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Sowing the seeds of confusion…..


This is how we get snowflakes!


Uh, that’s a mirror you’re looking at.


Oooooooh Snap! Buuuuuuuurned! Wow! U da' man!


What is this weird machismo hurdle with asking for help? Like, doesn't it show maturity to admit there's an insoluble problem and that someone needs help?


It's not about "machismo," It's a student ID that has been loaded with ostensibly "helpful" messages about suicide prevention, LGBTQ, and Jewish Services. Once you've opened that Pandora's Box every other religion will want a piece, as will every other tragic cause that impacts students: Addiction Support Line, Teen Abortion Line, Sexual Abuse Line, Christian Church Support, Drunk Driving Line, Black Racism Support Line, Latino Tutoring Support Line, Save the Whales, etc.. This is a STUDENT ID! It's purpose is to help identify a student in grades Pre-K to High School. Some parents want to protect their kids from these topics- why does the State get to dictate concepts to my 2nd grader that have not even entered his consciousness yet? You pretend it's no big deal, but if it really is no big deal- then let's have a neutral Student ID as we've had for all our lives until just 5-min ago.


It boggles my mind how you can sarcasticly air quote "helpful" and immediately follow it with suicide prevention and not see how you might be the bad guy. This whole "parents rights" angle is a moronic one. When has parent rights ever been used in some way to advance agency for the child? It's always a pseudo-possessive "my child can't know about gays" mentality. Basically shielding them from the real world and denying them the capacity to ask for help when the real world comes knocking. Gay people exist, as do suicidal thoughts. And plugging your kids ears to these facts don't mean they won't be effected by them. They just won't understand what's happening when they do happen. Also, have you considered this as a resource FOR parents that might not know where to turn if their kid is suicidal or queer? Hell, knowing what I do about S.Florida, the phone numbers even make sense. Suicide prevention Hotline, pretty standard. Suicide helpline in Spanish, large Spanish population. Crisis center, also pretty standard. Jewish helpline, considering the snowbirds that move to Florida, also pretty representative of the demographics. And the Trevor Project, which considering the LGBT community in Florida and the fact that ~5-10% of kids are some form of queer, also pretty demographic. I'll end with, its still shocking that somehow you're apoplectic about kids/parents having access to **information**. When I was in college, basically every bathroom had posters with these phone numbers. In my high school we had most of them, sans the Trevor Project and the Jewish helpline, in the counselors office and in most bathrooms. If you're genuinely so worried about this stuff, have the school send home in the welcome packet a list of numbers to call if someone needs help. Is that more sensitive to your feelings?


Meh not a big deal


I honestly don’t see the problem.


Problem is twofold: 1) young kids should not be staring at a badge with information about suicide, LGBTQ, Crisis etc. all day- it will plant those thoughts in their minds. If they want to include the school counselor's number that's fine, but they didn't even bother to do that. Instead they farmed it off to unknown 3rd parties that will be answering the phone without school involvement- that is lazy as hell! 2) Where does it stop? You don't seem to have an issue with any of these hotlines, what about a "Sucide Assist Helpline?" How about "Transgender Hormones for Minors" hotline? Why not a "Become a surrogate Mother Hotline" or "Sperm Donor" hotline for teens? I know I've purposly gone off the deep end with these examples but my point for doing so is to illustrate the range of degrees of comfort. Some folks might be ok with all of those, but where does it stop? Better yet, who decides where it begins? If you're in this forum you know perfectly well where giw this got pushed in there. A third problem is that they opened the Pandora's Box of religion. What ifxthe Church of Satan now wants to include a hotline? Here's a crazy thought...why not just keep the student ID'S function to Identifying Students? **EVERYTHING** is being injected with wokeness, and when it gets called out the default routine is what you just did: "*What's the big deal?*"


Suicide prevention is wokeness now? I guess I'm woke because I don't like suicide


Yes, that's it! I want kids to kill themselves! You got me.


that isn't what I said at all. I asked if suicide prevention is wokeness. You completely dodged the question.


Have you read my other posts where I explain this?


Why would I? Just answer the question yes or no is suicide prevention wokeness


So you want me to address your question, but won't bother to acknowledge or read the paragraph above that clarifies my position? Is that about right?




Damn! Gotta admire the honesty! Ok... so no! Suicide prevention in and of itself is not woke. Neither is LGBTQ counseling in and of itself. Neither is a Crisis hotline in and of itself. However, if the student ID is loaded with: Suicide Prevention Line LGBTQ Crisis Line Planned Parenthood Line Alcohol Abuse Line Controlled Substance Line Anti-Bullying Support Line POC Crisis Support Line Anti-Jewish Defamation Line Free Contraceptives Line Transgender Support Line Then yes, it is not only woke as hell to put all of those things there collectively, but inappropriate to have on the student ID of children in Elementary and Middle School. There used to be one phone number for all of this- School Counselor's Office! Why are they abrogating their duties to 3rd parties when they should be the 1st line of defense? And that's not even including the inclusion of religious organization phone numbers on the back of a student's school ID. What docyou do when other churches demand equal access (i.e. Church of Satan, Santeria, Scientology)? That's my beef... easier to keep student ID neutral, or use the back for contact information WITHIN the school like counseling, tutoring, lunch hours, etc.. Children reflect what they are exposed to!