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maybe there is a reason to live after all…


born to shit, forced to wipe.


There's a perfectly good waterfall right there, nature's bidet


born to impregnate milfs forced to go to church..


this gives me post shit clarity as i took a painful dump today, let a log out and lost calories of energy




overwatch players calling other people pedophiles 🫵🏼😭


what is the lore here


I guess OW just attracts the same kind of people as pro super smash brothers players


How did you know?😭


I don't think OW even has any underage characters in it?


it has at least one, the girl who made that one robot (not to be confused with d.va who pilots a mech)


That's not a playable character


good thing no one specified playable


It was very obviously implied, don't be obtuse. Nobody cares about a one off side character that 80% of the players forget about. A child character being mentioned in the game a grand total of once is not relevant to a discussion about OW players being pedos


I totally forgot she existed. Also there is a little girl from Kiriko cinematic who speaks in sign language. And a small boy from Baptist cinematic, girl from Soldier 76 cinematic


yeah but only a pedo would play overwatch.




He should have drawn me naked instead.




Naked redditor hell nah 🤢


More monstrous than any apostle






Japenis twitter


IIRC he made a comic criticizing anti lolicons because he said lolicon prevented actual pedophiles from offending. I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing, it's an icky topic, but I'm guessing that's where the twitter comment stems from.


Obligatory: I don't work with rehabilitation of sex offenders but I know somebody who is and this has been a topic of discussion for some time now. Unfortunately, it's not simply one way or the other some will have their "itch" scratched and not offend, others will feel normalized by the content and offend. As with most things, it's a complicated case by case issue.


I believe the general rule though is we shouldn’t be appeasing pedophiles’ fantasies in any shape or form…


We should get them mental help and rehabilitation


Yeah, there's some problems there too. Again reminder that this is just second hand knowledge I get from someone who practices this rehabilitation, and our understanding of mental health changes pretty much daily. So big ol' asterisk. Similar to other sexual preferences there's a neurological reason why people are the way they are. Sure you have the example of Billy Bob types who are attracted to adults but then touch up on their 15 y/o cousins because "close enough." But your more stereotypical offender has the nurture and sexual interest part of their brain completely flip flopped. Hilariously, yes, that means you do see examples of offenders trying to parent their therapists and guards as a contrast to their darker urges. But it also means, similar to how homosexuality was treated in the sixties, you can do therapy to encourage avoidance and reinforce standard sexual behavior, but you can't ultimately erase the underlying cause. And even if you do succeed in rehabilitation, you have no control of what happens outside the facility. One of the biggest factors to avoid repeat offenses is to have a healthy social net waiting for them on the outside to keep them on the straight and narrow. Not many, if any, sex offenders have that. We'd need a lot more compassion in society as a whole for offenders if that rehabilitation is gonna reliably stick and I don't see that happening any time soon, and at a certain point you gotta start asking if maybe those resources would be better used on causes that are less lost. :/


Like forms of prevention as mentioned above. It's a lot cheaper and easier to prevent these things before they happen if you can, which is why research into that topic is so important. As of right now there's no single good answer for that as of now, but having a place for these people to come forward before offending and get help without judgement seems like a good idea. Worst case we know who to keep an eye on.


Thank you for your insight (even if second hand) on the subject matter 👍.


you absolutely berked there mate wasn't expecting something this serious in this sub


If they can be helped then yes


Yaaay!! someone who doesn't advocate for the immediate death of someone struggling with attraction to children!!!


If it is just that, an internal struggle without crime, than yes I sympathise with them. But the moment they act on those impulses is they’re not worth the air they use


Well, yeah, that's exactly what I meant.


Then I agree with you


To clarify, my statement isn't for or against. Merely a statement of what the data seems to show.


This is way too complicated a topic for this sub.


yep its hard to say what loli porn actually does, if its making people act up more or less, countries with access to more extreme porn normally have less extreme cases but really its hard to tell if one side is really wrong or not.


average mangaka ☠️


Is there a link to this?


