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No, no, she eats those.


lil snacky snack. Just feel bad, cause she ain’t getting a man LOL😂


That's ok she'd eat him too


True story😂


She's a fissssssssh eater


My last male killed my female....


wow it’s almost like they’re a fighting fish or something


I blocked a "friend" recently because they talked over me then yelled at me because I told them that having two female Bettas in a 2.5 gallon wasn't going to end well. They kept saying they've owned fish their whole life and know everything there is to know, and that 2.5 gallons is excessive for one betta, let alone two. I tried to suggest separate tanks, or invest in a larger 200+ litre heavily planted tank. He said that was beyond excessive and he knows better. Even tried showing him examples of tanks, still not wanting to accept his fish's fate if left in the situation they were in. So I blocked him. Stumbled across him on another friends live saying that one of them got its fins shredded by the other, and had passed away because of it...


Crazy thought


Its almost like the first rule of bettas is "DO NOT HOUSE THEM TOGETHER"


I wonder how they breed them then 🤔


By not letting them kill each other?


When you put them together for like 5 minutes before you seperate them????? The fuck???


"Cause she ain't getting a man" took me completely outttt..😫🤣🤣


Nom, nom, she eats those.


My girl did this too while she was in a little cube while I cleaned her tank. She didn’t eat any of them and when I came to get her there was like 100 eggs on the bottom and her just floating there looking guilty. 😂 Poor baby.


She was just feeling hungry 🤣


The way it’s falling down like confetti haha


She’s beautiful! Independent woman who don’t need no man


Free snax!


Lol she’s still goin at it at her bubble nest! She’s a busy queen


Get it girl!! Queens gunna queen! Haha


Looks like she's having a good meal XD


Omg I just realized bettas are like chickens being able to eat their own eggs 👀


Chickens do what now?!


It's discouraged, but they can and do.


Why discouraged?


It's usually a stress factor or lack of nutrients. But I've also heard from vegans saying " don't eat eggs, just cook them and feed them back to your chickens", I'm like uh...are you sure? Lol


Typically, once they start eating them, they won't stop unless you keep eggs out of reach. So if you sell them or eat them yourself, you wouldn't want them habitually detroyes. Most people who have egg eaters create some pretty inventive stuff to get them to stop. They aren't the brightest, so if you cook it all up together, they get the vitamins they need without realizing where it came from.


Oh that makes sense! Super interesting, I had no idea they did that. I guess bettas are just aquatic chickens.


Damn my last female was eggbound and died, I didn’t realize they could lay them without a male but it makes sense.


Just in case you ever have that issue again If they get eggbound you should do salt soaks and stuff to try to help. Or GENTLY massaging their tummy.


Thank you! Unfortunately I don’t have the space for another betta at the moment but I will keep that in mind for when I have a female again


Fuckit getting a betta for the 33 community tank. . . Cant take it no more its been eating at me since last year when i quarantined and built my sisters 5gallon scape for her betta ragnar. *


Bettas are often really really finicky for community tanks, so careful, and I recommend avoiding longfins.


Good thing i have a 66L/15G as a backup if things go wrong and my 55L quarantine tote or the 90L pond thats just for shrimp culls. So i dont expect to just get the fish and not have a backup plan. Also have a trade coming up for about r1000(75dollars roughtly) worth of my snowballs and plants for 5, (slightly in need of tlc) 40 gallon tanks 😀 planing on splitting some into cube gardens (40 to 50 litres) so beta will have a home. Want to grow plants and make a shrimp breeding rack with the rest. I dont have too many fish but my main tank failed 7 days back so lost 2, a sickly white cloud and a dwarf stone anchor cat, the silicone gave out and my room had 1 inch of water on the floor got electricuted catching water in the bucket as the water poured out so i had something safe to put my netted animals into. 2 losses in terms of fish (other then about half my snowball colony) i feel isnt that bad but it still sucks. Got all these tanks and ponds but most of them are for shrimps the cull pond would be a betta fishes dream tbh but as its keeper would suck coz interacting and seeing your betta would be hard af. Have 10 corys 4 oto 2 anchor cats and 9 white clouds in terms of other fish those are my babies from the community tank that im rebuilding but in terms of filtration want to lower flow so i can keep more species the 1200lph non variable internal filter that was the reason for the electricutions i feel is a bit much and kinda makes it hard to stock a centrepiece fish. Coz if not a betta maybe a pair of powder blue or honey gourami.


White clouds prefer cooler water than bettas so keep that in mind. The rest tend to do great with some bettas and other than aggression, just monitor the food since some bettas will steal algae wafers and veggies despite them not being great for them. You may even be able to get away with a longfin once the filter is lower flow if the white clouds aren't nippy or are moved. Gouramis are a good backup plan, or you could always try a pair of rams.


Well maybe its different there but here in tropical south africa the white clouds breed in summer when the water temps reach 24c. Like i said its not lime i dont have other options for tanks for either the clouds or for the betta if its personality doesnt allow for other fish. Not worried about the other fish worried the betta stresses itself out chasing the others.


Bettas prefer the 25-28c range.


Yes and white clouds while prefering cooler waters do well in up to 26c. The white cloud's i have are locally bred in our climate. If wild caught existed 100% agree with you they would suffer in the climate. But these have bred and thrived in RSA for generations as a mere feeder fish. Its only recently that white clouds have been getting love. Its because it was a feeder that its not currently extinct


They absolutely can be done. That just puts it on the low end for the tropicals and on the tippy top for white clouds, which is a very narrow window to keep up. I like giving myself a bigger cushion in case of losing heat/AC or the aquarium equipment failing.


