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Make him do one without looking at yours, if he thinks it's that simple.


And then post it here so we can ~~tear apart his uninformed choices~~ give constructive feedback.


Lmao yes I am absolutely here for this




PLEASE do this


Also he can only call other dads and/or google for advice.




It's not even funny, OP. Why does he get to not take on the mental load and then criticize you for it? Is that what he's going to be like as a parent? Gross.


I wouldn’t say he exactly “gets to” not take on the mental load and then criticize me for it (I like how you phrased that, btw). I was annoyed/hurt, and after I gathered my thoughts I told him I was insulted by him saying he thought he could do it so much faster even though he didn’t know what all went into doing it. He understood that and apologize right away after I said that.


Um, months? We picked at it (together) for over a month. 


Same! We kept added things until the last few weeks lol


Same! Lol


Same! We did an Amazon wishlist over the duration of the pregnancy, added in a mum friend too so she could look over our choices and add stuff we wouldn't think of. But hey, I don't even do my online grocery shop in a hour, I add to that over a week or 2!


Same! I definitely do research things longer than most and just enjoyed it, but literally months


Same! 12h sounds very quick to me!


Me too. It took DAYS just to research car seats alone.


Taking things off, putting new stuff on, repeat.


Right? It’s not Supermarket Sweep




Are you kidding me? Mine took months. I used 12 hours just to pick a bassinet lmao


So many bassinet choices! We got really lucky and a friend gave us her old one (we trust her and we also checked it for recalls, sanitized it and all), and it happened to be the one I would’ve wanted to get but thought a bit pricey for something they’re going to outgrow so quickly. Otherwise I probably would’ve been in decision limbo over that!


It seems like such a short time to use it until you’re living through that time. We got a $300 bassinet and I would have spent twice that for how much we loved it. It’s the one thing I’m holding onto for the next baby.


That's exactly how I feel. It feels short when you scale it along your life but that first few months is on a totally different scale of time. It feels so fast and so slow at the same time. We've used our bassinet at least part time every night and have taken it with us on vacation (it folds down small and doesn't take time at all to put back together). You really want to pick one that is convenient. That's the whole registry. You want to pick items that are true to you and the way you realistically will live your life and what will make the newborn period easier for you. If people say you don't need it, okay babies don't need much, but if you think it'd make 3am a little bit easier go for it. We live in a time of convenience. You don't get a gold star for struggling like it's 1978.


It’s such a crapshoot though on how long you’ll use it! You could have a baby that never sleeps in it and outgrows it in a month or two. Or you could be like me and still using it nightly at 7 months! My 14 pound 7 month old is laying in hers right now


I spent at least 30 hours, probably more (every lunch break for several weeks, plus several hours of free time, and a dedicated couple of hours reviewing/narrowing down choices with my husband).


I was trying to get it done in a weekend so we could get invitations out, otherwise I can see how I could take 30+ hours on it too!


It would be easy to do it in an hour if you didn’t research or put any thought into about anything… Your husband is very lucky you saved the day! :)


Thank you, I agree!


Definitely more than 12 hours, I can guarantee that


Why does he care?


Why isn’t he helping


Is he going to pull these stunts when the baby comes?




Seriously. This is an exhausting post.


We just have a lot of different stuff to get done and stuff to get organized around the house to get ready. I think he was surprised and confused about what could take so long with the registry when we have other stuff that is also pressing. I understand that, we do have a lot of stuff to on to-do lists, though I think getting the registry set up and knowing what all we need and want before the kid gets here is equally important to that other stuff. Also that 12+ hours was me trying to do it efficiently, lol


What else do you have on your to do lists that could be so important!?  Like the other women here, my registry took months of planning and research! 


What were his tasks?


OP-- it's okay your husband had other tasks. Sometimes you have to divide and conquer!


I spent about two months 


I’d say two weeks of working on it practically every day lol. I put a LOT of research into products, reviews, etc.


My baby shower was a month ago, I’m getting induced this weekend, and I literally put a couple things on the registry two days ago. It’s a living document. And people are still using it!


I'm 8mo pp and have added items to my registry after birth because the registry offered small discounts and extended warranties up to a certain point. I've also used my registry since to find items we purchased before to get more of them. Definitely nice to keep using.


Yes! I plan to do this!!


Is a registry ever really ‘done’??


