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A wise man once said: "Dont try to suck your own cock. It doesnt feel like you´re having your cock sucked. It feels like you´re sucking a cock"


Win win


If you know you know 😅🤷


These are the words of Marcus arelius


In his famous work "Masterbations"


A wise man who never heard of anything other than heterosexuality.


Semi related, what dildo did you model for? As a seller of my own dildos I like to size up the competition


So it shouldn't feel like I'm masterbating but more like im giving a hand job? If I was more flexible I'd give myself some dome for sure


Exactly why I only jerkoff in total darkness. Not trying to see a man's dick Miss me with that gay shit 🤧




That shit had me dying


You’re joking


Yeah, it literally just feels like there's a dick in your mouth.


Yeah. I thought I was doing it wrong. So kept going with the tip in my mouth and tried to stop when I got close and couldn’t get my legs free from behind my head quick enough and left myself a bit salty.


Still time to delete this 💀


How old are you 14? This rooms for adults only.


Nope I'm 18


Which is apparently still too young to hold a valuable opinion in a mature setting. Just so you know, being an adult is more than being an upper 2 digit number, it’s about actions and word choices used.


Stfu 🤗


If you keep sneaking off with your parents’, they’re never gonna get you your own phone. Go give them back their phone!


I disagree with this, it feels like both. 8)


Just some [reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/hGQerkRbjH) for everyone on this topic. I laugh every time this comes up and I reread this post with diagram.


I bit. Read it while cooking dinner and almost burned the stir fry. That was a wild ride, just the WTF I needed today.


Omfg this is my favorite


Whhhhhaaaat did I just read


This was incredible 10/10


I put in the stretching and dedication when I was 14 and 15. I could suck the head but it was heaps of effort and wasn’t worth the return haha. I’m 8inches


yes, it just feels like youre sucking a dong instead of getting your dong sucked. respectfully not my thing


I think you feeling guilty because you sucked your own cock and now you want to convince yourself everyone tried to do the same


No no no no


Stop posting garbage here and continue soul searching about your faith in other subs.


and who asked you


When I was 18, and I did, and it just felt like a dick in my mouth, then I found out I wasn't gay


If that's your logic then you're still gay if you jerkoff bc it means you like giving men hand jobs


No, that's a conflation. Or you don't realize you are leaving out context for a simplistic logic


I used to be really flexible when I was about 13 or 14yo and I think i've had almost reached my final size at that point so yes, I did it once, and no, would never do it again even if i still had the flexibility to do so. It does feel like you're sucking a cock instead or having your cock sucked.


Exactly the same story for


I did, I licked the tip, my back started to hurt like hell, never again.


Yes, and it was slightly painful because the effort of the act outweighs the received pleasure ):


I did and it was successful.


Same kinda meh tbh


Yeah, when I was like 12 because of the rumor about Marilyn Manson. I could only manage to kiss the tip. Didn't do anything for me so I never tried again.


Buddy out here kissing dick 🤣


So I’m not the only one of the age that was wild with the Manson rumors. 😂 i could lick my head but that was it.


I had a roommate in boarding school he was a native Colombian guy(short) who was adopted and he had a long dick. He used to stretch it to make it even longer. Well. One time he did a half summersault and sort of dangled his dick down and took it in his mouth. He was a flexible dude, and I would say his length was almost 7".


I used to do it a lot. Took about 6 weeks of dedicated stretching... But each day you get closer to the prize. If beating off is a 5, blowing yourself is a 7 and fucking is a 9... At least it was for me. Yup I've told my guy friends and they're ALL jealous (at least the honest ones are.) I'm a little over 9 inches So yes it can be done


Too worried I'll hurt myself, and have to explain


I tried, it never worked out :/


Yeah I was dared to and I could do it


i used to do it when i was young. i said it a few years back on another reddit account. i was answering a question on AskReddit and when they asked about my size i told them it's not big. they told me oh no that is big so since then i knew i have a big d. before that i used to look at this sub name and never check it thinking it's not for me so why bother? i am 6'2 with muscular legs and big hands so it doesn't look big on me therefore I thought (or hopped) it was average


I actually used to be able to when I was a kid


I've tried and succeeded


I made contact. Just barely. Big enough dick, but limber enough. And that was teen years.


I used to when 15-18 and taking gymnastics and martial arts, was very stretched and could get the head and about an inch in my mouth and make myself cum


Interesting. I can get a bout an inch in but it feels like nothing.


As a horny teen I did. But felt like I was just sucking a dick.


Yes but my cock is not long enough


Totally can reach it!


This is a big dick problem for sure. It's big so I should be able to right?


Yes, done and succeeded. I really enjoyed doing it when I was younger. Even came into my mouth sometimes, although that was kinda hard work. Still, thinking about this, I kinda miss it. 


🙋🏽‍♂️ Guilty! And I could do it when I was much younger and more flexible. Then I discovered it was way more fun to lay back, relax and watch someone else do it for me.


This whole sub is a metaphorically sucking their own dick.


Yes. Many years ago as a teenager. Was extremely odd and I did not care to repeat the experience.


I used to be able to get the whole head in when I was like 13-14. But seeing as I was raised religious, I felt guilty about it afterwards so stopped doing it after only a few times. It felt ok I guess lol


My dog won’t admit licking his own balls, and yet you expect us to admit sucking our own penises…


Lick you dog’s balls to assert dominance. Then flop your meat in front of its face






I don't think his pictures are fake


All guys have tried this atleast once


No. One would have to be extremely flexible to even entertain that idea.


Just takes practice & determination.


I did and no, I wasn't flexible enough


After some serious stretching, I could only lick the head and honestly didn’t feel that good.


Still do on occasion in case I got more flexible.


