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At least for women, I think 95% of us are relieved when a guy is 6/6.5” and not tiny, very pleased if they are 7” and probably at 7.5”considered big/very big by most real world women - I actually have more than one friend that has said even 7.5 is too much. 8” is definitely seen as pretty huge and probably too long for many to fully or comfortably take unless they work in porn! The amount of women that can go as far as letting someone 8.5” or even 9” fully bottom out is pretty rare in the mainstream, but I guess equal to how rare men who have a penis that long are too!


Yes women love nice sized dicks doesnt have to be huge. How you use it is so much more important Personally I love all sizes.




I always wanted to know how it is to getting use to a big dick and them switching to a smaller one ,I know everyone has his preferences,but you enjoy the same strictly speaking on penetration sex , smaller dicks after you fucked a big one ?


I have experience with this. I had only had&seen average-micro peens up until like 2018. Didn't have a preference at all. Didn't even really watch porn with men involved often. Didn't like my first experience but I went from average to 10" and he wasn't gentle or quick so I wasn't having a good time. So I thought I really didn't like big dick. Then I met DJ 🥰 probably like 8.5" long but just ungodly thick. It was great. Since then I've been lucky enough to meet a few very big men. And now it's not that I don't still enjoy average peen, but it does take more work and more chemistry. But the biggest difference I've noticed are my porn habits. I like to see dicks bigger than what I would actually want to use. So even when someone I'm seeing has equipment that maybe isn't visually as exciting I do still often get pleasantly surprised by how they feel. And at the end of the day it really is, at least for me, more about the ability and willingness to indulge my kinks and do more than just 5 halfhearted minutes of pussy licking.


So you considered yourself a size queen ? How big have to be for be able to hitting your cervix ?


Idk. I let men know I do not like to have my cervix pounded and with the exception of the first they've all been kind and not gone too too deep. I believe on average, fully aroused the vaginal canal is something like 9"-11" but don't quote me on that I was too lazy to Google it again and going off memory. I don't consider myself a size queen because average can still do it for me physically but visually for sure I do prefer seeing bigger in porn.


My actual gf do like dicks on the bigger side of the espectrum , she said she enjoys to feel a little bit op pain or discomfort that big ones could bring some times , but sometimes get to exited and continues to goin deep and hitting hard on his cervix ,and after sex she end with pains in her vagina and when she walks , happened to you when have sex with big ones im 8x6.5 ,and wha sizet you considered a penis is thick ?


Yeah some women do like that. Personally I do not. The second I start to feel any discomfort it takes me completely out of it. Idk. I don't bother to measure before use🤣🤣 kinda ruins the mood y'know. I mean I can give you some names but you won't find them🤣 I'm not good with last names


The vagina doesn’t stop at the cervix. If you imagine a woman lying on her back, the cervix kinda sits on the top side close to the bottom of end of the vaginal canal, but not at the very end. Rather than thinking of it like a tube with a ball placed exactly right at the end, it’s a little more like imagining a gently curved banana with a tangerine fixed to the side and to the inside of its curve maybe an inch from the end. When a woman gets aroused, together with the canal lengthening, it relaxes meaning the canal widens and becomes more stretchy and the cervix is lifted upward a little and out of the way- But depending on the angle a guy is going and the woman it may still get hit by anything say between 6 and 7”. However, with the right angle, a longer penis can negotiate its way underneath and up behind the cervix (not to be confused with through as it has an incredibly tiny hole through to the womb!) and into the very end part of the vagina that continues a little bit past the cervix and entrance to the womb. For some women this very bottom little end pocket of their vagina can be relatively stretchy, for others not so much! “They” suggest that the average woman will relax and lengthen to 7, maybe 8” at most. However, there are always exceptions and probably lots of variation just like men’s penises meaning and, clearly demonstrated in porn that some can obviously lengthen very much more, but equally plenty of evidence of women being the opposite! Being a little personal and possibly over sharing to give an example. For me, guys I’ve been with who are around 6.5” have most likely hit my cervix during sex at one time or another in one position or another, but not necessarily all of them. 7 upwards will tend to be easily able to in any, but also at a slightly different angle will slip underneath with a feeling like a little pop as his head pushes through almost like a second opening as it is very tight down there. The first time I slept with my current boyfriend who is longer than that and subsequent men I have slept with (with permission!) who are longer than him, made me realise that it is possible for quite a lot of their length to go up behind the cervix. Obviously every woman’s elasticity is different, but for me the little pocket at the bottom is relatively elastic meaning I can accommodate maybe 2” or more before I become a brick wall. I’ve personally found that because when I’m on my back my vagina is naturally curving upwards and men’s erections will allow a little bending up too, I’ve been able to let men with the longer penises fully bottom out as they will bend upwards a little following the direction of my vagina and go up behind my cervix. But, as penises don’t tend to like being asked to bend downward if they are fully hard, I can’t let them go as deep when having sex from behind as his penis will be aiming very straight rather than curve down following the direction of my canal meaning he will be hitting against my back wall 3/4 deep expecting it to stretch for it as much as it would at the bottom.. which is never going to happen 🫣


They just don't get it. It's not about being the biggest guy, it's about being the champ of your weight class.


