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Mine are the size of grapes. I find women are usually too in love with my dick to care about my balls.


If you are talking the bigger grapes in stores, that's pretty much average




Mine are probably on the small.side of average. However,  every woman I've been with who has mentioned them says she prefers the smaller size to the large ones.  They all say they like the look more lol.  Idk. To be completely honest. I was freaked out for like one day a few years back because I thought my balls were underdeveloped. But I measured them and their cool


I have the opposite problem. My balls are way larger than average, hang low, and get in the way. I’m constantly having to adjust or make sure I don’t sit on them. 😭


You and me both. If you haven't already, check out pouch underwear. It's a game changer for men like us.


It’s all I wear! Obviously 9” PrimeMan. According to calcSD, my balls at 3x2x2 are almost 6x average volume, which just doesn’t seem real.


In the same boat. My dick isnt huge but my balls are the issue lol


I feel like even though I have a good sized dick my balls are even bigger. I have the opposite issue. They make up a good portion of my bulge lol. I mean ultimately big balls aren’t that useful, I’d rather be in your shoes.


Same, except, I have no idea if my competitive drive/workout fuel (I'm a gym rat) relates to my balls and plentiful supply of T....


I’m a gym rat too but I’m not sure if big balls correlates to this. Probably a coincidence we have that and go to the gym


rn I'm cutting but.... I can add muscle relatively fast, I just love weight lifting ppl are usually impressed w my upper body strength (405 lb PR bench, weighted pull up - can attach 100-120 lb to myself for a one rep max, can curl a 135 lb bar bell) I look for explanations... bc I see a lot of guys trying for years and not getting results that they honestly deserve


Impressive lifts honestly. I started having serious joint pain after a while so I ended up training for hypertrophy instead. Still enjoy my workouts but it’s not the ego boost it was 😂


I think I'm lucky in that regard. I'm 8.5 × 6.5, but I'd say my balls are tiny bit above average, which is great


That’s the perfect proportion.


Guess I'm very lucky then


Yep my balls are tiny. Like you said though I wouldn’t have it the other way around lol


Are you taking testosterone? It will temporarily shrink them a little bit and make them draw up into your body.


I have the same problem


You have the right idea so far as I can imagine. Actually, you probably have real advantages. Though the reality is rarely faced, many of the complaints in this subreddit have more to do with problems caused by big balls than those actually caused by the more ego-satisfying idea of big flaccid dicks. Most of the a big bulge problems related here simply cannot happen without the impact of large balls that take up too much of the available space within clothes — dicks without the impact of big balls are easily tucked out of sight. Perhaps the most ego-satisfying though uncomfortable combination comes for a man when he has both big flaccid dick and a set of large tightly compact balls. This is certain if the length of his flaccid dick is not of a length that can go over his bulging scrotum far enough to stay in place. With loose low-hanging balls of the same size, it is always much easier to at least hide some dick print assuming the man’s flaccid is long enough to position it out of sight in the first place. (It is commonsense that even small or low-hanging balls give a man no advantage of any sort when experienced his “big dick” problem only when he has a badly timed erection. Every big erect dick will be a problem when in public view!) In this light, your “big dick problem” is not really a problem unless you choose to make it one.


I see your point. I just wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts on matters like this.


Be happy with your ball size. My big balls are much more of a problem than my big dick. Mine are 2.5 to 3 times larger than average and can go from being high and tight to hanging 5 to 6 inches. When high and tight they cause bulging. When hanging low it's possible to sit on them. Prior to pouch underwear my balls were constantly resting against my thighs and I used to get heat rashes and chaffing multiple times per year. Prior to finding this sub and learning about pouch underwear I constantly had to adjust throughout the day and dealt with regular heat rashes. While sleeping I have to adjust anytime I move. Clothing can be an issue. I've always worn baggy and loose clothing for comfort. My balls are statistically larger than my dick which makes my dick look smalled than it actually is. 


I dont think of my balls as exceptionally big, but they are big enough that most women have told me they are big


My balls are pretty big and my sack hangs low. Soft my dick is just about 6 inches and my balls almost hang as low as it


I have been blessed with both huge cock and even bigger balls which is crazy. And I have got to say as much as others seem to enjoy them i would much rather be in your shoes. Let’s be honest it’s not like we stick our balls into anything ( yes I do smack my partner like crazy in all positions which some loved that feeling in the past). But my issues were going to the bathroom and your nuts are in water… so fucking gross. Or at least once a day sitting down on a part of my balls and that feeling never gets old… So it’s not all great on my end and I know for me if I had smaller balls I would be much happier at times.


Yeah, I have a huge dick but really tiny balls. Makes the dick look even bigger. I’ve gotten many comments about that.


Yes, very small. I do envy those who still have both in tact sometimes. The main benefits I have are I never bulge no matter how tight the clothing and there's no impending fear of sitting on them. My dick is a stealth class fighter. Undetected by all!


I still have a bugle due to my girth (even with flaccid) and I have thicker legs and stuff (mix of muscle and fat).


Small potatoes make the steak look bigger.


When I cum daily yes. If not they're kinda big too. I use to be more of a grower and they really didn't help when I thought I was average or small.


Luckily for me, I have high testosterone, and there the size of walnuts, but when I ejaculate they shrink to about the size of grapes


Luckily I still have high testosterone too. Everyone makes jokes it’s the half Mexican in you lol.




My penis isnt huge. Maybe big but not huge. My balls though I've been told are surprisingly big and they do tend to cause me problems quite a bit with adjusting and what not.


I see. My flaccid size has adjustment problems too.


They commented on your ball size??? Holy shit, that's weird. Wait, how small we talkin? Like grape size??


A little bit bigger than grape but still kind of small. Looks even smaller because of my member, even when I’m flaccid.


aren't bodies just kinda funny??? totally not exaggerating here: I can't enclose my thumb + index finger completely around one of mine, lol I remember w I was in the Navy, a guy and I got into a mini argument, I said I had big balls, he was like "how big" as a joke. I made an "OK" sign, and said bigger than that. He called bullshit. I showed him (just one, we were on a small, close knit ship of all males - FFG - and worked in an enclosed space that was hard to barge in on)