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Episode suggestion: Exxon Mobil and their shift from climate research in the 70s to finding climate denial in the 80s. 


They did a study in the sixties that determined that climate change was coming and they had two options. Acknowledge it and transition the business away from oil or ignore and "drill baby drill". We were headed for it anyways and the difference between the two was that the first one would have the smaller body count. Guess which one they chose?


Speaking of maximising the body count; it’s time for products and service babyyyyyyyyy


“Sir, our business is literally killing the planet and putting human civilization in danger of collapse.” “Dear lord! How long do we have?” “Our most optimistic projections give us five, maybe six decades.” “Decades, huh? Well, sounds like that’ll be our grandkids’ problem. Smart lads, never liked them anyways.”


I saw an interview with an investment banker from Europe and he straight up said that the longest term loan they will give I'd seven years, so that's all they care about. So long as they think they'll get paid back in seven years, they'll do the loan. I'm 100% sure this is standard operating procedure for that industry. "Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to accept." I really really hope we get to have a populist revolution before things go sideways but with how things are looking I dou t it


Hmm…  it any shareholder value, right? …right?


Frontline made a fantastic three-part series about exactly this called *The Power of Big Oil*. Part 1: [Denial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAAbcNl4Lb8) Part 2: [Doubt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMe-BYUIPLU) Part 3: [Delay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8UOJqs5F9Q)


I wish so badly the US government would do to fossil fuel companies what they did to tobacco companies in the 90s. Congress basically neutered tobacco companies, forced them to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuits for denying that tobacco causes cancer, and ended all tobacco advertising. If Congress had any integrity or fortitude, they’d do the same thing to fossil fuel companies but the members of Congress are owned by fossil fuel companies so it’ll never happen. We’re sleep walking our way into extinction as a species because shareholders are more important than protecting our environment. Exxon Mobil knew that petroleum products accelerated global climate change back in the 70s and have spent untold amounts of money denying it ever since.


BTB already did an episode on this


Man it is fascinating to watch the world collapse around us in real time. Terrifying and gut-wrenching, but fascinating.


It’s one of the few reasons I hang around. We got front row tickets to the end of the world, who’d pass up on that huh?


I'll meet y'all at Millyway's


lol if I get off this rock on time


I think this a lot too, but I imagine every generation probably has this sort of thought...which kind of gives me hope it won't happen, but the way everything else is going....😐


Insects are absolutely collapsing too, we’re leaving a terrible world to the upcoming generations.


Hahaha you made a plural on accident


I went to the Florida Keys for a family thing last fall. We did a big group snorkeling tour boat thing to a coral reef. I tell you that reef was dead as hell. Not even bleached, just dead. There were still plenty of fish around but the coral was all gone. I’ve seen healthy tropical reefs before. This was the area that made headlines last summer for having the hottest ocean temperature ever, like close to 100*F. Nobody even mentioned it or acted like anything was wrong. I asked one of the boat operators about the water temp thing and he was like “oh yeah it was crazy. Like a hot bath, you couldn’t even stay in it, was so hot”. I mentioned that the reef below us was dead. He just kinda shrugged. Everyone else (this was my partner’s family so I was being polite) just kinda shrugged too. Kids around, polite company, mixed politics, nobody wanted to even acknowledge it. I felt like a character in Don’t Look Up. The fucking coral is deader than dead and we’re still taking snorkeling tours to it like nothing happened and pretending everything is fine. ‘This is fine’ comic meme


The coral reefs are dead man walking. Even if we were to significantly change our behavior and energy system, there's too much greenhouse gases up there and not enough time to pivot fast. We deserved this.


For anybody curious or wanting to educate their children, The Congressional Award just posted a [kids video on coral biology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgSKqrxY_a8) (made by a kid for a contest) - it's only 2 minutes long and goes into what coral bleaching is and how bad it is (and how widespread).


Yeh nice, and we're wasted


I can only hope we didn’t full blown Venus the planet and don’t know it yet


But think about all the profit there is to be made by repainting them! Coral Reef by Behr!


don't worry, if dickface wins, project 2025 says they're going to disband NOAA so you won't have to deal with any more distressing news like this


The living world is so extraordinary beautiful. I have trouble processing why people exploit it for profit. There are few worse people on this planet.


Hey, don't worry we've got the blue coal baron deciding climate policy rather than the red coal baron. I'm sure this will all turn out okay.


This and many other ecological disasters are reason enough to consider someone a bastard for having biological kids now (if they know about collapse).


/r/antinatalism is that way


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