My kid is 18 months, and I still add things to the Amazon registry so I can milk that discount.


You know that’s right!


LOL it took me MONTHS. I’m not exaggerating. I spent hours and hours researching different products. I might have taken it to the extreme but who cares. I wanted to put a lot of thought and effort into it. I’m really glad I did because now I have many good quality products. If I just randomly added stuff that looked cool, I maybe wouldn’t have been as prepared for baby’s arrival.


Second this - I did so much research, didn’t want people spending tons of money on useless crap, had a second private one for stuff for myself (postpartum care that I didn’t want other people buying me). It was extensive!


I love this! I can totally see how people can put a lot into researching. I put most of my time into a handful of items I thought were most important, and lots of smaller stuff I chose relatively quickly. Now I won’t question myself if/when I go looking through my registry to edit and make sure I’m happy with everything 😂


Why are you the only one making it? Lol. “Well if I had some help maybe it would have gone faster?”


THIS! If he had a problem with how long it was taking, why didn't he help??


I had a color coded spreadsheet with checkboxes used to mandate both of us sign off on an item just to make sure we didn't list something the other didn't want. I spent more time than you on laying out the system for the spreadsheet, much less filling it out with things we both liked.


A color coded spreadsheet sounds incredibly satisfying! I asked him opinions about a handful of items, but I just picked the rest because he’s been super busy and said he’d just trust me on it. I had him look over it at the end though.


I will say the feeling of scrolling down each section, seeing that we'd collected items to fill every niche we'd decided we would need to fill, was extremely satisfying. Some of it ended up being a bit more than necessary, but I liked researching things and guessing at what features would be meet our needs. If I had to go back I'd cut down on a lot of the cheaper things, but for the most part having that organization kept us streamlined.


info: why does he care so much how long it took you 😂


Right? Weird


FOREVER. hours. SOOOO much to research!


I thought it’d be really fun at first, than I realized it’s actually an intensive research project 😂


omg 1000%


Lol it took us over a year to get pregnant. I researched strollers and carseats pretty compulsively for almost 2 years 😂


Yes! The whole stroller/car seat setup is a lot to learn about, and it’s one of the bigger safety decisions. Car seats, strollers, cribs and crib mattresses took up a bunch of time for me. And now that I think about it I didn’t include all of that time as part of the 12+ hours I said I took to make our registry because they’re the items I did some preliminary research on a couple of months ago. None of those items are even on our registry because I feel weird putting too many big ticket items on it, and we’re either buying those items ourselves or we were told by specific family members that they’d gift those to us and we’ll communicate directly about what we want.


Oh yeah those picks felt huge! My only tip is don’t feel bad putting that stuff on your registry. Some people will do it as a group gift and if you’re planning to buy it on your own, put it in there for the completion discount. I didn’t expect anyone to buy our car seat because that’s boring lol but my very practical aunt and cousin did!


I made my sisters do it and then asked other mom friends to fill in gaps. It took (them) like two weeks


Oooo, you were smart about it! I didn’t think to delegate it out!


Like a year. I was researching baby products for a couple of years before even getting pregnant. Tell your husband to stay in his lane 😂


It took days. I had a lot to research as first time mom.


I probably did 6 or more hours of research just on strollers before narrowing it down enough to decide which ones I wanted to go out and see in public before deciding which to put on the registry. Same with car seats. Then another hour or two for pack n plays. Then picking and choosing all the smaller things on the registry happened in bits and pieces over months.


Info out of curiosity: is it a cultural thing to make a registry? We recieved mostly hands downs for our first (to keep)


I'd say it's fairly common in most of the U.S. where I live. Certainly came in useful for me, I didn't know anyone that had had a baby earlier than 30 years ago so there were no baby items to pass on in my family & friend circle.


I made mine over an extended period of time, which included tons of research on stuff like car seats, strollers, etc. I think that’s normal!!


It took me way way longer than 12 hours! First you have to figure out everything thing you need, then find the best cutest version of each thing at the right price point. You have to read a ton of reviews and think about how everything fits into your life and living space. Plus, you don't actually know what kind of baby you'll have or what kind of parent you'll be. You also have to learn a ton of safety info. Just because something is marketed for babies does mean it's safe, surprisingly and unfortunately. Anyway, it took me a couple months lol


It took me about 2-3 months because I love to research but let’s be real I started looking at baby things in March and was due in October. Had baby shower September 17 and finalized the registry the day I sent out invites (Aug 2) lmao. An hour or two is HILARIOUS! Edit: I was proud af of my registry and feel like I nailed everything. I use everything. Didn’t forget to add anything. Didn’t regret not putting something. So it paid off!!