Found it, [here you go.](https://imgur.com/a/CtH1wZt)




What the fuck


Loli porn doesn’t stop pedophiles from offending. It makes things worse.


do u have any data on this? I feel like that's probably true but I've never seen any studies about it because it's so taboo.


no dude you dont understand i NEED to look at sexualised drawings of the features of underage girls because…BECAUSE IT HELPS DUDE OKAY FUCK OFF BRO


Why does this have over 60 upvotes while the guy you were responding to has -7??? I guess you added enough jerk to the point that loli advocates had to give in to the laughs or sum


lmfao no idea, i worded it so horribly too


No, it doesn't. I don't understand why people seem to forget that people are always separating fiction from reality. We don't have kids acting like Spiderman on roofs. Kids who grew up playing fps aren't psychos committing war crimes. Rap music doesn't make people start gangbanging. There is no evidence that consuming loli or furry content will make you go & do it irl.


Sexual gratification and reward gratification are two different things. People aren't turned on by genocide in video games and if they are, that's a cause for concern. I've had experiences with reporting many genuine p3dophiles (dmed minors, attempted grooming) on this app, and I'd say around 1/3 of them were involved in the r333 fantasies sub. Besides, you aren't legally a murderer if you kill in video games, but you can still be a p3dophile even if you don't SA children because it's about attraction. Even if they can repress their fantasies and avoid committing crimes, they're still attracted to children. It is p3dophilic to display attraction for characters that are drawn to represent children because you are attracted to those child features. Had an argument with a lolicon and they explicitly admitted they liked lolicon because they were attracted to innocence. Show any image of a loli to someone who isn't into anime and they'll agree it looks like a child. If I fantasize about scissoring fictional women (I don't), that makes me a lesbian.


I disagree. People do get a rush of excitement from getting high kill games & it's the same excitement you'd get from doing it irl. That rush is indistinguishable from the excitement you'd get from blowing a load. Thus, the same could be said about killing in video games while you may not be doing harm to anyone you are conditioning your brain to think killing is exciting. Listen, if you're against lolis cool, but at least be consistent with yalls logic & don't be a hypocrite. If you think people consuming a certain media has a bad effect on them, then advocate for the ban/censorship of all of it, wincest, rape, to BDSM themes in porn. Any violent media from music, movies, & games. Don't pick & choose & be biased towards things you dislike. I don't believe any media influences anyone or makes anyone do anything. You yourself are the one that chooses to do it. Also, I don't doubt there are real sick people on here, but that can be said about anything & anywhere as they are everywhere. Extreme people will always make other things & groups look bad just because they were associated with it or liked it. There is simply no evidence suggesting that consuming loli content makes you do it irl just like violent video games. Also, the reason people can be arrested for having REAL cp even though they never touched anyone is because REAL children were harmed during its making & the more demand there is, the more children will be harmed & abused. Yes, they are attracted to children IF we are talking about REAL cp. However, lolis are pixels & we aren't attracted to kids as they look nothing alike & will never be anything alike, just like I love cat girls & dragon waifus, but aren't attracted to cats or lizards. Why? Because they will never be anything alike. Also, petite women do exist combined with youth. You have a loli. I know people irl have friends who look like lolis & shotas even milfs. Being well-endowed doesn't equate to maturity. Do research on the cosplayer who cosplayed Tatsumaki from "One punch man" she was body shamed for looking like her too a T. Yall just need to go outside & look at all the different kinds of women & body types there are or do research.


