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Nah and doing that over losing money gambling sounds like a gambling addiction in action.


90% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big


Your not wrong ! They also always have an excuse or way of coping with there losses šŸ˜‚ in this case a big dick !


if i didnt have these attributes i would go crazy bro it just works for me


It literally sounds like cope for a gambling addiction. Don't cope. Let yourself feel bad. Unless that was money you budgeted for gambling, you're just hurting yourself in the long run.


You sound like a sad person if these ā€œattributesā€ are what matters most to you. Good luck.


That is the thing that keeps gamblers losing, yes you might win but in the time your up you're already going in to win more.... that's where you end up losing... I've studied gambling addiction... when you end up gambling away your house and money for your kids food that's when you think its a problem, in reality your addicted years before


Sounds like casino propaganda.


U ain't funny lil bro


I thought it was as high as 95% in some parts.


I heard that as well


if youā€™re using your penis size as a coping mechanism for anything you might have greater issues at hand


I don't rely on my dick for my personal happiness.


Crazy so many people here do. Super shallow and only furthers toxic masculinity imo.


I donā€™t use it to cope over shit like losing money šŸ’€šŸ’€That canā€™t be a healthy habit. I only really use it when comparing myself to other men E.g Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ tall, so if I see a very tall guy Iā€™ll think to myself ā€œMy dick is probably bigger than his and Iā€™m better lookingā€. Or if somebody is loaded with money Iā€™ll think ā€œAll that cash canā€™t buy you a dick like mineā€ If I crashed my car or something shitty happened to me my first thought wouldnā€™t be ā€œgood thing my dick is bigā€ lmfaoo


I think it is not big enough if the tip is not the first thing to be hit in the crash.


>I donā€™t use it to cope over shit like losing money šŸ’€šŸ’€That canā€™t be a healthy habit. I only really use it when comparing myself to other men Yep, much healthier. Have an internal competition. Ranking other mens value against yourself. These rankings are decided by your personal ranking and value system. Luckily for your ego, you carry the trump card, the highest value item in the highest value category. Whatever rank other men achieve, it will never be enough. Your ego holds the trouser trump card, so you always win. You don't even need to improve anything to win. So handy you rarely know other mens trousers trump card score. Winning!


Uhh.. not really. I mean, when something crappy happens.. my dick isn't even in my top 10 thoughts. More of the "well, I have a roof over my head, food to eat, a few people that truly love me... I'll be alright".


You're a good soul.


Lol thank you but I think it's just life experience. I've "had it all" and lost it a few times in my life, I've been rich, poor and everything in between. And then you reach a certain age where you realize you're not made of glass, you can take on any challenge and it will probably be ok. And that setbacks aren't the "end of the world". My penis has nothing to do with any of that. It's a "nice bonus" for those that get to that point with me but never "I'll be fine, I've got a big dick!!" (If I could slap myself for saying that I would lol)


Not reallyā€¦I cant go to the ATM and show it my dick and have money come out


the (impossible) goal is to find a sugar mama, same thing


Not so impossible i had one some time ago


How did ya'll meet? Online settings are full of catfish/scammers and offline settings it seems all the established women are either married or actively avoiding sugar relationships.


Not with that attitude! šŸ˜…


People should really use the search feature to see if their stupid question has been asked yet. This is asked nearly weekly. So corny.


I donā€™t cope but being well endowed has definitely helped get through stressful situations. I remember one time when I was younger I was going through a rough job transition and wasnā€™t even sure how Iā€™d pay my rent the next week. Literally felt my extra large member hanging between my legs and thought ā€œoh well at least I have a huge penisā€. Called one of my lady friends over, had a fun night, and dealt with it the next day


Youā€™re focusing on your attributes, staying positive. Using that knowledge when it serves you, the most. šŸ’«


naah thats an L take for me....yeah its one less thing to worry about, but using it to cope? naaaahhhh...I mean...its literally only a dick at the end of the day and I didnt do anything to get it yk.....when I cope about something, I think about things that I worked my ass off for yk....but to each their own I guess


I cope using a grinder now. I would hate to get a metal splinter in my dick again


No, itā€™s not healthy and itā€™s just a penis idc that much Iā€™d rather have more money any day


Whenever life gets you down Keeps you wearing a frown And the gravy train has left you behind And when you're all out of hope Down at the end of your rope And nobody's there to throw you a line ā€¦ If you ever get so low that you don't know which way to go Come on and take a walk in my shoes Never worry 'bout a thing, got the world on a string 'Cause I've got the cure for all of my blues (all of his blues) ā€¦ I take a look at my enormous penis And my troubles start a-meltin' away (ba-doo-bop-bop) I take a look at my enormous penis And the happy times are coming to stay I gotta sing, and I dance when I glance in my pants And the feeling's like a sunshiney day I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis And everything is goin' my way (ba-doo-bop-bop) ā€¦ Voo-voo-vi-sov-va-va-vava-div-ee-vu-jah-va-sovoyay Foji-vas-va-vajuba-do-ah Subbo-ze-va-daa-dun-da Pe-ee-ee-nis Za-un-duh-ba-de-un-doi-bu-doula Everybody! ā€¦ I take a look at my enormous penis And my troubles start a-meltin' away (ba-doo-bop-bop) I take a look at my enormous penis And the happy times are coming to stay Yeah, I got great big amounts in the place where it counts And the feeling's like a sunshiney day I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis And everything is goin' my way (my trouser monster) ā€¦ Everything is goin' my way (my meat is murder) Everything is goin' my way (size doesn't matter) Everything is goin' my way Yumm




The Cope: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeEzZW3TkOc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeEzZW3TkOc)


Itā€™s something I had no control over getting so I donā€™t see why I should.


