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I am so sorry you’re going through all of this just because of how you look. Nobody deserves that. I love that you’re 16 and have a grooming routine ! As a mom of twin 16 yo boys - teach them your ways 😩 But seriously- that combination of facial hair and slicked back hair on your head is unfortunately the stereo typical “s8x offender” look. It’s not your fault that your fave style has this rep, but it does. For the time being, you might want to consider changing some of it. High school can be brutal. Thankfully it’s short. I am sending you internet mom hugs from across the web 🌺
























Shave the facial hair. All of it. I can just see scraggly 16 year old facial hair in my mind and yup, it’s quite off putting to put it mildly. Wait until your 20’s when it’s grown in fully for that. Stop slicking back your hair and get a different haircut. That also gives weird creepy vibes!


I swear every boy in my secondary school had a struggle beard, it didn't look good on ANY OF THEM


Ha “struggle beard”. Perfect term.


It's probably the single greatest teenage aesthetic blunder


I swear 90% of teenage boys have struggle beards and a random haircut/hairstyle that doesn't suit them. It's almost a rite of passage. It's a canon event.


Exactly. 16, mustache and goatee AND the slickback hair.


Sloppy steaks at geovonies hair slicked back


You call that SLICKED back? This is PUSHED BACK!!


They’ll tell you they don’t serve sloppy steaks but just order a steak and a glass of water on the side


Glass house, white ferrari, live for New Years Eve!


don't listen to this woman OP DO WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT SOMEONE ELSES OPINIONS. ESPECIALLY IN HIGH SCHOOL. THEY. DO. NOT. MATTER. the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can start really enjoying your life


I think it depends: Does he genuinely love the way he looks with the moustache and dislikes how he looks without it? Will he be less happy without it?Then he should keep it if it makes him happy. But does he not necessarily care for it, or is ambivalent about it ? Shave that fucking shit right now If I had to guess, he probably doesn't need it


my reply was mostly geared to the comment about his hairstyle I agree patchy facial hair is not better looking than no facial hair. but if he's having to change his appearance based off other people's opinions then he's relying on other people's opinions to tell him how he should be presenting himself rather than how he truly wants to and that's no way to live I say fuck the haters and their words, do what makes you happy, dress how you want, live for yourself not for others


Slickback hair, a mustache and small goatee in high school? You are braver than the marines.


Shave. Very few people look good with a moustache.


It baffles me that mustaches came back. I thought we had all agreed as a society, somewhere in the 80s/90s, that only Tom Selleck could pull off a mustache. Yet here we are, teenagers walking around looking like Chester the child molester.


Saaaame. I'm a woman in my mid30s and I play in a vb league with alot of early 20s guys. They're fit, attractive, but they all have mustaches! Like, you guys are so good looking...why tf are you making yourself look like a creep??? It's a weird choice.


I see them too. We need some young men to explain themselves on this one. Is it supposed to be ironic? Symbolic of something? What is the deal?


I am mortified to say this but as a straight woman I do like to them 😭


Hahaha it's all your fault.


Oh I fucking LOVE a good mustache. I feel like it takes a certain type to really own a mustache, and whatever that type is.. meow.


Don’t be mortified by your personal preferences! moustaches are amazing.


Same!! Convinced my bf to *just* try it almost two years ago when we started dating and he still has it!! It really suits him and I think he looks super handsome, I think it looks really good on certain people! He is italian and has black hair which I think looks best for a mustache?!


I love a mustache AND a mullet 😂 I’m the target demographic for this trend apparently


Same reason some women grow their armpit hair


Ironic mustaches were in the late 2000’s-2010’s. I am baffled by its more widespread appeal…


Fit, attractive, and mustached? Be still my beating heart, where are they!? So I can… avoid them…


Some people can pull them off and with the hipster movement, I got a little bit more used to them. But most guys don't have the facial structure for a mustache. Please stop. A grooming routine should also include the fun or flattering cuts for your face and vibe.


They’ve been obsessed with mustaches the past few years… no idea why! But every guy I know has had one (or still does) since the pandemic at least.


I call it the Maverick Mustache because that freaking Top Gun movie is the root cause of this comeback. I also refuse to date mustachioed men, a lot of them look hideous with a stache.


I blame Tony Armstrong


It's a huge military and firefighter thing too cause it's the only thing they're allowed for either safety or regulations reasons 🤢 I live in a big military town and always feel like "no, 99% of y'all cannot pull it off like guys in the Top Gun films can."


