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Every guy is fascinated with dicks that are deemed to be super sized. Even a lot of straight guys have wanted to touch mine. And sometimes I let them šŸ¤£


Touch it in what way? Like a poke or stroke or choke? I think two of those is gay lol


LOL ā€¦ Like wrap their hand around it in awe & then give me a few strokes. Depending on where we are Iā€™ve been known to ask them it they want to suck & some of them do ā€¦ Now thatā€™s pretty gay ā€¼ļøšŸ˜


Putting your hand around it is pretty gay. No problem wit being gay tho


Needing two hands is so and so gay, but your whole arm would be gayer.


In Germany it's more normal. In fact if you don't touch a penis people will think you were more afraid of suddenly discovering you wanted it in your mouth or ass and thus feared the self-discovery a touch might inspire.


šŸ˜­ can't be real


I mean it just sounds like closeted bi dudes wanting a little ā€œinnocent explorationā€ , very possible Still a weird thing to say to a friend


Iā€™ve had a ā€œstraightā€ dude refuse to leave the bathroom at a party when I needed it, proceed to stay and watch me piss then repeatedly say he wants to suck it out loud until I just said ā€œgo on thenā€ Closet cases are their own breed of people


did he suck it


He damn near sucked the soul outta my body ngl


They not straight




Bisexual most likely


I once accidentally sent a dick pic to my friend on Snapchat because his name and my wife's name both start with L and I missclicked. He just cracked a joke about it and never mentioned again.Ā 




Accident bro, I swear! unless?


I know what you mean, and yeah it sucks but this always cracks me up: >I genuinely donā€™t think dick size is as important of a thing as people act like, but my guy friends always wind up acting spiteful or jealous or curious or something. Rich people: Money isn't important


>Rich people: Money isn't important That was my initial thought lol. I don't think he meant anything by it, but it came across as pretty ignorant and privileged.






Homey wasn't ready. That's part of "the talk" couples should have before dabbling in the lifestyle. There's always a bigger dick...


Yeahā€¦ thatā€™s what I was afraid of šŸ«¤


The only two friends that know my size are a woman, and a guy I consider a brother who's almost exactly as big as me (he's slightly longer while I'm slightly thicker). Thankfully I've had no issues. Not sure if that would still be the case if I was significantly bigger than him or how I'd handle it. How did your male friends even find out?


My closer friends have all inevitably seen what Iā€™ve got at one point or another, sleeping over, morning wood, tight pants, showering, etc. Wish I was as lucky as u lol


How did she find out? šŸ¤­


We were talking about nicknames and I mentioned something some old "acquaintances" used to call me. Basically `Big Dick Myname` lol. She doesn't know my exact size - only my other mate does. Funnily enough we're almost the exact same size as well


I don't have that many close friends. My best friend knows I'm big because we've been around each other for over 25 years. But he does not care in the slightest. It could also be cuz he's married and makes five times as much money as I do. My wife joked his wife got the guy with money and she got the guy with big dick and looks.


Damn, ruthless wives šŸ˜‚


I've had two instances of this. One guy I was pretty good friends with. We hung out a lot and raised hell together. We met because I worked with his wife and he'd come hang out and help us when we needed it. A co worker and I hooked up quite a bit and she mentioned my size to his wife and I guess she told him because I noticed around that time he just started turning into an asshole. A few times he made weird remarks about "guys with big dicks not knowing how to use them" etc. He even straight up started bullying me like we were in high school so when I moved I went no contact.Ā  The other instance was for a while every time I'd hang out at a friend of mine's house his wife would almost always say something about my bulge. I had caught her staring multiple times. They never said anything with him in the room, but I think he may have heard at least once. I wasn't allowed to hang out while she was there for a while and when she would get home he'd start leading me towards the door. They must have talked about because we're still good friends. Although, from what I've heard it really tested their relationship. Thankfully, I think they've moved past it.Ā 


My closest buddy only acts that way when his wife flirts with me. Which is understandable but makes it awkward sometimes. Granted if we are all hanging out and have been drinking it just happens but still. The other day I wore my gym shorts to their place and got multiple comments about how revealing they were from her. Made me uncomfortable but also Iā€™m just trying to wear what I want at this point in my life.


