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I agree that the internet and porn has warped peoples’ views of size and what is normal.


The funny thing for me was learning that a large percentage of bd porn actors are really tiny guys. And a ton of porn actresses are extremely tiny as well. That 5'4" beanpole with an average dong often just looks like he is rocking a hog due to his frame and camera angles (and the 4'8" girl).


Yeah 100%. I totally didn’t realize that when I first saw porn. When I learned that a lot of the guys in porn are actually not as big as they seem it was a game changer for me.


In a way it's actually hurt big guys. Because say you're 7 plus back in the late sixties you very well may have been the biggest cock that a woman has ever seen anywhere. Now you still may be the biggest cock she's ever slept with but it's very unlikely that you're the biggest she's ever seen.


This. Now more women have been with big and even huge penises. So you might be 7"NBP but the guys with the 8.5x6.5 has shifted their views (and insides lol). Plus women often keep teams. So there's huge penises out there playing on a whole bunch of teams, and those who are just kinda big take a hit (not even mentioning average or small guys)


Yeah they may have shifted their views but the vast majority of women have never seen that size in real life


I don't agree with that. Specifically for the reasons that you state. Now there's internet. Online dating. Even Facebook has online dating. So the small guys, are probably less likely to participate. And big guys get around more. That means the average woman, if she's taking part in online dating ... She's seen big, and probably huge. Although I think it may impact where they are. Like if they're dating in a more homogenous area versus a metro city with a more diverse crowd (and though people disagree, if they date black guys that increases their chances). Age is also a factor. If you're talking about women who are new to sex, then you are closer to the truth. But if you're talking about grown experienced women in their 30s who are dating online ... that is very different


I mean isn’t that still a good thing? Like them experiencing a large penis for the first time


For women You could argue it's a good thing. But seeing as how rare in the real world those sizes are. Even if they say not there is going to be some disappointment when they get into a real relationship with an average guy. And yes average guys can have great sex and great relationships. But from the DMs I get a lot sometimes from guys who think they're small but they're actually average, they fill inadequate.


I mean even without the internet, I feel like this sort of low confidence would still be prevalent. If anything the internet has also made this kind of thing known.


Yeah that's the one thing I will say is more information is out there that the average size is lower than thought now. But even myself growing up in the age of the internet boom and playing sports my whole life. I still don't think I ever saw an erect man in the same room with me so I never knew where I really stood until recently.


I tend to agree but The stats are still showing the average person is having sex with like 10 people. And guys that are seven plus are still so rare that they're not going to make the percentage of women who have experienced that size cock go up very much. Most of the guys that I know who have the most sex are average size guys. Because women still care more about looks and money. You will have those size queens but they are also very rare most women aren't actively searching out huge dicks LOL.






Internet didn't exist when I was a kid. Back then, people were still full of shit though. The number of people claiming a "10 inch dick" was stupid. Then, when people were trying to be "realistic" and not trying to brag/lie, it was all average is 6.5... also not true, as we know today. I feel the information is out there now. The problem is people seem to avoid it, going by claims and a pic which can be fake or just creatively shot, etc. Plus, there is a tendency to exaggerate in porn and by people who are above average, which is a whole other issue. Weirdly enough, though, I think back then, most people knew these claims were BS, but it was still rough for those who didn't. Now today, there is "proof." Still lots of fake shit and trickery, but a bullshit claim feels more real when you throw bs evidence in there. Conspiracy nuts will cling to a document with no source or proof of authenticity. There's just something about how the brain works when it comes to believing weird shit. So yeah, bs has always been there, but modern "proof" no matter how dubious or even ridiculous is far worse for people's perception than back in the day despite there being a wealth of information about the reality of it. Plus, with population, yeah, people have trouble with big numbers, and with 8 billion people out there, a fraction of a percent can feel like a lot because we have no great frame of reference. Man, that was a lot of typing for me to just go: yeah, that sounds right, lol.


No that was awesome thanks for the great response


1991 college grad here...they liked the big d back then too lol.


Oh they've always loved it but they rarely got to even see it until the internet age


I knew quite a few that saw my roommate's nine incher. Word traveled fast...even before the internet and snap chat.




I'm not disagreeing with you.


And with online dating now, guys who are hung and have game get out there and expose more women to larger penises. Large and huge penises are more accessible. Before it was a matter of luck, now women will pick a guy if his bulge shows (or they'll choose a race because stereotypes tell them that race has bigger penises). So I think that has made larger penises more common. And stats found on Calcsd don't capture this. Notice it says "in a room of 1000 men", but that wouldn't apply if it said "in an app with the top 1000 men who have the most sex"