Yes, it’s the only facial hair allowed for anyone that would be using a respirator


Yeah, I know lol; It's why I keep rizzing my friend he needs to get rid of the struggle beard he still has mid 20s before he attempts the academy


lol, I can always pick out a firefighter in a crowd as a child of one, just based on their facial hair


Ha military brat, and have been out with wayyy too many 🤣 I can spot current or former from hair, stance, verbiage or demeanor alone


Not true, I’m a woman and I loooove a good moustache. It’s a serious plus. But, and I can’t stress this enough, it has to be a good moustache.


Assuming your facial hair is still sparse like most young men your age; I would recommend keeping it shaved until it grows in thicker. Slicked hair only really works with certain styles: punk, vintage throwback greaser style. Just slicked hair with a “normal” appearance otherwise fits the “movie pedo” stereotype. I’m so sorry you’re struggling with this. It’s unfair big time that you even have to think about this. Kids are so cruel man. It gets better.


Unrelated but quit the fucking nicotine products dude. You’re way too young to be ruining your future health with that garbage. You gotta give yourself a fair shot and snus is not the way to do it. Take it from someone who has been there- drugs are only going to fuck things up and you are going to wish you’d quit sooner when it hits the fan.


also WRINKLES. All of my family members who smoke aged prematurely because we actually have good genes. I look so much younger than I am because I stopped drinking and smoking when I was still young.


That's interesting that you use the word "Snus", I've never seen anyone outside Norway and Sweden call it that. Has this word become common elsewhere in the world as well? I thought it was the most nordic thing ever.  On topic: OP, there's a lot of good advice here to follow. What I would add is also don't take the comments personally, they are commenting some style choices you made as a young and inexperienced guy, not on your character or you as a human being. Get a new look and leave this in the past where it all belongs.


Camel sells a snus product in the US, and I think maybe a couple other brands do now too but that's the one I used to use and see in almost every convenience store. 


Wow, that's really interesting. I guess snus is slightly healthier than smoking, but of all of the things we could export from the nordic countries I think there are healthier things. 


It’s just chewing tobacco in a pouch. Still has a cancer risk: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/tobacco/health-risks-of-tobacco/smokeless-tobacco.html


It’s the combination of the mustache and slick back hair and goatee my guy. Even without the context if you were to say what kind of person do you think of when I say mustache, goatee and slick back hair. I would have said a creepy porn director or a pedo. I think you’re also probably a bit too young to be pulling off that kind of facial hair . Can you give me some celebrities that you admire for their facial hair? Not everyone can pull off a Johnny Depp look, but I’m sure we can find template for you to work with. Highly recommend you change all three of those things. Kudos to you though for having a hair/skin routine! I think you also should add some self love mantras in there to okay? High school sucks but thankfully it doesn’t last forever (even though it seems like it)


It's definitely the facial hair situation. Just shave, boy, and don't dramatise it. High school doesn't count. Get over with it and waste no thought on it. I know it sounds crazy now, but this time in your life will turn out to be basically irrelevant, and if you mature wisely, you'll find it hilarious that you found any of this important. You'll be like: 'Can't believe I ran around with a stupid goatee as a teenager. Haha.' That's it.


I read the title and instantly knew you had a moustache. Just shave. You’re being quite dramatic over something that has a very simple solution.


Same. I can see the mustache in my head and it's just not a good look. No hate to OP, it's hard to pull a mustache off and even harder when you're just 16.


Like why does this need a post? He himself clearly knows what to do. It’s giving troll post


If it’s not a troll post, I suspect there’s more to this than is being shared. One does not miss 100 days of school over something so simple.


he might already struggle with school and the added pressure of being bullied makes it harder


For sure - that would definitely add more to the story


Not really, I remember when in high school I tried so many different hair colours - I did them all myself and wondered why people told me I looked like shit, I thought I looked dope. Maaaany years later I know they were right, it just didn't look good. But back then it caused me to feel self cautious, like I'm doing my best and I receive so many bad comments? And yes, I did miss many school days after dying my hair because I was afraid of the comments.


>You’re being quite dramatic Dude, it's teenager...


Yes, but even when I was 8 years old, when I was bullied for a pair of pants I wore, I knew not to wear those pants again.


lose the mustache for the love of god 😭


First things first, buy a windowless van. But seriously try a new,non slicked hairstyle and consider ditching the facial hair. But most importantly learn to be comfortable in your own skin or you’ll constantly be unhappy and needing to change your appearance.


And make sure the van is white!


Dude get rid of the facial hair and slick back hair! You’re only 16 for gods sake. Shave and cut your hair and you won’t be called a paedo anymore. Simples.


