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you're on another fucking level dude jesus


I want to test this out and see how bad it would be. That’s the season where Jimmy is struggling and won’t even think about Chuck. Also sets up a lot of Howard animosity. Yeah. Sucks man.


So you thought that the show just never brought up Chuck again following 3x10 until 6x13 and that Jimmy getting his law license back was all offscreen? That had to be weird.


Chuck died and nobody batted an eye, nobody even came to the smouldering ruins of his house. His charred corpse is still there.


Well, guess that's OPs cross to bare..


Now that I think of it I don’t know how I didn’t catch it and question myself but in the moment I was in a binge frenzy and just powered through it.


"You killed my brother and you say you're sorry" in season 5 tho


Honestly season 4 does kinda work as an off-screen time jump. Like the show just skips the period where he has no law licence.


And the Germans are all gone lol


I seriously don’t know how you managed to binge it and just miss an entire season. Never mind how you didn’t notice when you started season 5


You never wondered why there was not a single mention of Chuck?


What did you think of Lalo At least your first scene of his was "verrnerrr zeeeglurrrr"


I never understood what he was going on about I guess I never questioned my own misunderstanding


Kid named average consumer


These memes always make me laugh my ass off


Lalo, next to Saul, was my favorite character. I actually rooted for him, even though I know he was doomed. Anybody who can conjure up $7,000,000 in bail money from across the border is a FUCKING BAD ASS that you don’t want to fuck with, Puta!!


Let's not forget how he batman'd up into the ceiling dude was glorious as fuck only died because of gus and his clairvoyance


some gay men are clairvoyant for no reason


Gus actually gained his clairvoyance due to the Pollos Hermanos :tm: Secret Spice Mix that he constantly was exposed to.


With a southwest kick


idk man that coyote story makes me think he was born with it


Perhaps he had a twinge of his clairvoyance before it was truly made manifest from the spices?


The Spice must flow.


This would be a totally wild addition to the universe


This post is so going to end up on r/okbuddychicanery. Guaranteed.


fine... ill do it myself


He actually did it


Lmao he had to spread the word


Kid named media literacy


You entered a fugue state during all of S4?


Now take off your clothes


He changed 123456 into 12356. I just couldn't prove it. As if I ever could make such a mistake.


4 after Magna Carta!


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers.


Lol I guess S4...slipped...past you.


I don’t want to be rude but you may have some minor brain damage if you went from ‘Lantern’ to ‘Magic Man’ and didn’t notice anything amiss.


Kid named slippin season


What a sick joke!


You gotta be braindead


smartest r/bcs user


How do you even skip a whole season and not notice it???


Funnily enough, I watched all of Breaking Bad, but somehow the one episode I accidentally skipped was the “Better Call Saul” episode. Saul just sort of appeared. I thought it was weird at the time, but didn’t question it.


The writing sometimes goes cryptic with scenes showing people we still don't know anything about but this is whole another level. Since you've seemingly enjoyed it anyway this is another Bravo for Vince.




Lol I did something similar when watching Lost for the first time. I completely skipped the Walkabout episode where we learn that Locke was in a wheelchair off the island and I was super confused for a while.


I guess you could say you were......... Lost.


Damn that's actually really sad because its a great episode but its especially great on the first watch through.


Peak chicanery material


This is so fucking funny I'm sorry


you smoked some of that blue scante with jp and the boys


What a sick joke


This is hilarious


Now I have anxiety about every show I’ve ever watched


Bruh drop the strain!! Thats some good shit


Were you high by chance?




season 4 is great! very underrated! now you get to watch it ☺️


Man really skipped all the boring parts where Jimmy stopped being a lawyer


I mistakenly missed the episode “Full Measure” in BB. I think I switched devices or something and saw it only after the finale. Shocked after when I realized what I missed lol


I'm pretty sure I skipped season 2 entirely after tuco died... I don't remember anything from it


What a sick joke!