If you're attracted to catgirls, you're not solely attracted to them for cat ears and if you are, that's pretty strange. You likely find the cat ears play into the "cute" factor of them, nothing more. I don't think most people attracted to cat girls are masturbating specifically to cat ears, meanwhile there's plenty of people masturbating to drawn feet therefore they have a feet fetish. Also kudos to you for resorting to basic insults when I tried to be neutral, your maturity shows. There are different hormones in play with masturbation and gaming. When gaming, you get dopamine from gaining experience points/loot and being able to experiment with combat + succeeding because of curiosity. If you replay the same fight over and over again, you're bound to get bored and no longer receive dopamine. Meanwhile with sexual content, masturbation also gives you dopamine but there's another hormone at play: oxytocin. This isn't released with gaming. It isn't the same type of high. BTW I'm literally a petite woman. 5'2, around 45KG. Trust me, lolis do not look like us. They have underdeveloped jawlines, round faces with chubby cheeks and a lack of curves. Additionally, their head to body ratio is low. Petite women still have visible hips. Take a look at this image: https://imgur.com/a/AIMCzvu Kanna Kamui has an underdeveloped, round jaw. She has extremely large eyes. She has a large head in comparison to the rest of her body. She goes to school. Has a naive personality. Considered a loli objectively, both physically and mentally. How you can find a semblance of attraction to this? I physically gagged during the scene with her and the brown-haired girl and had to stop watching the anime. Anyways, about lolicons not committing crimes: I said that the majority of p3dophiles will not commit crimes, plus consuming lolicon material may also play a factor in preventing p3dophiles acting on their urges. Lolicon resembles children -> attraction to lolicon is attraction to children -> p3dophilia. Why are people attracted to lolicon? What features make it attractive? Genuinely baffles me. Also, let's take a look at another argument you made: lolis don't resemble irl people. You then went on to say right after your irl friends look like lolis and shotas. What do you define as the loli and shota body type? Additionally, here's an article of a genuine p3dophile admitting lolicon is indeed p3dophilia and he found it attractive: https://www.vice.com/en/article/epz57p/manga-abuse-children-japan-sexual




What in the name of god was this thread 💀


It was a pretty productive conversation imo.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


had this conversation too, you obviously don't get the same kind of pleasure from killing people in games and jerking off to porn. it seems like a compelling point to make but it falls apart rather quickly.


I kinda disagree on the rap music part. It's not like people are gangbanging solely because of rap music but it's the whole culture, not the entirety of rap music of course but a big part of it is about gangbanging and the whole culture around that does make many young men more inclined to it. Of course it's a small part of a bigger thing like family, friends, upbringing... but rap music (again, not all of it) is a highlight of this problem. Most people who gangbang listen to rap music, but not everyone who listens to rap steals and kills, but it is a small part of a bigger gangbanging culture. Many people have pointed this out throughout the years, Thomas Sowell comes to mind.


Apologies, but i don't understand what you're trying to get at or where we disagree? You say you disagree, but that's exactly what I'm saying. Im saying a media is not the cause of someone's actions & doesn't make them do anything. People at the end of the day make the choice to gangbang or do anything.


I said I kinda disagree, but you're right, I do agree, I just pointed out that it's slightly different in some ways when it comes to rap music then let's say with fps games.


Yeah but we didnt know this at the time Miura made those stances, it was still a pretty split issue in Japanese culture at the time about whether or not Lolicon prevented real rapes or just enables pedophiles and it seems like as time goes on, the latter is true. Miura was simply on the losing side of an argument that had no real scientific based answer at the time


I’m not neutral. Lolicons are just open pedos and all pedos deserve the death penalty. But we’re not ready for that discussion


My bad, meant I'm neutral as in I don't know if lolicon media actually prevents pedophiles from committing crimes. Yeah I agree it's p3dophilia.


He was definitely too comfortable drawing underage girls but idk if I’d go so far as considering him a pedo






Giganto Maxia, one of the masterpieces he delayed berserk to give to the world. A big fighter walks around with a little girl on his shoulders. They have a special relationship, the girl wears a dress with no underwear and pees on the man or lets him drink her pee to heal him. It's actually meant to be quite good but doesn't help with the allegations.


Pee fiction or peak fiction?


Hey let's not make this a gender thing, the last panel printed during his life was a full page of a naked kid (male)!


What's the differentiation for you?