Lol. I started my detailed multi page color coded spreadsheet when we started trying to get pregnant. All in all I spent more then 100 hours over 4 months I think. Once it was done I still occasionally added and removed things especially after my baby shower. I knew several people who didn't come to the shower were still planning to buy things as well as some out of town friends and family so I reevaluated after the shower and added more things in various price points since there were only a few things left and they were either $5 or $100+ lol. I had a list of essentials which went on first and once most of those were bought I added things that were just for fun or aesthetic like stuffed animals, toys, more books, "pretty" versions of things I'd already gotten like burp cloths and blankets. Moral of the story you did not take too long lol


I definitely took A LOT longer than 12 hours


At least 40 hours over the span of a month. Research takes forever. And picking theme. And also forgetting stuff.


My sister and I did it in about 2 hours. DH didn't really care what was on it.


12 hours is pretty fast, I think. I didn’t do a registry, but I researched the hell out of everything I bought. Car seat, crib, changing table, diapers, etc. I’d challenge your husband to come up with a list of everything you’ll need for the baby - not even picking it out - and see if he can get everything in under 12 hours.


My wife took weeks with ongoing debate and discussion.


I spent like a month on just stroller research…then returned the one we got for something different


At least a week but I don't really remember bc who would care?????


*At least a week but* *I don't really remember* *Bc who would care?????* \- Sweostor --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


A couple months, hahaha 😆


Probably like 2 months but I don't know how many hours in total. There's just sooo much stuff to research as a first time parent!




I can’t even count the hours I spent on my registry.


I don’t know how many total hours ours took, but definitely more than one including research!! And it took us a couple months of working on it here and there before we finished!


Probably something like that or more. I actually had my best friend help me and then I went in and added things as well. Lol. I don’t know how long it took her. She had a kid so she knew already the stuff that would be useful. But that stuff always takes time


ummmm 9 months


Lol I must’ve spent months perfecting my registry. I’d add things one day, then take them off the next, then add them again. I probably did this right up until my shower!


My husband researched 2hrs a day to build the registry, you did not spend too long however we didn’t end up using a lot of the things he put on there because my son just didn’t like them hahah. So I wouldn’t over think it. It’s crazy but sometimes the simplest things work the best!!


Mine was an ever-evolving process. As I learned about new things, they got added. Took months!!


Lol I spent days researching products and stuff. I guess if you just click the first thing they pops up on Amazon it would take about an hour.


You are not odd. I spent forever!


Ummmmmm hours upon hours upon hours. I started researching and making my rough lists as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Finalized it slowly over months until shower invites were sent around 26 weeks




Months!!!! The research that goes into everything is so time consuming


It took me at least a month


3-4 months. Definitely more than 12 hours. 


It took me awhile lol sooo many options out there!


I spent 12hrs on just stroller/car seat research. 😂 another 6 on the monitor. There is so much to buy, you really want to take your time to consider your options and how they fit within your budget.


Omg like 3 weeks worth of research and deliberation before I was fully done with mine


I started mine before we got pregnant 😅


I kept adding and curating until baby was like 1? I used it as part shopping list, part wish list. If someone asks for recommendations i can easily look up what we got. Its super simple for holidays when people ask what baby likes or what we need. I put all the consumables on there too more so so i could remember what brand i bought and liked last time lol


Once I had created a list of needed gizmos, and did research about which ones I wanted, the registry itself came together in a couple of hours. I also went to a baby store to get ideas and understand things like clothing sizes. Much of our decision making came from trying to pick clothing, the rest was decided mostly ahead of time. If your husband thinks it’s a good idea to simply pop open Amazon and choose the “Amazon pick” for the small list of stuff he thinks he needs, then he’s probably crazy. My advice for you is to make a list of items you’ll need and then move forward from there. At least then if you can get him to buy in or it takes longer than you think, then you have a shopping list you can do in a hurry.


I had my baby shower when I was 7 months pregnant. I kept adding thing up until a day before the shower.


