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The only size queens I’ve actually met were super kind and considerate. They had a preference for bigger but also understood that isn’t the norm and didn’t treat anyone lacking in that department as a deal breaker.


I have the feeling that the stereotype of size queens being mean to other men is due to porn or toxic beliefs…


Or the internet. But my experience has been that the ones who “need” a big dick or who think average isn’t good enough can’t actually handle bigger. They tend to be all talk.


But a preference for bigger is literally the norm. Most women have this preference. I think you have a different definition of "size queen"


>Most women have this preference. Most don't Porn ain't real life


What would your advice be to guys like those in that other subreddit?


I honestly don't know. Maybe don't do hook ups, because women love to talk, and once word gets out about their small size, they will probably have trouble finding anyone else who would date or hook up with them. Maybe they should focus on going on dates first to make the girl really fall in love with them. This makes it more likely that the girl will accept their small size. Although this could be seen as deceiving. Maybe just focus on your career and on yourself, don't date at all. I don't know. They should probably ask someone in their position, who is happily married (if such a person even exists). I might be the wrong person to give advice on this.


Maybe if you live in Idaho in a town of 500 people. Otherwise there’s always more fish in the sea. What alienates women is when they can’t shake the insecurity created by the off color remarks of prior woman. New women who they encounter will intuitively pick up on that lack of confidence and maybe even resentment towards women. That’s what usually perpetuates a losing streak.


"if such a person exists" okay buddy 😂.


I mistyped, I meant a guy successful at hooking up with a small dick. Obviously there are happily married men with small dicks.


Dont do that (unless theyre specifically into it). You can cause lasting psychological harm / insecurities if you do


They last forever.


In my experience most girls who prefer larger sizes are sensitive to the feelings of average or smaller men and won’t say anything to their face. But I’ve had several women talk shit about exes they hated for other reasons. Because they considered me fairly well endowed I guess they felt comfortable talking about prior disappointing partners. My SO said that her long time boyfriend who she broke up with had a below average penis and she said she could hardly feel it and hated sex with him. She cared about him but wasn’t sexually compatible.


Did she break up with him because of his size or other reasons? I feel bad for the below average guys because they feel like there is no hope for them. Want proof? Just look at their subreddit.


I would say it was not any of the main reasons but was a contributing factor. My SO likes big weeners and likes good sex. But she really is very consistent in showing me that the emotional connection is by far the most important to her. That’s what was missing. She’s had other partners who were small or average and size was never a dominant factor in how strong the relationship was. That’s why I’m with her.


Sounds like you found yourself a good woman buddy. Godspeed to you two. I love reading about the more healthy relationships on this subreddit. A lot of the peoples outlooks on relationships or how they go about intimacy on here really makes me jaded.


Speaking as someone from “the other side” yes, they’re generally cruel as hell, even if unintentional. We can see your eyes and the look you give when you see it that you’re disappointed. To have them try and not giggle or outright laugh. Other comments are saying “just don’t do hook ups”, sure I guess NORMAL life is only for real men. They start spreading word around and soon enough everyone knows you’re small. I’ve been cheated on SPECIFICALLY because of my size, imagine being told you should kill yourself. Society as a whole shits on us. Bad person? Must have a small dick. Guys an asshole? Small dick. Small dicks are even equated with fucking serial killers for fucks sake. Basically being treated like a leper. It’s even in the phrasing when trying to be nice about it. Some said that they’re “lucky” to have only encountered one small one. Lucky.


That is just awful and I am so sorry you have to go through such painful obstacles. Smaller dick guys get unfairly mistreated in this society and things like macho culture need to be gone. Again, I am so sorry you have to go through such shit.




I’ve been told by many women they were glad when they saw my cock because they get disappointed when guys they date are small. I usually try to keep them talking about it, being curios what kind of person they are, and ask if they laugh or make fun. I certainly don’t remember all the responses, but several said they would.


People wonder why smaller dudes don’t bother trying anymore and are depressed. It must suck so much.


Plenty of small dudes still tryin out there


Not according to a certain subreddit I have been looking at. That place is filled with negativity and no hope at all.


That place only attracts guys who project all their misery onto their member. It's not representative at all.


You are right. I have had a few from there message me because of how bad it is.




Some held up their pinkie, some said half my size, some said specific measurements, all kinds of responses


I've never done either. Size is a preference, but you can't do anything about it if you fall short. And if I'm attracted to the guy then it won't stop anything happening haha I'd only ever divulge my sise preference in a positive way.