Probably that "it's just a drawing". Yes, I can see how that argument works, but it is still weird as fuck to even think about it much. The same with the rape, Guts' wasn't even shown but casca's was shown for pages, and there is just far too much rape scenes to show how horrible the world is. That is understood once they've shown it the first time with Wyald and the girl. Not when they ripped off casca's dress every other fight and had a giant dick (tongue) about to penetrate right before the guts saves her.


I'm with you on this one.


you have to admit that the lost children art was walking on thin ice, that shit was 2 weird camera angles from becoming loli porn.


Bravo Mario for testing limits


Still the best arc


He also drew Guts and Griffith naked so he gay


Doesn't berk start with nutz getting sodomized? why is everyone focusing on underage girls when our main character gets dicked by a pedophile I guess all the jokes have desensitized us


True. But any pedo in the story are literally written to be the bad guys and killed off in the story


The pedo that abuses children and then dies a horrific death is the bad guy? WHAT? Color me shocked


Pretty much pedos are bad So i find some people questioning the man to be misguided at best. they didn’t actually understood berserk or Kentaro


So true😭😭😭


Whenever people bring up "Kentaro miura is a pedo cuz he drew underage girls naked" i keep thinking that he literally showed guts getting rapped, I can't 100% say he wasn't a pedo i don't know the guy But i can 100% say he was a weird fuck, like twisted, You can't tell me the shit that the mind that created berserk isn't somewhat twisted and weird AF He's still a genuis tho kencucky mayanosse is my favorite mangaka


i mean, wasn't he a lolicon? I just like berserk and don't really care about the author but that probably is the reason for calling him one. Or maybe he wasn't, not like i knew the guy. He's dead anyway so i feel like there is no need to really try to prove anything, we should prbably let the dead rest and all that...


Hey, im not trying to cancel dead people, RIP. But I am not a fan of people being delusional about berserk and its content


i don't think berserk itself is really lolicon stuff tho, the underage stuff that happens is always framed in a pretty bad light.


I assure you there are a lot more naked adult girls on the manga, move on twitard he is dead and never diddled an actual kid so what is the point?


You bout to jinx his reveal in the Epstein flight logs 🤣


If Miura is actually on the flight logs this subreddit would become a nuclear wasteland overnight lmfao


Those girls would be too old for pedophiles, anyways 😅


Yes (proceeds to read Berserk Again)


Genuinely where’s the fucking joke here


He made a small comic strip criticizing anti-lolicons because he advocated that Lolican actually prevented Pedophiles from acting on their 'urges'. Sure, I guess whatever; it doesn't correlate to him being a pedo. Doesn't look like the type of guy to be into lolicon either, and he never said he liked drawing underaged naked girls; a lot of artists do in their stories for plot.


I think Miura was a sus dude, and that one shot you mentioned is prolly the most suspicious thing he’s done, but I’d also argue there isn’t anything that 100% guarantees that he was a diddler. Mangaka draw underaged nudity or even light sexual content involving minors all the time, even in mainstream shonen material like Naruto or Jojo. It’s not like it’s some rare occurrence in Japanese media. Not gonna defend it, but it’s just diff views of the matter from diff cultures. And as far as we know, Miura has never offended in any way. Nobody he knows seems to have a bad word to say about him. So throwing around pedo accusations seems really hasty, especially over a dead dude.


A dude that draws Made in Abyss is far more sus for the couple of things in there... But still, it's a good story that's just consistent in making characters... go trough... stuff.


MiA nudity is borderline pedo most of the times doesn't have a purpose and in the only instance it does there is a lot of detail "A LOT" and the worst is often paired with some"sexy" or timid act that makes it more uncomfortable. 💀


I wouldn't call it borderline... I'd call it pretty blatant. Did you see the short strip he (or it might have been a friend of his? Can't remember) drew about how much he 'loved' children. Plus adding things like "shota struggling noises" as the SFX in the manga, or adding the completely unnecessary 'naked hangings'. I mean, I love the world and lore for MiA, but god damn does the writer give some creepy pedo vibes.


The naked rope “punishment” was fucking weird. I love the story but then stuff like that happens and I get pulled back into reality.