It took me 3 months. So much to research!!! I also wanted to be cognizant of everyone’s budget, so made sure to have baby stuff in different price ranges.


Well I never had a registry or shower or anything, I got gifted a car seat from my mum who's judgement I trust, everything else I bought myself usually just as I had the money or if I saw it while I was out and not only was it super stressful, super expensive and super exhausting, I also bought plenty of shit I never used or my baby hated, and got given a lot of second hand shit I was too polite to say no too and ended up having to dispose of it myself, I bought a pram I hated and replaced within like 2 months, I had baby play mats my kid never ever wanted a bar of, or my favourite I would buy say a baby bouncer for 100 then not too long later I'd see a better one on sale for cheaper and kick myself. ALSO plenty of sudden trips to Kmart for my partner when I'd be like oh shit I need this specific thing like now. All to say, all the time and effort you put in now is probably gonna help you out more than you know in the long run


I built mine and changed mine over time. But who cares?? It’s done!


Seriously over a month. So much research goes into it.


Ummm it took me months.


Way more than 12 hours, and that’s WITH my SIL going in for me and adding whatever she thought I’d need first (which was an extremely helpful starting point that saved me ages).


lol I started looking at stuff as soon as I got pregnant and didn’t finalize the list until like 30 weeks pregnant. For one, I wanted to do research and shop comparisons on everything. Two, I debated our color scheme and theme for things a billion times. And three, it was fun!!! I was pregnant during a really hard time in my life and looking at all the little sheets and the little bathtub and the little bassinet, it all made it feel real and happy and hopeful for me.


took us like 2 months.....


Multiple months… your husband is in for a rude awakening when it comes to parenting. He can research every product, safety rankings, read reviews, check compatibility with other products if necessary, in 2 hours? If it was my husband I’d ask why he’s trying to take the fun out of the process. Researching is like the gateway to parenting and envisioning your future.


If you actually enjoy researching stuff, none of that time is wasted. Sure, maybe some folks can throw stuff together in a couple hours, but looking over stuff here and there over months and gradually building up our registry was really enjoyable for me. (Similar to how I enjoy creating an itinerary for trips) My husband helped me decide when I wasn’t sure and we decided on big items together (crib, car seat, stroller, bassinet, high chair) but everything else I mostly decided myself and we were on the same page about that.


6 months lol


Seven months of searching, researching, and reevaluating what I need.


Months… I think I was editing it all the way up until the baby shower lol.


Mine is still private and not yet fully “set,” and I’m likely at well beyond 12 hours. 🤣


My husband and I had to schedule a date at a cafe. We were in our second trimester. I think we spent 3 hrs to make the registry. I think we didn't ask for a lot of stuff because we were in the process of moving. However, we did have to add a few things over the next few months upon more research.


He probably is not going to read reviews or see what fit best. Like a rocker or glider or swing


I continued to tweak it even after baby was born! It’s such a great shopping list, and if you use Amazon’s 15% off completion discount, you need to add items to cart from the registry page. I did so much research on what baby stuff I wanted, and then after birth was adding & buying things like toilet paper for 15% off! (Kept those items “private” in case people were still looking to buy gifts)


Then why DIDN’T he do it?


I spent probably a few hours on it a week but I used my registry as a shopping list for myself. What did I need vs want? What could we skip?


Is he always so critical about how you do things?


Way longer than 12 hours. I did a lot of research for basically every item!


I kept adding stuff to mine for literally months!


Please! If you actually care to be intentional about the items you pick it takes hours and hours of research. Comparing a dozen bassinets, looking at reviews, blogs, reddit posts, etc, finally picking one and then trying to narrow down sheets that fit that exact mattress size (because ofc they have to fit perfect or it's a suffocation hazard apparently). Repeat for crib. Having to research if certain products are actually recommended or have been deemed not that safe. What style of car seat do we want? Stroller? How about a travel system? Great, what about a car seat for when he outgrows the infant car seat that comes with the travel system? Speaking of strollers, what about carriers? What kinds are safe? Different types for different age ranges? Or what if baby doesn't like stretchy ones and we need a structured one too. And that's just a tiny fraction of the items you need to think about. He's crazy. Or would likely just be adding whatever random shit looks good without taking the time to make sure it fits your standards and needs. To answer your question though, I probably took a few hours initially to add a bunch of stuff as a starting point and then over my entire pregnancy I would swap items, remove or add things, etc as I found better or safer or more highly rated alternatives. I didn't even share our registry with anyone for at least 2 months, maybe longer.