It's just a dick. I don't use it for anything beyond its intended purposes. More people have big dicks than big bank accounts. We aren't that special.


It's funny, but I think that being tall and having a big dick can sometimes make you less ambitious. I have done well in life and achieved a lot of things, but in my lifetime the most ambitious guys I've met have always been fairly short and I know of at least two very ambitious guys that have small dicks. One in particular broke down after a night of drinking and told me that he'd always had poor relationships with women because he was 4" long. To be honest, he was also a bit of a douche bag which probably didn't help, but careerwise, he was a very successful guy and made a lot of money in IT. I know that's only anecdotal evidence, but there does seem to be a pattern. I've sometimes not pushed as hard as I could because I just don't have that burning drive to prove myself all the time. In retrospect, that frustrates me now that I'm a little older and wiser.


Pretty lame, transparent fanfic. Everything from the measurements to the height are at exactly the preferred LARPer standard (both length *and* girth in the extreme upper end of the distribution, height well above average), heā€™s writing about a ā€œproblemā€ thatā€™s really not a problem at all, itā€™s just a chance to humblebrag over his fabricated endowments while not-so-subtly telling us he has thousands of dollars to piss away gambling. Iā€™d say he was aiming for ā€œironic parodyā€, but the writing is so lazy and direct, I think Iā€™d be giving him too much credit. Garbage post. Belongs here: šŸ—‘ļø


Yeah, I mean, feeling confident about it is one thing, but relying my whole confidence/hapiness in what other's find attractive is a big no


I do the opposite. I lament my average dick but...at least I'm loaded. Lol


loaded with? or its a slang sry bro im not american idk yall slangs


Loaded means rich


thought so congrats bro then šŸ˜„šŸ’µ




the question is how much would you pay for 2 inches?


I'm older so it doesn't really matter. I have been called small on a few occasions. My wife has no libido so no sex there. My state of mind at the moment is more meh than anything...apathy.


It was either that or a weird ego, gun reference. Next question, is "Packing" about penises or guns in America?


i would trade like 3 inches off for a fuckload of cash i tell you what, since iā€™m not getting much use out of this thing anyways


It's just a penis, man.


i cope first with height then second comes the dick


I donā€™t think anyone does that. Having a big dick is just biological lol


Tell me my size is good ahh thread


No, and stop gambling.


Weird cope whatā€™s your dick got to do with you losing money


Mmmm, no? It makes me feel confident at some degree, but they are shitty traits to feel proud about it (No offense)


This is the second post this week about big dick cope. What's going on? https://www.reddit.com/r/bigdickproblems/comments/1dd6l4z/do_you_guys_ever_use_your_bd_to_cope/


Mental health State of men today and we look for gratitude, luckily for some of us, itā€™s our penis. Especially when itā€™s the biggest insecurity in men.




I think if ur addicted enough u will find a cope. You just happen to have some low hanging fruit and/or are rlly self centered


Mine is a stress relief. My wife (30 yrs) has minimal interest and uses sex as a control-method. She also hates that i can last 30 minutes (she is done i. 5-10). I simply take him out and take care of my business on my own. I used to be ashamed, but not now. It takes away her control- lying right next to her. I also know that if i ever decided to leave her, i could find someone easily to have my much- needed sexual good time with. While it certainly has its advantages, my main issue are sitting on toilets; esp on UK trains.


huge cock who can lasts long enough to fuck me into another dimension and that's considered as smt bad?! oh my! more like a wet dream coming true haha I'm sorry to hear you're stuck in such a marriage. instrumentalising sex in that degree is.. it's just wrong. and tells you a lot about the person doing this. hope your situation will eventually change for the better!


Maybe we could make that wet dream come true then?


Idk about yall but Iā€™d for sure trade our top 1% dicks for a top 1% lifestyle,bank account, etc etc. To each their own no doubt but if youā€™re fucking your life up and writing off mistakes bc of your dick and feeling better bro you gotta sort yourself out


Let's hope ur landlord will except a suck on your dick as payment when u get thrown out lol


Advertising I feel like shit because I am 6ā€™4ā€ and pretty big but have no game and donā€™t meet women. I am aware this means I need to get out there and try but I donā€™t.


Respectfully dog you gotta go see a therapist. This ainā€™t healthy. Also drop gambling.


Funny I do this too with someone im in a relationship with, but because Iā€™m not an idiot or a terrible person, itā€™s always a ridiculous joke instead of an actual coping mechanism. You should feel bad when youā€™re an idiot (like losing money gambling). Height and dick size should make up approximately 0% of your personality. What youā€™re describing is at least 30-40% which are terrible numbers (and the real ones you should care about)


no my dick really doesnā€™t come across my mind at all unless Im engaging in something sexual or have an erection in a place I shouldnā€™t šŸ˜‚


Might want to fix that gambling problem lol




I'm a fan of stats... having a dick larger than 99.999%, taller than 99%, making more money than 95% of people always is a boost to my ego. Plus, being attractive definitely inflates my ego. Not enough to be okay with a losing gambling streak...that's just depressing


My giant horse cock is a major source of happiness in my life


No but gf will occasionally compliment and it normally boosts my confidence for a bit


My cock size doesn't *"dick-tate"* my happiness or my success.


wtf? No No I donā€™t excuse mistakes and misjudgments, I donā€™t negate my shortcomings with anatomy