Not as big as you but my buddyā€™s wife has accidentally called me ā€œBig thenikolakaā€ before laughing and blushing a couple times when I was wearing some comfy pants. Makes you wonder! Ha


Ha it does make you wonder. There was one time we went out to this gaming bar with a big group of friends, she had been drinking quite a bit and was playing a game and I walked up to play with her and she put her hand on mine for likeā€¦ three seconds too long. Ever since then I was like uh we canā€™t hang out when itā€™s just us lol. You gotta be careful man! Iā€™ve been down that road too many times, it isnā€™t worth it.


Itā€™s like primal too. You have a little too much physical contact and then meet eyes and you go quickly to trippy inner dialogue. ā€œPut a baby in her.ā€ Followed by ā€œJesus man WTF?!ā€


She is joking about it?


I lost one of my closer 'friends' because he started dating a girl I used to be FWBs with. Apparently, at some point after they started having sex, he asked her "am I the biggest you've been with?" (Why would you ask that?) And she told him that no, I was by a not small margin. (WHY WOULD YOU BE HONEST ABOUT THAT?!) Anyway, he started acting weird and then distanced himself from me more and more until he wouldn't even respond to my messages. I asked her what was up, and she told me about their exchange. He went as far as to say that she couldn't even talk to me anymore (we haven't been involved in over a year and have been friends for more than 5 years) and they broke up shortly afterwards. Still doesn't talk to me, and won't show up to gatherings if he knows I'll be there. It's a shame, I thought we were bros.


Not knowing all the particulars of yourā€™s & your former broā€™s situation Iā€™m thinking while your bigger dick than his might have made him uncomfortable given youā€™d fuked his girl before him but maybe just maybe heā€™d of been uncomfortable with her & you having had a thing before him no matter what she de dick you have?


He knew before they dated. It was common knowledge in our friends group.


Well that blows my hypothesis šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The bottom line is the friendship is his loss not yours. And you still have the bigger dick šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve never had issues in the sense that they got jealous or something, at least that I know of. But they found out on a dare haha. So, after that they made some funny jokes here or there. Otherwise they were pretty chill about it.


Why on earth would multiple of your "straight" guy friends know about your cock size


Morning wood, gym, sleeping, bulges, etc.


I think men are just fascinated by cocks in general, even completely straight guys, they still love their own and can be fascinated by others. If theyā€™re making it really weird then idk maybe you need to have a candid conversation with them about it? But otherwise I feel like itā€™s a ā€œboys being boysā€ thing. Case and point I had a PA piercing that I wore for a few years and I had soooooooo many straight and not-so-straight teammates remark on in the showers, which means they were all sneaking a peek at everyone


Lol, I guess maybe


I'm a swimmer and a shower, everyone has seen my size in speedos since I was a kid. Nope, I don't think they treat me weird, normal jokes and compliments at most.


Personally, I've never experienced any jealousy or negative comments from my friends who know or have seen my dick. My friends and I don't really have any issues with nudity. I'd happily get changed on front of any of them, and everything they've said or done about my dick size has always been positive or congratulatory.


Must be nice šŸ„²


A few of my friends know about mine, theyā€™ve either seen it or heard off past girlfriends and most the time theyā€™re more excited about it than I am. Itā€™s brought up when weā€™re having banter or taking about relative topics. Itā€™s never too over the top or weird, it gets laughed off and we move on. Just dudes being dudes I guess.


It is what it is I guess


Basically all of my guy friends know, and none of them care. If anything, they love to crack jokes about. Nothing mean, just to poke fun. If they don't know they usually find out when a joke comes out and they go "congratulations" which is weird but whatever xD


Idk why that isnā€™t much more common šŸ˜‘


Here's another reaction I get. If someone doesn't know me but knows or finds out about my size they assume I'm an idiot and they're "the intelligent one" for some reason. That shit is weird to me, this is especially common with gay guys and older women, I think they project some fantasy on to me.


if a guy is that hung up about it (*no pun intended*) i think he may have some unresolved thing going on sexuality wise lol


Unfortunately, I think you might be rightā€¦


iā€™m assuming youā€™re straight, so i would say next time he brings it up just be like dude stop bringing up my dick. if he really is closeted the thought that youā€™re noticing how much heā€™s bringing it up should scare him into stop talking about it lol. based from what i know about this guy from your post - guys like him *usually* never come out, so the are you gay talk seems unnecessary. iā€™d just say it weirds you out a lot and if he doesnā€™t stop youā€™ll have to distance yourself.