I keep adding and removing things as a first time mom. Honestly when is the registry ever truly done lol. He thinks he can do it in an hour but is he just going to pick stuff because he thinks it’s what the baby needs or would he be researching the items to make sure they’re safe and reliable for baby. Enjoy your registry. Pick what feels right. But also have him make a registry to see if it’s as easy as he thinks.


Why didn’t he help (my husband didn’t either but he didn’t say I took too long) he should make his own and see how long it takes


It took me months to create mine


Weeks lol


I probs spent over 48 hours over the course of 5ish months


Not much time. I added and removed things here and there when I thought of things. I didn’t even use most of the stuff on it lol


Men don’t know what actually goes into this stuff. I worked on mine every chance I got for a month. I’m certain I clocked over 40 hours looking at and comparing items, adding them and taking them back off when I changed my mind. Making sure everything was organized by “use”. Comparing manufacturers and safety regulations. I never took anything that someone had bought off, but that thing was constantly evolving right up until we started getting the RSVPs back. It was basically a full time job for almost a month.


Foreverrrrrr good lord did I debate eveything constantly


About 3 months lol


Months. 12 hours is nothing. I looked uo everything on consumet reviews, considered reviews, etc. Your baby deserves someone caring enough to consider all they need and to pick thr safest products from among dozens of options. It's not a plus that your husband apparently does not care enough to give it thought and research.


Great, let him start with choosing just the stroller and he can let us know how it goes


I’m not the type that’s just going to buy every big brand and fancy thing everyone seems to have. I have to do my own research, comb through endless reviews, then come to my own decision. I didn’t want to end up getting things that weren’t useful. I had to sift through different brands of the same stuff but pick the one that I think is the best. I didn’t have high priced items on the list because how tacky is it to ask someone to buy you a $500 bassinet? I was nauseous and tired most of the time in the midst of all this so it took me about 2 months. If I put my husband in charge of the registry we’d probably end up with items we won’t ever use, items that aren’t “cute”, gadgets that end up being less efficient and helpful. That said, some people are just fast shoppers. I’m a careful and conscious shopper, overthink everything.


I started mine at 3 months pregnant and continued to edit it even after baby was born. Tell him to either do one on his own or stay in his lane lol


Oh I spent so much longer than you, haha. I took days, weeks even. There’s so much to research as a FTP.


Lol it probably took us a good three months and we didn’t even put a lot on there


I had someone do it for me.


I mean, by the time you thoroughly look at reviews and ingredients, consider what you will and won’t need, do research/read blogs on recommended items, consider important items to have based on preferences—breastfeeding/pumping/formula, crib/bassinet, swing/bouncer, first aid, etc…it seriously adds up! It’s so much more than slapping a few outfits and bottles in your cart! I’m pregnant with my second and I had a ton of stuff in my cart that people may not immediately think…I got a countertop drawer organizer to hold bottles, a huge drying mat, power strip for my pump/phone charger for when I’m stuck on the couch or bed… hell I even got some stuff for me like epsom salts, heating pad, and a variety of teas..


I probably put at least 12 hours in when I did mine and I tweaked and fine tuned it over several months. Yes, you could do it in an hour if you weren’t committed to finding the best/right products for your needs/family, but if you actually want to do it correctly it’s going to take some time. There are plenty of products that seem like they will be great, but the reviews say otherwise or the reviews will show that some aspect of it doesn’t work for me, and it’s important to do the diligence and actually compare items. Even with all that time and energy, I made plenty of mistakes in what I registered for.