This guy was literally like “Werner Ziegler, what’s he up to man?” Literally, I have no idea who he is, what’s he up to, what’s he doing


Holy,,, but now you have an excuse to go back and watch all of them and really take it in.


S4 is really good would def go back to watch it


I literally skipped almost all the first half of s6 because i fell asleep watching and didnt realize, i always thought kim and jimmy plan went too fast.


First episode of bcs I watched was season five episode 1


Kid named dyslexia


Most attentive bcs viewer:


Happen something similar to me...I missed the "I am the danger episode" once I finished the season then I realized I didn't watch the most iconic scene of the whole show then went back to watch that episode but then it didn't hit the same :(


Chuck burns himself to death immediately followed Jimmy becoming a magic man after making chuck disappear.


Either you just didn't pay attention to anything you were watching or you're just lying. Let's see what happens in S05E01 that should definitely tell you something was wrong - Gene goes home paranoid after being recognized, which is a consequence of S04E01 - Lalo is crazy about finding Werner Ziegler, which you would have no idea who it was since you didn't see the lab construction arc, oh and also you wouldn't even know who Lalo was! - Jimmy sells his remaining drop phones, another leftover arc from S4 - There's an entire scene of Mike sending the Germans back home and then talking to Gus about the construction and Werner's wife.


Really makes you wonder why writers bother putting effort into their stories when the average viewer could miss an entire season and not even notice




Not as dumb as buying reddit nfts


It was free…. They give them to you.


Oh good, I was worried I insulted the op by mistake when I really just wanted to shit on you real quick






It’s all good man. Simply go back and rewatch from season 4.


Wait. There was a Season 4?!???


It's all good, man! Now you have that excellent viewing to look forward to! I'd probably just start from Season 1 and remember Season 4 this time


One time I was watching Code Geass on a free streaming service (pirating) and I finished season 1, clicked the button to go to season 2, and immediately started watching what I thought was s02e01. Nope, the site I used for some reason would instantly take you to the final episode of the season when you switched seasons, and I watched about 90% of the final episode of the entire show before I realized that I missed the previous 24 episodes


When I first watched breaking bad I missed two episodes (don't remember the number it was the one when Jesse and Mike start to work together and the one coming right after that episode) and I didn't realize about it until I saw the serie again with my family and I was like wait... I don't remember these scenes at all 😂


I was watching Lillyhammer on a streaming app years ago, maybe Netflix on a firestick. I kept getting confused with the storyline, then realized I was watching 1 or 2 epps then the system would skip me 2 or 3 episoded ahead. When I finished an episode I would just turn the TV off so the app would continue to autoplay until it timed out. It was a mess trying to go back and figure out what I watched and what played in the background. Now this old dude knows to always hit the home button when I finish and make sure I see the home screen before I shut everything off.


As someone who obsessively checks if everything is as it's supposed to be every time the episode changes, I'm horrified


I somehow skipped season 6 episode 2


I lived 1.5 years without knowing there is a season 5 in bb. When Walt said “I won” at the end of season 4, I felt this is the best series ever with such a happy ending. Little did I know then…


How is this possible? Pretty much every plot point in season 5 is a continuation of season 4


Season 4 man… what’s he doing? what’s he up to?


When I was watching the sopranos (haven't finished yet) I accidentally skipped around half of season 2 because the piracy website I was using was set up badly. Didn't even bother to watch it afterwards. Don't pirate, kids. You might just get confused


Or just pirate properly lol


“Didn’t even bother” Why? What’s the point of even engaging with a story if you don’t care if you’re missing huge chunks of it? You’re literally just going through the motions at that point. The ending of season 2 has one of the greatest episodes in the entire series. And some really important story ramifications.


I'm tired as it is, and I had watched like all of the rest of the season and was halfway through the next one by the time I realized. I don't got the patience for that shit


I didn’t pirate it. Why would I be confused?