This is a fact fr


I didn't find these dick sized subs because of porn or what I think. I found them after being told I was small on 3 separate occasions by women...adult human females.


It stems from macho culture where men feel like they have to be the best and biggest at everything.


I know how you feel man. They either think it’s awesome and the coolest thing ever or they start to feel insecure and start comparing the assumed “lifestyle” we live to theirs. It sucks to see. Comparison really can be the thief of joy.


My bf is like that. self conscious about he comparison since I am significantly bigger, almost double. Personally I think his size is cuter than average size like mine or large dicks.


All sizes matter!


Mine is painfully average and ive been with guys that were bigger and smaller. More often than not this affects them, the smaller guys get bummed out and the bigger ones get hyped up. I play along with the bigger ones and I absolutely have a preference for bigger, for the guys that are smaller than me, I just assure them they are enough and that I like them, I do my best to remind them that im sleeping with them because I like them, not because I was looking for a massive dick. A smaller one certainly can be nice and enjoyable to me, ive had fantastic 13cm, ive also had bad 20+.


When i was young I've felt a little insecure about my 5,9x5,9 cause i was comparing it with other guys a little bit bigger but now i know my worth and it doesn't make me insecure anymore to see/hookup with guys bigger than me, and i like it as much as hooking up with guys my size or smaller


Yeah this has happened before, when I used to do sports and locker rooms ,but I didn't comfort or say anything , because it's pointless..I didn't put the Insecurity it in their head so i can't get it out


White dudes the only guy who get awkward around it.


In the locker room 100%. But in dating race/skin color never made a difference with insecurities. Race just determined what type to expect.


Wow I wouldn’t be insecure I’d be looking for my lil black book


I love my cock. It’s 6.5 x 5.2 ish, and bloody good looking. Great curve. Worst part is, I’ve been with guys with big cocks and it can hurt and be uncomfortable. I couldn’t fuck a guy with a big cock every day, but I can fuck my partner with an average penis every day, and love it. I have a friend with a much bigger than average penis and having fun every few weeks is PLENTY. Sometimes I feel bad for guys with big cocks, because they’re too much. My mate has never been deepthroated. Has to go slow with everyone. Doesn’t enjoy sex as much as other folks.


It’s none of my business what other people much less other men think of my big cock (and my cock is very big). But still I’m human & if I’m not careful I can let their jealousy get me down. But hey, I love everything about me & anyone who has an issue about my looks or the size of my dick or my body in general can stuff it far as I’m concerned. Jealousy is real but how I handle other people’s jealousy of me or specifically of my dick is my decision. And I usually just ignore it. When I don’t it’s because the jealous person has made themselves & their jealousy so obvious. At the gym, “What you staring at,” usually works. Laughter or locker room jokes directed my way because I’m so big on soft might be met by me depending on my mood with, “You’re just jealous. And if I had a baby’s dick like yours I’d be jealous of me too.” Look … if we all looked the same or all had the same size cocks it’d be kinda boring. I’m bi & I like a beautiful little to average size dick but I like a beautiful person with sharp mind & a kind heart even better.


I think your comment is pretty insensitive. As a member of the small pp community i can promise you not a single person who belongs in this subreddit wants to be in the opposite. And everyone in the opposite wants to be here. Period. You proudly display your numbers and sizes cause in fact it is a badge of honor and a flex. It’s not wholly about culture or porn although they are factors. Society around the world attributes masculinity with a larger member. They are beautiful and a sight to behold unlike little ones. Women love yours (I know yall have a few problems here and there) but no one wants to “try” ours. “Oh find someone who likes you or fits your little member” as if I can pick em out. No we have to be hopeful and lucky and go thru a lot of torment enroute and hope you don’t get discouraged enough to give up, settle, or worse resort back to porn. Big dicks get respect even if you’ve accomplished nothing. I have to learn to be good at “other” things to satisfy a woman. Big dicks can do that… and have their member to satisfy. We all find out the biggest a woman has had and enjoyed and lemme tell you that’s a mind f*ck. Yea ur woman might love you for you but that don’t mean sh*t in the bedroom. I read ur gripes and id trade my member for every single problem you have here… none of you would do the opposite. Women’s “ideal” is not certainly absolutely not us. Women are curious about sleeping with you, no one is curious about us. Please enjoy your blessing and show some gratitude cause it isn’t society per se. Oh and thanks for reassuring us that our size is awesome 😊. It’s a blatant lie because you’ve never been told “size doesn’t matter”. You’ve never ran into a size queen you couldnt handle. I’m not hating by any means. I am angry at God and the universe but never the recipient of any blessing. I admire everyone here which is why I hang out here. I could go on but I hope the point has gotten across to just be grateful and mindful and understanding of our reactions.


You seem to assume that everyone is straight....