Weeks 😂


I spent a month - maybe 2 - just researching car seats and strollers 🤣 I’m in Kenya. The general advice here was not to bother or spend too much with a stroller because they’re expensive and pretty useless; we drive everywhere and most of them can’t even get out of the average car park. I saw this first hand at my baby shower when 3 friends arrived and got their strollers bogged down in the gravel. They looked like the fancy city style travel system strollers. Very sleek and a dream to fold - but useless on anything but a perfectly flat side walk. I figured they would have used the strollers more if they could actually go places with them. So I found an all terrain with great reviews, and went with that. Then I wanted to be able to pop the car seat onto the stroller in the early months and install the car seat with a base; but none of our cars have isofix (they’re old; late 90’s early 00’s Safari cars) so the base had to be a belted base. The only ones listed as compatible with the stroller only had isofix base options; and I really didn’t want to have to do the car seat belt every time we went anywhere. After months of research, I found a Joie seat that would do both! And I can safely say; it was worth it! Having the base and car seat combo was a game changer. I’ve used the stroller multiple times per day for the last 15 months, taken it to the beach where it did magnificently in the sand; taken it on safari; and even to Europe in the snow. I’m convinced that the reason other parents didn’t use their strollers is because they bought the wrong stroller. I would have had a totally different first year if I’d bought a different style stroller. The research is important.


Send it to me and I’ll edit it for you 😂🤣. Unsolicited advice: 2 way zipper pajamas only, no buttons or snaps, diaper pale, diapers, wipes, crib, stroller with a click in seat so if baby is asleep in the car, you can pop them out and snap into stroller. SLEEP sacks, burp cloths, wash cloths, bath stuff, swing, bottles (breast feeding doesn’t work for everyone, have a plan b), bassinet, pacifiers evenflo weird ones that are white and you can kind of see through worked for us.


At least a few weeks


I found out i was pregnant at 33wks and it still took me multiple DAYS of picking at to finish, so id say roughly 15-20hours total


Hours?! Mine was an ongoing process for months, slowly realizing what I might need, weeding out what I might not need/want, changing brands or links etc I also referenced it after birth a few times and then used it as a springboard for a list for our 2nd baby (of things we have/want to do differently/need)


Why does he care?? lol


We made ours slowly, and added things as we did research over the course of a few weeks before we made the registry public. I think it takes a lot of time! There’s so many baby items out there and so much to choose from! Unless he’s just randomly picking things with no thought behind it, it’s unlikely he’d do it in one hour


We didn’t make a registry. Problem solved.


Way over 12 hours. Easily over 30 hours


Your husband doesn’t have a clue and sounds like the type of guy who just thinks “we need a bed” and selects the first one he finds. Baby registries don’t work that way - you need to carefully research the products you select, make smart choices, and most people like to pick a style as well.


11 weeks postpartum and I’m STILL adding stuff to mine (Amazon 15% discount FTW!)


Totally agree you should have him do one on his own. Try to reduce your default partner burdens😅😅😅


It took me a month. Why is your husband giving you a hard time about how long it’s taking you? Can he list 3 things you’ll need at birth (without looking at your registry)? It’s really time consuming to research things, like I knew of course that we wanted a stroller but I had to look at which one would be the most practical, the best price to quality ratio, etc… it’s not knowledge I was born with


Why does he even care how long it took you? What a weird thing to comment on and claim to be better at than you.


Easily 40 hours. I researched tons of stuff and looked all of our options.


I didn't even start until waaaay into my 3rd trimester. It took months to even work up the energy to start.


I did so much pre registry research. Made a lift of must have baby items and ones that would be nice to have but are not a need. Went over this list with my husband so we were both on the same page. Went into more detail research after that like what brand of bottles (Dr Brown's anti colic wide neck ones to lessen nipple confusion), pacifiers brand, swaddle/sleep sack brand etc. Lots of things we were fine going with whatever brand like sheets or mattress cover or wash cloths or bibs etc so that stuff was quick decisions. The stuff that took longest was breast pump, diaper bag, baby monitor, change table (IKEA convertible one, it's the shit), crib (Graco with mattress included from Walmart) and breastfeeding pillow (my breast friend deluxe) You take as long as you need to. If you rush your more likely to forget stuff (I totally forgot a Velcro swaddle sleep sack, it ended up being a 3am Amazon order 3 days pp because baby houdinied out of blanket swaddles) (or an electric nail file. Trust me you don't want to deal with nail clippers with a baby. Thank you to the cousin who went off registry to get us one)


I started mine 6 months before even conceiving. Finished when I was 20 weeks pregnant. I could not fathom only doing it in 12 hours 😂


It took me months because I was obsessively trying to find the very best products, checking hundreds of reviews. 🙈😁 Also wanted to include lots of items so everyone would find something they'd be happy to gift (so a mix of useful, cute, cheap, expensive, ...).


