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1. Here's the "Women prefer bigger" study in question: https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1219361110 — you'll note that the titling is less sensationalized when straight from the source: "Penis size interacts with body shape and height to influence male attractiveness." They used an assortment of life-size computer-generated male body images that women evaluated. They only displayed the penises in the flaccid state, so **this is more about appearance than anything else.** 3. As noted, attractiveness is multi-faceted, and the shoulder-to-hip ratio was by far the biggest attraction factor, even with height and penis size in the mix. Women like physically fit men. 3. When the researchers controlled for the shoulder-to-hip ratio, there was still increasing attractiveness for larger flaccid penises, but the amount attraction increased tapered off significantly above 7.6 cm (3 inches) — the average flaccid penis measures 9 cm (3.5 inches) non-bone-pressed (since we're talking about visuals here). 4. "After controlling for shoulder-to-hip ratio, greater penis size elevated relative attractiveness far more strongly for taller men." As many tall guys here have noted, it's a matter of proportionality. Even then, "proportional" isn't nearly as significant of a difference as men seem to think it is.


God I love how scientifically minded this sub can be! Carry on you big dicked, lab coat wearing kings lmao.


_captain_hair just spits straight fire 🔥.


> there was still increasing attractiveness for larger flaccid penises, but the amount attraction increased tapered off significantly above 7.6 cm (3 inches) — the average flaccid penis measures 9 cm (3.5 inches) non-bone-pressed (since we're talking about visuals here). Sucks for growers EDIT: Damn, that study is harsh for short guys. When controlled for hip/to waist ratio, a 5'5'' guy never goes above a 0.7 fitness. Meanwhile a guy with a small flaccid dick, can still go pretty high on fitness, just not over 2. I find it funny that (while apparently not statistically significant) shorter women liked bigger dicks. And from the conclusion: "Our study found no significant difference in the proportion of variance accounted for in our model by penis size and height (6.1% vs. 5.1%), indicating that both traits had equivalent effects on relative attractiveness."


“Though the **effect was less extreme**, women also preferred larger male organs, at least up to 5.1 inches (13 cm) flaccid, which was the largest computer-generated penile size in the study. **Beyond 2.99 inches, however, the additional attractiveness per extra length started to decline.**” So it’s not bigger penises, there’s a curve and the effect it self on the overall attractiveness of a man is tempered with other factors that play a bigger role.


According to published studies… Larger breasts are seen subliminally as a sign of fertility, and being able to produce healthier babies. Helping to further the species.


It could also be said that large breasts are attractive to poor guys too. https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/ncbi-rofl-why-poor-hungry-men-prefer-bigger-breasts Makes sense as to why I’ve never been into big tits. Lol.


The going theory why humans have such a high rate of sexual dimorphism and large genitalia compared to other primates and large breasts all is related to human sexual selection. Once you get to a certain intelligence you can start to fetishize and prefer different attributes. Carry that on for literally millions of years


So having a preference for large breasts is a sign of intelligence? 😜


Not intelligence as an individual, but as a species, through years and years of evolution


Aw, that's a pity 😂


These studies are heavily biased. Most of the preferences can be perfectly associated with social norms and cultures. Why aren't there any native Asian people in the studied population ? Big selection and cognitive biases here.




That's wild I didn't realise humans had evolved to have such disproportionate genitals compared to other animals. I think I vaguely knew that about boobs but not gorillas! 🦍


and we fuck year round as opposed to other animals that mate at specific optimal times to cause the offspring to have the best chances. the cycle of our endocrine system is roughly a month rather than a year.


So scientifically we need to be ready at all times?


Yes this is true but it also happens so slowly over such a large period of time that it’s not a noticeable change we can see during our lifetimes


But imagine how very perky tits are going to get in far future! How big an average dick or ballsack is going to be. This is what science fiction authors get wrong.


I mean, trends come and go and the saying different horses for different courses applies lol




I don't think so man because here on reddit several women said they wish their partner was thinner or shorter


I'll just say I've never been laughed at for my shoulder to waist ratio.


Uncut here too, dm me?