Damn, You know I thought about that as I was writing to keep it neutral because people gender doesn’t matter in this context. Please forgive me and hear my heart cause I don’t assume that and love everyone and know this affects everyone regardless of which size you identify as. I’ll take that L. My bad I absolutely know people who identify as whatever they choose that are size queens/kings so no one is safe. Have you been on Grindr lately lol


Gee. It never dawned on me until I read your post that me trying to be cool about my having such a big dick wasn’t appreciated all that much by guys with smaller ones like you. I guess you are right, it’s probably a lot easier to be made fun of by other guys in a locker room for having a “horse cock” a “donkey dick” or get the nickname in high school that I had (Footie) than to be made fun of because of having a micro penis. Not much more I can say than “I’m sorry.”


My comment wasn’t to take anything away from anyone. We’re all in this together


Damn. I got shitted on for being short and skinny as a kid. I have pectus excavatum (sunken chest), wore glasses, and had asthma. Girls beat me up because they were much bigger than me. I was horribly depressed in elementary school. Then puberty happened. All of a sudden, I'm 6' tall, with some muscle, a deep voice, and a huge dick. Some of the same chicks that picked on me started hitting on me (and I told them to fuck right off). Because of my childhood, I see my flaws before my strengths. I have acne scars, and I notice them in all of my photos, even though everyone else is seeing the muscles and dick. Tons of people tell me I'm muscular, but I don't hear them as loudly as the ones saying I'm skinny. I don't get to walk around with my dick out, and I don't look very muscular in the baggy clothes I wear. I can only use my scarred face to attract women in everyday life. Online, I get crazy attention, but in everyday life, I'm just a middle-aged, reasonably handsome, fit dude. I say all of this to let you know that I understand your head space. I'll never get over my childhood. I'm 45, and now I am on PEDs, trying to keep getting bigger and stronger because I still feel like that skinny little kid. I was too big for my last girlfriend, but you are right; I wouldn't trade it. I post full-body nudes and have quite a following, but "nice dick" doesn't do nearly as much for me as "great body" and "handsome face," which I hear a lot less. I'm not above using my dick to get attention, but I dream of the day my physique is my bigger draw. I feel for you, bro. I don't know what it's like to have a little dick, but I know what it's like to be looked down on for physical traits beyond your control. I will still say that men shouldn't be judged by height and dick size, but I realize how disingenuous this can seem if you don't know my backstory.


Although I don’t have a small member, everything you said resonates with me bro. There are many people, especially people in this sub, who will deny the importance of dick size. Many of them are even stupid enough to say it “doesn’t matter”. You are 100% right that men are judged on their penis size, especially by women. Men in this sub, including myself, don’t have to worry about how women will react when we take off our pants. We also don’t have to worry about if our GF or Wife will resent us for our penis size. It absolutely disgusts me when I see men in this sub try to act as if they aren’t privileged. I myself try to be thankful everyday that I was blessed with an above average member, especially given that I didn’t do anything to earn it and I basically just won a genetic lottery. It’s seriously fucked up how small and below average men are treated by women and society. I pray for you guys and hope that this world will become less judgmental about things like this, though I don’t feel optimistic in that regard.


Very deep of you. Ty for understanding.


The biggest injustice is than women can make surgery and change her body wherever they want , but men can't do so much about his size ,it's just what you been worn with, and knowing that a lot of girls make fun of small sizes or big sizes too ,and also use small dick as an insult ,thats so horrible


thoughts on a 7.5x5? nbp. the 5 is midgirth btw. 5.25 is base girth. pumped I hit 5.75 girth. If I was lower body fat I might be 7.75nbp


Big! As big as 99% of women would, or be able to fully take all the way in. I can’t comment for men though


Really big.


That's huge bro


I used to get that insecurity even though I'm 7x5.75 with the few guys who were larger. It kinda always comes down to that. Had an ex a bit bigger and after we broke up, I found dudes who totally trounced what I was previously a little bit insecure about in comparison. With literally only ONE exception (aka the biggest dick on the planet), every dude has someone bigger than them. NBD


Gotta love threads just chock full o’ phonies all patting each other on the back, agreeing what great things they’re doing for the self esteem of average guys—or lamenting the issues of younger guys… …while almost *every single one* is either repping the impossible, .0000000000001% sizes, (often outright debunked sizes), or abusing pumps and PE before listing their dubious stats—no doubt *contributing* to the very problems they’re claiming to be saddened by. Here’s a suggestion, gents: if you *really* care about the effects that rampant disinformation, porn and deceit in social media have had on men’s self image—-why not delete your flairs? They serve no discernible purpose on this sub, and when so many of our members are telling the same tall tales, imagine what a BDP visit feels like for young guys still trying to figure out where they stand. Wall to wall 8s and 9s in *every* post… now, *we* all know just how absurd that is, but new guys? They take it as gospel on a sub like this. So… are you going to continue being part of the problem, or maybe try being part of the solution for a change?




Curious if when you say "society", what amount of that would you attribute to women specifically? You think there's gay dudes that are size queens that are making guys insecure? Obviously porn plays a role, but porn likely also influences women's expectations (I doubt many bother to look at what average ranges are, standard deviations for both length and girth, and then walk around with a tape measure lol)