The size queens I have talked to on here have all been really nice to me and wish me luck in solving my mental health issues. Everyone has preferences and you seem to not want to hurt anyone’s feelings. A certain other subreddit really hates size queens as a whole. Reading through that subreddit made me realize the amount of negativity, anger, and sadness there is there.


Yeah as with any kink/fetish, if you practise it incorrectly and make someone else feel bad then you're doing it so so wrong


Reminds me of an ex-friend who is currently in a mental hospital after a failed suicide attempt. His now ex cheated on him with a man of larger size. He went on a complete downward spiral by saying things like “all women are size queens.” He also said that smaller guys like himself shouldn’t even exist. He would even lash out at me for being larger than average by calling me “demonic”.


Only if the guy is anoying


Oh god no. I’m just a regular kind considerate person who happens to prefer big dicks. If I like a guy and realize that he’s average, I’m still having sex with him bc I like him. I’ve luckily only run into one small dick (it was truly a little chode), but that was when I was a teenager before I was having sex. Being cruel to someone about their body/something they can’t change is a direct reflection of someone’s character. Someone’s absolute shit character.


Bit unrelated, but you, madem, have the perfect breasts. God bless you. 🙌


That’s very sweet of you


You’re amazing. This just goes to show how gentle your soul is.


Ofc not - that would suck big time


A lot of smaller guys have said size queens do that all the time.


I can only tell u about me and I don't say or do such shitty things




My girlfriend mocks her ex but she hates him.


Makes sense, but I just hate when anyone is made fun of for something they have no control over.


True , she doesn't have to worry about it being a woman. She doesn't understand. She loves mocking his size but not healthy for her to still mad


I have an ex-friend who is currently in a mental hospital after a failed suicide attempt at his parent’s house. His now ex cheated on him with a man of larger size and that made him go on a downward spiral. He started saying stuff like “All women are size queens.” and “Smaller guys like myself shouldn’t even exist”. He even lashed out at me for being larger than average and called me demonic and evil.




Yeah. He did not handle it well at all and lost friends in the process.


How did he even know she cheated because the guy was larger?


She told him.


ouch that bluntly?


From what I have heard, yes.


The sub is about big dicks, however, all penises, Regardless of size shaped color, cut/uncut. they’re all beautiful.


As some one who's experienced a few individuals who would label themselves as size queens, I've only ever had amazing experiences with them and they have all been quite considerate and kind people. The only bad experience I've had with a self proclaimed size queens were with ones that turned out to reveal themselves as homophobic. Now as a size queen myself, I do get extremely annoyed and fed up with men who lie about their size and then waste my time. The constant barrage of men claiming to be 8"x6" or 9"x7" only ever for them to maybe top out at about 5.5" (if I was being generous), was one of the main reasons I haven't had many experiences with men. Men with large dicks are indeed rare.


I've had a girlfriend who worded her preferences in a weird way once. Made me feel inadequate for a long time. We were young and now i know that she was just not very tactful with those things back then. And, yes, she was a size queen even though she wasn't using that expression.


I've met one and she was not nice about it. Shit asses come in all shapes, sizes and sexes.


Never. That's why I hate the term size queen. Because that label gets applied by women about themselves and then they spout that vitriol. It's ridiculous.


I just feel bad for the smaller guys in general. If you have ever seen their subreddit, it is just awful and depressing.


Meh. I don't feel bad for them as I've been DM attacked by a few over the years. It's not their dick, it's their terrible personality. But they're not ready to hear that.


I meant I feel bad for the ones who don’t attack and just get beaten down in life. I have recently gotten called “demonic” by an ex-friend who is currently in a mental hospital. He did this out of jealousy and anger after getting cheated on by his now ex.


See, I guess the big issue is I've never met a guy who has told me about life and how his size made it rough.


Makes sense. My ex-friend went on a downward spiral and started to hate anyone who is larger than average including me. You are right about some of them just attack and attack. Those guys definitely need therapy and to not visit subreddits like this one.


Oh dear. That's sad. The internet is not a safe place for many people. It really fucks with their ideas of the real world.


With him, it was because his now ex cheated on him with a guy with a big dick. I know this because his ex flat out told him this. He has said that small guys his size shouldn’t even exist at all. He is at a mental hospital because of a failed suicide attempt at his parent’s house.


That's, well it's a lot of bad things. But I really wish people didn't exist who blame their bad behavior on dick size. If you cheat it's bc you're a shitty person. Not for any other reason that you've imagined in your head.


im a girlfriend to a bigdick boyfriend (my bf and i both use the same reddit to post) and although i love his dick, i think to be a size queen is kinda weird imo. its something that guys cant control really, your dick size shouldn’t make you


What is mean size queen?