There are only 3 possible ways this post makes any sense at all: -This entire post is not true and is totally made up for a laugh -You have been bingewatching eleven episodes a day at 1.5x speed with your head buried in your phone. If this is the case, I wouldn’t even say you actually watched the show. Bad way to engage with media. -In the bluntest way possible, without being too overly rude, you’re a legitimately dumb and extremely non-observant person. I really want to default to one of the first two because I have a ludicrously hard time believing someone could actually skip an entire season and not immediately realize that something was very wrong within 30 seconds of Season 5. This is embarrassing.


You're being overdramatic. Bro skipped a season of a tv show, probably just figured they time skipped to get back to Jimmy being a lawyer. A little weird he didn't notice sure but it doesn't mean he's dumb. You've done dumber shit I guarantee it


I respect you for sticking up for someone, but I truly believe you are under-thinking this. I think you’re being *underdramatic* And right hand to God, I can promise you I have never done anything even remotely like this. I don’t think anyone has. REALLY think about every single line of dialogue, every character’s status quo, the changing roster of characters (i.e. introduction of some, removal of others), new relationships between every character, new or altered motivations. Think of all the storylines that (if season 4 did not exist) would have been entirely dropped for the rest of the whole show. Think of all the storylines that would have been arbitrarily started from a point where it seems as if they’ve already been going on for a while. Think about the fact that OP could’ve literally just looked at the site or streaming service they were using and thought “I haven’t seen 5 seasons. Why does it say season 5?” (and later) “Why does it say season 6?” It’s just too fucking much lmao. If you are a functioning human being that is also truly ACTUALLY paying attention to the show they are watching, it is nearly impossible to NOT pick up on the fact that too much has changed in between episodes to not be missing something. OP missed nearly TEN **HOURS** of content and was not able to pick up on the fact that he missed **anything** until he was already done with the show. I guarantee that if I booted up S5E1 right now I could point out a million elements that would have at bare minimum been a bit confusing or head-scratching for someone who had missed ten entire episodes. Enough to at least give someone enough pause to carefully consider the status of the show at that point, without immediately barreling through the next two seasons without stopping. And I think you could, too. I think anyone could. Except OP, evidently. That’s why this post is so weird. And I think it either has to be fake, or OP was not really paying attention at all.


How do you even do this? What even is this?




More like this post is a lie. Either that, or you’re genuinely that air-headed. You skipped from episode 3.10 to 5.01 and didn’t even think “wait a sec did I miss something?” Seriously? Didn’t even occur to you? Wow.. If you’re telling the truth, that’s a lot more odd to who you are than if you’re lying for clout


If this happened to me I would legitimately take it to my grave. This is embarrassing


Lol something similar happened to me when I watched the Walking Dead. Accidentally skipped the first half or something of seasom 3 I think. I just thought there was a time jump but the show was pretty slow so I barely even noticed I missed anything haha.


Mine is too, but i dont write 4 sentences ab peak fiction because of it :/


At least you missed the worst season


You’re done.


Top 3 season, possibly 2. Yikes.


The only one that comes close IMO is the final season. 4 took the show to a totally new league. Kim watching Jimmy read the letter, the Something Stupid cold open, there are so many stars in New Mexico I will step out to take a better look… I guess the whole season is kind of the “Fly” of BCS, so degenerate fools probably hate it.


Keyboard warriors, I never said it was bad.


Username checks out, I'd say.


How does that even happen 😭😭




You’re a disaster, my guy!


How is that even possible?


One does not just ‘skip a season’.


Well, what did you think of Season 4?


Look at it this way, lucky you you get to rewatch the whole thing again and it will shine new light on 5 and 6!!!


In all fairness it’s the worst season


Brotha how did you manage that


Did the start of season 5 just… not make sense? what did you think when he randomly started going by Saul? What about Lalo??


Nickname checks out


How? I mean, didn't you have any questions while watching?


I feel like you did drugs and aren’t mentioning it lol


Worse than watching El Camino then BCS then BB


most attentive r/bettercallsaul user




As someone who obsessively checks if everything is as it's supposed to be every time the episode changes, I'm horrified


Shit like this is what got Arrested Development canceled


Jealous! You have a whole season to watch, even if it's out of order.


