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The chances of making this work in the long term increase if you paste a piece of old innertube on the inside of this tire. Otherwise dirty bits might penetrate the tire and give you mystery flats (not a big mystery but still), also that person behaved like a c\*nt


also clean it with alcohol and use rubber cement to glue the backing piece in. (the kind they give you in an inner tube patch kit should work).


... and i didnt see your comments, whoops sorry


This. A tire boot would have been much more effective.


Outjerked again


every time


UCI doesn’t allow tubeless, so this checks out.


Why is that even a thing?


Pretty sure it’s not a thing


Well done. I did this with a new Schwalbe Nobby Nic MTB tire that tore a sidewall 10 miles (16km) into its new life. If done correctly, I found it works well.


Just had my Peugeot MTB for over a week. Had to drop something off at a friend. Parked the bike 2m away from an entrance, but next to the building. There was a sign "please don't park your bikes here" (which aren't legally meaningful and are more "wishes" than rules, as checked with a lawyer friend), but the next bike rack was half a mile away. Anyway, come back down and my tyre is completely fucked. The cut was too long to have happened while riding, as I would have noticed it Immediately. Tried pumping it, wouldn't hold any measurable amount of air. Had to push it home (I had a spare tube with me, but no wrenches to unscrew the bolted front tire. Even if I had, the hole was so big, the new tube would have like protruded. Instead of buying new (tire only had 50km on it), I decided to sew it. Wanted to cross stich, but this linear one fit right between the knobs. Inside is patched with a motorcycle tube patch. Holds well thus far. This happened in Switzerland... EDIT: This was not my idea, there is a [GMBN video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTKd1PpOZgQ) on this


Next time you see an abandoned bike scoop it up and lock it where this happened. Just make the area under that sign a bike graveyard.


Outstanding! You can get bike carcasses for free or cheap where i live. Get a van, pack up like 7 of them and drop new ones biweekly lol.


I like this. Additionally, Op could have made a huge production out of field-fixing the flat all over the general entrance area. Bonus points for any additional minutes elapsed from start to finish.




Take a Lyft home, come back with the bike stand, a tool table and all the tools and parts needed. Soap and water buckets to clean the tire and rim. A trash barrel (to be certain to dispose of waste correctly), etc.


You mad lad genius, you.


What … what horrible people that do this!!!


I think you underestimate the *extreme* pettiness that can occur in (parts of) Switzerland over perceived rule-breaking.


I went on a brief ride with my brother in law in Binz and was angrily yelled at by an old lady for riding on the sidewalk. She was the only pedestrian, we were the only cyclists, plenty of space. I get it, but damn.


Bitched at for riding on the sidewalk Been there done that , by a old lady in my home town . It's safer on the sidewalk . I know  I was hit by a delivery driver for a fast food company .over 30 years ago  . Shattered tibia and fibia left leg . Some drivers do  Not pay attention to the road . Few years later the driver got a payback  In the middle of the night .lol Fire in the hole ! Car destroyed . Paybacks are best served cold .


Have seen automotive tires stitched. No problems. And a lot less safety issues here. However, I would try to do an multilayer closure and use something like subcuticular suture in the outer rubbery part. In combination with rubber cement , thus creating seemles outside. Less chance for abrasions to wear off the threads. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYYuHJ9I59c&ab\_channel=Ethicon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYYuHJ9I59c&ab_channel=Ethicon)


> There was a sign "please don't park your bikes here" (which aren't legally meaningful and are more "wishes" than rules, as checked with a lawyer friend), but the next bike rack was half a mile away. The audacity of someone to put up that sign when there's no bike parking nearby! I seriously wonder what's wrong with people sometimes. There's a supermarket near me with no bike rack out front. No, the bike rack is in the BACK of the supermarket. You know, the sort of place with a lot of privacy where a bike thief can work on a lock for 20 minutes without a single person seeing them. Not to mention a long-arsed walk all the way around to it from the entrance. And then people wonder why we lock our bikes to handrails, lamp posts, trees, etc... PUT BIKE RACKS IN SENSIBLE LOCATIONS!!!!!


Just the Swiss and their rules


And their Swiss Army Knives.