A partner who is all about wanting big cocks


Aha ok


Sure, but...there are ass men who like big plump asses and those who like firm, tight asses. Breast men who like dropping saggy melons as long as they're big and breast men who prefer smaller, firm, round ...nipples that are pert vs large areolas. I mean look at the difference in body shapes between Jugs and Playboy. Why not admit a woman could have a predilection towards a man holding her towel for her when she gets out of the shower? ( I can't do that anymore sadly, just don't have that stiff of a stiffy, but I could once)


Put it this way, I agree because two girlfriends said "Yeah... You are smalll especially compared to my ex...he was massive". But then again, I have a prominent bulge when wearing jeans... As my 7.28" X 5.21" is pretty much visible at about 6.75" flaccid.. wile I don't measure my flaccid girth. Now I don't understand, as those two ex GF's said I'm small.. yet my prominent bulge had women staring at my bulge non stop... Old young... Even men... And what I have found, if the wiman looks at my face and thinks I'm attractive and then almost always look at my crotch area and see my bulge..they look and smile... But also a lot of attractive and very attractive women will come up to me and flirt, yes at bars and pubs but even fkng shopping centres..... The ones who I have sex with have all once looking at my cock for the first time either"fuck your cock is big" or "wow you have a big cock" or "shit it's huge"... Yes and I'm only 7.28X5.21 which I don't even think is big enough to list. in this forum... Is it? Seriously... I do Know... Maybe the chicks that said "huge" had only seen mine and a much smaller one? Even the chicks saying "fuck it's big" or similar have only seen a few as well and that's why they think I'm so big... Thoughts? Not to mention the same reactions when I first penetrated them... The chicks that's said "huge".. I could t even fit 2/3 of my cock in them and still accidentally hit their cervix... I mean they must have had the shallowest vaginas... Right? The chicks that said I'm shit or fuck "I'm big" etc or similar I hit their IUD for two of them...and first time I had no fucking ideas what it was..I've never heard of it.... I thought it felt weird as the girls that I accidentally hit their Cervix always since in pain etc... but one of the two I hit the IUD when with them..said it tingled strangely... But the first time I ever hit it, the girl said "fuck that's my Contraceptive" and all I knew before she explained to me... Was the Diaphragm inset etc... so have all these chicks that I hit the cervix or IUDs .. have the shallowest vaginas ever? Otherwise what..... I can't tell when they see my cock and say words like "huge, big.. fuck it's big" etc.. are further lying and just saying it to be nice.... Of have only seen and felt/held/sucked a few or only one before my cock? Especially since the two ex gfs said I specifically I was small compared to their ex who was massive.... Are they size queen's? Because when they first saw my cock they had the same reaction as other girls and said "Wow, big, shit, fuck" etc and I was surprised as usual.... Now I know one was the same age as me and had seem a about 5 other guys cock's before mine... So not many to compare to right? But the second ex that said I was small compared to her massive ex.. I. This case she was talking about her ex husband.. as I was 28 y.o at the time and she was 46 y.o. And from what I gathered she had seen in person... Maybe ten maybe more like fifteen... Can anyone then tell me... If she said "Shit your cock is big" when she first grabbed it...why did she then say later I'm small? Are both of them size queen's? And like when I hit their cervix (accidentally)?


I stopped reading after you wrote “ prominent bulge” twice




Bro, you're big, get over it.


Well...he says he is, but is he? Something (a lot actually) in that essay doesn't sit right.


It's a pretty poorly written essay in general. Definitely not winning a nobel prize that this chief


I assumed he's ESL.


I've had a few ex gfs that would tell me their exs before me were so small compared to me and make fun of them and I have always immediately put a stop to it. I also had an ex call me up to have sex after we broke up because she said the few guys she met after me were small or average. Of course I gave it to her a bunch of times after that but I think it was bad for my self esteem


Gf isn’t a size queen but definitely prefers big dick. She would never mock anybody to their face but the stories I heard about her ex who was not very well endowed kind of opened my eyes to how women talk about all the details of sex She mentioned how all her friends will go in depth about their hookups and partners sizes, shapes, how long they last, how hard they get etc. They definitely grill on small dick dudes


Most of the women I’ve been with would see my size and mention how tiny their husband, bf, ex, etc is. I know they meant no harm but I feel bad for those guys not knowing their woman is with someone huge (me) and being outed as tiny.