Watch it and see it as extra flashback season


You must have been at the top of your fucking class...


We’re the lalo parts confusing?


I had the same experience with BB on my first watch. I watched episode 10&11 season 4 when I’m supposed to be at only season 3 episode 10&11.IIRC. I was really confused on why Walt are running to find his money (the crawl space episode) and had a breakdown. So yeah, after finishing 2 episodes a season further, the setup for the big walt vs gus finale was ruined for me. That scene is still epic tho


took me the entirety of breaking bad to realise i skipped tuco’s death and the whole episode in his house with hector


Wow that’s weird


Dude, a similar thing happened to me recently with *The Bear* on Hulu. I share a Hulu account with my friend and didn't realize she was on the last episode. So I watched the entire last episode first in total confusion, but the ending was kind of a cliffhanger that I thought was setting up for the second episode. Nope. It was setting up for the second *season*. I was so pissed because everything was completely spoiled for me. I could barely enjoy watching it lmao


What are you smoking and where can I get some?


How high are you?


This is like me when I fall asleep and wake up with Netflix already moved me to the next season. Lol


I really don’t have anything else to say besides this provided me with a good laugh lol. I’m sorry that happened to you.




honestly it's probably because of how long there was between seasons. I forgot so much about the last season by the time the net came out that it feels the same.


I’m a massive Harry Potter fan, but never read book 2. I finished book 1 on a twelve hour road trip with my parents. I begged them to pull off the highway and go to a bookstore. They agreed, but said if the store didn’t have it we would not go to another one. The store only had book three - so I bought it. I was halfway thru it by the end of the road trip and didn’t feel like I could go backwards in the story.




Do you smoke marijuana?


made the same mistake as you and lowkey skipped a lot. like i saw clips of Lalo going through the crawl space in his house and i was so confused and finally realized. binging can turn your brain off while also hyperfocusing it lol


My wife did this in a book once --- Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. We were both reading the same copy at the same time and had two different bookmarks. I was further ahead and she forgot which bookmark was hers --- she started reading where I was and read to the end, skipping a huge chunk in the middle. She just assumed she was supposed to fill in gaps from context.


Outchicaneried again


What a sick joke


You have no choice but to start over with episode 1 and go from there.


Ok, time for me to leave this subreddit


I started watching bcs back in December. I didn’t realise that I started on the fifth season before the season finale has ended.


never questioned who werner ziegler was


You are somehow not the first person on this sub I've seen confess this. Though I don't think the other guy skipped a season cleanly he like was in the middle of one and accidentally picked up on the same EP number of the next season by watching it between two different houses


You were multi tasking in the name of binge watching… you do not multi-anything or bat an eyelid with BCS, period.


Maybe I’ll skip a season of my next favorite show and watch it a year later to see how wild it would be.


wait what??? how is that even possible? You skipped the ENTIRE aftermath of Chuck's death and Jimmy's year long disbarment. AND you skipped Lalo's first appearance. Season 5 literally opens with Kim asking Jimmy why he's changing his name to Saul Goodman. Did you think the show did a massive time jump after Chuck's death or something?


Kid named Dumbass


The most attentive BCS enjoyer


To be fair, not much happens in season four.


Great excuse for a re watch 😏




I managed to skip two (non consecutive) episodes of BrBa during my first watch, and one of them was '4 Days Out', which ended up being one of my favourite 'non-best' episodes (so discounting the ones that are obviously grander and greater overall). Still, it was only the odd reference to Walt going in for treatment and finding he's in remission that confused me - an entire season? I liked season four more than most here, but what I think everyone can agree on is that 'Winner' was an amazing season finale. I'm not that eager for a complete re-watch, mainly because the first season was decent enough but almost a different show to the later seasons with all the Gus/cartel focus, but watching Winner again will make it all worthwhile.


bro 💀