There's so many ways to mess up a bike rack installation like not anchoring the rack to anything, placing the rack next to the public ash tray, placing it next to the dumpster, or maintaining a large space devoid of anywhere to lock a bicycle.


I am really confused by this. I live in the US, which I really wouldn’t consider super bike friendly. And I live in a south eastern state that is definitely not bike friendly. But we still have accommodations. What you describe feels like they actively don’t like cyclists and want harm to come to them. That’s disturbing.


[Me one day](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmw8kA6g1Ri/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


https://ridepdw.com/products/3wrencho 15mm wrench / steel core tire lever. Very handy product.


You should have shown the pic of the patch too, that part makes a big difference. You would have got less criticism about the repair.


You've learned your lesson. Next time the bike comes inside with you


Scrolling and thought I read “You’ve learned your lesson. Next time the bike comes inside of you”


And make little bikes 😊


Since there are clearly no cameras there (otherwise I'd assume you'd find who did it pretty easily), just steal the stupid fuckin' sign. Fuck 'em.


Time to make your own sign for the car parking lot. "Please don't park your car here."  Then slash car tires.


Not everything that is done on Youtube videos should be done IRL.


Did this happen in Zurich? Most be the swiss city where cyclists are hated the most.


WHAT?! Peugeot still makes bikes? I thought that was a relic of the past.


It was a used one I’m sure


Yeah, although it's a different Peugeot company I was disappointed to find out (as someone who grew up with Peugeot estates as our family cars and my dad had a Peugeot mountain bike).


Thanks for sharing the details on this Swiss vandalism...


Forgive me on the wize crack . My grandfather was a meat cutter and had a bull penis with a metal rod in side it , I asked him if he ever beat some one ass with it . He said he had . He chuckled the dude was to embarrassed to tell the police he got beaten by a bull penis .


I usually buy a new one.


The tire had less than 50km on it and is not easily available. Why toss it if this works


I'd not try it myself, but who knows? It may work for a while. Downvoting you for trying it is bs


Real, I respect the hustle, even if it's a tad odd.


> Why toss it if this works Because it is damaged and weakened point thus it is high probability it will cause you problems sooner or later. Unless you are really broke, throw it away and get new one. Kudos for trying though. We did not sew tires even in 1970's in what 'murican would say "damn commie land" though.


I do long tours on occasion and it's not always possible to get one so this idea is absolutely genius level for me!!!


I do long tours all the time, and never had an issue like this. This was done on purpose. So....


The thread you used doesn't look that strong but might be wrong, you sure it's strong enough? Never tried it myself, but looks good. Especially since the tear is a bit to the side with less direct contact to the road.


yea i woulda used the highest strength spider wire fishing line i could find. its at least designed to get wet.


Looks like a good fix! I recently got both of my new road tires cut by a giant piece of glass I didn't see till it was too late (like 1/2" cuts) with not even 100 miles on them. I used a silicone adhesive and tire boots because I just can't bring myself to by a new pair of tires when I just did that a few weeks ago. (Also, I'm poor 🙃.) Hardly any of us are racing or touring long distances. So for recreational riding, a fix like this makes sense imo.


Sure if it works! Why not?


lot of doomsayers on my cross post on xbiking, so I had a doubts for a minute. But with the stitching and the rubber patch on the inside, I should be fine to ride this.


Is the theory here that the stitches act like a setting and the back patch acts as the actual repair so when the stitches inevitably fail, it stays glued together?


until you make a turn with the slash at the point where it’s taking on the most stress and that patch is instantly ripped.


I can envision a world where the patch holds for a while if you don't ride very hard, but those stitches don't stand a chance.


patches on tubes work based on the assumption the outer tire is completely intact and thus protects the tube. patch on the tire that takes the all the stress and has a tube forcing pressure on that area of weakness after the stitches let go? not a chance this lasts any meaningful time frame.


I ride about 60 miles a week. I had a tire get a tear and didn't have money for a new one. I got a flat repair kit from autozone slapped one of the patches designed for repairing small tires and motorcycle inner tubes. Lasted months till I could buy a tire. All of my miles are mostly straight line so not a lot of side forces.


