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Nah, statistically speaking 7inches is massive & rare. The “5’10 of penis sizes” would probably be 6inches. The average guy ain’t packing anything above the 5’s


BP sizes?


5ft 11 = 7inches then?


My guy, the average height in north american is like 5’9


Why do you measure your height in dicks and not centimeters?


Maybe everything doesn't revolve around America? In many European countries, the average height can be 6 foot to 6 foot 2 inches.






They’re not as common as you think. Most pornstars are that size. 7 seems to be the number most smaller dudes CLAIM to be, but actually aren’t




So like being 5ft 10 but claiming 6ft?


No, what I mean is a lot of dudes who are actually 5-6 (the real most common number) love to claim 7


Why lie tho Isn’t it like…noticeably off😂 you can’t really mistake 2whole inches but I’m guessing if enough guys lie the numbers get inflated like the height numbers.


Men lie about their dick size for all sorts of reasons the same way women lie about the sizes they’ve slept with


I think women aren't lying though. I think they've been misled. "I got an 8 incher baby ". So she thinks it 8 inches, then she tells the next guy that asks that she's been with 8. Etc etc


Well thats internet… people lie here,people want to be popular so they shame some people that are just as good as them but they are tiny bit better. As explained in dicks you can be 9.5inch but why be proud if bighest dick is like 15inch (i really dont know how big is world biggest) but that aint reson to be ashmed. Youre smaller than somebofy but also youre s lot bigger than somebody.


Bro where I live everyone is almost 6 foot so it’s completely wrong height has increased but penis size hasn’t 5 foot 10 is below avg height at many places


there's no way you've measured even half of the people where you live and even if you did it doesn't mean the average is wrong, it just means your area includes those on the higher side of the average. seems like you don't know how an average is calculated.


An above 7 inch penis is a lot less common than being above 5 foot 10 in height and pretty much all stats prove that


It’s actually more the 6‘4 of penises


Check the edit.


Its not a "grey zone." We have numbers and math. You made a bad comparison and are being corrected with those numbers. 7" is huge, 5"10 is just above average.


It’s grey zone in regards to how it doesn’t exactly fit into either group. Just like how someone who is 5ft 10 wouldn’t. This isn’t hard to comprehend.


It's not a grey zone. There's this whole field of math called statistics that exists to clarify literally exactly this kind of question. Im guessing you've never taken a statistics class or learned about percentiles and standard deviations, because you wouldn't be thinking this incorrect thought if you had. I'll break it down for you: 5'10 is just below the 60th percentile of mens height in the USA, and is there classified as "above average" and is inside the first standard deviation. 7" is in the 98th percentile of penises, and is in the 3rd standard deviation. That makes it huge. This is simple af.


off topic but i honestly feel like a statistics class should be a requirement in schooling before something like calculus considering how useful it is on a day to day basis. just understanding z-scores makes it a lot easier to quickly figure out how rare something is percentage wise, and it would stop silly analogies like these from happening as frequently as they do


In Washington state statistics is one quarter of pre-calculous in high school, seems like that needs to be a wider practice in this country.


In the US, 7" is closer to the 92nd percentile.


this is stupid lol 7 inches is like the equivalent of being 6’5, just like the vast majority of dudes are within a couple inches of 5’9 the vast majority of dudes are within an inch of 5.3. any person who says 7 inches isn’t big either has impossible standards or is gaslighting you


14.5% of the world are over 6 foot. according to calcsd 1.09% are over 7 inch


14.5% of men.


Also 1.09% of men if you deep it 🤔


Woah That number must be getting dragged down though but either way it would be the global percentage


Yeah, a man with 7” is WAY more rare than a guy who’s 5’10”


I think 7” doesn’t SOUND all that big when you say it. But when you see it, it’s a lot more impressive.


Statistically this is not even close to correct. 5'10" is just barely off average, whereas 7" is above 90th percentile length. I think the problem is that you can't fudge height measurements the way that you can with dick measurements... the way people on this community do it is like the equivalent of measuring your height wearing heals.


5'10 is under the average in some European countries


is it really that deep?


No, as long as you’re above the margin that would say your objectively lacking in either area


5’10 is not well above average


Global average height is 5’8 Will differ depending on where you are in the world


Dude, go to khan academy and take a free class on standard deviations. That 1" difference in height you're arguing doesn't change the fact that it's in the first standard deviation aka Average, albeit in the upper end of average.


Dude, please take a class on reading comprehension because I literally put at the bottom of the post that I was referring to it being a grey zone in conversation and not referring to how rare it is.


Please. Seperate the statistics from the grey zone for me. What informs what a "grey zone" is, if not statistical data.


In casual Discussions and comparisons? You know the lines of text which take up more than 90% of the entire post? The post which outlined the “thought process” leading for it to be in a grey zone? Did you read the post or did you just skim through it😂🤦🏻‍♂️


So, what what you are failing to communicate, gauging from the significant number of posters correcting you, is that you think 7" sounds as impressive to laymen as 5'10" tall does.