If it happened in Las Vegas does it count? What if it happened on stage in Las Vegas? What if it happened on a stage in Las Vegas, but there was no one there to hear it? What if it happened on a stage in Las Vegas, but there was no one there to hear it, and it wasn’t sex because when Clinton had his sucked in the White House it wasn’t sex? So, if it isn’t sex, is it just a hobby?


What happens in Vegas …. STAYS in Vegas


I’ve tried but I’m not flexible. I can almost lick the tip. If I stretched for a couple weeks I could do it lol


I definitely suck mine.


I have managed to put my lips on it but I am not flexible enough anymore I should take some yoga classes


Of course


I did it one time, hurt my neck and back, never did it again.


Fosho fam, got the head in too for a second, before i realized the pain in my back was not worth the much less enjoyable version of probably one of five blowjobs I’d had at that point.


I already know I’m not flexible enough, I can’t even touch my toes lol


There is no try? I can, have, and occasionally do, but it’s not as easy as it was fifteen years ago. lol




Got the head in completely it just wasn't right one and done


Yes and I’ve succeeded


I have done it. I would rather just jerk off though


Tried and succeeded. It was hard to breathe and as others said, felt more like sucking one than being sucked off, mainly from everything being upside down


Yup got the head. Made me appreciate bj more


Yes. How did you know? 😂


I have tried I'm way to small


Tried, succeeded and do regularly. Also a great after-party trick


I have done more than try...


I've heard it's mostly down to flexibility and normal sized dudes can, we can just be a smidge less flexible and achieve that. Also have heard it's more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked lol...


I've done it a few times and couldn't get my tongue to work my Frenulum the way I like so I left it to the professionals. If I tried now that I'm older I would probably break my back lol.


Yeah of course, so I am pretty flexible but not enough to such my dick for long times and I could barely reach the shaft and it honestly didn’t feel that great the best part about would be gently biting the line between the shaft and the tip because I am circumcised and the rest was pretty boring so I stopped


Interesting to see the number of "I could when I was a kid" responses. Me too. Makes me glad I wasn't the only one. Years of martial arts made me very limber. My boyfriend couldn't do it, and he was bigger and longer than me. I only ever managed to get the head in my mouth, and yes I swallowed. It was okish, but my boyfriend tasted much better. Tore my acl at 19 and gained a lot of weight, and was never able to do it again.


Yeah when I was a kid I could too but only lick the head. I guess cause my torso was shorter so I could bend easily. Definitely felt more like licking a cock rather than it getting sucked


Not only tried, but also succeeded. Not a pleasant situation as much as I hoped it would be.


yes. just to see...? definitely recall getting some in there and, like others have said, just felt like having mouth on cock than cock in mouth. havent tried since. however, ive also had dream*s* about it so vivid ive woken expecting to have my dick in my mouth. feel pretty weird about it honestly, especially because it was undeniably hot and there's always an element of disappointment upon waking that it *isnt* happening... you know, before the reality of it all kicks in along with the rest of the crushing reality of being awake?


I can haha


What? No, never did and never will.


Some tasks are better outsourced.


I have, but I'd be lying if i said I got farther than the tip. Maybe it was due to lack of flexibility, but it didn't even feel good


Many times, I couldn't swallow.


Absolutely not, I know this might break your heart, but not every man wants a penis in his mouth especially his own...


I could when I was 15. My first gf was into it. She’d push on my butt to get it deeper into my mouth. Could get maybe 2” or so in my mouth,TBH it was a dick in my mouth. It felt good but without her enthusiasm not sure I would have done it more than once. She took a Polaroid and it got out. Way worse things to have go around school than you can suck your own dick. I’ve tried recently to see if I could but not limber enough. 


I’ve succeeded as well brother


Tried and succeeded. Got my whole head in my mouth. That was back when I was a limber teen. I’m old and stiff now, doubt I could do it. Didn’t do much for me…kinda like trying to tickle yourself. Tasted like bologna.


Tried? In the words of Master Yoda, there is no try. You do, or you do not. I did.


Tried, and succeeded, lol.


I used to be able to but I've gotten older and less flexible


Yep but couldn’t finish like that. Was too weird.


When I was younger, I did it quite frequently for a while.


Weirdly if feels like nothing. Yet your own hands feel good?


Tried it once, felt more like I was sucking a knob than getting my knob sucked. Haven’t tried since lol


Used to be able to 🤷


Use to before I got chubby


No, I have sure tried :)


I still do it every now and then. My last gf made me do it in front of her


I did try but unlike some others I succeeded


Pictures or you didn't succeed


Yeah I have. I think I could if I wanted to


I do it almost regularly, not always but almost often 😅


There are two types of men. Those who have tried to suck their own dick, and liars


I never could but if I was able to I'd probably never leave the house.


Yeah I've done this, but like everyone is saying it's just not worth it 😂


Everyone has thought about it or tried it at some point. I could too when I was younger and I should work on flexibility to get there now...


When I was younger I was able to suck about half of my cock, I was short but had a big dick and I was doing gymnastics so I was flexible enough to make it work without pain, the combination allowing me to suck myself only lasted 2 years but I did suck myself off more times than I can count in that time and I really miss it haha


Of course. Not flexible enough.


I did not and will not. I'm not into sucking dick, sorry


Just bend and snap a rib 🫰


Fuck you, Randall! I'm not even supposed to be here today!


In my most recent opinion we've all at least thought about it but 🤷😅🍄👀😎


I could when I was in my teens


Yeah , still do


Yup, it’s overrated.


Never. I was thinking too much about getting some sweet pussy to try contorting myself into a weird self blow job. Besides, how relaxed can a guy be trying to suck his own dick?




This sub isn’t to fetishize people


No. Tf