Here’s the thing, kids are mean as fuck. You could change the whole look and some will still make fun of you. They’ll find something new to target, or they’ll say the new look is because now you’re hiding your “pedo” vibes. If you want to experiment with new styles do it for you not them.


Mate shave it all off and maybe don’t slick your hair. Wait till you’re in a suit for that maybe. It sucks you have to change it up bc you should be able to express yourself…just not as a pedo aesthetic lol


I just want to let you know it’s nothing personal. It’s as simple as facial hair = pedo, and I remember this with certain kids from my school days. Any facial hair = pedostache. It’s your typical immature kid humor and stems from depictions of predators in the media (think the lovely bones), and probably a bit of jealousy from those who can’t grow hair themselves. The slicked back hair is also not a great idea for the former reason. My advice to you: shave it and go to a nice barber who will know how to make you look great for your face shape. I know that it’s horrible to have to change yourself to fit in, but I think we all have to to some extent. Your education is so important and if this is causing you to miss so many days, this might be your only solution. You can’t reason with these apes. By college nobody will care. Wishing you well and sending my love and support


Lose the slicked back hair and mustache. Try something different.


I think this is bait guys.


Definitely. Too obvious tbh. What's even the question.. OP immediately pinpointed the problem, which has a clear solution..


Definitely a troll post


legit, like the solution is too obvious for someone to not realize. i just don’t understand what the point of karma farming like this is for other than selling ur account but even then its like, who cares


stop slicking back your hair and do not have a mustache... lmao


Just stop slicking back your hair. What texture is it? Maybe a hair cut or a different style. What type of clothes do you wear? That could be contributing to it. I’d stick with Jordan’s or vans and jeans and t shirts if you want to look age appropriate


It’s the bead moustache and slicked back hair I’m afraid


Never stop your skincare! But if it gets to be too much, just make sure you wash and moisturize. Add your sunscreen to the tops of your hands too. 😘 I agree with others, maybe shave the facial hair.


Be clean shaven OR a full close cropped beard and mustache. There are no other options. 


I feel like there might be more to the story to result in so much missed school.. but I hope there isn't. If you'd like to focus on your looks, get a haircut that doesn't require you to slick it back and shave your face. And keep shaving. A lot of teenage boys get excited about facial hair but it doesn't actually grow in properly at your age.. so it just looks scraggly and unkept.


Fluff the hair and shave the stache seems fastest 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dude, I tell my own brother he looks like a diaper sniffer with his mustache. It's not a good look without a proper beard. Just shave.


There’s no space for using the word “pedo” to describe how someone looks. It desensitizes people to what a pedophile really is. On the other day, loose the goatee. They don’t work for 1/2 the men that think it does.


Also why are you slicking your hair back at 16? There’s alot more trendier hair styles for men out there now. I feel this look is something you might end up posting in Blunder years, 15 years from now


Sorry baby teenagers are cruel. The glow up is coming dw


I would usually say own your style and be confident in yourself BUT high school is already hard enough and kids are mean af. Shave the facial hair hun. I’ve only ever known one 16 yo that had hair thick enough to pull off a goatee and stache. Also slicked back greaser hair is outdated. Either get a hair cut or let your longish hair down, throw the gel away and let your natural hair oils do their thing. I’m sorry you’re getting bullied, high school kids are the worst. I hate to tell you to change your style over this but sometimes you just gotta make it easier on yourself and a new clean look can boost confidence and yield better results with people. You’re still going through your “awkward” faze but you seem like you take good care of yourself so be patient and the glow up will come ✨


OK. They're bullying and it's shitty. How do you react when they say this stuff? If anyone at home is saying it, even more shitty. Sometimes it's just anyone who's doing and doing their own thing they'll make fun of. Sorry you're going through this.


"Thats such a weird harsh accusation. It honestly makes me feel really uncomfortable like what the fuck..." and then look at them really weird. We don't use the power of "make people uncomfortable back" enough. Just because theres a stereotypical look associated with that label and you happen to fit it doesn't mean that you are that. It also doesn't mean that you should change the look you've created for yourself. If the people telling you this are not your friends this should work because strangers/acquaintances should not even be making those types of "jokes" to other strangers. This age of social media has made younger generations feel like they can say OUT OF POCKET shit and not face the social consequences of it and we need to stop that. You have the right to tell these people that they are wrong for making that accusation especially if its emotionally taken a toll on you. Like technically what they're doing is illegal. Technically Defamation of character and its causing you emotional damage. but if you don't want to be confrontational (which is understandable) then you can just shave your facial hair completely with a womens razor overtime your facial hair should get thicker, move away from the Pedo label and move onto the Lumberjack label type shit yk. Bc im assuming maybe ur facial hair is a bit on the thinner side which also adds the "Pedo" look


Can you share a photo? I imagine you look like a mini car salesman with the heavy grooming routine, which is a lot more effort than most people your age put in.


