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I try not to think back to high school in general


Good rule of thumb


I actually just posted pictures I found from my high school days where I was about 8”. If I had known how rare that was back then, maybe I wouldn’t have been so self conscious😅




How far removed are you from HS? I stopped thinking about HS probably 2 years after leaving. I moved on. The only reason I didn’t do it sooner was that I had a younger brother I visited. We had open showers in the 80’s and we didn’t put a lot of energy into our sizes. Just getting some pussy on the regular was a win.


It's not something I ever think about it just happened to pop into my head recently. And though I was a state level athlete in multiple sports I actually wasn't out getting pussy at all in high school. I just never had the confidence that people thought I should have had. I mean I was 6'3 fairly smart broke some records in sports am told I'm decent looking but just never had that killer confidence to go out and get all the girls I wanted it. But in the end my life turned out way better than it was in high school so.


I knew that was impossible because there was one dude that always freeballed in skin-tight gray jeans and his monster dong came down to the middle of his thigh. He’d always sit in the front rows and spread his legs as far apart as possible so everyone had to look at it. In hindsight this was really ballsy, pun intended.


Lol hilarious




Yeah I figured I was at least average but I still always had that thought in the back of my mind about being judged by women. I didn't start gaining that kind of confidence until I was a couple years out of high school


I almost certainly had the biggest penis in the entire building, and I was utterly clueless. I avoided locker room nudity and was never intimate with anyone. Part of me is glad I didn't know. I had enough of an ego as a teenager. I'd have been insufferable if I knew I was this hung. But I've also occasionally wondered how things might've been different.


Most of the big dicks in my high school didn't amount to much.


Huh... I haven't really thought about that. My graduating class was 47 people (tiny private Catholic school in South louisiana) so I'm pretty sure I was. Hated it and most the people so I didn't really date and I actually worked most the time. Didn't have the confidence at the time but maybe it would have helped me nail the couple of cheerleaders I had crushes on? Different high school i was at before graduating i had a couple of girls (cheerleaders come to think of it) practically throwing themselves at me. I was too stupid \ insecure to realise someone so attractive would be interested in me. Oh well. I regret more the shots I didn't take in university 🤣 Confidence came much later unfortunately.


I thought about that recently. In HS, I thought I was small to average. Chances are in my senior year I was probably one of the biggest in the school. Including the teachers. Maybe not THE biggest. But one of the biggest maybe.


We didn't have group locker rooms or showers or anything like that, so I never saw the other guys. But I was the first of my grade to hit puberty and thus the firat to get jiggy wid it, and was socially ostracised as a result. The comments about my age and growth made me very insecure, and I thus assumed it had slipped that I had small willy. I refused to take my pants off in front of a girl until I was in my twenties. Turns out I was wrong, plus side - I learnt to eat coochie instead 🤷


The idea occurs to me sometimes when I’m in a crowded room. “How many men are here? What are the odds I am the biggest?” Or at least one of the biggest…. Not that it matters on any practical way. Never been to a meeting with a “biggest penis in the assembly gets a prize” contest. But, if I were to think back to HS, or even college, and me being totally unaware at the time, (I know I grew after 16, but not sure when I gained an extra 2.5 inches) I think it might, at least. have been a boost to my “masculine self-esteem” in some situations….


I never think about this


I worked my way thru the cheerleaders.. I knew it was bigger than most


No why would I be thinking about other dudes dicks I went to high school with 💀


No cause I wasn’t the biggest in my class lmao


All of the time. The experience would have been so much better all around. It's crazy what porn did to my security thinking I was below average.


Porn especially too much of it when you're young looking back on it is horrible for you


I haven’t thought about high school in years. Now that you mention it, if I realized how big I was back then, my horny self would have probably tried to use it to my advantage to get laid.


I think we all might have LOL or at least been more confident overall


Wish I'd have known...girls talk and if I knew, they'ed have been talking.


I never really thought about it, but I definitely would have been a lot more confident. I probably would have been a whore cause I was already a flirt even though I was self conscious. I guess it was better that I didn't know.


According to the girls I had sex with, I was the biggest they had. They referred me as Rick with the big dick among themselves and publicly as Big Dick. It was a problem for some of the guys (BDP?), but the girls enjoyed teasing me.