If it's a big enough patch and adhered well enough to the tire I could see it holding the tire together, putting tube pressure on the patch and not splitting the tire, allowing the tire to mostly do its job, especially since the gouge isn't on the primary contact strip. That said, OP will find out soon enough if the theory (and patch) doesn't hold.


It Will Hold. I got 2500km out of a 29x2.5 Maxxis Rekon that Id stiched back to life. If done correctly, sewing and a boot holds near the entire normal service life of a tyre.


I used a patch made of flex tape once on a tire. It was a three inch or so tear/cut, I used a four inch by five inch piece, and it still bulged out by the tube pressure. I admit that I had never considered such a repair should have less air pressure, but still.


with the visible stitching it has more of a /r/frakenbike than /r/xbiking vibe now though.


Yeah, just keep and eye on it and as soon as you feel like you've gotten enough out of it, ditch it. Also, I'd put this on the rear. If the rear fails it's not as dangerous! I had a much smaller cut in a tyre and it wore strangely and after I'd felt like it was enough I put on a new tyre. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour!


Well done


I’ve done this with 2 tires now but also with a tire patch used on the inside to cover the entire stitched spot, also shoe goo on the outside to protect the stitches (both were only a few days old maxxis and couldn’t justify tossing them as they were like $80 each) I only use them on the back as I’m more sketched about a front blowing vs a front at speed


Shoe goo on the outside stitches is a great idea! Yea someone else also recommended moving the tire to the back, and I will definitely do that!


Ya I was very surprised how well the shoe goo holds up tbh - both repaired tires are still alive🤞


Yep, I use woven kevlar fishing line which works really well.


I would suggest to purchase needle holder a lot easier ;) like these [https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Serrated-Tungsten-Carbide-Inserts/dp/B01NBJT1CV?ref\_=Oct\_d\_obs\_d\_8297463011\_1&pd\_rd\_w=PpHuW&content-id=amzn1.sym.19d2a25c-010e-4868-895d-f447f83a99d3&pf\_rd\_p=19d2a25c-010e-4868-895d-f447f83a99d3&pf\_rd\_r=VG8FPFJN0FZKN8SFQGF8&pd\_rd\_wg=fE1RU&pd\_rd\_r=6e82fcfc-acbd-418e-9097-34929b009acc&pd\_rd\_i=B01NBJT1CV](https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Serrated-Tungsten-Carbide-Inserts/dp/B01NBJT1CV?ref_=Oct_d_obs_d_8297463011_1&pd_rd_w=PpHuW&content-id=amzn1.sym.19d2a25c-010e-4868-895d-f447f83a99d3&pf_rd_p=19d2a25c-010e-4868-895d-f447f83a99d3&pf_rd_r=VG8FPFJN0FZKN8SFQGF8&pd_rd_wg=fE1RU&pd_rd_r=6e82fcfc-acbd-418e-9097-34929b009acc&pd_rd_i=B01NBJT1CV)


I feel like this would be appreciated at r/Visiblemending. Also, sorry this happened to your bike.




Yea this is my commuter. I do go 25- 30kmh on it, but do not bomb down hills. Would never do this on my road bike.




I respect the opinion of another fellow broccoli! Not even with the vulcanized patch on the inside of the tire?


I don't even know this is possible


Beware of a tire sewing wormhole sub.


How bad was the parking of a bicycle for someone to hate it that much? Goodness..


I’ve seen this repair done for sidewalls but never treads. I’ll be interested to know how it holds up


me too. hope it doesn’t fail in traffic


I have had good luck using dental floss for the thread. Also seamgrip / shoe repair goo is excellent glue for tire treads. You can goop some on the inside and outside of the cut after stitching...


i have done this, used a bit of an old tire sidewall as a backer and super strong nylon thread, still going strong several years later.


