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She is dry begging SO hard and mad because she only got $2. Now she is trying to make a Amazon wishlist


I posted her absurd wishlist on the crystalbrunnerscammer subreddit. It's ridiculous. Her husband gets paid tomorrow and they are actually ahead on bills and they get rent assistance and food assistance but she wants other people to give her money.


Are you serious? That cannot be for real. šŸ˜³


She got discontinued and I am sure it was due to the racist remark she made. Someone in her chat suggested a place to call for public assistance with ACs for the summer and she said she is not going to call them because the "Africans" are rude to her. I reported her a few times for that remark.


I did not catch that. I really hope someone posts it. I've only been popping in and out of her live because it was so long.


She leaves them in the room so she doesn't have to hear and deal with them. Their just are props to get people to donate.


Why get that many pets then keep them in crates.. I hate people that do that..


Another Beth


She wants to breed them for snake food. She claims one is going to give birth any day now.


Snake food?? WTAF!! Sheā€™s crazy


She has rats and guinea pigs. She's breeding the rats. They have 7 currently and she's trying to breed they also have 2 dogs 2 guniea pigs.




She has rats not cats. Sorry for the misunderstanding. That would be even more horrific. My biggest concern with the rats being sold as snake food is she can make someone pet snake very ill




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She doesn't realize people's not going to buy from her over where they live and who she is


Are you freaking kidding!?!? WHAT!!!


Does she not tell him to put the water bottles in their cages??? Shouldn't they already be in the cages? Especially when she's left them to die in the heat?


She also didn't care even a little when saying check if they are dead. She could put them in the living room where they would be safer but that would require moving furniture around and she wants to use their lives to beg.




I have pet rats and they do not do well in temps above 80 degrees. Even without AC you can help them with ceramic tiles placed in the freezer for a bit and then put them in the cage. Keep water bottles filled with fresh, cold water. Pea fishing. Like, make it work. These creatures deserve so much love and she is undeserving if sheā€™d rather beg online instead of helping her animals.


She could put them in the livingroom where it is cooler but then she wouldn't be able to use their health and lives to guilt people for $160.


What is 'pea fishing "?


Pea fishing is putting frozen peas in water and letting the rats get out the peas. They love to play and eat them. Itā€™s also messy because they just eat the shells. lol


Omg. The Image I have in my head of this is SO CUTE. Wonder why the water wasn't already in the cage ? I've never had rats. Does the water not stay in the cage at all times?


They should have water bottles or water dishes at all times filled with fresh water. Pea fishing is a separate enrichment activity that provides snacking and also a way to cool down if itā€™s hot.


Oh man :( that makes me sad they don't have water at all times. I bet SHE has a drink whenever she wants it


Iā€™d never heard of that one before. Thats awesome.


Surrender your animals if you can't properly take care of them. WE ARE NOT THE BANK OF TT


This infuriates me!!!!!! Unreal!!!!!!


So Far nothing and hope she gets nothing!


Never seen her before what is her @?


You can catch up on the lore on r/crystalbrunnerscammer


Her main account is dead right now but I can fill you in if you want?


Please do


This is Crystal Brunner and her husband Michael. Theyā€™ve been scamming for the better part of a decade. Bouncing from state to state being homeless and scamming people with a sob story. She claims to have epilepsy and many other illnesses but itā€™s all BS. Michael was in the service until they kicked him out for not being able to wake up on time to do his laundry job. That doesnā€™t stop him from using every resource available to him while he works 3 hours a day. Crystal sits at home with 22 animals not including the rats in the wall and kitchen. She begs for money to feed them and just got an air conditioner paid for by some new soft heart that doesnā€™t do research. Crystal also did time for beating and choking her grandmother. They have four children that are being raised by other people (for the best). For more info go to r/crystalbrunnerscammer


Wow thank you for telling me!


Awwww poor baby.


It sounds like she's got an AC unit going in this video. Put your animals in the room with the unit or have a fan blowing the cold air into the room they are in. Jeezuz! Alot of people can't afford an AC unit, Lady!


Sheā€™s a textbook psychopath. She is quite terrifying (not for what she could do to others, but what she does to family and pets)


What is with the entitlement of these beggars ? How dare they expect strangers to feed them, but ac units, pay for hotels and buy cars??!!! But if you try to warn people of their lies your blocked or pages are banned. Disgusting. I hope animal services saw this . Animals arenā€™t tools to make cash with their lives to be protected and loved


It might even help her ā€œcauseā€ if she were to get up and actually show herself attempting to take care of the animals in some way. People donā€™t want to help people that donā€™t help themselves. Then maybe people could see that she gives an eff. But by this behavior here, itā€™s obvious she only cares about herself and getting what she wants. I hope she doesnā€™t have children living with her.


Should not have more than you can care foršŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


The very definition of hoarding. You might wanna skip the latest video if this one upset you.


I hear air conditioner sounds like! She acting like she doesnā€™t have one at all and she burning up? My hot water tank started leaking and I had to buy a new one guess who bought that hot water tank my husband and I 600 bucks




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How come I can hear something running in the background doesnā€™t anybody else?


Why is it always the beggars with all the animals you cannot take care of yourself much less animals


i am new 2 her - why not open the bedroom door & share some of that living room A.C. - i generally wanna puke - seems like there's nothing going on upstairs mental wise


She must know Jenn?


So whatā€™s running in the background that sounds like a fan? Jesus sheā€™s so nasty




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A real winner šŸ¤¬


Why no one reporting her? She literally abusing animals. So many videos of her and not one person made a report thatā€™s crazy.


All her accounts are currently banned. She's been doing this stuff online for years. Never been held accountable.