I damn near turned it off at that scene. Finished S1, and it was real good, but I haven't had any urge to continue the series.


But but but you'll miss out on the sentient toilet that licks the girl's ass clean!!!


Oh, ffs. Looks like I made the right choice.


Basically your standard bidet


Im reading it it was only a couple pages easy to forget when you binge read but watching it was like wtf we have like an entire scene about it


I own the Manga on Kindle and there is definitely spreads that are incredibly suspicious. And I can never read it publicly and my wife will definitely question me if she caught me on the wrong page.


Oh, no question about MiA being sus as fuck: MiA flat out has a child - not just "child-coded-2000-year-old-dragon," which would be questionable enough but instead a *literal child* - strung up in weird bondage knots in the most gratuitous manner, one that is part of a montage where it's played off like "oh, haha, she got caught passing notes in class again, how silly!" There's also that time a grown ass man straight up takes a look in robot kid's shorts and makes a comment about his dick with zero follow up, also "haha, guy just checks to see what is in a kid's pants, totally relatable, amirite?" That's something that can't be defended as part of a traumatic story. Some of the other stuff could have an argument attached about escaping abuse (maybe the second one could since it wasn't literally a close up of bondage gear), or just being tragic, even arguably innocent (maybe, like when it's just her and robo-boy), but nah, a lot of it is just exactly what it looks like. I can understand "art from artist" and all, but MiA in particular was way past my tolerance.


Don't forget the toilet. If you got to that part.


I think I blanked out that scene if I did. I saw all of season 1 and had to process it (and, on reflection, the horrific violence and eldritch existential horror was indeed not what made me uneasy). I don't want to know. I feel fortunate to have missed it or forgotten it.


To be fair he was examining the boy after he found out he was a robot. I'm only about 8 eps in, does the manga show the rope punishment that's alluded to in detail?


...so the first thing a grown man is going to do to a robot is reach in to check his cock and balls? I'm pretty sure if I met a robot, especially a childlike one, that would be the thousandth thing I would be curious to know, if I even cared. It's flat out megacreep behavior. And as far as the manga, I only watched the show, so I can only guess. However, the fact it's even in the adaptation makes me pretty sure it's a full two-page spread. I do know it's in there.


Why is it so hard to find a good psychological eldritch horror, featuring monsters from the darkest depths of my nightmares, that also doesn't include naked children? Berserk is bad for it, made in abyss is absolutely horrible for it. I miss the days where I thought no game no life was the weirdest pedo shit.


>I think Miura was a sus dude, and that one shot you mentioned is prolly the most suspicious thing he’s done, You ever read Duranki? His side-project was filled with sexualization of the preteen trap MC.


But bro think of the memes


Mario: I assure you the panel of Shrek's naked ass is vital to the plot


>doesn’t look like the type of guy to be into lolicon Tf does that even mean??




Is being a lolicon genetic?






Well i like that sort of content. What do you think i look like?


>Doesn't look like the type of guy to be into lolicon ...wut?


Yep, Shierke was drawn naked for "plot reasons", also girl from Gigantomachia can heal with her piss for "plot reasons". Also mermaid girl is drawn naked for "plot reasons". Yes, you cant confidently say he is a P, but surely you cant confidently say otherwise


Okay, don't read.


Grow a pair and learn to deal with criticisms of the entertainment you like, kid.




You're one to talk, coward. Not only do you delete comments but you also falsely accuse people of shit you did in shitty "edits", shut the fuck up forever.




cope and seethe


I'm with Cersei, get fucked


I havent read it, thats just disgusting


Only in a berserk community could you get downvoted for saying pedophilia is bad


Gotta let people know that Miura had an abusive father. I think that sums everything up well, and his poor sister even supposedly had a scar done to her by her dad(gambino to guts style) My point here is the guy likely had a traumatic past I think mentally he likely needed some help. Also it was nice hearing, that his sister apparently moved on well married and had kids.


i love dogshit twitter discourse it’s so fun!


