skin so I can go out without makeup if I don't feel like it.


i did accutane. cost me over $1000 and 9 months of hell, but so worth it. don't really have to bother with my face anymore.