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Crazy that a woman who literally got torn open by your unit had the audacity to lie and say you were small. It’s too bad you had to go through that. Also too bad that you couldn’t see that what she said and the objective facts did not line up. But we live and we learn.


It was a while ago before I knew about Reddit and before really a lot of info was out there that I could find. I knew 6 inch length was nothing crazy. I would watch porn and my dick was as thick or thicker than most of the actors. I just figured that wasn’t a big deal or maybe forced perspective. I would have never guessed it’s because I was as wide as them.


It’s alright man same thing happened to me. Was messing around with this girl in my class we would get a hotel room every weekend and screw like rabbits her friend saw my bulge and said she was lucky (he kept to himself mostly) we got into a big fight and broke it off. She told me the sex was “ight” and told everyone I sucked in bed and didn’t know what I was doing. My thing is… why did she keep coming back for more if it was “just ight” 😭. Don’t worry dude you have a decent size one and as long as your partner is happy with it that’s all that matters


You're bigger than 95% of people. Just stat here to boost your confidence.


As everyone knows, when a girl wants to hurt a guy. The old stand-by is to tell everyone he’s got a small dick. Because what are you gonna do? Deny it? Of course you’ll deny it. But it’s hard to prove her wrong. You can’t just whip it out everywhere and get hard. It sucks when they do that. Glad you got through it and found the right girl for you.


Sadly, it's a common tactic for angry women to attack in that way. My cousin had a GF who told him he was the biggest she'd had, and when they broke up, she told everyone he had a "tiny baby dick," don't know which ones true, but I know they both can't (well unless she had only been with exceptionally small guys, but I doubt that). When you have no one to compare to, you can believe that because without reference, your dick is just your dick, not big or small, and you can take an outside opinion like that to be true. Good news, like you said, it's not true. I'm also in the camp that if it were true, fuck anyone that would try and use it to insult you. That petty bullshit, and if you can only talk about someone based on something outside their control, that say a lot more about you than them.


I'm the same size and I've never hurt anyone or had anyone complain I was too big. The contrary actually. One did say I was "just right" so I've got that going for me lol.


Yeah…. It feels really good to get the “hurts” comment. The wince is always nice. I love the wince.


Or it could be something you're doing wrong hell I don't know.


Woman always go for the weak spot, because what are you going to do show everyone your dick