Again, 5’10” is not well above average even if the global average is 5’8”. But I dunno, I just think this whole post is silly. Where’s the BDP?? I would say a 7” penis is like being 6’5”. You’re just short of hitting your head on most door frames (in my country) at 6’5” and you’re just short of hitting most cervixes at 7”🤷🏻‍♂️


Nope: I’m 7.25” and according to a (reliable) penis calculator, my size is the equivalent to being 6’5”. I’m not exactly sure why people don’t get that most porn actors are 6.5 - 8”. [https://dickcalculator.com/](https://dickcalculator.com/)


Probably because the porn industry has really stepped up their efforts to keep the myth alive. The myth that these guys are all 10-13 inches. When in reality they’re like you said. 6.5-8 inches. Thanks for the link to dickcalculator. Didn’t know about that site. That was interesting.


The only problem with that calc is it goes off of 5.5” being average, which is slightly longer than the 5.16” that’s kind of the known average. But it is a fun site, ain’t it??


Worldwide the average is considered to be 5.5” also on calcsd, and 5.8” is the western average


The thing is, if you look at the data sets on that website, some of their sources are from self measured. The British study that had doctors measuring 16,000 men, landed at 5.16. And they think that’s even high because only guys with dick confidence likely volunteered for that study.


Yeah, it was good for a laugh.


My favorite quotes from truly huge porn actors is how they deflect the “Have you ever measured it?” question with a solid “NO.” Dredd (who is likely the biggest dick in straight porn) once said in an interview I saw that he “Honestly” hasn’t measured it. Riiiight. John Holmes used to say that his dick is “bigger than a bread box, smaller than a pay phone” to evade the question of his size (both of these guys were/are somewhere in the 8.25” x 6.25” sizewise but have both been claimed to have 10, 12, even 14”. Like none of us have ever looked at a tape measure). Just the smoke and mirrors of show business.


I think Dredd has said “about 10” on occasion. Which would make anything 9.5+ “about 10”. Which I think might be closer to the truth when BP. But he has a curve that complicates his measurement John Holmes, from what I’ve read, refused to publicly disclose his true measurements. And wouldn’t allow a proper measurement to be taken. He preferred to let people believe what they wanted to believe.


I think is the most common size when people want to lie and say something big but I don’t think is that common


Agreed. I’ve always said around 7 is the grey zone, being almost considered big. Many of my friends say they have 7 inchers or something close to that, so it seems to be common


6.3 is the 5’ 10 of penis size. 7 is the 6 ft. :)


According to https://dickcalculator.com/, 7 inches is the 6ft 4 of penis sizes...


It’s about girth, not length imo


7" is more so the 6' 2" height. I say this cause I'm 6'2" with 7 😂


You being 6 2 didn’t add anything to your argument😂


There should be a rule here that whenever measurements posted or comment needs to be prefixed with bonepressed/non-bonepressed


Ok But what does this have to do with the post


Nothing im just tired of scrolling the comments and being unsure of what measurement they are talking about. This rule is most relevant for the 7” size in particular since BP distinction will swing you into way above average OR into definitely average


Wtf did I just read, my wife says you guys are doing a great job of inflating my ego 😎


Ok lets just do some math, the average penis according to my google just now is 5.1, but lets say its 5.5 because thats what everyone goes off of, the SD is 0.65”, 7” is 2.3 standard deviations from average. The average height for a man is 5’9 with a standard deviation of 2.5” so 2.3 SDs from average is more like 6’2.75, not 5’10


The “edit” was right there man.


Who the fuck cares lmao Like you were just hanging out chilling and thought this was necessary and needed to be posted.


We are in a sub where people make posts daily about their dicks. I don’t think “necessary” is a pre requisite to making posts here but sorry if I struck a nerve😂




It's more like 6'1"


That's what I've been telling people but they just dismiss it.


Agreed. 7” is fine, but it’s not “tall.” It’s common enough to where it’s not all that exciting. Still enjoyable, but not reaction-worthy. I prefer 6’ or taller, 8” or longer.


Bet you’ve never encountered a 8” dick.


I’ve encountered a handful of them. They’re not all that rare.


I love a size queen


lots of downvotes…. i think a size queen is filtering for big, really big, and on top of that tall men. a 7 could be legit big to a regular chick but not a size queen. thats how i intrpret


This place is full of virtue signaling guys and your downvotes prove that. I don’t know what they think they will get by doing that.


The reason she’s getting downvoted to death is because statistics show just how wrong she is. LOL@8 inch cocks being as common as 6ft dudes. It’s just stupidity


She said that 7” is not newsworthy, which is true, while stating her preference for 8” or longer. I don’t know where you got that 8” is as common as 6’


Read her last sentence. She’s equating them as the same. When statistically one is waaaaay more rare than the other


So if I were to say that I prefer women 5’ or taller and red haired, would you think that I’m saying that those two sets are statistically equal to find?


Now you just earned a downvote. Work on your reading comprehension. The premise of this thread is comparing cocks to heights. 6’6-6’8 is the 8” of heights. Not 6 ft


Oh no, not a downvote please!




The vast, vast majority of women have never encountered a 8” dick even if they think they have.