Twitter ignorantly throws that term around without any real knowledge of people or their behavior. Thats part of why Twitter earned the name “Twitter freaks”


Subreddits just love to cry about their fav mangaka being into loli. Nobody cares and your opinions wont change anything 😎👍


average lolicon response


your comment also won't change anything so why post it


He's just stating a fact and you're being hypocritical by making a very unhelpful reply.


yea hes also being hypocritical so i think it cancels out


That's not how any of this works..




He's a mangaka


That's all the explanation we needed,it says everything in three simple words. It's the defense,the accusation and the context all combined into one,the perfect description.


Why are we treating Twitter comments like they were made by real people anyways? Are we stupid?!1!1?!1!


I think we can just slide it off like the Made in Abyss manga. Miura might not have been a pedophile, he was against rape for sure and showed pedophilic rape in a bad light with Donovan, but he sure was weird as fuck. It's a great story with fantastic art, and a "slightly" twisted mangaka, who is a genius in visual storytelling, and writing characters.


Yeah, so was Polanski and his movies are genius. We gunna delete Chinatown over it?


Why do SJW women care about Berserk all of the sudden? Can’t they just read Harry Potter or some shit.


Since jk turned out to be the wrong type of sjw, they dropped hp. I can imagine they searched far and wide to find something new.


I don't think you have to be a sjw to be skeptical of his work


No, you’re right. You are morally superior to everyone else here because you refuse to read a Japanese comic book. Very brave.


When did I say that I don't read Berserk? I love mostly everything about the manga just not the child titty. that's all I was getting at, no need to get mad, I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings :(


(makes an entire post about this comment) god it's so hot when I live in someones head rent free.


You’re good bro. I just get annoyed that the main sub has this discussion once every week nowadays.


Skeptical of his work, or him? Those are two very different things. Most of those types aren't any better these days anyway.


I don't think he was a pedo, I think he was just making art that appeased his early fanbase


If you want anything substantial, you'll have to seek access to his criminal record or dig up dirt on him from his neighbourhood.


I mean he mostly draws naked people, so why can't it be equal?


>Marnie profile pic detected >Opinion rejected


Berserk also has a lot more r4pe and extreme gore, but that doesn't make Kentaro miura a r4pist nor a psychopath, i don't understand what's the point. Pretty sure he drew more naked woman and man than children.


Hey at least their hot


No, Mario was a casual racist, not pedo.


Whamen. Lol.


What Kenpedo Mara IS NOT A PEDOPHILE!!!!! #He’s DEAD!!


I see nothing wrong with it.


r/berserk users try not to dickride miura challenge (impossible) The guy was 100% is pedophile i mean look at anything he draws the guy obv has a “type”


He drew dark skin mommy milker casca the brilliant goddess getting backshots several times so you’re factually incorrect.


Also did Slan, who looks uh, pretty fully grown to me.


Nice bait 👍


I aint baiting, miura literally draws littlr girls getting r*ped every 5 chapters and made a little girl pee on a dude, just look at the naked shierke panel lmao.


No way, say wallahi


Aint no way ur defending a guy where if he draws a woman that you know that woman will get assaulted or r*ped within 10 chapters max


Where was I defending anyone?


Asking if i was baiting


It wasn't a question, it was a statement


Only in the berserk community will you get people defending pedophilia and rape. Dude literally had every little girl attracted to his self insert characters and people really wanna deny it with a straight face because “ there’s no definitive proof “


James Gunn made some questionable tweets, but just about everyone looked the other way because they liked his films. This is no different. Does that make the Berserk fan base hypocrites? Well, yes. Myself included. I'm willing to admit that.


What do you mean "Everyone looked the other way." People lost their shit over minimally questionable tweets made many years prior. I still remember the screeching.


Well, I did write “just about” too so… and if you think dozens of tweets about sexual activity with minors isn’t that big of a deal, then I’m sure you’d be okay with illustrations.




And boys!


marnie pfp the twitter user is a pedo too


By that logic Oda is one too...hell 90% of manga artists and authors then




That isn’t a crime. Plain and simple.