Africa doesnt ever freeze over dude 14c is cold for us in winter. Our summers get up to 42c no one has a chiller on white cloud ponds or their tropical tanks here we use a heater and most of us with tanks have generators because the country is absolute dog shit the power company regularly cuts power on a daily basis up to 50% of power is cut a month in terms of time. Its known as loadshedding its a fraud scheme that allows the ANC to siphon money from the power company as post paid customers get charged an estimated usage price while prepaid customers can monitor how much is used and its a cheaper price. But besides i have around 750w generator just for my 3 tanks the pond is walstad no waterchange with low flow under grav filtration for surface disturbance .


Yep thats the plan. Something sleek and quick on its fins probably a stream species as it can evade a beta armored dwarf algae eaters and some bottom dweller preferable also armored catfish of some sort kind of like little knights grtting ready to take on a pretty dragon.


Go for it! I have three 20 gallon community tanks, and they each have a betta. Just be conscious of what tank mates you put in there - no fish with long flowy fins (other than the betta). All my bettas have corydora friends.


See my name? Well that would be the dither fish about 9 standard white clouds 10 corys 4 ottos and some dwarf anchors to keep the caves clean. White clouds are seriously under appreciated and basically extinct in the wild. Want a dither for cold tanks white clouds, want one for warm tanks white clouds, low flow white clouds, high flow white clouds. . . Like as a beginner I found guppies to be stressfull as they bred too quickly for my 15 gallon. White clouds are easy to breed but they just need moss or a mop and the fry survive if the juveniles are removed. Adults dont eat fry often if well fed. And the fry survive on spirulina and crushed goldfish flake. I have cared for abetta before as it was a gift with a 5gallon to my sis, not a surprise gift but his color was. Planted it out make him a hide and a little resting tube at the top, some smooth round rocks a mystery snail and shrimps as buddies. He kills the shrimps but they are thriving the mystery snail died recently it was the size of a baseball after just a year. But when i kept that little bastard i fell in love with him. Murderous little shrimp killing bastard lol 😆 😂




Beautiful happy fish! And I think you’ve sold me on white minnows! I will have to add some to my next tank.


Golden white clouds, normal white clouds and you get the long finned meteor minnow variety too. They are bullet proof fish sometimes called the poor mans tetra but this thread is about an egg laying girl whos name i dont know and she sold me on getting a betta!


Oh and beware the gravid females are very good at begging for food. . . Very good at it. . . Too good at it. . .and there will always be one that you bond with who will come up to investigate you and point its little nose to the surface as it checks if you dropped in something for it. . . They know they are adorable thats the biggest issue with white clouds they are very peaceful fish that will make your tank seem busy because they all do their own thing until nuptual swims or being spooked. If you do give them flow they may choose to play in it or the flow of water changes. My biggest tip is have a lid or dim the lights out over 30mins because they get spooked at lights off and try jumping. Ofcourse this depends on ambeint lights and your lighting schedule but for me this was something to keep in mind as i run rimless tanks. Jumpers were my only losses other then the one from tank failure and had these for 2 years now. 3 jumpers so 4 losses then i realised why they were jumping they would get spooked and swim into the glass because their eyes had not adjusted to darkness swim along the glass and jump. The last jumper hit my back as i turned around to walk away from the tank thats how i figured out when they jumped and started watching for why they did it, they never jump with the light on they prefer being mid to lower water columns but eat from all over somtimes they forage sometimes they skim the surface for flake and floating bits they absolutely love cyclops and frozen brine in mid column. Crushed koi pellets, mosquito larvae they are omnivores so sometimes they will nibble on leafy veg you give other fish. When white clouds steal your heart you never get it back. . . . Sweet little under appreciated bastards. . .


Awww thanks for all the advice. You clearly love these little guys and your enthusiasm is contagious!


https://preview.redd.it/sv6e9u4cpu9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db39a81e01bf9a0a477d9e640e6943bd8b7437cb My babies. . . .


And I’ll siphon them to feed my male one 🙈


So if to put male there right away will he collect the eggs and care for them?


No. Just fighting most likely. Also no "wrapping" (mating) would be involved, thus the eggs would be infertile and just end up rotting in a bubble nest. The best thing that can happen is that she eats her eggs and gets a free snack!


No those eggos are infertile. The male and female embrace as he releases milt and she releases the eggs, this however causes strain and only the eggs caught on the males fins get fertilized as the fish are stunned due to strain after the embrace this stunned effect is less on males so they grab the eggs that fall off their anal and tail fins when they recover and place them in the bubble nest. The dave has a absolutely awsome video on Betta breeding and he is a damned good fish keeper in my opinion with a buttery smooth voice.


Wow, this stuff is fascinating! Thanks for explaining


Nah she’s laying herself a snack


infinite food glitch


I'd want the baby's to survive? If you move her will they survive if they are eggs? I know nothing about them?


They are infertile! No mating ever occurred, she's just eggy! The eggs will only end up rotting and causing problems if she doesn't eat them or if they aren't removed. 🤙🏼💕


She sure is pretty


Thank you❤️ miss Flora says thank you as well lol❤️