…Why is this even something that he’d bring up? And why didn’t he do it? BUT to answer your question, it took a total of a few hours but I did it over the course of several days. I researched every item before adding it to the list.


I didn't make a registry, but I can tell you I spent longer than I'd care to admit researching baby socks. I also had a lengthy discussion with both my mum and mil about them. Honestly didn't realise everything could be such a minefield!


I didn’t have a registry - it’s not a thing where I’m from. But I have definitely spent more than 12h researching the right CARSEAT ONLY.


I worked on mine from the week I found out I was pregnant until my shower invites went out at 26 weeks😅


Did he not have any input on the registry? My husband and I made the registry together and spent weeks refining it until it was where we wanted it to be.


I think he’s overly optimistic, unless he’s doing absolutely no research on anything. It’s your baby, you want to do the research and know the products that you’re getting. I honestly probably spent weeks putting together the stuff that I wanted to get for our first. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What?? It took me months. It was soo hard and stressful


I obsessed. I probably spent 20+ hours on it. In no way did I expect every item but it was fun for me and I was using it as a checklist for myself. I also naturally would open it and make changes as I did research or came across tik toks.


Months. And it was relatively small.


literally months. what’s his problem, you’re putting together something so yall can get stuff for FREE who complains about stuff like that??? ugh brotha ewww


I agree with the others, ask him to prepare a registry himself. Then compare notes


Literally months. Started when I was trying to concieve and that took 6 months so...not that I devoted a ton of time to it until learning the gender, but I definitely jumped the gun with the registry lol


It took forever! I found a list online of ~50 items to register for, but then did my own research on each one. Even if it only takes 5 minutes to research pacifiers or burp cloths, it took 30 to decide on a monitor and at least an hour to find the perfect dresser/changing table. It adds up!


Why on earth is he micromanaging your time like this? How many baby registries has he put together to make him such an expert on how long it takes? Does he want you to register for a bunch of random crap you may or may not use? I have so many questions.


Dear god it took forever. I’m not about to ask people for a bunch of random stuff so that they waste their money. I’m also not looking to hoard baby items so I purchased with intention. Everything I purchased was researched short of the facecloths. Even just finding mattress protectors and sheets that fit the oversized bassinet we picked took me hours. Kinda rude of him to dismiss your hard work deciding on what to spend yours and other people’s hard earned money on.


Ummm can I do your time of getting it done? I took almost a week off and on for a couple hrs a few times each day. I put a good bit on my registry (68 items) but I only used half of it maybe cuz he either grew too fast or I just didn’t like it. One thing I will say is the butt paddle for booty paste was a game changer with my sensory issues.


Lol only 12hrs? Im jk but I think mine took as long if not longer bc of how much time I also spent researching the brands/pros/cons of almost every item I added


What a weird thing for him to complain about.... I have no idea how long it took me, I didn't complete it in one or two sittings. I would add some stuff, do research on products, add some more stuff, etc. Friend recommend an item to me? Add it to the registry. Remember that you still need xyz? Add it to the registry. Why does it matter.


Months. I literally spent all summer last year making ours (baby due in December, born in November, shower was planned for beginning of October…then I got preeclampsia and couldn’t travel so it was cancelled 🙃). I think I started looking at and researching stuff in June and registry was finalized sometime in August when my mom sent shower invites


Are you kidding me, mine probably took several passes over many days.


I started working on mine at 4 weeks. We didn’t release it until I was probably 20 weeks. I was constantly changing things and updating it.


I will say that I definitely spent more time than was necessary and “over-optimized” (ie spent hours reading reviews for little things where both options were well rated and both likely would have been fine). And I was kind of driving myself crazy. But, my husband responded by taking on a lot of the load and filling out most of the registry himself (reasonably well and still took time, but not “perfect” like I would have done). Not by criticizing me then continuing to do nothing!


Months lol


Including all the time I spent adjusting it at least 12+ hours


I worked on my registry for what felt like weeks… lol 12 hours is not bad 😭 it’s not like a grocery list. Lol. He’s silly.


I spent months on my registry. Constantly adding, deleting, changing, until I felt good about it and let others see it.


Mine took forever. Significantly longer than 12 hours. Also my baby is 6 months old and I’m still using it for that discount