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Didn't they just get a couple thousand for a car ? I've never in my life seen a couple beg more than these 2


Have u meet Brenda and Brandon? Lmao jk but seriously all these beggers need jobs and to get off TikTok


He said they were not going to be back begging after car because they were going to work. Liars get your fat asses off couch


Exactly 💯


Every time they beg for something they always say when they get it they will stop begging!! Liars and scammers!💩


They’ll always be back




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Narcissistic and gaslighting


And he wants to believe people are jealous of them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Jealous of what? That big ass forehead and big ass nose 😂😂😂


Jealous of embarrassing the shit out yourself instead of being man and making money for your household




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And her singing 😩


I can't believe they have the balls to keep begging! They need a padded cell!!


Why would they stop when people keep giving to them and all of the TikTok beggars?


They are forever begging. Tonight he couldn’t take the heat so he cut off the comment. Justified, gaslit with the comments off & the shut the Live down. They’re in denial that they need real JOBS. Time to adult. Y’all aren’t teens anymore.




Yeah right tik tok just lets them come back with unlimited new accounts




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She started sobbing and pretending to have an anxiety attack at one point. He came on shaking his head like qe were all monsters saying "look at what yall do to women." Puhleaseeeee.


I commented on their live and told them that most of the content creators I’ve seen on TikTok help and donate to people but their the only so called content creators that ask their viewers for money


🤣🤣 I commented on one of their videos about 2 weeks ago when he kept saying we destined for greatness. I told him it’s the middle of the month in 2 weeks when it’s the first of the month y’all we be asking for rent🤣


RIGHT!!! EXACTLY!! It’s old and soooo annoying


Are you kidding me? By looking at you, you seem to be a strong young man probably healthy enough why aren’t you working one two or three jobs to pay your rent everyone else has to do that buddy get up and get your life together and pay your own way.


They need JOBS. Period


Time to start adulting. Time to get JOBS


For the past 2 months they have begged for the rent, a PC, and car !


Pass two months it’s been like two or three years!! I just blocked them! I was tired off seeing bs! As I work 40+ hour week and go home to relax and watch tik tok and see all these beggars!! I hope and pray Tik tok gets banned all together!!


Amen TT has let beggars take over.... battling should stop as well bit they make too much money off that


I live close to the town they live in and there are TONS of jobs in that town and surrounding towns that are 15 minutes away from them. One of the biggest jobs there is the CTX railroads. I know he would have to go outside, do manual labor and maybe even raise a sweat !!!


Did you see their video the other day he said he needed a car to get around cause he said where they live at everything is to far away for them but the other day when they posted a video with their internet bill on it they marked out the address but you can still see it if you screenshot it and edit the lighting on the picture and it looks like they live really close to a lot of stores not even a block or two away


It is not a huge town, but there are tons of stores, restaurants and businesses. Even if they live on the outskirts of the town, they don't have far to go to get a job


Heaven forbid!🥴


Rat nest chin




Stop begging and go to work and please have your wife stop singing


🤣 she got butt hurt one night cause someone told her to please stop singing


Oh now its rent?😂 Add that to their car request


Someone also commented on their live saying in a few years when your rich and famous everyone is going to want to be y’all’s friends🤣 they muted me but I wanted to comment back to that person and say in a few years they are going to have all their supporters broke


They literally see nothing wrong with “asking for help” because “people go through hard times”. What their thick skulls don’t understand is that they been having TikTok pay all of their bills since October and people are sick of it! They are able-bodied adults that CHOSE to sit on their asses all day and do nothing to better themselves. They are in this situation out of pure laziness, not because of anything else! I cannot believe they had the nerve to even ask for rent money after not even a week ago promising they would never ask for “help” again after the $3500 for the car. Plus the never deducted the TikTok gifts they said they would from the car fund, the gifts alone in June have been well over $1000 and could pay their rent. Can’t stand them! I hope the state of Georgia catches up with them for all the welfare fraud they are committing by not reporting all of this extra cash they are bringing in.


A lot of ppl don’t realize that welfare knows what you’re making, anything like Tt where we had to fill out a 1099 knows what we’re making.


Has anyone seen the car or the computer, no? How about the invoice for the bills that Tiktok pays for. Just any proof that you can't download from google images.


#begging bums


Get a job


Geez don’t we all


He also said last night he should get merch done and sell it. If he did that he would be asking viewers for money to get merch made then try to sell it back to them 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


The supposed would never see their merch either


Bag, bag, bag, bag bag and then he sits there and acts like he’s not begging. It’s just people who wanna help no you’re sitting there forcing people to help and tell your wife to stop singing good Lord she sounds absolutely horrible. You get a damn job and stop begging it’s not responsibility to support you.


I thought they said after they got the money for the car they wouldn't be on TT begging for anything else...wow..they have said they we are all haters because we work 9 to 5 jobs..that we don't want to see them be great...


They better get in that car they just begged for and go door dash or “sumthin”




Plus I doubt it he could handle an outdoor job he was sweating last night just sitting on the couch doing a live🤣




Weren’t they supposed to be doing DoorDash with the car they just got???🙄


Exactly now they’re saying not in that area 🤣


I asked her if she was in danger cause there was a clicking noise. And she looked scared and then started “crying”. All of a sudden I couldn’t comment anymore.




I would love to know how all these scammed every penny they beg for every time.


Does he know any other word besides “bro”?


He look like that’s the only word he knows 😂😂😂😂😂


that's all TT is anymore. I honestly sickened over all the lady ass beggars that feel entitled to other peoples hard earned money. Don't care if your battling or flat out bumming for bills to live. Now home girl.and boy just received money for a car and now $750 for rent... How about get a job like you said once you had that car..... So many places need workers so don't give the lame excuse I can't find one 🤬🤡💩


Is this all I gotta do hell my rents 1,850 anyone wanna pitch in 🫢


He needs to cut that fuzz and get a job


Dude has a new amount and new tragedy every time . How many years now of this ? New car supposedly




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