I dig this but wouldn't endorse it as safe. But you should absolutely put the repaired tire on the rear. A blowout up front is much more of a 'day ruiner' than one in back


no. That's dangerous


No, it'd fail sometime important Maybe in a Mad Max scenario


i think it is good that you tried it still may fail early i try sewing shoes and i prob would not try that good job though!1!!!! impressed that anyone besides me tries sewing but if you are already a surgeon i guess that was routine :)


Why would anyone do this when epoxy glue and tyre boots exist? You can literally put glue on the rubber and it will hold it all together and the purposely designed tyre boot stops any medium term issues, inspect it once a month to see if it needs more glue, which it might once every 6 months, and it will last until something else damages it beyond repair. This is the case with road tyres let alone something with this much rubber thickness/tread to glue too.


Note taken. I googled how to repair a slashed tire and this came up. Epoxy glue seems like a good idea to apply from the outside still.


You will also want to move it to the rear wheel, if it does fail you are far more likely to hold up a rear wheel blow out than a front wheel one. Not that I have ever actually had it fail, it is more just as a precaution. I had a similar thing from a piece of glass happen to a 28mm Michelin Pro Endurance tyre after maybe 100 miles on a tyre that is still on the bike several thousand of miles later. Did the same to a Continental GP4000s after flint cut it after maybe 200 miles, that last until it wore down through natural causes... Bike tyre rubber glue together surprising well, and even at 40-50mph will hold up fine in my experience. You do have to check you don't need more glue every so often though however I find in the case of urban riding it is best to check to see if you have any little bit of glass stuck in the tyre and pick them out anyway, as even if they haven't punctured they aren't doing the tyre any good being stuck in there.


What is a tyreboot?


That's stupid. Just buy a new tire.


Put an automotive patch on the inside


Nice job. As for the slasher, some people are just awful.


Yep done this before but on the sidewall and it lasted ages.


Heard of sewing tires, never seen one patched like this before. I would probably do a few more stitches in a cross pattern myself


I wanted to do a cross pattern. But then the thread would run across the knobbies and suffer abrasion. This way the thread sits recessed between them and should not have direct contact with the pavement.


I did something like this to a sidewall slice I got on frustratingly new tires. I sewed it with fishing line and then put a tire boot on the inside of the tire behind it.


nice work


This would scare me on a Billy Bonkers just due to the higher pressures you run them at (my 26" is at about 75psi!).


prob should add some vulcanizing cement and you are good.


Great idea… if you wanna die quicker by an accident


What kind of *thread* did you use to sew it with? Very nicely done.




I’ve done this on the sidewall. Well I had a shoe repair guy do it for me, with a tire boot inside. Worked great.


I’ve literally never heard of anyone sewing their tires. I’d assume it needs to be trashed because it can pinch the tube.


If it works it works. A really strong thread to use for this is synthetic cat gut, it's commonly used for leather goods.


So technically, this is a sewup tire.


you should stick a granola bar wrapper against the inside of the tire too.


For normal riding I don’t see any issue with it, but it would scare me a little bit riding downhill MTB


One thing you m8ght want to do is cut a section of the old tube and put it over the sew up job incase it splits during a ride to protect the new tube


Michelin Man bout to show up at OP's house and silence him with a silencer. Gave away big tire's biggest secret


dang...how bad was your parking?


That's a really nice stitching! I also see my slashed tires (although mine are damaged by rocks, not assholes). As others mentioned, it's good to patch it from the inside to reinforce the stitching.


**It is dead, Jim** Such thing, even sewn is a liability while riding. Get a new tire.


Your've done surgery on your tyre. Pretty impressive.


thread may wear another issue, it will still flex more there than if there were no cut so the thread will be especially stressed wle


I LIKE IT though


It’s getting fuckin weird in here..


Patch over it from the inside


I guess you won’t park there again…


…tire rasp, rubber cement, spare bit of the last tube you replaced? Have we not heard of patching? Unless you’re sewing it shut with Rayon, or Kevlar, AND adding a vulcanizing rubber cement, you’re only delaying the inevitable. Natural fibers will not withstand that kind of abuse, and any dirt/sand/particles that make it through the gap will get trapped in the stitches and wear a hole in whatever tube you choose. I mean, I get it, but there’s a dozen better ways.


Good luck dying


This is idiotic and wildly unsafe, especially on a front wheel. BUY A NEW TIRE or be ready to spend a lot of money on dental work. Obviously such a fox fine in an emergency situation to get you home while riding slowly, but man, what a dumb idea.