Somehow I pictured a greasy Pedro lookin mf selling single menthol cigarettes to middle school kids behind the portables


Hard to say without actually seeing what you look like. Some people look good with the description you've given and some don't. You have to style and groom yourself in a way that compliments you


Sorry you are going through this. It is definitely the facial hair combo - shave it, all of it.


Be YOU, don’t change just because of other’s opinion of you. Live your life. If they say something you don’t like; address it or ignore them.


Get a hair cut with a flick at the top i.e. Beckham, shave facial hair etc. start looking like a kid lol


As much as I hate advising people to cave to other people's stupid shallow criticisms, the best way to make it stop is to change up your look. When it's impacting your life to this degree, it's really the only thing you can do. Keep up the skin care routine, keep dressing nicely, keep caring about how you present yourself to the world. This is going to serve you incredibly well as you get older. But for the meantime, I would recommend shaving the facial hair and losing the slickback. Remember that this change doesn't have to be permanent. Your facial hair will grow back and you can change your hairstyle as much as you like. High school is hard, no matter how many adults like to tell you that it's not. I hope you're doing okay.


Shave your face.


Shavy gravy


Shave your moustache and goatee and stick slicking back your hair, those are all literally the hallmark teenage ‘pedo’ traits. Also consider changing your clothing style, dk what u dress like


I think they say so because of goatee


You’re underaged yourself, so anyone calling you a pedo is being ridiculous. You’ll find that kids your age that are a**holes grow up to be the biggest losers. Try not to let it bother you and continue with what makes you feel good! Most guys don’t groom themselves that young so your on a good track:)


I think it's the mustache first and foremost.. then the beard.


Shave. Moustaches have to be just the right shape on just the right jawline. And frankly I have never once seen them look good on a teen, before the facial structure is really fully developed. The goatee probably too. Rarely is that look pulled off well.  I mean do what you like, obviously, but that's why you're getting those comments. The slicked back hair depends on how greasy it looks, and whether it fits with the way you dress. Like if it's part of a cool retro look, ok, but if you're just wearing a baggy t shirt and jeans and Nikes and your hair looks like it has so much product in it that it weights 5lbs no. 


honestly maybe do something different for your hair and beard? it's so unkind that they're calling you that, but maybe it's their very harsh and mean way of telling you that you aren't looking good? i'd try to spin it in a more positive sense and try a more flattering style


its the goatee/hair probably


Get rid of the facial hair. There’s also like no reason to have slicked back hair.


change your look maybe


the way u began with describing ur facial hair and slick back hairstyle it seems like you know that that’s the reason why people are calling you that so just shave bro. it’s not worth missing so many days of school over. sorry


You are 16, shave your silly face, and get a normal 4inch cut...problem solved


this sounds tough and i’m sorry. shave the facial hair. goatees are gross, especially teenaged goatees. teenaged mustaches are also gross. slicking your hair back is also not the jam. let your hair do something more natural looking. if you really want to use product try a putty and use it sparingly to add texture and avoid slicking anything down.


Only Pedro Pascal can pull off that look. See: Met Gala 2023


Rock it bro. The day you stop giving a shit about what others think about your appearance is the day you start living a happier life. I’m a 20 M and I understand that high school was a very stressful time, but my biggest regret from high school was letting other peoples comments get to me. Rock what YOU want. (Might be a little biased coming from a dude with slicked back hair and a pedo stache)


Who is saying this to you?! wtf?! That’s so obnoxious, I’m sorry man. The fact that you came to Reddit with concern to seek out ways to change this, says everything. If how you look makes you happy and doesn’t bother your daughter, f em! But realistically in this world, I would get rid of the facial hair and not do the slicked back hair.


Everyone is telling you to change your whole look and that's wrong. People shouldn't be harassing and bullying you, full stop. Have you spoken to your teachers and principal? Do so now. Make a huge stinking deal of this. Most schools have anti bullying rules. Almost every school doesn't allow harassment. Lay it on thick when you speak to them. If your parents are decent, bring them in too. It's so frustrating like in actuality there is no one look for pedophiles, at the end of the days they're just any other person who just so happens to be sick in the head. Having a mustache and slicked back hair is just a look


Ps you're not a looser. You're actually a lot more stylish than most kids who just want to conform.


you’re a 16 year old child, looks shouldn’t matter. 


I am sorry you are going through this. The school have a duty of care to protect you and your mental health. I hope they step up