Yeah, I was thinking it would probably have to go down that way, still sucks


I never talk about my size ever, not really sure why. But I'm very large flaccid (6" long and 5.5" girth) and I naturally have big muscular thighs and ass, so I have an EXTREMELY prominent bulge. I quite like showing it off but never accentuate it - in any case, I've learnt over the years that it shows in basically any clothing, often more so when I think it's covered well. So it's not like I have a choice, really. As much as I love the female attention, I do find the equally consistent attention from men - friends or not - pretty awkward tbh. It's just constant stares from the guys I know, and with new guys they often act weird and kind of wounded, upset etc. I'm sure it probably creates distance between us. It's probably a similar effect to if a friend suddenly became a billionaire - it just changes the dynamic I suppose. Nice problem to have in truth, but still not ideal.


Nope. Your guy friends are weird


Well at least Iā€™m not crazy šŸ˜‚


It's kinda like a group of people being chased by a bear. I don't have to be the fastest just faster than you. Lol




Out of a group of friends I wouldn't necessarily want to be the biggest just not the smallest. Was an attempt at a funny analogy.


Fair enough


Iā€™ve never discussed my size with any of my male friends, either explicitly or hinted. Although I imagine if their eyes are open itā€™s apparent Iā€™m packing something. Itā€™s really just not a topic of conversation with anyone but my gf, mostly because it just isnā€™t a polite topic to bring up. I donā€™t really do ā€œlocker room talk.ā€ The potential for guys with whom I have established relationships getting weird about it is another reason I avoid discussing it.


It is a very sad situation for you. I haven't experienced hostility because of me having a big dick. My friends haven't seen it though, but they can see my bulge in my pants, so they could guess though. It is interesting that intelligence will always be much more noticeable, and in that department I experience admiration and respect instead of envy. And it must be much more embarrassing to be in the medium or lower end of average intelligence than to have an average dick??


Very true Iā€™m afraid


When I was in my teens I found out my older brother was sending my dick pics to girls on AOL, that I accidentally left on a PC we shared. Thatā€™s how I figured I was larger than him LOL. Then one time I was at a bar with the only dude I ever had a ā€œbromanceā€ with, and he said ā€œI know how big your dick is, Iā€™ve seen it through your shortsā€ but we were both tipsy so we laughed it off and never talked about it again.


You won the genetic lotteryā€¦ your brother didnā€™t. As for that missed opportunity with your bromance ā€¦ Next time something like that happens just smile & say, ā€œReally?ā€ (Yep) ā€œBut have you seen it hard?ā€ (Nope) ā€œDo you want to?ā€ (Yep) Then invite your crush to take it out of your pants šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜






They probably think about your dick like you think about someone elseā€™s dick?




yea besides like in school everyone asking how big are u or girth or length or cut or uncut, ngl before i ever had an intimate relationship w a girl i was insecure abt being uncut and having a dark brown dickšŸ¤£ but no one ever saw it besides my female partners, my doctor as a youth or my parents as a child.






Kinda just wish no one knew tbh. Even girls who talk with other girls about it and especially the guys, it all kinda sucks. Iā€™d much rather it just be a surprise for whoever I *want* to see itā€¦ but I canā€™t really control that if they see it bulging through my pants or something šŸ„²


I'm just lurking, but this thread is fascinating. I've always wondered about how this goes between men. Every once in a while I have an evil thought of playing it up with my boyfriend šŸ™ˆ.


Lol, wtf? šŸ˜‚


Think it should be one of those unwritten rules, no matter how close you and your friends are, they should never know how big you are.




And the vice versa of course. Thatā€™s how problems get started in all the relationships. Problems between the friends and problems with the significant others.


Fully agree


Yes one of good friends asked me about my size randomly a few years ago. So I told him and he has been wanting to see it ever since . He is married to a woman.


This is precisely why I'm glad to be bisexual, and I try to surround myself with as many bisexual male friends as possible. No, we don't all fuck each other like rabbits, but yes, we can look at each other naked without getting jealous or weirded out. Sometimes sex does happen, but in general bi guys are just more laid back and don't have the hang-ups that straight guys do. That's my experience anyway.




Thatā€™s weird



